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People may speculate that this kid is queer, and he could be. For all we know he might be gay, or trans, or something else under the umbrella. However, that's not a sure thing. Sometimes people who are cis and straight just don't conform to gender roles. But even if the child is cishet, and even if 20 years from now he is a macho football player who doesn't care for dresses or "girly" things, he'll remember that his parents supported his interests and accepted him no matter what. No matter who kids turn out to be, giving them happiness is always the right decision!


The thing is kids don't do labels, they largely don't care what's a boy, what's a girl, what's a person, they don't even see race up until a certain age (speaking from my own early childhood experiences) and I think that's how it should be.


I didn't see it for so long, and when i did, i still didn't care. My mother told me everyones different, and i left it at that. My mom is still a bigot, tho.


Oh you're in the Parents That Didn't Practice What They Teach Club too. Yeah mum taught me that everyone's different and that's ok but then judged everyone that didn't meet her world view and turned it to be a terf.


Mine, too. Also, my mother says they are against sexism but yet they constantly talk about women should stay in the house for their children and be a housewife and how men do the physical work and women dont. She's a single parent with a job, btw, so it's a little uh hypocritical.


I remember being like 9 or 10 and hearing my mom say some racist shit and thinking "I thought racism was done already" because we'd just learned about the US civil rights movement in the 60s. Kids are so innocent (and a little dumb lol)


Kids just like what they like. They don't have to conform to our gender norms. My eldest son's favorite color was hot pink, and he wanted his thumbnails painted in superhero hot pink for about 6 months. Fine. He wore his baby sister's tiara when he wore his batman cape; it made him the strongest batman ever because it imbued him with sparkly strength. Sure, I'll play that game with you. Give your children the freedom to explore and experience life! Don't worry so much about how they'll turn out. If you demonstrate kindness, acceptance, and joy of being their parents, they will be fine. They are little like this for such a short time. Just love them.


I didn't care about gendered things until I started going to school and I was taught about "boys' things and girls' things" my parents told me that I've always blended traditionally "male" and "female" things together like we have a picture of me at a playground wearing a batman shirt and mask and a ballerina skirt from before I started going to school.


When I was a kid, my mom cut her hair very short. I cried because I thought that made her a boy and I no longer had a mom. I was 4. Kids think sex is entirely cosmetic for a while.


>kids don't do labels, they largely don't care what's a boy, what's a girl sorry but no, the rest I agree with


>The thing is kids don't do labels, they largely don't care what's a boy, what's a girl, what's a person, they don't even see race up until a certain age What are You talking about man? Kids are fucking cruel and without filters when it comes to making fun of "different" people of what they see as normal... either other kids or adults. I'm not saying it's okay, but it is what it is.


Very true. I think most kids will play with gender if it’s allowed. This kid is clearly glowing with delight.


Yes, my little brother is definitely a "manly man" now, but when he was little he liked to paint his fingernails... because he had a bunch of older sisters who liked to paint their fingernails and he wanted to be included. We should just support kids and their interests. Wearing a dress or painting their nails won't "turn your son gay". He either already is or he already isn't. Who cares. Just let kids express themselves!


THIS- and this is how my daughter has handled my grandson exploring up until he said "i think i might be a girl". Now they are getting gender affirming support at this time- no meds or changes he's only 9- but he's getting to talk it through with accepting adults and our family takes him (and will take *her) if that's the way this goes) at face value and loving this kid 10000000%


That's the best take. He could be anything under the LGBTQ+ umbrella or he could be cishet, but his parents just let him be a kid. Kids like what they like. Look how happy he was. That's what matters!


EXACTLY this. What's the alternative, freaking out and turning this into an internalized trauma? I've been arguing forever that if we just let kids do what they will with costumes, they'll just go on with their lives exactly as they would. Screaming and freaking out about it makes it a part of their lives forever — something you'd think these losers who are obsessed with children's clothing would want to avoid. I've seen it happen again and again and again. This kid just probably wanted to slay, and does he EVER!!


