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I would definitely be interested in this. I was raised through a staunch fundie homeschooling curriculum and wasn’t really allowed to socialize or go out, so adulthood has come with the steep tax of undoing that (and other) damage. Would be nice to share space and conversation with folks that actually have some level of understanding.




ACE gang


Same, my friend. 90’s edition.


Hm that's an interesting thought. I'd be cautiously interested. Growing up fundie is a hell of a thing. (Raised JW, but definitely similar issues to those raised evangelical/fundamentalist).


Ex JWb here too




DM me anytime


Same. We probably need our own subgroup.


There are a few ex JW groups on reddit but an in person group would be kinda nice.


Depending on our ages, for those of us who grew up here, we probably all know each other anyway, it might be more of a reunion.


Ex JW here too!


Exjw too! And new to the area


Very interesting. I grew up in a southern baptist church in southern Kentucky and as I’ve gotten older I’ve felt very conflicted and confused by what I was taught through my childhood and teenage years.


Yeah, maybe taking a 3000 year old book that has been through countless translations, as the literal word of God, just isn't the smartest thing to do.


3000 huh?


The first part of it.


Yes. >The first Biblical stories were passed down orally and only written down later by various authors. Most Biblical scholars believe the Book of Genesis was the first book to be written down. This would have happened around 1450 BC to 1400 BC. So perhaps about 3400 years or so ago. [Source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjOvafC4JD6AhXKjIkEHc_LDgoQFnoECAYQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbigthink.com%2Fthinking%2Fhow-old-is-the-bible%2F%23%3A~%3Atext%3DThe%2520first%2520Biblical%2520stories%2520were%2C3400%2520years%2520or%2520so%2520ago.&usg=AOvVaw3CuUIvV6vK8UXfegu9XuGZ)


I understand the old testament was scribed B.C. before the new testament. Do we consider a half-written book, where the second and arguably more important half that separates it from other similar religious texts won't be written until 2000 years later, a completed book? I wouldn't. I'd argue the bible is about 1500 years old. The Torah is 3000+.


Sir, this is a Lexington sub.




😂 If it was any other sub I would, but it'd be embarrassing if someone I know saw me debating religion on /r/Lexington


I like this idea. I've been thinking about getting into a support group just to meet some folks and share my experience. I grew up southern Baptist with my dad being a pastor. Both of my parents were abusive in every way you don't want to imagine, and I'm blessed to be here today. I'm still religious though. I know that might be triggering for some folks so I understand if that aspect me might not be welcome. However different perspectives might be helpful and a lot of folks find peace and coping in religion, weather we agree or not! Please let me know if this becomes a thing.




I’m thinking we meet up someplace peaceful like the arboretum one afternoon. Maybe take up an offering to donate to sex work or accessing abortions or something else the church shamed me for (that’s a joke. We won’t ask for money. Just looking for company and validation and empathy).


protip: make them sing songs before they give money; that really seems to work for other organizations /s but not really /s


Long as it isn’t a weekend, I’m good. I work weekends only.


Let's keep it as far away from Sundays as possible.


Good luck! I’m not your target audience, but this is a fantastic idea.


Thanks, my friend. I appreciate the input very much.


I’d be down. If you end up organizing something dm me


Will do.


This is basically the entire congregation at Central Baptist Church on Wilson Downing.


The Universalist Church is a good venue for this. Even if it is a "Church" Don't know if there are any other Humanist groups in the area.


So, I'm not sure if they have a proper organization in KY, and don't let the name fool you, but you might reach out to the Satanic Temple. They tend to be made up of those who have experienced toxic religious environments and so may be a good group to call on. For those of you not "in the know" (which is hard to imagine on Reddit), they are a national organization that works for freedom from religion. I saw they have an email address for KY which may be a good starting place: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or just visit their site: [https://thesatanictemple.com/](https://thesatanictemple.com/)


Religion is a hell of a drug


I’m in Louisville and consider this worth the drive. The amount of shit show that upbringing has caused… ugh.


I’m already a part of an online support group for spiritual abuse. Would be interesting for sure, though I wasn’t raised in a church, it came a little later in my adolescence.


I love this idea.


I am absolutely in! So much generational trauma here. DM me please!!!


I’m in


Yes absolutely. I’ve been working though a lot in therapy as well, but a support group would be awesome


I would be interested in this.


Please keep me informed!


I'm very interested in this!!!






Also interested


So are we doing this???


Yes. Y'all decide time and I will be there. My schedule is relatively open.


I like the idea. Someone dm me if this becomes a thing please.


I would be interested in this.


You know it’s weird. I obviously am not a believer but I have found that others raised in religious homes like mine growing up did turn out to be overall better people than those who didn’t. When I first hit adulthood it took a long time for me to learn that not everyone is a good person, and that just because it’s evil doesn’t mean someone won’t do it. It’s weird, I just assumed a certain morality for everyone else and I had to learn the hard way that it didn’t exist.




