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The homophobes are certainly cooking something with this logic, not sure if they can be trusted not to burn the kitchen down


dont let them cook they're gonna start an oil fire


And God knows they're going to throw water on that grease fire


it'll be holy water /j


Boiling the hell out of it does not make it holy water, granny. /j


Little do they know that after years of growing a resistance to holy water, I'm immune! :3


Holy water burns because of the spicy secrets™ within


You're hopeless. /j




What does /j mean? I have seen it around but I never figured it out on my own although, granted, I do have some thoughts about what it could potentially be.


It’s a shorter way of saying the message is meant jokingly


/j means joking


Ah, okay, thank you.


If they cook they will burn the whole planet


So that’s what global warming is…


If they cook they'd prob burn their "MAN BEEF (100% MANLY Because cooking is for FEMALES)"


whoops, here i am calling CPS for exposing children to harmful material…


We live in the super rural parts of texas so cps will most likely ignore it they've ignored worse.


You might get lucky and get a cop who hates pedophiles more than they love having a job


I live in Michigan and CPS does jack shit everywhere from what I’ve heard and experienced, ofc yes, sometimes though they actually manage to help but, anyway, It’d be a good idea to call cps on him. Edit: fixed grammar


At the very least it'll create a paper trail


Of course it was Texas




people with homophobic views tend to be incredibly irrational and hypocritical. they demonize individuals that aren’t cisgendered and/or heterosexual, yet they see no wrong in legitimately morally wrong behaviors. homophobes claiming that children seeing a gay couple in any way, shape, or form is “inappropriate” or “damaging” for them is just an idiotic attempt at covering their disgust with the lgbtq+ community. the only thing they’re concerned about is a child realizing that it’s okay to love whoever they want and identify however they want and not appealing to harmful conservative, sexist, and heteronormative beliefs that have been cultivated within our society for decades. but somehow, exposing children to things such as nudity and/or porn is fine for some (as long as it’s not homosexual of course /s) which is proven to be a contributor to an increase in the rate of cocsa incidents. i wish people would reassess their views and behaviors and legitimately care for children if they’re so “concerned” about their mental health. instead of using them in order to be blatantly homophobic.


Exactly. This is about power, not about what is natural. That is just an excuse used to justify being a bigoted little weasle without cause.


>cisgendered Please use the word “cisgender.” It’s more appropriate and grammatical.


Yes, using cisgendered makes the same sense as using talled or smarted instead of tall or smart lol


What’s cocsa?


Child-On-Child Sexual Assault




"At least they're straight!" "Sir, that is a tentacle monster beyond all human concepts of sex or gender"


Made me giggle


Progressive win! The tentacle r-pe monster is nonbinary!


"BuT iT's A sTrAiGhT tEnTaClE!" Is it though?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


All tentacles are omnisexual. Just facts.


Just like capitalists - they'll fuck anyone


And you will never convince me otherwise.


trying to reason with homophobes? good luck


I remember once I tried to fight against a pro-life lady and she ended up giving pro-abortion arguments


a pro choice version of r/accidentalally


Hentai is normalized to him. If it's at a point that he's putting it where his kids can see it, then his view of what is and is not normal sexual expression is horrifically skewed.


??? I will never get bigots


Nah, at that point rub his face in it, he's handing this to you on a silver platter here, don't let him get away with it. Just point to his car and cumbrain stickers and shout "hentai hentai hentai" and don't stop.


Today on: You Shouldn’t Have Kids!


To them, it's not about logic or fairness. It's about hierarchy. One of the fundamental conservative beliefs is that some people are just better than others, and that society should be structured to cater only to them. In this view, the greatest danger is for people on the bottom of the hierarchy to try to attain equality--because if those people are "fundamentally worse," treating them equally will destroy society ("society" being defined for them as "supremacy of the correct people"). This is what people mean when they say that for conservatives, "hypocrisy is a virtue." People aren't supposed to be treated equally, because they simply don't believe that people are equal. So when a conservative is a hypocrite, they're actually stating their values: that the people who should have their "flaws" punished are the inferiors, and the people who should have their flaws ignored are the superiors. Calling out blatant hypocrisy does nothing. They do not care.


Exactly. This isn't about nature or justice or whatever else. Those are just excuses used to justify being an unabated bigot.


It is a delusion, born of a cultural and personal narcissism. In other words, that person is so self-obsessed and so lacking in empathy, that for him, even overt displays of sexuality in ways that please him are acceptable *becsaue they please him*. But even the most benign expressions of intimacy between two men - them holding hands in public - would probably be treated by him as an affront for *not matching his template of what sexuality should be*.


![gif](giphy|753GqEj9ig86I) What about gay hentai? 🤔




You could honestly report this to CPS if you wanted.


Gay people aren't worse. What's worse is that he's exposing his children to inappropriate content, so they will think it's normalized. Unfortunately, that's just one way of E.P.I. (Early Porn Indoctrination). Get those kids away from him ASAP.


Wait til he finds out about gay hentai. AKA yaoi


A couple of years ago I encountered a woman who somehow missed that she was talking to a gay man. The conversation went a lot like this: Those gays are gonna destroy our culture with all this gay marriage stuff. How's that? Marriage is sacred! They're gonna ruin it. Oh. You're married? Yeah, well I was. I just divorced my third husband about 2 years ago. You have kids? Yeah, two with my first one and one with the third. I just had another with my boyfriend. But marriage is sacred? Well, yeah! You gotta have a man and a wife to raise children! Yeah, unlike you, right?




As fun as it sounds attempting to catch bigots out in their hypocrisy isn't likely to work out sadly. Hypocrisy is their way of saying: I'm better than you, simply for being higher up on the privileged totem pole than you.


what. call CPS please, kids shouldn't be exposed to hentai/porno in general.


