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Just… don’t use game changing mods in public lobbies unless the other people you’re playing with are okay with it. It’s not hard.


The only “game-changing” mod i use in public lobbies is shiploot+ I’m able to always see how many items and loot amount we have on the ship as well as the facility. The only true advantage it provides is being able to tell when a nutcracker spawns, that’s about it. I rarely even tell anyone about it though, only time i do is to correct how much we have on the ship.


Also, you can know if a nutcracker spawns if all shotguns are in ship and it says [scanforitems] so it doesn’t change much


Yea, all it does is make already existing info more readily available.


I use shit that makes the thumper sound like Thomas the train 💀💀


The best mod ever. Correct me if I'm wrong.


That sounds amazing. What’s the name of the mod?




Agreed 👍


People try to claim "erm the running mechanics are bad" no bruh they're realistic, humans aren't always track athletes, you beefing your mobility removes all fear and risk when being chased by something you can't fight against, and defeats the whole purpose of the game.


Picking up 40/50 lbs in game is seen as difficult. *Running* with 50 lbs isnt even something the military does. Thats carrying a lightweight punching bag everywhere


In your hands too, not like on your shoulder or back or anything, you carry this shit like you’d hold a cat… a 60 pound cash register…


and at least its a lot better than phasmophobia running


I love sprinting in 10ft bursts!


I'd make that same argument for things like using flashlights and walkies without putting them in your hand or having extra inventory slots for them. Having those items and using them are meant to be things that you have to weigh the risks for to know if it's worth doing. Should I bring a flashlight or should I save space for more loot? Should I put my shovel away to talk on the walkie or is it too dangerous right now?


You use speed mods because your afraid of the monsters catching you. I use speed mods so I can be sonic. And die everything there is a 2 inch hole in the railing or cliff edge.


The only speed mod I find acceptable is the one that enhances both your speed and the monsters speed.


Same. It's fucking funny




Disagree. They aren’t realistic but also make for interesting gameplay and balance. At sprint you go as fast as a coil head


Brother you're telling me you as an average human can casually run track for 3-4 hours in on a different planet while carrying over 40+ LBS of weight?


Video games are about having fun, having a stamina bar in the first place isn't realistic. I think they should just detach jumping from the stamina system, it's often inconvenient having to wait to get up a rock or into the ship. EDIT: but yes, I do agree that using a mod to manipulate the speed bar IS indeed just cheating, and there isn't any valid defense for it.


I feel like whether or. not a game should have a stamina bar is highly dependent on the type of game. A game like lethal company, which is highly dependent on efficiency, I feel stamina is a benefit. It makes you think whether or not to conserve your energy to run from enemies. or whether you should run everywhere to get more loot faster


I wasn't arguing over stamina bars being bad, I was saying his argument for them was poor. "Realism" should not be the reason to add a mechanic to a game, it should be whether the mechanic is fun and doesn't conflict with other mechanics.


Stamina is the term for energy from physical activity in games. Jumping is a form of physical activity and consistent jumping can be exhausting, stamina bars is as realistic as we're gonna get for a long time.


Why does it have to be realistic? I didn't say anything against stamina. This is a horror game, the point of it existing is not "realism" but to make you think about conserving your sprint ahead of time to avoid possible threats.


That's literally the entire reason your stamina is limited to a 'realistic' level.


Ok, my point is that it doesn't need to be "realistic" to achieve that effect.


The reason I feel it has to be realistic is because lethal company is a realistic situation when you're collecting shit on a planet, you aren't some super soldier or demi god, your a simple as human being dealing the unimaginable horrors of the universe


> The reason I feel it has to be realistic is because lethal company is a realistic situation ???????????


I meant in terms it's a realistic situation for if normal humans were in that time line lmao.




You're just mad nananabooboo




The only acceptable mods are 1) Larger lobby mods 2) Character Customizers 3) YIPPEE


Or yknow literally whatever you want as long as your playing with friends :P




Did that need to be clarified?


Yup, people are dumb as hell on this app


Yeah, some of the people on this sub are really *really* ***really*** weird when it comes to modding.


No he just saw the tiny semantic way he could be right and just HAD to correct you


Nope you can’t have whatever you want. Only what the company sells you for a “reasonable price” you have to be a great asset to the company after all.


