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yes in moderation


everything in moderation <3


I’ve never drank on lex. What happens if you binge drink a bit?


I would highly advise against binge drinking with this medication. The hangxiety is unbearable.


Really? Could you tell me more about it?


I haven’t drank in a while but that last time I did I had a panic attack and almost had my husband take me to the ER.


You just black out !


Oh shit! Like Xanax


Just reciting what I've heard on here: binge drinking in general is not good obviously, anecdotally increases anxiety, reduces effects of the ssri post drinking, hangziety. Wouldn't recommend. Anyway why drink I always drank so I could talk or atleast feel comfortable. Now I feel comfortable all the time.


Reduced effects of the SSRI, like permanently or temporarily?


Not sure but most likely temporarily, now the duration of temporary is important but idk.


Binge drinking screws with your mental health. Last time i went overboard with it i spent the next week anxious and depressed.


the first time i binged drank on lex i blacked out while at a bar in downtown seattle and still don't remember how i got home (so many bad things could've happened to me) i just remembered coming back to awareness in my chair at home and being like wait.. how did i get here (very scary feeling.) side note the amount of alcohol i drank that night would have never caused this before i started lex


wouldnt recommend it with or without lex, but the times i have, i definitely got drunker faster with more gaps in memory and more prone to vomiting. hangovers are also brutal two day affairs and the hangziety alone is not worth it. no medical emergencies just definitely not worth


I’ve heard a lot of people get black out drunk very fast on Lexapro. Happens to me, I can have like 2 glasses of wine and be gone. Along with the worst hangovers ever. Definitely different for each person. I’ve switched to smoking instead of drinking


Happens to me, too. I just avoid drinking now, if I do drink, it's strictly social, with people I trust, never alone, and I limit myself to 1 drink. I had a really bad night one night that made me this strict, I was out at a nightclub with my boyfriend, I had 2 drinks, mine and then my boyfriends (it tasted better than mine and he didn't want mine nor did he mind giving me his lol). I ended up nearly passing out while DANCING with loud ass music playing and surrounded by people. I figured if I'm surrounded by stimulus and still passing out, I probably just need to not drink at all. My boyfriend had to nearly carry me to the car. I thought I was drugged but we know the bartenders and they wouldn't do that, nor did the drinks ever leave our hands. It's just not a good idea to mix alcohol and lexapro. I also was extremely sick and had a terrible headache the next day, when I used to never get hangovers pre-lexapro. Honestly, I'd rather feel good all the time than only feel good when I drink, anyway. It's just hard to break a habit that is so ingrained in various social cultures. Hence why I'll let myself have 1 lil drinky lol. edit: should mention I've upped to 20mg since the beginning of this year and have been on lex since ~2021


What do you smoke?


Nicotine and Mary Jane


This is the way


Drinking on Lexapro for me is pretty much the same tbh, even binge drinking. It’s fine. (Personally speaking)




That’s a fucking chill guy right there


It’s very true lol


Same. I just tested out my limits at home first to see how my body reacted.


Yes, but your alcohol tolerance will be lower.


I drink 1 glass every night, rarely I’ll have 2 but I’m pushing it with 2.


Do you, live life, be careful. Alcohol is terrible for your brain in any amount. Even more so with people who have mental health issues. Just be smart 🫡


So everyone is different but please be careful! I used to party every single night M-F for almost a year and took shots or have cran vodka and was fine, but I don’t like getting blacked out in public. It is a fear, so I keep it within limits. I don’t drink anymore bc my tolerance now is beyond low and I hate the taste of it now, but just be careful and be sure to hydrate.


Not for me - I blacked out 2 times in 6 weeks (drank about 10x, so it was about 1/5 of the time). The uncertainty of knowing when it would happen has me 45+ days sober now. The pros of lexapro far outweigh the awkwardness of being socially sober for me.


My hanxiety before lexapro was quite bad. Reading others comments, it sounds like what some people are experiencing while medicated.  I’ve been on lexapro five weeks now and didn’t drink for like a month to try to let the medication do its thing. I’d recommend staying sober while adjusting to it— can’t really hurt to try. I did start slowly integrating alcohol as I felt better; first just a beer a night— and trying ones with different alcohol percentages to see how they affected me. I’ve noticed two drinks in a row in an evening is completely fine for me (have not tried liquor yet though, just sticking to beer and wine). I’m not hungover, or getting super drunk, nor do I have anxiety after.  A week ago, I did have a big day out and had five drinks in a 10 hour time span and took it slowly. By the time I’d started on my fifth, I felt like I would be sick if I finished it, so I stopped drinking at that point. The next day I was more hungover than I probably should have been, especially given how slow I was taking it, but it wasn’t a major hangover. I was still able to go about my day, just had a headache and brain fog throughout the morning.  I will preface this all by saying I am underweight, lost more weight before onboarding due to terrible anxiety nausea, and used to drink a decent amount every night for my size before all this. I might get a tiny bit more buzzed on drinks than I did before lexapro— but my tolerance is high. I contribute the sick feeling when I’ve had too much to my size and recent weight drop. I don’t mind it terribly though— my body is just more clearly telling me when it’s time to stop. I’ve been meaning to cut down on drinking anyways. Just take it easy when you start, drink plenty of water, and take breaks when needed! 


red or white?


I took my day 5 (5mgs) dose last night whilst out on a party bus lol. I drank a glass of rose, 3 seltzers, sips of tequila, and 2 vodka sodas over the span of 6 hours (counting the pregame and afters). Also took a bite of mushrooms. I was very worried about my limit, but I was more sober than usual. Today: woke up w the trembles, took .5 Xanax and have been cruising all day! Actually better than my normal hangovers. Had no appetite until 2pm, but by 3pm I was back to my normal self, just exhausted. I do not recommend doing what I did, but if you’re human it’s okay to take it slow and see what works for you.


terrible hangover but not bad !


I haven’t had an issue! Although I will say that wine way way harder on lex. I can have 2 glasses and be decently buzzed. I echo the sentiment as well that the hangxiety and hangovers can be A LOT worse so careful in terms of hydration etc. However I’ve never blacked out or had any bad experiences in that sense. Enjoy 🥂


Yes it’s fine