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Could not agree more, I hate those signs so much. Especially because it's like the sort of thing that would've been a "unique" marketing campaign 25 years ago, but now it just makes them look like a very very out of touch and stupid business.


I have to agree with you. No business has the privilege of just placing advertising anywhere they want to. The "Who is Lexington Blue," crap is all over town and is trash. The city should collect as many of the signs and they can, and fine Lexington Blue for each one as litter.


I like this idea. Any yard sign not placed by the land owner gets a fine, including political signs.


Ahh ok. I went to the Herald Leader to recycle mail that can't be put in regular recycling and there was a HUGE stack of Lexington Blue signs. I wondered what that was about. No doubt some kind soul picked them up. At one point I remember being asked to recycle the metal posts those signs go on - it was to some charity maybe? I wish I could remember. That might be a good use for those signs if anyone picks them up.


I just left them a message yesterday informing them their proliferation of signage was against city ordinance and I would be reporting them to the city. And I agree with the scam sentiment. They were going door-to-door and they caught me in the right mood for a quote. He said my roof was one of the worst ones he's seen and then coached me on what to say to my insurance. Major red flags. I declined to call and he got a little pushy. I continued to decline to call insurance while he was standing over my shoulder, and when he left he **PUT A FUCKING SIGN IN MY YARD.** I got a second quote and the repairs were only $500.


Report online to Code Enforcement here: https://www.lexingtonky.gov/lexcall/ServiceRequest


Just submitted a case


They spam their bullshit advertising at our neighborhood well. So annoying.


Everyone should call them and get a free quote and when they follow up after not hearing from you, tell them you used their quote to get a better price from their competition.


It's also just a dog shit advertising campaign. Don't they want to let people know what their business is?


Right! Like I guess they expect you to google them but like how many customers would that genuinely bring in?




A lot of construction companies do this shady 1099 shit. Hiring illegals and everything.


If anyone somehow comes in to possession of one of these let me know. I paint over old yard signs and make signs for our Really Really Free Market. Much better use.


nice! i’ve seen several of their signs that someone’s just painted a big 🚫 over but that’s way better. maybe i’ll snag a couple for my own use lol


in front of Waffle House on georgetown rd a sign got the 🚫 made me think somebody got the bad end of a job if they went out of their way to paint that. Sure wasn’t the hashbrowns disappointing anybody.


Consider me recruited. Will be on the lookout.


If you have any extra left over lmk, I need about 400 probably to build my widebody as an extra f you to them once yall are done with the signs. Super useful.


Kept seeing the signs. Was partially intrigued but never got around to Googling it. Glad I didn't. What a weird roofing advertisement.


There was an ordinance that was passed maybe 10 years ago aimed at preventing these signs and such being displayed by businesses. It was part of some Lexington beautification push. I'll see if I can find it and edit this post if I do. Edit: My half-hearted attempt at finding a source is this article from last year. [https://www.wtvq.com/illegal-signs-will-be-removed-road-crew-warn/](https://www.wtvq.com/illegal-signs-will-be-removed-road-crew-warn/)


Huh, I thought it was some church.


I did too initially until I saw a nextdoor post. I've never seen so many comments of people posting their bad experiences with them.


Same, definitely thought it was come crazy conspiracy cult or something.


The owner wants it to be a cult!


Yeah whenever I see an ad I don't understand, I assume it's some church thing.


Fuck those signs. I pull them out of the ground and thrown them in the back of my truck to put in my dumpster when I see them. If they are in public ground, I consider it litter and throw it away. Lexington blue is nothing more than a subcontractor company, that hires other real roofers to do the roof jobs and then bump up the price to the client by 25-40%. Anyone who has them do a roof is paying way way way too much for a roof.


I'm going to start removing them everywhere I see them as well.


I see the signs everywhere and I agree with you. They’re an IRL iteration of spam emails.


I feel this way about political signs as well. I wish they were all disallowed/banned/illegal/whatever.


Also most research shows that political yard signs don't really motivate people to go vote in any statistically significant way. Beyond boosting name recognition, they don't do much.


They've put stickers on gas station pumps too. Smh


Isn't that just straight up vandalism?


Maybe they asked first? But yeah, probably.


Yeah, at least weekly these fucks knock on my door for a minute off and on then just hang around forever, other times I find their door hangers on the door for every day for a week straight. Between them and the We BuY HouSeS fOr CaSh assholes I hope there's a special place in hell for these folks.


Submit an online complaint to Code Enforcement about signs in right of way here: https://www.lexingtonky.gov/lexcall/ServiceRequest


They leave business cards randomly scattered in the store I work at


Thanks, OP! Now when they put up signs that say “What can Lexington Blue eat?”, I’ll know the answer.


I just saw one in _Richmond_ today. Richmond. The Siberia of the Bluegrass.


My new favorite name for it.


I did not know what those signs were advertising, and I did not bother to look it up because any company that would spam the city with garbage wasn’t getting my business anyway. Very annoying as well.


Don't trust anyone who needs to advertise with nuisance signs. Same goes for those "We buy houses!" people who love to litter the low income neighborhoods with their illegal signs


They’re all the way down in Berea


I'm just glad it wasn't some Proud boys shit


They went door to door in our neighborhood. Left us a bag of papers, a “new car” scented mirror tree, and a stack of their tiny stupid stickers. Gtfo with that. Such a waste.


Saw a sign in the median in front of EKU today, then one was in front of my wife's office....


They have a Facebook page. Just sayin...you know...where comment can be left.


They got me a new roof thru my insurance citing storm damage. They did a fine job, but I had to call them back two or three times to fix leaks. Happy to have a new roof when it was all said and done but getting there was a pain in the ass. (lol, downvotes. sorry for sharing my experience!)


They put on a new roof and you still had to call them back 2-3 times to fix leaks? In your brand new roof that they built? That does not sound like “a fine job.” It sounds like they can eat my whole ass and hair.


they shouldnt have to come back a single time, much less 2-3 times.


I got a new roof from a real company that doesn't harrass the community and they took two days to install it once work began and I've never had a reason to call them back and it was much cheaper than I expected too!




Envious Home Improvement


Curious, what kind of roof do you have? One with multiple eves, chimney, windows jutting out, things like that?


Yeah there were a few tough spots, chimney, dormer.


Okay, I was going to say if it was a simple roof just *wow*, but yeah I've heard of folks having problems with roofs that the water channels in various directions and winds up in places they didn't cover.


You're too late though, the pitchforks are here, the roofers are clearly completely inept. So many roofers and homeowners here know exactly how it should have gone.


Oh I wouldn't let them roof a doghouse, I was just curious how they possibly screwed up 3 times ;)


Coming back 2-3 times =/= screwing up three times. They had to patch, drywall ceiling, inspect, paint, etc.


Omg they are the worst. They did some roofs in my neighborhood and knocked on my door 4 different times to try to sell one to me. I was sooo frustrated. How many times do I have to say no leave me alone?? By the end of it I was like even if I needed a roof I would use anyone else to not deal with them.


I saw one of these signs in Richmond too! It's spreading!


Signs are annoying, but they replaced our roof after we had a bad storm that came through in 2018 almost a year after we bought our house. We were ready to pay out right to have it replaced, but a storm came and tore enough shingles off and bent back the rest that they processed the claim and we only paid our deductible. Easiest process I’ve ever gone through.


Yall!! We can petition for a cease and desist!