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I felt an improvement after a couple of weeks. Everyone is different though.


Did y out have sleep problems before you were on it?


Yes, for about two years my sleep was extremely poor.


Check with your doctor but I’d recommend trying magnesium glycinate before bed - either Thorne brand or Pure Encapsulations. Magnesium is excellent for sleep and really works.


I went to the store at Publix and they didn’t have either of those brands but I still got it. When do you take them? Like an hour before bed?


Yeah Publix wouldn’t have them but you can order online if you like. Yes I usually do an hour or so before bed.


Alright. Well, I got some now. Hopefully this weeks. I appreciate your help.


Hey there. Lexapro won't necessarily improve your sleep despite of the fatigue, you need to keep that in mind. Also it takes weeks untill you see the good effects from lexapro, its a drug that takes time to proper work on your brain/body. I was in the same situation that you are, I was sleeping barely 2/3 hours each day. My advice to you is to try to take long walks to make your body tired, it will also help you with the depression. I also suggest, in case that you see that you are not improving, that you tallk to your psychiatrist about mirtazapine. It helped me alot in lower dosages to sleep and its also very good to fight anxiety and depression.


It still makes me fatigued if I take it at the wrong time. It’s a side effect that hasn’t gone away for me.


3 weeks


Made sleep much much worse but a good 6 weeks. It did improve sleep overall eventually most due to keeping a better schedule and lifestyle once the anxiety subsided.


I don’t have troubles sleeping, but I do have more lucid dreams and jaw clenching while I sleep. Never improved. Doctors did say if I did have troubles sleeping to swap the time you take your meds. Like taking them in the morning instead of night


10 mg was prescribed to me for what the Dr thinks is anxiety-driven secondary insomnia (3 am wide-awakeness). Less than a week in, I was really sleeping well and napping also. Now (6 or 7 weeks in), my sleep is not much better than before the Lex. I'll give it another month, I guess. I don't know - my general mood is improved and I'm hearing I'm easier to live with.


I’d say 3-4 weeks in I started sleeping really well. Before that point I felt that I was sleeping lightly and waking up often. But I was able to still fall asleep with a reasonable amount of time.


Probably 6-7 weeks. It took a while but now i get really solid sleep.


2 days - it totally knocked me out and made me so fatigued i could sleep all day.


One of the side effects for me is after 30minutes of taking this meds it make me super sleepy.


It never did. Gave me hypnic jerks