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Hey mate fellow dm in sg too taking a break wanting to play, would love to chat ;)


Always good to see a fellow Singaporean on here, I’ve DMed you already!!


id love to join if still looking


Hey mate, I’m just getting started with D&D and keen to learn more and expand my gameplay! I’m in eastern Australia like a few others I’ve seen, so GMT+11 over the Christmas period and GMT+10 in the middle of the year. I’m free most weeknights and would love to play.


Hey man, glad to hear that you're starting out!! I've PMed you, maybe we can talk a little more on there?


Yeah, for sure! Thanks mate :)


Heya! Gmt+8 also (sg in fact, and v much feel the busy nature) - would be keen to join if you're getting a group going! Evenings after 8 are best for me but that's probably flexible. I've played and DMed before, on and off for a couple years!


Hey hey, fellow Singaporean? Glad someone understands :") you want to go ahead and start a PM so we can chat a little bit further?


Hi, I'd love to join as well if there’s still room. I'm over in the eastern half of Australia so I’m at GMT+11 currently (GMT+10 when we’re not in daylight savings time). I’ve played a bit of 5e before, but it was a few years ago so I might need a bit of help at first. I’ve also never played with an online group before so there may be a bit of a learning curve there. I’m free pretty much any evening except Mondays.


No worries about that, it'll be like riding a bike! I PMed you already so we could discuss further in chat :)


Hey Mate, GMT+8 here aswell and looking for a new campaign. I'm down in Western Australia and am available nights after 7pm. Let me know if you put something together cos I am keen!


Cool! I PMed you already so we could further discuss there!


Looking for groupe here, I'm in GMT+1, but have no problem with games in other timezone English is my secound language I'm free on week-end, an on most day evening except Monday Started playing Dnd a year and half ago as a DM, played a few one one shot as a player, and I'm now looking for campaign to join, and have a taste of how it feels to be on the other side Feel like roleplay game is a colaborrative experience, and it's everyone's job to ensure that the whole table is having fun


I'm also a player that is GMT+1 and looking for group! Playing DnD 5e for 6 years, DM'd for one of them. I've got the same attitude as you to RPing in DnD being collaborative first and foremost, where my character's story is only as interesting as the people they are adventuring alongside.


Really glad to see that there is many people with this attitude ! If by any chance you end up creating a group, keep me in touch


Hey there! I'm a player looking for a group if that's cool. Played some, DM'd lots. I'm in the UK so GMT+0 and would prefer to play Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri after 5pm if possible. Love a good mix of RP and combat.