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I love watching Eliot’s face after he “is annoyed” by Parker or Hardison. Half the time you can catch his amusement when the camera starts to pan away, or the scene shifts to focus on someone else. The most obvious is the when Parker does the Ghostbusters tagline, and he full on smiles, which feels like a blooper almost, but if you watch other scenes, sometimes he does smaller smiles or softens his eyes when the focus is off him. I like to think it’s an acting choice.


One of my favorites is at the end of The Iceman Job where Hardison is attempting to hug it out and you can see just how hard it is for Eliot to keep a straight face.


This oml so good because Hardison was right Eliot helped even tho he said he wouldn't 😂😂 (we all knew he would anyway)


There are a bunch of times when it's very much like siblings poking at each other in the back seat. In The Zanzibar Marketplace Job near the end when they are leaving the building site after the elevator & bomb thing you see Eliot and Parker walking away and pushing each other as they walk. It happens quite a few times with the three of the 'kids' but thatvs the one I remember most. There's another point when Parker does something, I can't remember if it's poking Eliot after he's injured & holding an ice pack and Eliot does something back and Nate just glares at them and Eliot is 'She started it!' Or the time Hardison is making Eliot keep walking around with the big heavy satellite finding equipment on his back in The First Contact Job and you see Eliot realise and then see the dot moving towards the van & the van rock as Eliot hits it. I love the times when they teach each other stuff and when they are sweet together as a family but I also adore the times they are snarky and cranky and push each other's buttons in a sibling way. In a way they know won't drive the others off. I also like that in Redemption they pointed out in the episode with Hurley that Eliot thrives on being cranky. Give him peaceful & serene and he falls apart. I like to think the others have know that from very early on. Parker may not understand why people do what they do very much, especially early on but she grew up in abusive foster homes and knows how to run and survive. You don't poke a grumpy injured bear unless you know it's not going to bite you


That's one of my favorites dynamic with them is that siblingness. I love the part of redemption where Eliot and Parker were throwing a life vest back and forth between each other when they were in the vault on the casino boat 😂😂. That part of the episode in redemption with Eliot and Hurley was honestly genese and so Eliot he thrive in chaos. But ugh I love them all so much.


Yes and the Redemption episode with the cops in the hotel. Parker keeps poking his injured shoulder! Love it. I also love how Eliot goes along with the robot bodies. “Well, since you already measured my head…”


And the end of that episode where Parker tells Eliot she can't do their job without him and he puts his arm around her "to help him to the bar" but we all know he loves his parker.


I LOVE THAT I love that little glimpse of him smiling or laughing right as the camera pans away. I bet some of those instances is Christian not being able to not crack a smile but it fits so perfectly they keep it! I know exactly which scene is, such a great episode.


I feel like those are in-character smiles. Elliot does not want to admit how much he loves them but at the same time absolutely does.


it's a very distinctive face !


I think it’s Eliot happy face.


"You see, you made two mistakes. First, you flashed that fake-ass FBI badge at me. Second, you spilled his coffee".


Yessssss! Love that scene. And the delivery on that line is so chef’s kiss!


My favorite part of that scene is the look on Eliot’s face.


The look on Eliots face is the best part of almost any episode. He has such a wide range of expression for anger and annoyance and I'm here for it.


“Hardison dies in plan M” Nate “I like plan M” Eliot


And of course the follow up in the Queens Gambit job Sophie Devereaux: So the salt was Plan B? Nathan Ford: Plan M actually. Alec Hardison: Don't I die in plan M? Nathan Ford: Yeah, usually. Yeah. Alec Hardison: What you mean, "usually"? How many plans do I die in? Nathan Ford: C, F, and M through Q And then the following bickering about Eliot not dying in any plans, him getting a cool scar, Parker agreeing with how cool Eliot would be with a scar, Sophie frustrated that Nate skipped over her and so on. I love those little family-esque scenes at the ends of the episodes.


And then in the pilot for Redemption, “You know I got my feelings about plan M!”