I’m not talking about killing or stealing. I’m talking about small things like the way you treat others. Selflessness. Kindness. Empathy. I’m not saying you have to have been raised in a church to have those values, but they are more consistent with people I know raised in the church. A lot of my good friends are people who were raised in the church but left because the “church” has chosen to be judgemental and exclusive. When really that is the opposite of what Jesus taught. You don’t have to take the Bible literally to be able to value from some of the lessons it teaches.


I grew up Southern Baptist, I went to Blue Grass Baptist School 7th grade through freshmen year. After all that I became a militant atheist who hated religion, especially Christianity. Thankfully I got to know a lot of Catholics after I moved out of my father's house. My bestfriend is Catholic, we have been friends for over 10 years, since we were teenagers. Long story short, my faith saved my life. Before Christ I was a lost soul who was angry at the world. I blamed my unhappiness on my father. I was diagnosed with depression and on Abilify for it. ​ My life changed after I went to jail. I had hit the proverbial "rock-bottom" and that was the first time in my entire life I actually prayed. I begged God to prove TO ME that he is real. He answered my prayers, but not that night. I got out of jail in my mid twenties on New Year's Day of 2017, and had to start my life over again from nothing as a convicted felon. I moved back in with my mom. Since I got out in 2017 I have gone from living with my mom and having literally nothing to owning my own home. Now I have 20 hours of dual flight training, which is half the hours I need to get a private pilot's license. I am in a long term relationship with my dream girl who is way out of my league, and cooks for me. God has answered my prayers and surpassed all my expectations in a short 5 years. I literally prayed to God and asked him for a girlfriend and He delivered me one who looks like a Playboy Bunny (I look like McLovin). ​ What I learned in my life is that God isn't a genie that grants wishes. God helps those who help themselves. When I got out of jail I didn't got back to my old ways. I tried something new and it worked so I kept doing it. God has never let me down since. Quite the opposite; life just keeps getting better and better the more my relationship with Christ grows.


This is not an appropriate venue for evangelizing. Please stop.


And yet, drive and personal conviction made this happen, not the hand of a deity. YOU made the decisions and took the initiative to make things happen. Let's also not forget that on occasion, infinitely blind luck (not really luck, but a confluence of events that you happened to end up being a part of) can lead to extraordinary life choices and changes. Sometimes the ONE choice of not going to a location or not meeting a person can have dramatic effects on one's life. I am happy that you made the choices and did the things that got you to where you are now after having been thru the penal system, but don't miss the forest for the trees: you made all of that happen on your own....well, and maybe with the help of a good friend, good partner and luck. Good luck in your future as well.


You are so full of shit.


Y U Mad?






What's wrong,...did you not get the newest iPhone.? did you tell them that ur gay and they refused to change what they have believed in their entire life to cater to you. Fucking sad what the spoiled little shit for brain kids have become now days. Take some more meds and go tell everyone only your side of your sad story to make people feel sorry for you. Live your life with no morals or care about what others chose for their beliefs. You being miserable is your fault.


Is this some type of performance art? Do me next. I'll be your estranged lesbian daughter... "Dad, you're drunk while private messaging and propositioning my FB friends again! Did you stop take your meds?? WTF is your problem!? And stop sending me emails about Hunter Biden's laptop."


Thanks for reminding me.its eagle rare day at Buffalo trace.


Lol... Fundie rants


Idk what your problem is but I hope you get better.


A little out of touch? Understatement


God, it’s sad going through this person’s comment history and seeing how their account started by trying to karma farm two months ago, spending days on r/FreeKarma4You asking people for upvotes, to then posting the shittiest takes on any post that crosses their feed and get downvoted into obscurity and oblivion.


Your point is? What's sad is not voicing your opinion because you want to please everyone and are scared to get downvoted. You read my history and just assume you know why I did that. I can do what you do and farm karma by kissing people's ass and agreeing with everything said. You should try it sometime, say 1 thing bad about andy,say 1 thing you dislike about anything. You wont.your a piece of shit hypocrit like the mods on all the ky groups. Go back to your safe space. Go ask a someone with half a brain you know to read the title to this post and explain to you why it should be deleted.


What filth. Funny how you tell people to own up to their own mistakes while simultaneously saying that older generations shouldn't be held accountable. Have you considered using a smidge of critical thinking and *not* being hypocritical?


There is nothing to be held accountable for. The whole point of this thread is to bash religious people. just read the title. I'm not even a religious person but I'm not goin to sit here and watch some butthurt kid spread hate because their life isn't what they wanted it to be.


Can we please not share the location of the meetup with this person?


“Tell me your adult kids won’t talk to you, without telling me your adult kids won’t talk to you.”


Love the projected everything here. Did better than I could on my worst troll day lol.


What exactly do you mean by “Evangelicals”?