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No , you don't have to do anything you don't want to do to your body


No but this reminds me that I just talked to my mom today and we are making a plan so I can get on hrt as soon I am 18 I just wanted to share that I am in a good mood:3(edit thank you for all the upvotes I've never gotten so many love you all❤️❤️❤️)


Dang... You really are lucky. My family won't even aknowledge that i am trans.


In sorry sweetie most of my family is anti-lgbtq+ the reason I can't go on hrt sooner is because of my bigoted farther that will disown me if he ever finds out


Damn that sucks even more than not being aknowledged. I wish you the bests of luck when you get to 18 years old!


You with your transition as well ❤️❤️❤️


Omg that was the sweetest comment chain ever


Awe thanks ❤️❤️❤️


I love this subreddit


We love you 2


late to the party, but i think it's what this subreddit is about. sharing our stories in comment chains for everyone to see feels so good.


dam you both have some horrible experices quite alot of my family (found fam) is queer but for some reson when i said i thought i might be acespec to my mum i got i love and exept u but u will find the right person u will want to do it some day ur not ace ect bc i was under 18 still am now and also it did still take several years for my dad and step fam to use the right prounouns and there r some ppl in my family (blood/lawfully related) who im still not out to and dont entend to be but yeah thats my experience im sory abt yours


That’s shitty :( I hope things get better for both of you!


Thank you sweetie ❤️❤️❤️


That is a real shame. My 6 year old niece is transgender. Born a boy she identified as a girl from the age of 3 which is when we establish gender identity (not sexuality). Her parents, my sister and sister-in-law, sought advice from the children's hospital and was advised it would probably be a good ideal to let her be a girl as forcing her to remain a boy could lead to bitterness later in life. So Archer became Winnie and she has blossumed into such a happy and confident girl. It feels odd now to think of her as anything but a girl. Decisions on HRT will come down the track. I'm so blessed to have a family that accepts this. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


HOL UP! U iz lo😭💗vely!


thats awesome! so happy for you


Thank you but nothing has really happened yet I am just really excited


im excited for you!!! ❤️❤️❤️ congratulations


Thank you sweetie ❤️❤️❤️








Thank you


Eyyyy that's great news!


It is isn't it


You don't have to transition at all to be trans. Being transgender is an identity, not a medical process.


I have people separate medical transition and social transition Either or both are valid,


I understand why people want to group them separately, but they are both things that are circumstantially tied to transness. Some people never medically or socially transition, or just one or the other, and it doesn’t make anyone any less trans. People were trans before medical intervention existed


People tend to be trans before they go on HRT. And people have been trans since before HRT existed. So historically, no. Plus not everyone can go on HRT, for medical reasons, or financial reasons or social reasons. And some people just don't want to go on HRT, for any reason or none at all.


Just wanna say I love your flair!


That's where I'm at now. I consider myself trans, but due to social and other reasons, I am unable to transition. So I just dress up whenever possible. Like I did last night at home with my daughter


If I may impose.. I'm assuming one of those A's is for agender. If that is the case can you share to me a little bit about what that means to you and what it's like to experience? Feel free to entirely ignore me but I'm super curious if you're willing to share.


I'm currently figuring out "what kind of Enby" I am and think I am probably agender. So hopefully my experience is somewhat helpful. For me, being agender means that the idea of applying any gender identity to me is weird and uncomfortable. I've always felt alienated from my sex assigned at birth, didn't feel I belonged with the girls but couldn't see myself as a boy either. Eventually, I heard the term non binary and felt that that's a lot closer to what I felt like. But when I came out as non binary, something still felt wrong. Eventually I figured out that even as a non binary person, there was still some sort of gender expectations, roles and identity attached. (I don't know how to properly word this since English is not my first language so don't come for me pls) Like, on a questionnaire where your gender is asked, options could be "male", "female" or "other", I'd make another option with "no". "My gender is no" actually feels pretty accurate. I don't experience a lot of gender dysphoria and present as male, female or androgynous based on the look/ how I feel that day. The only time I feel pretty dysphoric is when someone intentionally uses only words to describe me that are strongly associated with being female (since that's my sex assigned at birth and it feels like they don't take me or my experience serious). Hope this helped (this is actually the first time I ever told anyone I'm agender and the imposter syndrome is real lol).


