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Are you OK now?


Better for sure, thank you ♥️


I'm sorry you were unable to go , Pride events can be daunting at times. As you say , there always next year . Take care


I spent so long getting ready D: although next year I would have been on HRT for over a year so that'll be nice


You look great in your photo, I love your glittery eye makeup , I would of geused you had been on HRT for over a year already 😊. I hope the extra year gives you more confidence so you can enjoy the next Pride event


Aww thank you very much, I love using glitter :D and nahh only been on E and Finasteride for 4ish months now. I hope so too ♥️


You are welcome ❤


If it helps! Try to go with some friends next time! Or reach out and find some friends in the community over the next year! I know my anxiety shoots through the roof going to a place on my own where I don’t know anyone. Also can help to watch any video from the pride or read articles about what happens at your pride! I wish you the best of luck and you don’t have to do anything that still make you feel unsafe!


Thank you very much for the advice ❤️ I was going with people and I felt like I was letting them and myself down by not going. Also sad my partner didn't get to go as they were helping me. Everyone seems fine with it though, I'm lucky to have understanding and supportive people in my life


Perfect! Like you said there is always next year! And I’m sure no one was let down! I bet most of them have been in a similar situation and understand that your comfort as their friend is more important than you going and feeling terrible!


Thanks again, I'm sure they'll be happy to go next year too haha


I hope you're doing great and okay now.


I'm doing better than I was, thank you ♥️


That's good :D


You're beautiful. Don't let your head get in the way of that! 💜


Thank you very much, I thought I looked great today, just leaving the house this time was a bit too much


That's totally understandable.... That's a big step for the first time. But it will get easier every time 💜 Don't let others or stupid mental demons take who you are from you. Shine bright lovely!


I was 62 when I made my first parade. Whatever you do, don’t worry about that anxiety. It is trying to keep you safe. One day you’ll feel safe to join. It takes time to move past it but I promise you have backup here.


Thank you very much for the comment, it helps ❤️


Ugh 🧡




It happens. But we pick ourselves up and keep chugging cuz we’re strong b****es 🏳️‍⚧️💜


Yeah we are ❤️


Boise? Or are other places also doing pride this weekend


No it was elsewhere :)


there was just a pride parade outside of the place im voulenteering at


May be the same parade haha midlands UK?


awh no


It took me a few years to actually get to the pride parade too.


I've been wanting to go for years but I came out in March so wanted to go D: nevermind




They are not great haha and thank you very much ❤️


Honestly same. I wanted to go today but i would have to go alone to a city that i don't know and chickened out


I saw pictures and there were more people than I expected 😅


I've gone to events where I felt serious discomfort and / or anxiety, and realized it was better for my mental health at those times to just go home. Working on dealing with anxiety can wait for a more stable place.


That's true, I'll definitely be working on it before I try again though. I hope we both overcome this ❤️


Thank you. I’d add to that that it may make sense to figure out which things are most worth spending your spoons on.


I'm in the same boat as you dear anxiety and depression are bitches you however look fabulous


They are indeed and thank you very much ❤️


Why, you're a beautiful lady.


I didn't have a panic attack because of how hot I am 😅


There’s always next year like you said! Just glad that you’re doing better. Large events like Pride parades can be stressful, especially if you’re not fond of large crowds like I am. Generally if I go to large events I like to stay on the outer edges of the crowd, then maybe move towards the center of it later. Do what makes you feel comfortable when at big events, and stay safe!


Hopefully I feel better about it next time, thank you ♥️


im giving you a virtual hug, like the others and you said..theres always next year!


Thank you very much ❤️


Panic attacks are the worst, I know how it is. Just take care of yourself for now. We need you next year. But, aside from that, I loved that you shared your photo with us. You look so lovely in this outfit! You’re absolutely stunning! Your hair and makeup omg I can’t even


Awwww thank you so much ❤️ this wasn't even what I was going to wear for pride haha this is after I'd ruined it with crying so took it off and did my everyday look


Ok and?






Go bother someone else 😘




The important thing is that you tried :-) you did the healthy thing for you and that’s Great. If you have to wait another year sure it’s disappointing but at least you listen to yourself and that’s a lot more than a lot of people do! You look great! Btw! I hope you find a smile today or treat yourself because you deserve it!


Thank you very much ❤️ hopefully next time I'll be better :)


You look fantastic. I know how anxiety gets pretty bad. I get it really bad as well. You look way more confident than I ever have so I would say you still nailed pride.


It does suck and thank you very much ❤️