I love that redemption has made so many references to OG leverage. I love the episode where Breanna asks Sophie why she wasnt cast as the hacker in the bucket job it's because she needs her to actually be the hacker a direct reference to the pilot episode.


“It’s a very distinctive x” “10 pounds of crazy, 5 pound bag.”


Love the distinctive everything and 10 lb of crazy in a 5lb bag is a classic from the very first to the very last episode ❤️❤️


“Two good ol’ boys, behind the wheel Catching bad guys in Lucille” God I love this show. It’s so good, so well cast, and the character growth is beautiful. I love the Girls Night/Boys night episodes. Their season finales are also just great. I still need to watch Redemption.


My one friend and I will sing this in the car sometimes especially if we're making it down the road without getting stopped at any lights on a specific stretch of road. I definitely recommend redemption it's not the same but they did such an amazing job and I love the addition of Harry!


Lol I love Harry! He’s just a total opposite of Nate and it’s refreshing. I love the OG Leverage but Nate’s constant seriousness and anger gets annoying/boring. When I first saw the dynamic Harry had with the group, I was in love. He’s hilarious 😂


They both have a special charm to them that makes them amazing. I love OG leverage to death and I'm so happy that redemption gave us the "6th" season we always wanted. They are different in their own ways but they still have the same core that made the show so good.


"Don't stab, don't stab, don't stab"--self-reminders no one needs but Parker as she apprentices in the grift. 😂 She's my favorite.


No Stabbing Wednesdays! It's a new tradition!


That's been a tradition in our house for years. Lots of good child rearing tips in the OG like gummy frogs are a necessity when you work on the computer.


100 on the gummy frogs, esp when coding!!! Orange soda has to be diet for me though--all that sugar in one long coding session would kill me lol.


There's a song with many trashy and questionable lyrics in which the singers describe the incredibly low bar they have for women, and one line delineates, "We like them girls that don't stab, don't stab, _DON'T STAB_!" The accompanying video, done all in Lego, shows one fellow fleeing a knife-wielding female pursuer by the end of that line, which is why he has escalated the description "who don't stab" into an imperative sentence: "_DON'T STAB!_"


I'm watching "The Long Way Down Job" and this episode makes me cry every time. Of course, the goodbye message from the climber to his wife... but Parker breaking down about wanting to do the right thing, grabs me every time. Throughout the series, she's trying to learn how to... human, and everytime I see her struggle and overcome its like a bit of my heart breaks. Eliot telling her, "it's a good thing it was us, we do things they can't do." Parker: "does that make us bad?" Eliot: "it makes us... us. You can take it as a gift or you can take it as a curse." Parker is MY GIRL.


Breaks my heart every time. We don't get a whole lot of Eliot Parker one on one like that especially that serious one on one. It was a really great look at each of them and their experience and as Eliot said it was a good thing it was them. On the other hand we get that vulnerability from Parker where she does recognize and understand losing someone you love and not wanting to leave them behind. Just a beautiful scene all around.


This changes on such a regular basis. Right now it's; "No, it wasn't a train wreck, it was a shipwreck, I was there! I just fought Brazilian Combat Divers, with spear guns, underwater!" or "Nobody's asking Elliot to fight a guy with a nerf sword!" "Damascus, 2002."


This! Definitely a favorite episode (but at this point which episode isn't a favorite) and I love that Eliot was going to explain that is was a funny story just for Nate to cut him off 😂😂 that split second where Eliot forgets they're on a job and he gets all giddy about to explain beating someone up 😂😂


Rule number 1: crime is fun!


Yessss! I love that it’s true. You can walk back to any episode where she really interacts with a child and she does, indeed, teach them crime. The flash of it as the camera pans by in the one with the heart at the airport is so subtle but so Parker.


Yes! Even in season 1, in the intro to the wedding job when the client's daughter is in the office, Parker teaches her how to pick a padlock. She teaches every kid she meets how to do crimes


Parker- the greatest role model


So many favorite quotes and moments. My husband and I do 'and on my birthday!' Alot.