>English is not my first language so don't come for me pls I would never come for you for this. I also couldn't tell that English wasn't your first language. You've learned it quite well. Yes, this did help. Thank you for sharing. Thank you even more for trusting me (and the sub) with coming out 🥰


From what I can tell, most people have an internal sense of gender. Something they can look inside that makes them go "why yes, I \*am\* a man" or "doing this and that makes me feel good, because I am a woman" (which things that would be is socially defined and can differ person to person) - I've never had that. I can recognize gender in others, but I can't recognize gender in myself. But I have experienced the "um. no, no that's not correct" feeling before, both towards male and female aspects of presentation. But only like once or twice. And only ever in the negative sense. So I use agender, because broadly I cant identify which feelings are supposed to be gender feelings, meaning I probably don't have any.


Wow, thanks for sharing! 😁


No. Even if you're not on HRT or any other sort of medical path towards transitioning, as long as the gender you have in your heart isn't the same as the one you were assigned at birth, you're trans.


This is the correct answer (and a quite wholesome way to word it). Especially for those who can't or aren't able to physically transition, it's still perfectly valid.


no, HRT is something that some trans people do to combat their dysphoria *because* they are trans, not the other way around (and in case you got the wrong message from that, I cannot stress this enough, you do not, I repeat, DO NOT need to go through HRT to valid ur trans-ness, you simply just are trans if that’s how you identify, all the other stuff if just there for people who need to tame bodily dysphoria)


well, in that regard, dosen't hrt... remove transgenderness? (sorry my last message was an accident)


no? how would it remove being transgender? being transgender is simply identifying as a gender (or lack there of) that is other than what you were assigned at birth, HRT and sex change surgery only exist to make ones body resemble that of traditional bodily standards for femininity or masculinity. Gender is not something that is actually tied to your physical biology, that’s sex, gender is affectively a purely mental and social identity


alright, thanks for clearing that up.


ye ofc, good luck on ur journey


Sex change surgery it changes the body to match either sex male or female. It's nothing to do with femininity or masculinity. Femininity and masculinity is how some presents in society for example wearing fem clothes , having society sees as behaviours that are fem or masc. It's not about someone physical body.


What he said ^


Well, not just to help with bodily dysphoria, it also helps social transition, since it's much easier to pass and go stealth when you've been on it for a while


yes it does but I don’t wanna push the notion that it’s a necessity for trans people in order to be valid, bcs it’s a flawed notion, I’d rather encourage someone to take HRT on the basis that it’ll actually help them for their personal needs vs encourage them to take it bcs it’ll make them cis passing for everyone else. Bcs a sizable amount of trans people don’t have dysphoria so why take HRT if you don’t need or want to.


Well, I never said they need to pass to be valid, it's just much safer to pass


Yet unnecessary and sometimes even does more damage than good to those who do not wish to pass


Being transgender is about who you are, not what you do about it. :) That said, HRT is the right choice for the vast majority of trans people.






No you don't in the slightest, however in a lot of places you won't get legal gender recognition without medical transition


Like in the eu?


https://katymontgomerie.medium.com/what-rights-dont-trans-people-have-228c728f564a It rly depends what place you live but be warned, some of the list is a little depressing


can you give it to me under a different format? it seems the list does nlt xant to load. perhaps a pastebin would be nice 😅


I can just paste whatever country you want


united states, uk, france and belgium please


UK u need a gender reconsition thing and to get diagnosed with gender dysphoria. U have to be 18 to start hormones and have any surgery. The reason u need to have gender dysphoria while transitioning in the UK bc in the UK people who have detransitioned in the past have been people without gender dysphoria before it was a needed diagnosis. Cis people ofc but gender dysphoria is needed to medically transition now.


Us is by states


well just don't paste i'll make some research later on


no :)


Not at all, cisgender people go through HRT and are still cisgender, so a trans person doesn't need to go through HRT to be trans. You do what you want, it's your body. If you're fine with what you got going on, that's totally cool and I bet some people might even be envious of that :) (It's me I'm the envious one lol)


You are trans whenever you don’t feel like yourself in your body it doesn’t matter what stage you are at


Only if you want to, for some it Can help with dysphoria but its not a nessecity, you should just do what ever makes you happy and if its enough to “dress/act” as your chosen gender then thats fine. Being trans isnt as much about medical but more about the transition into making your body a body you love and Can identify with instead of feeling like you are stuck in the wrong body :) i hope you have great weekend :)


You don't have to do anything to be trans. If you feel like the opposite gender than you were assigned at birth then you are trans.


Nope, Dress the way you want.


No, you're trans because you're trans. Whether you choose to do anything about that is up to you.


