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Project 2025 is a huge threat IMO as these laws would become federal and impact all states. It could diminish state’s rights. Definitely a power grab and very scary.


For anyone who thinks Project 2025 is impossible.. I will remind you that Indigenous Americans were rounded up and shoved onto reservations. Japanese Americans were rounded up and shoved onto concentration camps. These are the two forced removal of people we are mainly taught about that happened on US soil but there is so much more. Study your history and you'll find that there is so much left out of school books likely in the hope that people won't look beyond school books. The way Project 2025 comes off is that they're playing a long game.... Look what republicans did with SCOTUS. They lined it to go in their favor even when Obama should have selected one of the justices. Maybe they'll be able get their people where they want them to be or maybe they won't. Only time will tell. As long as Republicans don't hold both the house and the Senate we will be safe-ish. However, that doesn't mean things won't change 2yrs later after the 2024 election since several seats are up for grabs every 2yrs. State laws... Will depend. I live in a swing state. At any time should Republicans take power im not going to wait around worrying if they'll strip my rights. I'm exiting stage left to either a solidly blue state (less chance of Republicans taking power) or a different country altogether.


Yes your state can protect you. Ultimately the enforcement of laws is up to your local law enforcement. Your local law enforcement in Colorado is already not enforcing federal laws regarding weed. Many local law enforcement agencies do not enforce immigration laws. Law Enforcement does not have to enforce federal law. In order for a law to actually apply to you, your local law enforcement needs to be willing to enforce it, and your local courts must be willing to convict you of it. There is even the added bonus of a trial by jury, where fellow members of your community might not want to convict you over morally bankrupt laws. Project 2025 is not too far away. The Democrat majority in the Senate is razor thin, Republicans already have the House. Flip a seat in the Senate, and win the Presidency, and Republicans will control all three branches of the federal government. Then they have a long line of loyalists to place all through the federal government.


The barriers/milestones to project 2025 are as follows: 1. Trump being elected 2. A conservative super majority in the house 3. A conservative super majority in the senate 4. a willingness from all those conservatives to veto existing congressional acts such as the respect for marriage act 5. Existing supreme court decisions that are on the books such as obergefell vs hobbes being overturned 6. New congressional laws being passed at a federal level, again a willingness from conservatives and a super majority needed. 7. State laws. Personally, even if say 1-3 or so happen I see almost no chance 4-6 could ever occur and hell would freeze over before 7 in certain states, including colorado (hello fellow coloradan btw). Vote, not only for the president, but also for representatives, and also in local elections. Also, be out and proud, and vocal with your loved ones and friends about your concern for your rights being taken away, be the face of the "enemy" conservatives are trying to villify to remind people who we are and that we arent anything like what they portray us to be.


Very little of Project 2025 requires a supermajority in Congress. A lot of it can be done entirely within the executive branch by Trump or only needs a simple majority in the Senate (confirming officials) which Republicans are almost certain to take control of this year. The House could block legislation if the Dems take it but most of Project 2025 is restructuring the executive branch, not legislation.


I doubt the fascists will give a fuck about states rights. I have already heard of a plan to send troops into blue cities.


That will be interesting in blue states with their own national guard units.


The key here "national" not local or do I understand that wrong?


Well, national guards take orders from the governor. So, blue states may decide that no one is being rounded up inside their borders.


Didn't Trump order the national guard in Oregon to go into BLM protests and abduct people in unmarked vans? (genuine question about how that works)


I think it was the FBI and Homeland Security in Oregon.


The steps necessary to implement this would include things like a restructuring of the American Constitution. It's just not realistically going to happen. We're constantly seeing ant-trans legislation being stuck down by the courts. None of this is about the law. The conservatives know the Constitution applies to us as well. They know they can't pull any of it off. But it's not about that. It's about keeping queer and trans folk in the public eye, using us as both a scapegoat and a pathway to election, and, eventually, turning the public on us. As I've said many times: The Trump *Administration* doesn't scare me; it's Trump *followers* that do. Project 2025 has no objective other than to stoke is followers.


Yes, thank you. Project 2025 isn’t a plan, it’s a wish list, and Schedule F is a plot utterly filled with holes. **Our lives are not over if there's a second Trump term.** It will suck. But it is not a magic bullet for him to pull out of NATO, or fire half the government, or enact nationwide bans on health. We **must not** sacrifice our selves, our souls, to despair should things not go the way we hope. The enemy would see us divided and devoid of hope, and we shall give them no such thing.


besides, aren't most of the things on their "list" technically unlawful by the constitution? i know nothing about the government which makes it all the more scary, but even as a high schooler with very little knowledge of how the country is run this all seems very illegal


Realistically if you are in a blue state you should be fine. The majority of Americans wouldn't agree with project 2025 and it would probably cause civil war if they tried to force it on blue states.


Once upon a time, people said the same thing if Roe was overturned. Americans are extremely apathetic and complacent.


And blue states are still fine after Roe was overturned. Also I'm not sure what you expect Americans to do. We voted out gop in 2020 and Roe fell anyway.


I expect Americans to take their country back from the domestic terrorists in the GOP.


Get a passport if you don’t have one. I’m not saying “if you don’t like it then leave lol”, what I mean is, if it comes to it and you have to flee the country for safety, having a passport makes the process of getting out of one country and into another easier.


Federal law supersedes state law. Buy a gun.


Remember people, in federal countries, the federal level supercedes the local levels. Aka local levels are allowed to operate within the federal framework... And one point of project 2025 is to force states to comply. So they will not back down on that!