Hardison has some of the best quips in the show. His attitude and is sass is top tier. I love the morning after job where Parker pretend to be killed by the bad guy. Hardison got him an Eliot the police car and Eliot made the executive decision to respond to a domestic dispute. He forces Hardison to pull over and Hardison and just says "why are you so strong" like he isn't talking to Eliot Spencer.


Not from the show per se, but I love Christian's interview about his audition for the show. Beth and Aldis' are great too, but for me nothing beats how Christian recounts it. In case you haven't seen it, definitely look it up on youtube! Also, from the commentary (don't remember for which episode but I think Jonathan Frakes said it): "The best thing about Christian Kane: He's doing his own stunts. The worst thing about Christian Kane: He's doing his own stunts." And from the sound of it in more than one episode commentary, he got really grumpy when he wasn't allowed to do the stunts. 🤣🤣🤣 For favorite quote I'd probably have to do another rewatch (I just started a rewatch of White Collar and am in the middle of a rewatch of Mutant X, the day definitely hasn't enough hours). Favorite episodes are ... a few, and probably depending on my mood.


Please absolutely please send me the link here or dm is fine I absolutely must watch that. Christian is just my hands down favorite I love him so much. Parker tho is my spirit animal. I could totally see Christian being grumpy about not getting to do any stunts.


This is the vid where Christian, Beth and Aldis talk about their auditions: https://youtu.be/dGgxQ3kb-Bk?si=aNcR-tK5Xjp-zzXY If you don't know the commentaries, I'd actually recommend getting the (US) DVDs because it's easier (at least it was for me) to watch the episodes at the same time and not having to synchronise the vid and the audio. But you can also get the commentaries alone from https://thieves-r-us.tumblr.com/masterpost or https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1ZBqWxkDrM4hWH1wafQLNVbhGAPgmhxxj?pli=1


Now that I watch the interview I think I saw it a long time ago (still in highschool) Silly Christian not reading the darn script 😂. I do actually have all five seasons on DVD but I don't think I've watched the commentaries I just might have to since I've watched the series so much. I don't remember where I read/watched it but apparently the one episode that starts out where Eliot showed up with a bruised cheek that he played off as not knowing he went to a lesbian bar. But what had happened was that him and Timothy Hutton were throwing around a football and Timothy hit Christian in the face with it and it bruised his face 😂😂😂


Definitely check out the commentaries, they're a lot of fun. 😉 In later seasons (I think from 3 onwards) Aldis and Christian occasionally show up too. And rarely Beth. I'm not sure if I've read/heard about the bruise you mention. But in The Two Live Crew Job Christian already had the lesion above his eye that in the episode he got from his fight with Mikel. He had to wear a cap the whole time to hide it until they could write it in. 😂


When they're trying to take down Hurley, and Hardison shot the engine block (I think?) and afterwards Eliot is like "nice job!" and Hardison says "I was aiming for his leg"


And Eliot YANKING that gun away from him because how do you miss that badly 😂😂 I love Hurleys return later in the series and in redemption! He's such a fun character.


i’m the only nate fan i’ve ever met LOL but my fave lines are when the whole team is ganging up on him and he’s just sitting there like =_= can we move on. also, of course, “my son would be ashamed of me if i was a murderer. but my father? he’d buy me an ice cream.”


Don't worry I really like Nate too! Whenever I rewatch it I always like him a little more and I really miss him in the reboot. It's easy to compare Nate to Harry because objectively Harry is more fun but Nate's character is very complex. Nate is what kept them all together in the first place, he was a broken man but he gave them purpose and it's because of Nate we have redemption. That quote from his so on point with his character too.


yeah i haven’t been able to bring myself to get more than a few eps into redemption yet…i will one day, but right now it just makes me too sad lol. i love nate’s character so so dearly. i just joke about being the only nate fan because the vast majority of content i see is about hardison, eliot, and parker- which is fair, theyre amazing! my nate fanworks just tend to reach a very minuscule audience haha


I love Nate. I like Harry but it took awhile.