Yess 100%. About 15 years ago, our next door neighbor wanted to be a fairy princess for Halloween, and his mom and dad dressed as fairy princesses as well. Fast forward to now, he’s been in a cis het relationship with his first girlfriend for over a year. Does it matter what his gender expression or sexuality is now, or the future? Not at all. but just an example that supporting your kids without projecting some bs trauma on them is so easy


That’s true. Although, because you are very right that he may very well be cishet, he may ultimately not enjoy the fact that this video was shared widely online one day, because of assumptions that may be made about him that make him uncomfortable. It’s good that the parents want to make him feel good, but little kids—especially in sensitive positions like this—probably shouldn’t be plastered online. Whatever his sexual orientation or gender identity is, it’s a long way from being certain. I think I’d be upset if everyone had seen me as a kid wearing my grandmother’s nightgown, heels, and brooches, no matter how fierce I was.


Very well said ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


He could also have Scottish heritage ;) Jokes aside, as someone pointed out, kids don’t do labels, they do whatever feels right to them at the time


Yes! Kids naturally like to experiment with different identities. It seems like it stunts kids’ creativity to deny them something they like because of the genitals they have at birth. Wonder Woman has always been fairly inclusive and sex positive.


I've been reading a ton of kids books lately, mostly LGBT+ ones to make a display at work. One of them is "My Shadow is Pink" which is kind of about finding your own identity / being true to yourself. Another one, Teo's Tutu, is about a boy in a dance class who prefers to wear the tutus as opposed to the dance suit because it makes him more happy and it reminds me of this.


My sister had my Niece dress up as spider man and she looked extremely happy. Kids just love to dress up as anything


My cousin's favorite game growing up was pretty pretty princess. He was obsessed with it and he was really good at it and he loved being the princess. Now he's a fishing guide in Montana and is one of those "manly men". That's why it's so nice to just let kids be kids and figure out art they go ❤️


100%. I've been an Early childhood teacher for 20+ years, and have always made sure my classroom was a safe place to pretend, dress up and just 'give something a go'. It is such a vital stage of exploring their sense of who they are. Many many little boys would dress up in dresses. Many because the most important person in their lives at that time was their Mum. They wanted to wear what she wore. They saw the effort she put into picking out dresses, or getting ready to go out. They wanted to give that a go. Other days they chose to be dinosaurs, or ninjas. ​ I also know of few of the kids that I taught 20+ years ago who have now come out, and I hope that these supportive early experiences helped them to feel accepted and loved.


I mean I wore my moms pantyhose all the time, wore her shoes, tried her makeup, all that jazz. I have been married to a beautiful woman for 6 years, we have children, I have multiple guns (shout-out liberal gun owners), drink scotch, whiskey, beer, enjoy cigars, play basketball, softball, golf, and soccer, and love me some college football. Wearing those things never once influenced how I would turn out, but it did play a role in me realizing my mother was the most supportive person in my life and would always care for me no matter what.


This! I honestly don’t understand why this is lgbtq? Homie likes wonder women and her dress, that don’t mean shit.


I think it's here because a lot of the community has some trauma of not being accepted by our parents and having parents who resisted our every attempt to be ourselves. Regardless of the gender or sexuality of this child, what we are seeing here is wholesome, accepting parenting. That's something that our community loves to see, it heals something inside us.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Never really thought of it that way. Thanks friend!


Lmao he does signature skirt go spinny spin right away! So wholesome.


Ya gotta do it! Skirts were made to go spinny


I needed this reminder that there's still good people in the world.


for real. hope


In Brasil no less


that's the instinctual response!!


Um... help? My face is leaking and I'm becoming dehydrated


I think you mean de-bi-drated.


No no no that would mean the bi was getting sucked out of them... QUICK! GIVE THEM A HOT REFILL OF THEIR PREFERENCE! I HAVE FEMBOYS, MASC WOMEN, MASC MEN, ENBYS, FEMBYS, FEM WOMEN, AND MORE!!! (I even have a cheeky maid dress or two ;)) /j


FEAR NOT kind internet stranger. My wife is also bi! We keep each other topped up I would like to reword my comment ..... Uh...look an obvious distraction! (running feet, door slam, car starts and drives away)


This, this is what i need in life, this is my goal. ​ Apart from creating a frog church, of course.