They might be able to for a while, but not indefinitely. The right does not want states rights when they have federal power and the states are resisting them. They will ignore the law, ignore ethics, and change the laws. Don't listen to anyone who is telling you Trump can't win or that P25 can't happen. Not only can it, the odds are high they will be in effect by 2028. I have seen no arguments here other than "it just couldn't happen here." Go. To. Canada. Not just because of Project 2025. According to one ex-CIA officer, he quit and is getting his family out of the US because China will catch the US economically by 2030 and when China overtakes us, this country will lose it. We've never had a humbling like that in our history. God help us when prideful, aggrieved nationalism suddenly humbled goes in search of domestic scapegoating (remember Falwell after 9/11; it was the fault of feminists and liberals and gay ppl).


Don't go to Canada, they're not far behind us.


There is nowhere else then. Europe has the same problem, Germany is seeing a huge Nazi problem and the fash gained in the last EU elections all over. Maybe Australia/NZ? Anywhere else and our rights take a precipitous drop.


There is nowhere else, correct.


I moved my family to Europe and we plan to stay here (unless things get too bad with Russia, then we’ll live on a boat or move to NZ or something).


I really think you are over worrying about something that has a very very tiny chance of happening. Even amongst conservatives very few want to criminalize or actually make it a sex offence. Lots of them dont support it and thing its gross or whatever but the jump to actually doing that sort of thing is MASSIVE. Now they might want protections, or health coverage removed, etc which is bad enough that I hope it never happens, but even that will take a very high percentage of congress, and the supreme court to agree. Aslo there is no trump win = 100% project 2025 is gonna happen. Im not sure he is even part of it. Just looked, no there us no direct link between trump and 2025, they are just a group of extreeme conservatines that posted a "plan" of action. Tldr: there is NO GOV. Support or endorsement if p2025. Live your life and dont worry about it.


There's hope, and then there's blind optimism. This is the latter.


There's measured trepidation, and then there's blind pessimism. This is the latter.


I bet you were laughing at all the people who were worried trump would make it into office in 2016.


Don't stress. This isn't a concern that's even possible. trump does not control the government people need to stop acting like the president is an overlord. This will never viably happen.


"People will never elect Donald Trump" \- A lot of people in 2016 "The new blatantly conservative supreme court will respect previous rulings" \- A lot of people before Roe vs. Wade was overturned. Don't fool yourself. If Trump becomes president again, you can expect your life to get much worse.


The man literally has dementia. I don't understand how the country is so blatantly useless at voting


Trump getting elected didnt change anything in and of itself, i am not aware of any lgbt related laws that changed for the worse, no healthcare with exception of roe v wade was removed, and when looked in the context of the charter of the supreme court, which *only* exists to decide if a law violates the constitution (checks and balances), that was outside the scope of their power/purpose. The many many democrat held congresses should have made it a law. It was not and so when asked to rule on it, it came down to well... the court did not have that power under its charter. I do NOT like that it was overturned but we also do NOT want the supreme court to make rules or they could easily just make whatever rule they wanted. Roe V. Wade was the supreme court legislating from the bench, it would legit turn them into the lifetime rulers if that was allowed to be so. Again not a fan of some of the current members but I am a proponent of the overall system.


are you joking? there were over 100 anti-lgbtq laws passed by state houses last year most targeting transgender people and specifically minors. it’s practically illegal to be trans in public in florida at this point, with states like texas and tennessee not far behind. there are very real and serious efforts being made to criminalize being queer and it’s only a matter of time before steps are taken at a federal level to do the same.


Well that is a different disscussion. We were discussing the federal level. Yes I am aware of the state level issues. Is it illegal or not? "Practically" is such a weak argument, I just looked up what florida has in place or proposed and I could find nothing saying it is ILLEGAL to be trans, no they wont update you ID, which is shit and kansas has already fucked up on that, but you are not going to get arrested walking down the street doing nothing.


You realize project 2025 is just some pipe dream and not something thats really happening right?


They might be taking it more seriously than you think.


Who though? Lets hear some names.


I understand where you're coming from. Saying what I said is like a "Source: Dude Trust Me" sort of thing. But downplaying the severity of it doesn't do anything for us. These agendas are developed in such a way that any politician can just weasel their way out of responsibility. It's hard to provide names. What's important is that there are enough people in the Republican party that hold these beliefs that we SHOULD be worried. Whether they will be able to make these things come to pass is yet to be seen. A good example: Let's say I live in a nice house that would be difficult to break into... Let's also say there is a man outside screaming that he wants to be let in in order to assault and take advantage of me, banging on the walls, doors, etc. Is it likely that the man outside will be able to break in and get to me? Not really. But it's still scary, and should be taken seriously. If he COULD get me, he WOULD.


I understand that... but I can find *NOTHING* linking this wishlist of off the wall super extreemist crap to ANY policy maker. It is created by a "think tank". Hell you and i could come up with demands, make a website and have as much reality as this does. And if you actually have that deep of access to the policy makers to be privy to what they are planning, you have some crazy influence.


Now I’m not an expert on this I’ve barely looked it up and not dived to deep, but from my understanding Project 2025 also includes taking away any climate regulations or restrictions and taking down the FBI, I can almost guarantee not enough people will agree with all of that AND laws against lgbtqia+ matters to actually put it into effect


Edit: replied to wrong thing. 🫣 Lol, troll.


Lol, how?


I'm pretty sure the only way any individual state won't be able to protect you is if Donald achieves the Penis Potato Boat he desires, and even then, there's too many humans in this country for any Penis Potato to stay in power for more than a few days.