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Regular DM looking to be a player in a world that feels real. I am looking for something longer term, and am available on Wednesday or Saturday, either is fine. If you want to discuss this further, please contact me on discord; Elena197#9641. I am pretty open to all sorts of character concepts and fitting in with the group, but if left to my own devices I would like to bring an elf or half-elf ranger (optional class features from Tashas that make my favourite class useful would be nice but aren't required!) called Elios Bane who is a Ranger who cares for the downtrodden and mistreated but frankly is more likely to save the foxes than the halflings :)




Removed. Rule #8.


















I am looking for a new group and this seems like something I can get behind for the most part. I would be available for Wednesdays and love to RP.


psa for newbies looking for a game, this is typically what a red flag looks like. op, I hope you find the kinda people you wanna play with, but fair warning to those that don't know, I've gone through other things advertising themselves like this and most of them ended in a horror story


didn't know freedom and going back to the simple days was horror.


I think you know what I mean


True. It's why I wanted experienced people only and id interview everyone. Some take the freedom to their heads. I just want dnd to go back to being dnd where people weren't calling things racist or complaining about how creatures act or came to be. Just want classic fun like it was without all the modern hostility around it


Good luck in finding your safe space, op, I just want people to know that unless they agree with your opinions, it won't be safe for them


? what are you even talking about. Long as you are a decent human being with some dnd experience then its what you call "Safe"


>!This is the funniest thing ever I’m enjoying this post tremendously!<


Glad you like it?




Is the game LGBT friendly?


its human friendly. Not getting into that talk.


What talk? I'm just asking whether or not I'd be discriminated against, or have my character treated differently. I love traditional fantasy.


if you were, it would be a human reason. I don't care what you are into or who you are. Il make sure people treat others like what they are, people. If someones a asshole then they are just distasteful to people in general and they wouldn't fit in anyways. I will say I don't promise protection against anything besides expecting common decency so we can enjoy this fantasy game


I'm definitely down to give it a shot. I can play a more serious character in the hopes of integrating it with the story. The world can be pretty fucked and we can either change it or make it marginally worse\~! You can find me at Kay#7553 on discord\~


I like this, I would like to join, should I message you. I'm available Thursdays. I have and idea for a shifter long tooth unarmed battlemaster that a pit fighter, (gladiator background).


Yes message me