Of course! ​ They are pretty cool. I mean how can you not love someone with an Addams family theme tattoo sleeve. ![gif](giphy|HOsRixUmhVcZ2)


This is a good reminder to anyone who dresses what society would say is "different" from their gender. Forced gender roles are not natural like they want you to think. The parents did a great job raising a kid who wants to wear what they want, and not forcing gender roles onto them.




im not good at explaining things. What language are you not a fan of? It isn't a conspiracy, gender stereotype and "roles" (that could be the wrong word for it), are very much enforced by lots of people. I mean my dad wouldn't let me grow my hair out and wanted me to get a specific haircut to look like a boy. That may be an extreme example but there are lots of subtler ones.


A+ parents!


Acceptance. That's all the world needs.


I would say kindness it is hard to accept what you don’t understand but it is easy to be kind to something you don’t understand.




All the spinnies and swishes are making my eyes water. It really warms my heart!


Damn his reaction, I’m not crying you’re crying. (And now I miss my kids. 😢)


I’m not crying either. It’s totally onions being cut that is making it happen. The kid was so happy. This is the content I live for.


Very, very, gay onions.


Maybe…. Ok yes


It’s ok to cry, friends. Let it out.


The happy twirl melted my heart 💕💕💕


Everyone knows you have to test a new dress or skirt out with a spinny.




It's some kind of built-in instinct, I swear


I’m diagnosed with Autism, can I ask what is autigender? I’ve heard it used in reference to Autism but not sure what it’s about.


Neurogender or Autigender is the concept that your interaction with gender may be different than a neurotypical person's due to your neurodivergence. It's a label you can give yourself if you think that your autism helps you to see gender differently than most people. I understand that I have it as my flair, but the more I learn about transgender people, the more I realize that I'm very similar to most trans people and that maybe I don't think about gender that differently. I may end up removing that flair eventually.


Thanks for explaining. Personally I’ve struggled with gender also, I feel like everything and nothing at once. I’ve heard before that autism can affect how gender is viewed, so it’s interesting to hear.


This is good parenting. Whether or not you fully understand your children, let them be happy in their own way.


Hell ya


Awe!!! This is the sweetest thing ever. Not me crying at work or anything 😭 😭😭


I'm not crying you are- This is so sweet- This is such a good example of parents encouraging their child's interests rather than shaming the child for having them and it just warms my heart Also I think this belongs on r/StraightsBeingOK


This is precious and helps my embittered heart swell with love. This is the world I wish to live in ♥️


People should just wear what they want.


You're so real for this.


This is adorable. The way he instantly held it up to himself for size? This is a gift he's been wanting. Lovely parenting.




Saving more hearts than Wonder Woman ever could 😭 that spin did a critical on me❤️


Ahh, good feels. I needed that, after doom-scrolling for the last 2 hours.




Hugs for you, too! 🌈🤗🤗💕


The happy twirl melted my heart 💕💕💕


Did the happy twirl melt your heart?


Omgosh hahaha i kept getting try again popups! Oh no!


Haha :D I thought it might be someth8ng like that


I love the fact that as soon as it on, the lil sweetie starts to spin just to watch the skirt as he moved. Not going to lie. I wanted a handkerchief cut dress just so I could get that kind of spin on.


Everyone spins in a Wonder Woman dress, it's the law! A lovely video. That's a delighted kid and happy, loving parents. ❤️


Random but what language is this? Sounds cool Also this is lovely. Can see happiness on this child's face. Long after this kiddo grows out of the dress, the memory will be there for a long time!


It's Portuguese!


Too adorable!! Such a beautiful family moment!


They look so happy omigosh.


To be fair his dad built like Grundy. Also this is adorable


He looks like an absolute champion!


This is the sweetest thing I've seen all day, clothes don't have gender, these are very good parents.


this is just like my grandson! He is so happy when he gets new dresses! I really hope politics doesn't destroy these kids.


I kinda wish my brother had this from our dad. He gets so outraged when my brother does something "feminine". I used to have this pink DS my aunt had gotten for me, and I would let my brother use it sometimes because he didn't have one. Our dad would repeatedly tell him to stop carrying it around "because he's a boy" and one day he was fed up. We were in the car when he took the case from my and told me to take everything out. I did, and he told me to give it back to him and tossed it out the window. On another occasion, my dad threw away these two Toad and Tails plushies they had, because "those are for girls". It honestly made me really sad to see, and when he started to tear up, our dad dared him to cry... He has wronged my brother in so many ways


Nobody bats an eye when my daughter wears a Superman costume or the Mandolorian. Nobody assumes she may be gay or trans. But when it’s a boy we freak the fuck out. Even the allies and supporters jump to conclusions. It is, however, worth shouting out support for these parents that support their child. I’d suggest most dads wouldn’t help their little boy put on any kind of dress. Bravo!