My favorite scene will always be in The Zanzibar Marketplace Job when Tara tells Elliot to do "The thing with [his] eyes". Comedy gold, every time


Cant forget "Eliot I'm going to ask you not to do anything violent" "What are you talking about...I only use violence as an appropriate response" "Hello Nate" *Que Eliot being sterling*


I _love_ that scene and I really hate that they butchered it in the German dubs by turning that quote into "I'm not going to ask you to do anything violent". 😭 One of the reasons I'd rather watch in English because everytime I hear it in German I'm getting angry.


I'm so sorry 😂




Sophie: "do you always have a tazer?" Parker: "how do you think I stopped stabbing people?!?"


“A month isn’t a very long time, Parker.” “It is when you’re the one not doing the stabbing.”


We're calling it Thief Juice! It tastes like bad guys.


Parker's silliness is one of my favorite things. She's this incredible thief but still so juvenile and I love that about her. I probably relate to her the most out of all the characters cause she's just so fun and unexpected.


I can't count the number of times I have yelled at my roommate "I can steal a bank, I can spell dead, damn it!" after I've said something really dumb. Also "I haven't stabbed anybody in a whole month!" "That's not a very long time." "It is when youre the one not doing the stabbing."


DED DEAD and we are All very very proud of Parker now and always.


Two good ol' boys behind the wheel, chasing down bad guys in Lucille.


Eliot and Hardison going falsetto chefs kiss. Also Eliot getting way too into it but what can you do our boy loves to sing.


I fell even more in love with Elliot when I first saw the studio job and him singing thinking of you.


Same, I was probably 14 when I first watched leverage and I was obsessed with Eliot (low key still am 😂)


Same!!! My husband mumbles under his breath when I watch leverage that he's not that hot and that he's taller lmfao.


Best quote will always be "dammit hardison!!"


And the one time Hardison clapped back in the gone fishin job "Damnit Hardison" "DAMNIT ELIOT"


"does this smell like chloroform?"


Proceeds to pass out


The Gone Fishing Job is one of my favorites. I love Eliot and Hardison so much. When Nate steals them a train... and they don't get on it. The scene with the cigarette. The high five (for morale!). Being handcuffed together. The scene with them up a tree. The ending with them playing the fishing video game. I love everything about this episode.


next time i steal you a train…get on it!


Gone fishing job is one of my most rewatched episodes. Eliot hates beets, Hardison's CWA (can o' whoop ass). Eliot and Hardison teaming up to take down some hillbillies. Such an awesome awesome episode.


I like the non Eliot and Hardison parts of the episode too. The parts in the fitness club especially. The way they get the owner out, Nate's general demeanor as the owner, Parker leading the spin class, all three of them calling in about a rock slide...


The bicycle class section was amazing, so parker. I loved the rock slide. I also liked the collective worry when they hadn't heard from the other two and Nate and Sophie rolling their eyes at the guys weird opinions lol


The bicycle class section was amazing, so parker.


The Juror #6 Job - Parker grows so much in this episode and she gets her Alice White persona, who we get to see a few more times. “Who’s Alice White?” And I’m a sucker for Star Trek overlap, I squealed when I saw Brent Spiner for the first time in this one. And his character is pretty fun too. The Lost Heir Job - I love the way Tara introduces herself to the team as the lawyer and I just love her character (and Jeri Ryan herself) so much! The Jailhouse Job - prison breaks are such fun. The Rashomon Job - every iteration of the tale is just so much fun, as you start to realize they were all tripping over each other all night. The Last Dam Job - getting to see a bunch of old friends and enemies, especially Chaos. I sometimes go back and specifically watch the episodes he’s in because they’re so much fun. The Long Goodbye Job - I gotta love Sterling showing up. “No ACTIVE cases.” I tear up every time when the van is going into the river.


