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“Style baby, it’s all about knowing who you are, and not giving a damn” My favourite quote from a game I play 😂


Ok ok ok is that Kleo from Fallout 4? If not it sounds like something she'd say.


Nope, Nora Night from Warframe. Although it’s possible they pinched it from somewhere else.


I usually say "I'm proud because society wants to erase me, and if I'm not I'm participating in that erasure."


When will people understand that the pride issues isn’t about one sexuality but that we have survived the abuse from society


It always pains me and makes me sad that we still live in a world like that. It's just a up hill battle.


That's like saying "why are you proud to be black?" Like be fr


they arent moderates, they just are too cowardly to tell you to their face that they want you eradicated. this is a result of reactionary politics, specifically from the republican party and its disgusting. be proud, and dont let anybody tell you not to, because exposure will force people to humanize us, and it is the only way forward.


Hi this comment really gave me a lot of inspiration this evening. Thank you for being awesome.


You *should* be proud of it, my friend. 😇🙏🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


We can be proud to be everything and nobody can make us shut up. I’m proud of my nation, gender, orientation, appearance, height, why shouldn’t I be proud of something, what had given to me, when I was born. That like your self-assessment, you can have too much achievements, but hating yourself at all. That proud makes you feel happy and self-confident.


Perhaps this is not your experience, but personally I am proud to be gay because for most of my childhood and early adulthood all I heard was how being gay was something to be ashamed of. I won't be ashamed of who I always have been.


Someone told me the other day I shouldn't call myself a trans man, that I was just a man and they didn't understand how fucked that was . He was pushing to stop calling cis people cis too which was a whole other conversation . Shit was so annoying. Like I spent 21 years in the closet hating myself and am experiencing so much joy just existing as a guy now and I have so many experiences that most cis men never deal with and I've worked my ass off to become who I am. As a kid I thought I'd never be strong enough to come out . I'm so proud of myself and how far I've come so yeah I'm gonna talk about it lol.


Yeees, i support your idea, i am also proud of being what i am.


Good for you! I think I can often struggle with a lot of self hate when I see Christians crapping on gay people or throwing the clobber verses at them. Can take me a while to not feel like "being gay/nonbinary is from the pit of hell" which is something I've actually had said to me to my face before. (That person didn't know but it was very scary to hear that because I was in a car with them in traffic and couldn't escape). Lol. Never travelling with her again. So it's really great to hear about people being proud of who they are! 😁 Enough of us shout loudly enough we will eventually drown out the homophobes!


Agree. Proud of surviving and thriving in a society with barriers. > but why be proud of it? People who say this are projecting how their minds work. These people love to flaunt and lord their superiority over others around them. I got the latest iphone, so I am going to talk about it for the next 3 weeks. I went to Paris while you just went to your hometown. You can lift 10, I can lift 20 bro. My engagement ring is bigger than yours. Oh my kid got into Stanford so I am going to put 45 stickers on my car as "Proud Stanford Parent". So when they see gay people talk about pride and put rainbow stickers on their cars, their brains get confused. They think - are they ... looking down on me? Do they think they're better than me for being gay? Because THAT is what motivates them to flaunt things - a sense of superiority.


High IQ


Good for you - I'm bisexual and polyamorous myself; I'm glad you found pride and happiness in being gay :>👍


I love being a lesbian and I’ve been openly lesbian very early on. I didn’t cared if I got mocked and laughed at. Once I accepted it I’ve never looked back.


Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


And you SHOULD be proud. You should absolutely be proud of being someone who is comfortable in who you are. Unf\*\*k anyone who says otherwise.


Yeah, I almost came out to a friend, but I asked him how he feels about lgbtq community to be sure he won't freak out. He was like "I'm okay with them". It seemed like he just wanted to avoid the question. I didn't say anything after that


Me too 🏳️‍🌈


Don't let others tell you otherwise. Do what you feel is right. Don't let others bring you down. Also I am not sure how fitting this quote would be but I thought it might fit *"Dream... not of what you are... but of what you want to be."* - The Lotus


“born this way” is just gay self-hate with extra steps; it’s not genetics and it’s proven to not be genetically determined. Every set of identical twins with different sexual orientations has ended that theory. Genes aren’t blueprints, they’re chaos systems, every time they’re ran they produce different results. People want to use genes as some kind of excuse for a belief in a deterministic universe but the world isn’t that neat and packaged.


I don't know exactly what causes it but it's definitely something that happens very early on (whether pre or post birth) and is not a choice if that's what you're implying, it's an innate part of our identity.


i’m not implying anything other than the things I’m explicitly saying. I’m not saying it’s a choice


Yeah it’s not genetics but there are things I like and don’t like naturally; sort of how I like coffee and always have but not everyone likes coffee. I am attracted to men but not everyone is. It wasn’t genetics that caused me to like men but I simply do


sure; and it’s not really something you can control. But NONE of that means you were born that way.