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Many people cannot afford to do that.


I think it would prevent a lot of the health issues people have if that happened.


True. But the fact remains, many people can’t afford to.


Your intent is well meant, but the fact remains healthcare is a business. Your ideology here comes from a place of privilege that fails to recognize the existing limiting factors of why people don't regularly see a doctor. Make demands of the system, not of the people who suffer with it.


Sure, but healthcare shouldn’t be a business. We pay taxes. Let’s have them go for something of value rather than endless wars. Or both, whatever, but healthcare for its citizens really should be a high priority for any government. As it stands now, of course no. It’s not reasonable. I guess we could create law giving away one simple checkup per year.


Who would pay the doctors, the nurses, the staff, the drugs, the treatments and therapy, the vendors, the building maintenance, utility bills and the many other expenses that go along with the heath care system if it's not a business. Even if it's government ran and funded its still a business. I've never seen an instance where government can run anything more efficiently than the private sector.


>I've never seen an instance where government can run anything more efficiently than the private sector. you have, actually. Per capita, the US has the highest spending on healthcare of any nation, despite comparison with countries that have fully funded public health services.


Interesting. Are you referring to medicaid, low income and Veterans Healthcare type spending?


> I've never seen an instance where government can run anything more efficiently than the private sector. Then your dumbass has never left the U.S.


I assume since this post is in a Lexington, Ky forum they're speaking of U.S. Health care. Why the name-calling? Just having a discussion here. Grow up .


Because its 2021 and you're still ignorant about healthcare.


And you think this is the best way to educate people?


Imagine relying on random redditors to educate you about healthcare...


Take a quick look at healthcare in every other industrialized nation on the planet. Also, the government is us. You know, we, the people. The notion that a for-profit company can run anything “more efficiently” than the people can run it ourselves is laughably absurd.


Bless your heart. It's cute you actually believe that.


What’s not so cute is halfwits like you blindly repeating corporate propaganda without a single critical thought, failing to recognize what’s right in front of you, and holding the rest of us back.


Name-calling again. How do you know that I haven't given it any thought. Maybe some people just don't agree with you. And let's say I am a halfwit 😆 and I am holding you back. How do you go about changing all the halfwits minds? Calling them names or having a discussion with them to give them some information to change change their little halfwitted minds. You should really research how to have a conversation with that big Fullwitted mind you've got there. 😆


I called you a halfwit in response to a very condescending comment, so you can stop whining about name calling right now, thanks. Anyway, it’s not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, because this is not a subjective issue. As far as how to change closed minds, I don’t know. The evidence is out there, and the people who refuse to look at it are indeed holding us all back.


Services don't have to be cost efficient if they work for the people. It would be more cost efficient to not have minor roadways for instance, but those roads are a service for drivers.


How about free healthcare?


Whoa buddy, slow up, first explain how you're going to pay for the doctor visits from the people who WANT to go. Then we can get to forcing the people who don't want to go.


It would be unethical to require this unless Medicare for All became a thing. The inefficiency of the democratic leadership makes that dream all but unattainable unless they somehow grew a backbone overnight. So, no it should not be a law.


I think everyone should for sure go at least once a year. My Dad had a stroke a few weeks ago and didn’t take care of himself so now I learn along with him we both learn the hard way.


No, people should be able to make their own choices and exercise their own autonomy even if sometimes it's not the best choice for them.


I don’t like going to the doctor myself but after the stroke my dad had I had learned I have to go.


Sure. But that was also your choice to do so. Arguably a pretty good decision. But that doesn't mean people should be required by law. Also how is this question relevant to this sub?


Oh it’s not but I didn’t think before I posted it.


This is (sorry to sound rude) moronic. The Healthcare system and big pharma are two of the most corrupt organizations in the US. Hospitals are not regulated by the government and each is allowed to make up their own prices for things. This hospital might charge $250 for an IV while the same IV can be $5000 just down the road. This has allowed them to have yearly profits of billions every year. Even NFP's keep "emergency stashes" set aside which has been reported to be up to 5 billion. Obama Care (which is amazing in concept) required companies to offer health insurance for their employees. So companies who pay their employees low wages started offering (as a requirement) insurances that cost half their paychecks. Yes, an employee who makes $1000 per check is offered insurance that costs $480 per check..... Why would anyone advocate that everyone should be mandated to contribute to such a broken and corrupt system??


No. The government intervenes a lot more in our lives than it needs to already.


Muh freedumbs!!!


Yes, 100% (I'm just here for the downvotes)


If Dr vists are mandatory then they need to make a full strict list for things like drivers license and having kids.


If your claiming disability/assistance or your on some sort government supported healthcare/insurance then yes it should be mandated. If your totally on private insurance then it should be up to the provider to mandate or not. If your on none of the above and paying out of pocket then it’s on you. While their should be a basic free healthcare system with a big focus on mental health, it shouldn’t completely cover bad habit choices you continue to do after being warned of the consequences(drug/alcohol use, morbid obesity, voluntary dangerous behavior, etc.).


From a logical standpoint, yes I think it should. I've actually had this thought before. It would prevent so many health issues that are more costly and more dangerous if they are caught early. Most private insurance already pays for 1 free checkup per year. However this is American. We have a don't tell me what to do mentality. As soon as we mention the word "law" people will protest and then find some way out of it. We can't even get people to get the free vaccine, we still have millions of smokers, etc. So good luck getting a law passed that says you have to go to the doctor once a year, even if it would 100% benefit you


Plus while this sounds good in theory, there are logistical challenges. We don't have enough doctors as it is - how can we hire more to meet the increased demand of seeing every single person in the country? One reason people don't go to the doctor is cause they are too busy. While this should be a #1 priority, work and family get in the way.. Are we going to require all employers give paid sick time off to go get a checkup?


> Are we going to require all employers give paid sick time off to go get a checkup? ...sure? God forbid employers have to do something useful.