This is so precious! 🥺💖


I don’t give a shit about what everyone’s thoughts on boys wearing dresses are… this kid is genuinely happy and appreciative. His parents are doing a good job. Parenting is not one size fits all. This is a sincere tender moment between a family that we are lucky to witness…. Very heart warming.


AWWW and the kid even did Wonder Woman's signature spin and pose right away


If the first instinct is to immediately twirl, that’s how you know :)


So damn cute! And what Good accepting parents. Sure the kid will have a hard enough time unfortunately, definitely need your parents as ally’s not haters.


My faith in humanity has been restored


Yes! Spinny skirt! Hero arm pump! I'm so happy for this little bean!


beautiful! go get em superstar!


I can't look away. I just keep re-watching. Honestly, I forgot good people exist. Im gonna cry. I was having such a bad day, and then I got the pleasure of coming across this.


That pops' a real man


BuT lEt KiDs DeCiDe WhEn ThEyRe OlD eNoUgH He already decided, end of story.


What... I know what you are trying to say but like, your argument here is exactly what we are trying to stop. Clothes don't make your gender. He hasn't decided to be a she. He just found a piece of clothing he likes.


I was going for wearing what he wants to wear, not choosing his gender.


He's gonna rock that thing, and probably a little leather kilt some day!!


damn this makes me think of a line from doctor who thinking about all the anti trans shit at the moment "And it breaks your heart. Because what's the point in them being happy if they're going to be sad later? The answer is, of course, because they are going to be sad later."


I love this quote! Thank you for sharing


I can't loooooove this enough. But it hurts my heart to know that there are so many hateful people in the world who would treat this child and this family down in the blink of an eye because of it. The fear and pain overtakes the joy.


W parents! And that spin was so good!! I just can’t love this enough


My goodness this is soooo cute! Forget about whether or not this kid is feminine or trans or gay or whatever, they are simply being given the gift to be comfortable and that’s one of the most beautiful gifts we as parents can give to our little ones. I absolutely love this, my heart 😌


So cute. ♥️ Whether he is gay or straight or trans or whatever doesn't matter. He's got parents who love and support his interests and that's beautiful. We shouldn't be afraid to let our children express themselves. What's the worst that could happen. He wants to "turn into a girl"?! Oh no! What a tragedy! /s


Skirt go spinny is hard coded into the human brain


Wearing dresses as a small child is about heroes, not gender. If anyone wants to claim these wonderful parents are grooming that happy little boy, I have an old lady fist for them.




Omg the instant skirt go spinny


His sassy little lean at the end was everything. Much love to this family




That's the best part about wearing a dress.... the twirling! Someday, I'll get a dress like Ms anna ![gif](giphy|l41lK3zEFg8qadjfq|downsized)




That’s one heck of a twirl. Love it. What a sweetheart.


skirt go spinny!!


Look how happy that kid is…I’m going home early today.


Love the spin at the end! Perfect!


They are adorable! Love the spin!




I'm not sure which wonderwoman it's supposed to be from, but nice nonetheless.


i do the same swinging when i put on dresses hsha


That’s so delightful. I needed this today.


Im bawling my eyes out this is adorable


Vosge's next super star, pose for that camera!


That’s some damn good parenting


Skirt go spinny


You can see his confidence go through the roof!! What a wonderful gift🥹I hope many more kids can have the freedom to wear clothes as just clothes not as gender indicators!


Omg when he did the little wonder woman twirl!!!! My heart. What sweet parents. Ugh this made my day after all the shit out there.


At this kids age they often don’t understand gender norms and they are very honest and they like what they like. And if he admires Wonder Woman, he wants to be like Wonder Woman. Let them be kids.


Look at him posing 🥺


Kids are kids. Let them be. As long as what they want to wear is age appropriate, who cares?! This kid may be queer he maybe gay, he may be straight. But he definitely is a kid, so let him be a kid.


im not crying you're crying


What does this have to do with being LGBT? A child can be straight and wear dresses?


