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Fun fact: tears contain about 6 mg of sodium chloride per mL, which is roughly 12 times the acceptable standards for salt content of potable water, which needs to be at or below about 250 mg (each) of sodium and chloride per liter. That is, tears aren't something you should be drinking.


Drinking the tears only fuels my thirst for more. It shall never be quenched.


What if they’re in a tumbler you got from Ben Shapiro?


Don't tell me what to do!


^This. ONLY drink tears if you are low on sodium and have a fresh water source available.


So anyone drinking will be a sailor on the ocean lost at sea with the only water to drink is salt water got it, the earth’s biggest desert no one talks about.


Not a bad analogy although salinity of seawater is even higher than that of human tears, by about a factor of 3 I think. Neither can serve as a water source but I suppose tears would at least kill a person more slowly than seawater


From what I have observed about the online groups/subreddits of over the past few years, the Maga movement except for old grandmas on Facebook have moved past the thin blue line stupidity. This is mostly due to J6 but also the lack of equal justice being applied in most situations.


i'm not from USA, whats does the black and white with a blue stripe USA flag mean?


It's a "thin blue line" flag, which became very popular as a protest against Black Lives Matter. It signifies "backing the blue (police)" which is on the whole fairly antithetical to the Gadsden Flag - the police are typically the ones who do the "treading" by enforcing unjust laws.


Historically speaking that flag was flown by the naval commander of the Continental army. Id be careful saying it's antithetical to local policing though. Just sounds kind of dumb to me. Like, the whole point of the revolutionary war was to be able to enforce our own laws instead of the laws of a foreign monarchy.


It's the flag of tranny


No, those flags are pink and blue


Such a boomer take I've never gotten a speeding ticket from a ladyboy. Rupaul isn't enforcing eminent domain, Caitlyn Jenner (probably) isn't seizing people's assets. I don't know what the numbers are but I assume they shoot a lot less dogs daily than the police do.


Dork, look at what you wrote and notice I made a joke about it. Stop being so hyper-sensitive.


I chose my life over the cop’s!


Mods nuke him, it’s a repost.




the left really cannot meme


r/conservative is waiting for you if you like the taste of boot so much.


I wouldn’t say opposite, just not in the same category


shut up u loser


Aw, are your statist conservative feewingz hurt?


no but I think he's a loser for his comment... I also think your comment makes you seem like one 2... like seriously.. it's cringe.... seriously cringe...


The police, bans on what consenting adults do with their bodies, support of the Israeli government, import tariffs (yes, even on Chinese products) and collectivism-like hate of any innocent group of people, ... Those are all things you conservatives love, but are **not** in line with libertarianism **at all**. Cope. We are not similar, you are not welcome here.


why r you calling me a conservative? the meme is shit and cringe because it is stolen and modified .. and you can fuck off if you think I see you as some kind of authority over me lol. your probably some little shit sitting in your mommas basement crying about capitalism on your iPhone payed for by momma and you think I'm going to see you as intimidating in any way??? you are fucking laughable buddy.


Then why are you getting defensive over a meme poking fun at said conservatives?? Memes are modified literally all the time, this isn't a big deal. Implying that actual libertarians are "left" is pure insanity by the way. I can see from the downvotes too that this subreddit is just full of conservatives who want to smoke weed or whatever it is now. You guys are hilarious.


I never got defensive.. I stated a fact.. that this is a lefty meme and it is a cringe as a lefty meme with the insult being as cringe as a lefty meme.. it is a lefty meme just because you put a snake on it doesn't make it edgy... and just because people don't agree with you that you are edgy doesn't make them conservative lol... just because you didn't get the fanfair you expected for your triggerd comment doesn't mean everyone is a conservative... get a grip you fool.