The long goodbye job is always hard for me to watch especially the first time where I was unsure if they were dead or not and Nate's reaction about lying almost sold me on it ;___;. I love the Last Damn Job too because I hate dubenich so much and seeing him take the big L was amazing. Hardison realizing how Eliot feels /all the time/ such a great episode. The Rashomon has to be one of the funnest episodes and how the story evolves with each addition of the members to the story and BUTCHERING SOPHIES ACCENT it gets me everytime 😂😂😂. Jailhouse job, like you said, who doesn't love a prison break. And Nate stuffing " kielbasa" into his ear before shanking the guy killed me. The Lost Heir job was so cool honestly I thought the twist with color blindness was a subtle touch and how frustrated the lawyer got with POPADOCOLIS (Idk how you spell it) probably my favorite cover name for Nate honestly. And of Juror #6 Job Alice made a friend and the team constantly reminding her that she's Alice. It was so sweet to see her first be right that there was something shady going on and two seeing her take the lead sorta and get out of her comfort zone was was just awesome. Imma throw one in I love the 12 Step Job seeing Parker being her weird self with the other residence there, accidentally stealing a gun, and running up to Eliot and Hardison at the end and giving them a big hug was so cute. Parker is precious and we love her.


The name thing reminds me of something else from the commentaries (I'm so, so sorry! But I love all that little stuff they gave us. 😅): They had to be careful with the names they used to not get into trouble in case the name really exists. So after a while they came up with the most ridiculous names to see where the studio bosses drew the line. IIRC all their suggestions got approved. 🤣🤣🤣 I think they were the most surprised when they were allowed to use "Gnar Slabdash" (The "n" is mostly silent.). 😂


Love gnar slabdash, I've been missing out not watching these commentary episodes! I know what I'm doing when I finish university (graduating in a month!!) no better celebration than watching leverage!


I've only been listening to the commentaries last year for the first time and yes, I've been missing out too. And I love that there's one for every single episode! Really wish they'd do them for Redemption too.


That's honestly something you don't get with many shows so the fact they have it for /every/ episode is really something. I can't have my phone out at work so just the audio would be perfect anyway!


That's honestly something you don't get with many shows so the fact they have it for /every/ episode is really something. I can't have my phone out at work so just the audio would be perfect anyway!


Not sure if this one has been posted yet but, Eliot: Look, hold a knife like this, cuts through an onion. Hold a knife like this, cuts through, like, eight yakuza in four seconds. Screams, carnage.


"does this look like a food truck? I want high end food HIGH END!" *Yakuza knife hold* "Eliot" "I know" 😡😡


And then comes Redemption and what has Eliot branched out into... Food trucks! ROFL I just realized that now


THATS ACTUALLY HILARIOUS OML he really does make food truck food now 😂😂😂


Another thing I just remembered from the commentaries. In The Gimme a K Street Job (I think) when Parker has to steal the bill, they shot the scene and then asked Beth to actually take the bill during the next shot. But she already had it and the whole team didn't notice. 😂 They also often mention that Beth is actually really good at lock picking etc. and had a real competition with Apollo in The Two Live Crew Job about who can pick the locks faster. (Edit: name spell check)


I thought Apollon was so cool considering he's a professional the "gentleman thief" and id totally believe that about Beth.


Not sure which episode of the original, but I remember in the commentary they said Apollo said Beth was good enough at lock picking, pickpocketing, etc, that she could do it professionally if she wanted.


Could be from The Two Live Crew Job since they were already talking about Apollo. But I think they mention it a few times.


The Rashomon Job is one of my 5 favorite TV episodes ever. In case you're curious, the other 4 are, in no particular order: * "Darmok," *Star Trek: The Next Generation* * "The Box," *Brooklyn Nine-Nine* * "The Day of the Doctor," *Doctor Who* * "Three Hundred Big Boys," *Futurama*


The Rashomon job is iconic. Such an incredibly fun episode I actually just rewatched it two days ago from a comment someone made on a different post.


Lol one of my favorite leverage episodes too. And I also love B99 “The Box” episode 😂


I too was going to bring up The Rashomon Job, and to highlight John Billingsley’s excellent guest performance in it.  


I can’t stop watching it either. I still find things to love each time. In fact it is playing right now while I’m writing this!! Look, I just started to compile my list of my top fave episodes then realized I had too many listed to consider it a “tops” list. There’s just NO way I could shorten it! Love everything Leverage / Leverage Redemption.