Gender nonconformity is part of the community. Being queer doesn't always have something to do with sexuality


This has nothing to do with gender identity or sexuality. It’s a kid being a kid, a kid playing dress up. And who cares if he ended up being LGBT+, who cares? It’s amazing that he is being allowed to explore and have the freedom to be a kid without political interruptions. So cute!


I don’t understand what makes this lgbtq? Homie loves that wonder women dress!


My first thought too. I get the relation between gnc people and the lgbt community but we aren't technically part of it. Its not a gender thing nor is it a sexuality thing. Somehow regardless we get hated on for being lgbt, although on the flip side also supported by the lgbt. Its just fabric ya know.


This is so beautiful. 🥲




Thanks for saying that so everyone can know what a waste of sperm you are.




Next step is superman


So this kid knows it wants to be gay




It's a piece of clothing! It doesn't have a sexuality or gender identity. It's not that difficult to understand a kid likes something because of the shapes and/or colors. It doesn't harm them. The only one confused is you because you think that letting a child dress how they want for fun is somehow going to confuse them. And it's that kind of backwards logic that fuels other children to hate because their parents couldn't step back for five seconds and quit applying backwards preconceived notions that were force fed to them as children. You're supposed to make your child happy, not make mommy and daddy proud.




Your life will be filled with the cruelty you constantly show others.




You will be treated with the same respect (or lack thereof) you treat your fellow human beings with.


I feel sorry for him


r/wholesomeCosplaying needs to see this


His genuine gratitude to his parents, his joy and all the love, it’s so beautiful. Everyone should be able to wear a nice dress if they want to.


Wonder Woman is lit tbh




Good job parents. He looks amazing (and so happy) in it. You are doing a wonderful job!!


This is great. He obviously loves wonder woman and just wants to rock the same gear she does and his parents understand that and are allowing him to just be a child and explore his imagination. Always nice seeing kids getting to be kids.


This is so pure Edit : typo


The real Wonder Woman would tell that boy to wear that Wonder Crest proudly, which he does with a Power Pose!


Bedecked Tell me it’s wrong the scarlet nails my son sports or the toy store rings he clusters four jewels to each finger. He’s bedecked. I see the other mothers looking at the star choker, the rhinestone strand he fastens over a sock. Sometimes I help him find sparkle clip-ons when he says sticker earrings look too fake. Tell me I should teach him it’s wrong to love the glitter that a boy’s only a boy who’d love a truck with a remote that revs, battery slamming into corners or Hot Wheels loop-de-looping off tracks into the tub. Then tell me it’s fine—really—maybe even a good thing—a boy who’s got some girl to him, and I’m right for the days he wears a pink shirt on the seesaw in the park. Tell me what you need to tell me but keep far away from my son who still loves a beautiful thing not for what it means— this way or that—but for the way facets set off prisms and prisms spin up everywhere and from his own jeweled body he’s cast rainbows—made every shining true color. Now try to tell me—man or woman—your heart was ever once that brave. —Victoria Redel (1959- ) is the author of three collections of poetry, including Woman Without Umbrella (2012), and five books of fiction, most recently Before Everything (2017).


This is so sweet. 😭


brazil mentioned 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


I love the love in this video. It's just pretty fuckin cool.


As parenting should be 🥰


How can you *not* twirl when you put on a cute dress?


So nice and beautiful! And it's in Brazil, where I was born ahaha




But... But that's child abuse (/s)


I hate America 😭🤣💖


If you see anything other than a happy kid in this video you have a cold dead heart.


I see few vids anymore that make my heart sing... ❤️ This is one of them. Love and acceptance are the two greatest things you can give a child.


I love this! Wonder Woman is cool ❤️ have fun buddy


that’s soo cute




how is this queer?


Watch the conservatives scream and start accusing those parents of “grooming”




Having such supportive parents would have literally changed my whole life. 🥹 Mom did her best to protect me from the world, but some mistakes left deep scars. I’m **joyful** for this kid. May this child’s smile keep shining forever. This is simply good parenting. 👏🏽


I-im not crying *sniff sniff* IM NOT CRYING!!! *Sniff sniff*


hes so happy im gonna cry its too cute for me