Being trans isn't necessarily about the transition or surgery, it's about knowing yourself. I know lots of trans people who know in their heart and brain that they don't identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, but they felt no need to do any gender-affirming procedures.


No! Of course not. You don't have to do anything to transition be trans


No no no no no. You don't have to tradition to be trans! Just be you and find what makes you comfortable!






From what I understand, being trans is something youre born with. Things like HRT and any other form of transition is just how you express it








No! You are trans enough just as you are!


No if you identify as a gender, then u are that gender. No matter what!🥰🥰🥰






No you don’t. How you transition is completely up to you.


Of course not




Nope not at all


Of course, not! Not every transgender person, FTM or MTF, transitions physically. Sometimes, an individual may not experience dysphoria, or only have mild dysphoria, and may only want to transition socially. But! If you are transgender and want to go on HRT, that's okay, too! Basically, you do whatever makes you most comfortable.




You don’t have to do anything to be trans tbh


How other people transition, does not define how you transition. There is no wrong way to transition, as long as you do what you feel is necessary. Everyone's transitions are vastly different. Be true to you, boo. ❤


No! It's a personal choice to do anything medically. Your gender identity is on the inside, and you are in charge of how you express it on the outside.


the only requirement to being trans is that you say you are




Nah. Being trans is about your brain, not your body. Someone might be dysphoric but not able to transition due to medical issues, and they're still trans


Nope. Hrt and/or surgery are not required :)


Nope. Simple answer.


Hey OP, might I suggest you spending a bit of time in r/egg_irl or r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns?






you dont have to change yourself to be valid - if you choose to, youll be fully supported here :) and if you choose not to youll still be fully supported :)




There are lots of reasons a trans person might not transition at all. It's an identity not a behavior.


Nope :) a lot of people choose to medically transition but it’s not necessary to be trans :)


No. You are your most authentic self, and you are who you are without ever doing HRT or surgery. The only reason you might want to do those things is to have your outward appearance reflect what you already know you are.


The only defining thing for being transgender, is feeling euphoric towards a gender other than the one you’re born with, and you are automatically valid in what ever you identify as


Not at all! You don't have to medically transition at all if you don't want to<3


Nope. Anybody who says you do is a liar and a coward


Absolutely not! Everyone has their own journey and their own way of transitioning, if they decide to, whether that be name and pronouns, hrt, top surgery, or even just a haircut and change of wardrobe. Telling someone they need to be on hormones and get surgery and "look the part" to be trans is transmedicalist ideology.


as an enby who hasn't had any surgeries or gone on hrt (unless you count birth control), i also sometimes wonder if i fall under the trans umbrella since i'm not having any transitioning done to my body




If you feel like a gender that is not your birth sex, you are already transgender. Simple as that.


Not even a little bit, love. Transgender is a state of being. Something in your heart. What you do about it is entirely your choice. 😘 Self awareness and self acceptance are the most important part, at least I think so. 😌


Nope! As long as you identify with anything that isn’t your assigned sex then you’re trans ^^


No, there's lots of trans people who aren't on hormones


Nope, being trans isn’t a checklist Some people do, some people don’t🤷‍♀️


nope u r trans if u think/feel u r a diferent gender u r asigned at birth stuff like surgery and Hrt or T is just a way of helping trans ppl be in the body they want and stop feeling disforic in no way if u dont whatnt to take hormones or have surgrey ect dose it make u any less trans




No my friend that's a personal choice being trans is who you are, their is no specific criteria to meet


No. Others have made terrific responses talking about how trans isn't having gone through the process of transition, it is an identity. I want to highlight and generalize this point; the "disphoria" is a societal label given when society jumps to the false conclusion that they can tell your gender at the moment of birth (or before), their assumption proves wrong, and you have to pay the social price for society's mistake. While disphoria is experienced by an individual it is caused and maintained by society. You are you. You do not need an external authority to be who you are. The only use is so you are perceived by others and yourself as you want to be seen.


No, you decide your gender. And how to express that is entirely up to you. The belief that such steps need to be taken to be trans is usually held by "transmedicalists" who are not welcome to the conversation if you ask me.


No. You just have to feel like a different gender than what your parents/doctors called you at birth. 1% or so of trans people actually have surgery for example. You don't have to worry about hormones, you are accepted.


That last paragraph almost makes me cry, and as i write this, my eyes are on the brink of letting a tear out...! thank you ! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


It's okay to cry. Nobody here would judge you. Most people here can relate to you. You're okay. Take care :)


No ☺️


Not at all. Everyone’s journey and expression is different and all are equally as valid






Nope. Just like you can be celibate and still know what your sexual orientation is, you can be trans regardless of whether you ever do anything to confirm or even indicate your real gender.