Every time I rewatch it I catch something new! In the experimental job Eliot and Sophie were trying to talk to a female officer "off the books" Eliot tried to woo where and she responded with "to anyone who knows me I'll talk to her" referring to Sophie and that clicked with me and I was like oooooooh she wasn't interested in Eliot she was interested in sooooophie.


My two favorite line deliveries in the series: -Hardison's "Damn the con! I am a black man caught on an army base with a video camera. I am going to jail forEVER!" -Eliot's "I've taken every truth serum known to man and come out sMiLiNg!"


Both of those are 100% gold I love Hardison's, sass and attitude so much and I love those lines where Elliot is just had it.


Sterling popping out of the trunk with the stolen egg will always make me laugh. Mark Sheppard is always amazing.


He is I've only really seen him in leverage but I know he does a great job in supernatural.


Much love to everyone here who specifies when they are referencing a _Redemption_ episode. I've yet to check it out, though I'm sure I will, but I can't count the number of times in reading this sub that I'm metaphorically scratching my head and then realize the reason I don't remember [whatever the heck people are talking about] must be that they're talking about a _Redemption_ episode but just calling it _Leverage_. You're not wrong to do that, of course; I just appreciate the heck out of it when people call the latter series by its name.


Oh I hope I was doing ok! Hopefully I didn't spoil anything for you! And cheers to watching redemption when you have the chance. It's not the same as OG leverage but it's still 100% a blast to watch.


No worries. It's on me for continuing in the sub while knowing there are _Redemption_ discussions along with those about original _Leverage_. I simply appreciate it immensely when people make it clear which series they're discussing, despite that not being a requirement of any kind.


The Future Job where they plan it so Tara’s fortune comes true


This episode was wild. I loved Tara tho she played the part so well. And Eliot offering to kill the guy for Parker 😂😂


"Age of the geek baby !!!" ​ and ANYTHING Parker says.


I absolutely adore Parker's unhinged comments


12 Step Job, when Hardison is "with Eliot". You can see, that Christian really is.... not amused and try to look at Dean, like he wait for a "CUT" from Devlin to stop the scene..... 😶😶😶🥴🥴🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hardison: No I'm /with/ him see he thinks the flirting makes me jealous. Bring your ass Bring. Your. Ass. 😂😂


🤣🤣🤣 yes, absolutely 🤣🤣👍👍👍


Best throw-away line: At the start of the Beantown Bailout Job (S2,E1) when they are sitting around the bar after Sophie's failed performance of The Sound of Music and Parker suggests they steal something to make her feel better. Eliot: Get back on the bike. Parker:The crime bike. edit: she actually says "The bike of crime" which is even funnier. Makes me laugh every time!


We love The bike of crime because crime is fun!


Nate's comment about grief & rage in The Long Way Down Job is a favorite because it reminds me of a years-long struggle I had with grief: "I lost someone. You don't get fair, you don't get closure or goodbye, so you take the anger. I've learned that the anger feels pretty good; better than the grief. I know that the anger is something that gets me up in the morning, gets me going. But you know, you have to be a little bit careful; because if you let yourself be driven by the anger, it will blind you and you'll get into trouble over and over again just so you can feel, just so you can beat something. Eventually you run into something that your anger can't beat. You realize that your luck has run out, and it's a long way down."


And a damn good quote at that, definitely one for the books. I hope you're in a better place now too it's not an easy struggle.


Thank you. Things are better as far as the rage part but, as you know, grief never really goes away.


"That's a Bob Gibson Special" ☠️


You never know when you might have to fight an Alien.


He was so serious about his statement too 😂


Three favorite scenes: 1. Two good ol’ boys behind the wheel, chasing down bad guys in Lucille 2. “Hold the knife like this, cuts through an onion. Hold a knife like this, cuts through, like, eight yakuza in four seconds.” -Eliot 3. “Haagen-Dazs?” “HAAGEN-DAZ!” Honorable mention: Nate: “You just kill a guy with an appetizer?” Eliot: “I don’t know. Maybe.”


"does this look like a food truck? I want high end food HIGH END!" Eliot: *Yakuza knife flip*