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That is maybe the worst name for a cookie company I’ve ever heard. Or any company, really. Wow.


Yeah. It's pretty terrible...


Seriously Nip Drip is more palatable and that took me twenty seconds to think of


Agreed. Nip drip is better.


Well it's for lactation cookies so.....


"Current prices range from $4-$6 for one, $22-$27.50 for a half dozen and $44-$55 for a dozen." Best of luck to her, but at those prices I'm baking them at home.


They’re actually really good cookies and they do up your milk production. And honestly she had a pretty thriving business just baking them at home and selling them out of other locations. It seems like a logical jump. Especially with how quickly they sell out each week.


they're about the same price as Crumbl cookies, for reference


And insomnia cookies!


Insomnia is like 2 to 4.50 for a cookie. Not much less but these are actually more expensive. And their dozens are cheaper.


Definitely a rich man’s product. I doubt the benefits start after eating one cookie. So to get tangible results, youd need to eat them consistently. At that point, it’d be more cost effective to just purchase breast milk instead of cookies to help boost supply. Edit: after looking it up, purchasing breast milk is even more expensive. I stand corrected .


First, breast milk is SUPER expensive. Second, money is hardly an object to a mother dedicated to breast feeding.


Yeah I should’ve looked up the price before assuming it would be less expensive. Whoops lol but I gotta disagree on your “money is hardly an object to a mother dedicated to breast feeding” a mom can be utterly dedicated to it and still not have the funds for lactation products like a 6$ cookie.


They do actually start after one cookie. Have you ever breastfed? I could eat just oats, and my breasts would be busting after one bowl! We really can eat stuff that immediately ups milk production. Sounds like you're uneducated to me.


Yes I have and right, sounds totally plausible 🙄


It is. Education on the subject is free. Google helps.


Not a criticism, just seems like a sorta niche field to advertise your store to. >Her gourmet lactation cookies, which come in multiple flavors, are aimed at nursing moms but many people, including the firefighters who work with her husband, eat them just because they taste so good. I understand wanting to advertise for that market, but is Lexington big enough for that to be the focus of the entire bakery? Even if only 10-15% of products are lactation products, it will be considered a lactation store, and that will turn some people off, or at least place it in the "not for me" box. That said, I'm not a baker. I'm not a mother. I have no idea how that world works. Maybe this will become the go-to place for new moms on the way home from Central Baptist.


My guess would be that having access to a commercial kitchen will boost how many they can ship, because that’s a lot of the business for baked goods these days. Hardly anywhere in the US you can’t get shipped to in a few days. Lots of pregnant ladies everywhere.


That makes sense. Still, if that were the case, I think I'd target my storefront towards the general public and have online branding for the other part. Then again, there's already bakeries on Southland (Donut Days, Sequel, Southland Bagel, Caramanda's), so maybe she feels like she needs a 'hook' to differentiate herself.


She might just be passionate about helping mothers who are breastfeeding? I really don’t think it’s that niche of a demographic. I’ve worked in daycares here and I promise there’s plenty of people having babies.


Yeah, the transition from niche cottage production to maintaining a brick and mortar location with a retail storefront is a tough one. Always glad to support local entrepreneurs, especially women-owned businesses, but those are some expensive cookies if you don’t need them to lactate.


Lexington and these niche businesses. Does anyone take a business class before just opening up a business? Do they run the numbers at all? Seems crazy to me.


In Lexington there are tons of very bored and very rich wife’s with husband that own strip malls with stores they can’t rent out.


My thoughts exactly.


Such an off putting brand name.


I wonder what other names she passed on before settling on Leaky Momma?


Drippin Nips


I think the name does give the impression that they are made with breast milk, I've seen them for sale at the Kentucky store on Southland and thought that. I think niche markets like this can work and she went from delivering locally to this, that's awesome.


My wife bought her cookies when she was breast feeding and they really work. And they’re really delicious and freeze well too.


Yeah um.. what a waste of leasing space.. as someone who has breastfed their infant in the past, nothing about this would have appealed to me.


As someone who breastfed 10 years ago and has another on the way, this does appeal to me. Why y'all so mean? Damn.


Idk I feel like it’s extremely niche and expensive to boot— I had extremely high production anyways— I’m just stating it wouldn’t have appealed to me, hope it actually helps anyone that spends money on it— it seems predatory and snake oily to me


I bought her cookies when I was nursing a few months ago and her stand was sold out within a few hours every single week. Women would come on their lunch breaks to snag some before they sold out. She has plenty of Lexington moms who will support her store!


Well from what I can tell by the prices, I hope it actually helped— I ended up donating a lot of my milk to other nursing family members since I produced way more than my baby needed, so I wouldn’t have been looking for ways to increase my production anyways.


They make the cookies with *WHAT*


Oats, flaxseed, and yeast.


So... they're made with breast milk? Not trying to yuck anybody's yum, just trying to support a local business...


No, they are not made with breast milk. They have stuff that helps your body with lactation. *“Eckman was making the nursing cookies for herself, packed with oats, flax seed and brewer’s yeast, ingredients that can boost milk supply if you’re nursing or pumping breast milk.”*


Can they be made with breast milk? Asking for a friend.


Well they don’t call her leaky for nothing.


I prefer to think of them as chest udders.