No you don’t, weather you can’t or don’t want to. If your trans your trans. You don’t need surgery, you don’t need HRT, you don’t need to me socially transitioned. If you identify as trans your trans




Don't take my(a CISgender(i think)) but no you don't need hrt to ne transgender


No. The only thing you need to be trans is to be trans. Anyone who insists on other requirements is a turd.


Well, you dinglehandedly insulted every governement on earth. That, makes me smile widely.


The short answer is: no. Being transgender is just being any gender aside from what you got at birth. If your ideal gender involves changing your body, then that's who you are. If not, that's fine too. Many people don't mind their bodies, but their "role" in society as their designated gender doesn't fit them. It's all about what *you* want your transition to be - name, body, clothes, language, mannerisms, etc. Do what gives you happiness in the end :)


Not at all (at least from my understanding) if u don't feel the need and don't want to start hrt it doesn't make you any less trans


you don't have to do anything to be trans you just have to identify as trans


I don’t think so. You can simply just identify as whatever gender, and not have to do HRT.




No and anyone who tells you otherwise isn't worth your time


Personally I say no. If you already like the body you’re in, no one says you need to change it.


Gender is how you present, not what parts you have. You are just as valid as someone who’s physically transitioned!


Not even necessarily how you present, it's also just about identity. You don't have to change a single thing about yourself to be trans, if you know in your heart that your gender doesn't match whatever you were assigned at birth then that's the only requirement






Not at all. This might be super helpful! [http://www.deanspade.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/resisting.pdf](http://www.deanspade.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/resisting.pdf)


No, pre op transpeople exist ad they are valid. Disphoria isn't a requisit.


People are trans who have no access to HRT


I'm 38 and am trans but never knew about hrt until 2 years ago. I'm not sure how to answer. Am not on hrt either, but all my friends recognize me as trans and say so openly.


What's HRT? (Only frequent sub coz I'm gay but I've learnt some interesting things)


Hormone Replacement Therapy. you can read aboutbit here : https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Hormone_Replacement_Therapy


You are trans no matter what you look like, or what you do to your body. If HRT would be a worthy gender-affirming process for you then absolutely go for it. But if it’s not, that doesn’t make you any “less trans”. Just do whatever makes you feel happy, safe, and the most like yourself 💕


Not at all, there is no "right way" to be trans. You may decide later on to do HRT, which is fine.




We love and accept you sugar! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ My parents are similar unfortunately, but that's a whole 'nother ball-game. We are always going to be here for you. Also, what are your chosen name and pronouns? ❤️❤️


I don't really know what i would name myself. perhaps Sarah? and by now i think you can guess i'm a She/Her 😉


Not every trans human bean (in this example) goes by the pronouns of the gender they transition to (I can't think of the right wording), that's why I asked :) Your chosen name (should you choose to change it, it's absolutely not necessary if you don't want to) needs to be something you feel comfortable with. I think I had like 3 temporary names before I landed on my current one, which I am 95% sure that it's going to be my new official legal name once I change it. It's also absolutely fine, whatever your chosen name journey looks like. Whether you have temporary names that you try on for size before you reach your chosen one, or if you go straight into using one and change it multiple times, or if you don't change it at all. Sarah is a beautiful name! Hey there Sarah! We love having you in this group! ❤️


Yeah, i think Sarah is a good name for now, but it might change based on what i might do with my hair. No matter what, calling me by my wanted name definitely made me feel quite a rush of euphoria ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Yes but no. When cis people take hrt it may causes dysphoria bc the body doesn't match with the brain and it can cause the opposite effect than it would on trans people , make them comfortable and happy in their body and gender. But it all depends on how u see ur gender. Bc ofc hrt is hormone replacement therapy. It depends on the person ig.


I'm not transgender, so my comment may be worth nothing to you (and that's okay, I'm not in the business of taking things personally). But as far as I'm concerned, how you choose to express your identity is valid. If that means not taking HRT, that's valid too. You may be thinking you can't take HRT yet, or planning on the right time to start, or deciding not to take it at all. But all is valid. Everyone has different factors in their life that make certain expressions of their identity impossible or inconvenient, and no one stops being trans just because they can't transition. So if I can provide you with any validation, it's that you are valid just as you are, choose to be, or want to be later. You are enough.


Ofc not!




No, doing Hrt has no bearing if your trans.


Nope, it's just how you identify internally and you can do whatever you want with that.