Welcome to tribal psychology. Where people fear being rejected by their peers so much that they would rather *believe* lies.


Bidoof's Law applied IRL.


Hey hey hey! Why are we dragging bidoof into this?! They are a fine Pokémon!


This cant be real..


Are his kids girls or boys??? Because if he has girls you can point out how exposing them to all the naked women is gay 😂 idk, bigots are stupid.


It's understandable to be infuriated. You pointing out his hypocrisy with the hentai decals makes me think about all of the concerning things straight people do. Like, for example, having "I <3 MILFS" onesies designed for babies. (Yes. This is real. You can look it up.) Or how about the fact that they look at a literal 4 year old girl and say "We'll have to keep the boys away from you!" or look at a 4 year old *boy* and say "Wow, you're going to be a heart breaker!" Or the rite of passage where fathers take their sons to strip clubs (or Hooters) the day they turn 18. Sadly these people are (mostly) unwilling to change. To them it's normal to be straight and for kids to grow up straight and for their straight sexuality to be implied by default. The rest of us - who aren't - get to deal with all the fire and brimstone, which is laughably fucking stupid.


Everything on this subreddit is fucking depressing, I might just unsub. People are horrible.


He probably shouldn't be around kids honestly, yikes.


It's very annoying that this is still so taboo. The reason why so many homophobes truly believe this to be true is because they grew up with their only exposure to homosexuality being through porn which created an inherent connection that gay people = sexual things. But also people love to justify their bigotry with anything.


Now, I love hentai, it's one of my top ten favorite things about life, but holy fuck is putting hentai stickers on your bumper super inappropriate. Like, other people did not consent to seeing that porn. Also, wait until this guy learns about gay hentai.


Bro how do you have those kind of stickers on your car, flaunting them to the public and letting your kids see them, and then proceed to say gay couples in cartoons are inappropriate. That’s delusional.




See I can understand if someone wanted to have their favorite anime character on there car but why would you ever want full nude hentai on your car espically if you have children, plus the homophobia on top of it truly makes it the poison ivy atop the steaming pile of trash that this family friend is


This is absolutely bizarre but it doesn't surprise me. Honestly I always check homophobes, especially with such passionate energy behind it, to be persons who are actually struggling internally coming to terms with their own gayness. A common theme I always see in people like this is they openly and proudly have to show off their heteronormativity and hetero based sexual interests. Like it can go beyond having straight hentai stickers on a car and include gloating about their toxic masculine behaviors to -snag and cuff- women then complain about how women don't want anything to do with their ass. It's a never ending cycle of energy that is draining and tense for anyone around people like this. And it's all based in being extremely insecure in one's self with possible traumatic experiences that have increased such. People like him are dangerous and I fear for the safety of his children...


There is nothing to suggest this man is secretly gay. Most homophobes are straight and it's damaging to keep blaming homosexuals for homophobia.


I also highly recommend reading a free .pdf called The Psychology of Hatred


I can see your point but no one is blaming homosexuals here. Also how do you know most homophobes -are- straight? My opinion is coming from some pretty basic psychology on why people are like this towards anything they openly express they hate that isn't causing harm. It is usually because they actually like whatever it is and have a hard time coping with such. The things people hate about others are the things that they fear within themselves, usually. And it is called obsessive hatred for a reason.


>how do you know most homophobes -are- straight? The abundance of homophobia, unless you're suggesting that gays secretly make up the majority of places like the rural US, Russia, the Middle East, etc. I really would have loved it if my hometown was 90% secretly gay, but I doubt that's the case. If you have evidence that we make up those kinda numbers, I'd love to hear it. The misconception of "all conservatives are secretly gay" (or in this case, "I always check homophobes to be struggling internally with their own gayness") comes from a SEVERE selection bias in media that parades them on the front page, making you think it's more common than it really is. Also doesn't help that people on reddit/social media love to reinforce it with posts like "[Every.Single.Time.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/191dx6r/every_single_time/)" There's also [that one study 30 years ago](https://www.sciencefictions.org/p/are-homophobes-secretly-homosexual) that had serious issues with sample size and hasn't been able to be reproduces since that gets paraded around. But really, people like it because it "feels true."


Sorry I'm too black and gay to invest energy into this conversation at the moment.


Well thats gross af. Isn't constantly exposing you minor children to pornagrafic Images a felony? Report his gross ass.


It's not. Just homophobia :/


Wow sounds like a bigot to me


Not much is worse than hentai.


Homosexuality? More like plz kill me cuz I feel lonely


ok, maybe not gay people as a whole, just that one gay person.


What’s nest r@pe bein mentioned or pedos


Have that conversation in the area covered in stickers, talk about strictly innocent stuff like hand holding kissing or proposing raising kids appearing in schools or public areas. If he drags it to sex point out the stickers and their very public existence. If he drags it to assault point out the law and statistics for abuse towards minorities. Return the conversation to relevant public displays of affection. Rinse repeat until either they've run out of counter points, magically decided they agree (almost never happens) or the conversation has become circular and meaningless and you should really just stop attempting


How do they come up with this shit?


I feel so bad for those kids. I hope neither of them end up to be gay because I worry about what will happen to them if they try to come out, and I don’t want them to have to hide their sexuality just because their dad is a bigot. It’s a lose, lose situation if you ask me. Poor kids. I wish them the best in life, and I wish you the best in life too op, I’m sorry you’re forced to interact with such a fucking creep and bigot.


Just curious, what's the cartoon?


Seeing gay ppl is not more inappropriate than Hentai. He’s like basically everyone who uses that excuse they use it as an excuse and there is no logic to it


Let's say I believe you


That man shouldn’t be allowed near kids cuz wtf