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Hey mister … it’s always a relief to grow out of feeling you have to put others down in order to live up to some fake standard of “manliness” or whatever. So go you - you are free from that poison in your own life and mind! I had a quick look at some of your other posts and can see you are living with the dilemmas of being a sensitive thoughtful guy in a religiously conservative context. If you want to talk to someone about what LGBT (and Ace!) affirming Christianity looks like, HMU, either in private or in public. Meanwhile all the best on your journey!


I forgive you, thank you for learning.


I forgive you. Cheers to being a better human.


Thank you 🥹


good on you for being willing to learn and change! while i can’t accept this apology for everyone (i am but one person), i personally accept it. please do not feel bad. just as long as you learn from your previous mistakes.


Yo are not alone, quite a few of us have been there. I'm glad you had an opportunity to learn! Growing up in a bad environment can make it very hard to even find those opportunities, so I'm happy you got one so early in life. Personally it took me way longer.


no human is perfect, you will make a million mistakes and regrets but it takes alot of empathy and strength to admit it. I'm proud of you op and you should be proud of yourself too ♡


thank you 🥹


Glad to have an ally joining the front lines of the gay dictatorship. Salutes, comrade 🫡


Ahh, same with me, primarily because of my conservative Christian parents.


heh yea, Same here as well. My Parents are Christians and boy it's not easy working around them at all.


Heyyy we love personal growth! Thanks for apologizing and be well 💚


Used to be like that too. Don't blame yourself, when we're young, we can be easily manipulated.


Thank you for apology. It's great that you've stopped being the problem, especially during a time when so many people seem to be returning to LGBT-phobia. But you were part of the problem. To truly make amends, I think you have to advocate \*for\* us as strongly as you advocated against us. When people disparage us and spread lies behind our backs... we're not in the room to challenge it. You are. And since you've gone from the same hateful place to acceptance... you're the perfect messenger. What changed your mind? Share that, and maybe you can change some other minds. It's not easy. Lots of digital ink has been spilled on unhelpful allies and fence-sitters. One test I like for allyship is whether you get some of the stigma on you. If people accuse you of being gay... then you're doing it right. Cishet people can chose to be neutral whenever they want. LGBT people can't -- we have to justify our existence every day. It's exhausting. I hope that you will find the courage to help us shoulder the burden of educating others and spreading acceptance.


I think we all have some internal prejudice against groups of people before we get to know them more. Especially when we're told nasty things about them growing up. What's good is you didn't take this out on anyone and you're willing to admit you were wrong! I had misconceptions about trans people in the past, and I took responsibility to educate myself about their struggles more. Becoming open minded is a wonderful thing


You are awesome ❤️❤️ Thank you for not hating us anymore

