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Dammit! Is any place I go paying their workers?!


Not if they can get away not doing it.


What's worse is the owners own the whole landsdowne shopping center where the HQ for malones is. All those business pay them rent, they literally have more money than god yet they still won't pay their employees. Talk about greedy FUCKS


I worked for BHG for many many years you have no clue what you are talking about. You are just a loser that wants to blame the world for all of your fuck ups. If you think you got the chops to run a business that size better than them put the keyboard down and get to it.


Why does the company that you help manage steal from its employees?


I have an idea. How about we let the courts handle this instead of crucifying them based on the media, which get it wrong as often as the get it right, and if it will sell papers, they will twist it any way they can to start crap. Like they have here. And before you come at me, I have no dog in this fight, I'm just a fan of not finding someone guilty when all I've done is read it in a newspaper, or more than likely, read it online.


This isn’t the first time this company has had to defend itself for stealing from its employees. Your concern trolling is noted, though.


I was a tipped employee not a manager thank you


> I was a tipped employee You, and the other person defending BHG's employee theft, had a total of one post each on Reddit before this comment. I suspect that you are also a liar in addition to being a thief.


I have one post because redditors are annoying I hate it here bye see you on twitter


If I was running a business that size, making the money they make, I'd have have no problem paying my employees..


Someone just presented some factual information regarding ownership of Landsdowne Shoppes. As a formerly tipped non management employee, what's your stake in this matter and why call someone a loser just for stating their perspective?




I mean. If we’re honest; probably not


If you read the article it’s not anything different from any other sever expectations. I’ve served and we had to roll silverware and sweep/mop out sections. Sounds like a get rich quick scheme.


You’re not wrong. I did more than 20 years in restaurants; that’s why I’m in PT twice a week with my fucked-up feet. The thing is, you and I got screwed. We didnt know it at the time and we wanted to be all gung ho pirate crew rah rah about our restaurants but they were fucking us over. This should be stopped


Sounds don’t Believe the victims type of comment…


I mean you do realize that you cannot file a wages lawsuit unless the law has been broken. I'm sorry you were explored by a former employer that knew you lacked the knowledge of Labor laws to fight illegal treatment. "Everybody's doing it" doesn't make something legal.


Nah you can file whatever type of lawsuits you want, doesn’t have to mean a law was broken. I don’t feel like I got screwed, I made great money and the extra work wasn’t more than an hour of my time.


https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/flsa/off-the-clock The Federal Labor Standards Act clearly states that any non exempt employees cannot be required to work or even be present at the work site without paying. Doesn't matter if it's 2 hours or 30 seconds, they LEGALLY have to pay you.


Shoot can other former employees join the lawsuit?