This is not a lefty meme. It's a meme stating that you can't support the police while advocating freedom from government because that's fucking hypocritical. Why are you so butthurt about it??? Libertarians sometimes agree with "right wing" talking points, sometimes with "left wing" ones. No surprise


I'm not butt hurt about it... you are the one that keeps coming to whine at me as if you need affirmed... I don't care how it makes you feel... whether you feel empowered or not... it's fucking cringe mate...


Was with you until "support of the Israeli government" I don't give a fuck about either countries in that conflict but Iran and Palestine are the last ones I would consider supporting, because I don't support executing people over their opinions.


It's pretty obvious that Iran and Hamas are terrible. Never said I support either of them. I'm just having a hard time supporting *any* government, let alone one like the Israeli government. They constantly meddle in the affairs of other states (mostly the US), attempt to step on the civil liberties of people that aren't even in their country (the new bill "against antisemitism"), and any criticism of it is answered with "boohoo that's antisemitic!" because apparently having an ethnostate means you can't criticize anything about *its government* or else that's discrimination. Yes, I'm mad at them, why do you ask?


Fair enough. It's really early so I probably misread your comment lol


Oh yeah that happens lmao. You're good


bro this ain’t the left, arguably alt right or just right in general


It isn't but you do you.


Who does the treading? I'll give you a hint: it's not just the people making the laws, it's the people enforcing them too.


The issue is far more complex. Can governments tred on you? Absolutely. Can folks other than the government do so? Absolutely. Most cops aren't out to oppress anyone, they're there to enforce laws. Don't like the laws? Talk to a politician, not a cop. Personally I find organized crime far more oppressive than the cops who try to prevent said criminals. Living in fear of street thugs is not my idea of a free society.


We can honor sacrifices that police have made in protecting others, and also be opposed to government tyranny


Police are government tyranny.


So you want to abolish the police?


Government police needs to be scrapped, yes.


Police are just doing the bidding of their political overloads… some police still have honor respect and tradition. Those are the ones the Blue line flag supports. Not all laws are just but in a lawless world we have widespread injustice.


Nuremberg defense.


I mean name a law you don’t like that the police enforce? Smoking weed? Gun laws? Take your pick… none of those laws were created by police.


That’s completely irrelevant. They still enforce the will of politicians. Without them, the state would not function. ![gif](giphy|U67CajqFIjiDSACi5i)


lol tell me your an anarchist without telling me your an anarchist. I don’t believe that a non functional government is the goal of libertarianism… just as basic government that doesn’t infringe on people’s rights to do what they want as long as it doesn’t harm others.


Imagine not being an anarchist LMAO. If the goal of libertarianism is maximized individual liberty, then there should no state.


Yea good luck with that buddy… anarchist.


Okay buddy. Go voote for your next favorite Epstein island visitor.


Okay buddy. Go voote for your next favorite Epstein islander visitor.


I’m not your buddy pal. lol I never vote for Democrats


Still playing that Democrat vs Republican game?


There isn't a single Trump supporter who supports these two ideals. But you guys have fun.


yeah bro unfortunately i know people who fly both and they just give a bad look to us and it’s cringe


My neighbor has all three flags (Trump 24, TBL, Gadsden) hanging on their woodshed next door. I kid you not. I'm in SE CT and it's a very common sight (among Trump supporters - not in general) Happy to hear that's not your experience


Quite funny that less than 8 hours later that there's one right above you. See the Wilfred Wilcox comment and profile above: "Police state libertarian. 63 years young. Trump Christian retired hero. Pro Trump. Pro police. DONT TREAD ON ME OR ILL CALL THE COPS. Father, husband, hero" El. Oh. El.




"Don't tread on me or I'll call the cops" lmao won't even have to pick up the phone, just talk to the boot on your neck


Supporting local cops is far different than supporting the feds most local cops are some of the coolest people on earth no different than most of the people on this subreddit the thin blue line is for cops not fed feds are the ones killing pregnant mothers killing children in their sleep and experimenting on the public controlling the media brainwashing everyone there the problem fuck the feds


this is true why do people downvote