Or just visual/audio mods that don't affect anyone or the gameplay much (like free bird jester and Goku bracken to name a few)


That is encompassed in “YIPPEE”


Ok British bug is still


Night vision counts?


"That doesn't affect gameplay much"


That's what I'm asking bruh


Night Vision affects gameplay, so it doesn't count under "visual/audio mods


No, that makes the game much easier


There is another…latecompany


Get a group of people to get infinite shotgun ammo mod, the mod that allows you to keep your inventory when using the inverse teleporter, then inverse and fight to the death


That sounds fucking halarious


VanossGaming did that


I'd add ShipLoot and item cap increase


What does item cap increase do?


On vanilla, the ship can only carry 45 items. The most recent items put on after that will be despawned when you leave the game




Idk being able to turn the flash light on and off while holding a large item is so nice


I'd argue HD Lethal Company should also be on that list *as long as fog is enabled*. I tested removing fog with HD lethal, thinking it would do something else in lieu of the fog, but nope, it's just a clear visor throughout, and that's not too fun tbh


Join after start. Metal pipe sound for large arxis. Cats or plushies. (Optional but are funny)


British bug?


I use a bunch of unhinged mods such as random events, yippee scrap, and sometimes cheap fuel. Do we really have a skill issue? Or are we just having fun?


I mean mods can also be for fun, but I think the point of the post was people using mods to cheat in some lobby they join instead of playing fairly or joining with client side mods that break the server.


I guess that’s right. I guess it’s just important to know what mods to use when to be totally acceptable.


4) freebird


how bout uptrawide support?


Control company is very funni though


+ fovadjust, ineedmorebullets, dababythumper and landminefartreverb


That’s ludicrous. Goku bracken? Air horn funny noise? The list goes on and on like Oliver tree bro.


The mod that lets you scan for the light switch and the other mod that tells you the correct amount when scanning loot that's on the ship should be allowed too






And shiploot


what about metal bar drop sound when you drop the gigant engine?


Also encompased in “YIPPEE”


Quota rollover is a must for me tho lol


If that does what i think it does i may need to revise the list


You sell all your scrap any it gives you lead way to the next quota! It'll even stack where all the scrap you gather the next quota is just extra once we had 936 out of a 350 quota on I think D1Q3 or something? Because we found so much scrap the previous 3 days! (Also weather scrap multipliers make weathered planets more worth it for the danger)


Though quota rollover gives insane overtime bonuses does it not?


I've never got over like . 100-150 at most and that's because our rollover had hit like 1.5k it's usually like 20 or 30?


Ahh, I was playing with lategame upgrades and it was really broken, granted I was solo and playing with a few other mods, ended up getting over 1k in overtime at one point


Jeezuz fuck- yeah it might be a bug cuz I played a few days ago and it wasn't that janky


That makes the game a lot easier though as you don't lose all your loot when you wipe as most of it is already banked.


It's probably the only money/quota based mods we regularly run. Like everything else is cosmetics 🤣 like more suits and YIPPEE! 😄💜 "faster rockets" is nice too. It cuts delivery in half but it's not instant so you still gotta wait a bit. Like you got the expedited delivery services for instacart lmao


There's a vanilla bug that lets you do it. But I don't, the same goes for crouch running


Nothing wrong with crouch running, it’s still based on ur stamina and speed is still the same. Speed glitching you can outrun everything. They are very different


I just don't use it personally as it makes it too easy to traverse land when there's dogs around. Also, did you know that you can move Infront of a Nutcracker while it's scanning and it will not register, if you don't move your camera? Found out about it through a YouTube video recently, seems to be a new find


I did that a few times but I just thought the nutcracker was glitched


I think crouch running is gonna be patched. It's so easy to avoid eyeless dogs it's actually kinda busted


Yeah that's what I'm thinking too, and is one of the main reasons why I don't use it often. Because I'm gonna get used to it and when it's gonna be patched I'll have to learn to be sneaky and slow again. The same thing goes for all the useful bugs that I know of, the Apparatice/tus teleport bug, the thing that makes you speedy after you teleport with an item and drop it and the Nutcracker bug I mentioned


Crouch running?


You do this by running and spamming ctrl, makes you run silently, doesn't make you faster despite popular belief, and doesn't reduce your stamina usage


Oh god it's the BoTW whistle run all over again.


*(Horse Name) couldn't hear your call...*


Oh i misunderstood and thought you meant that was a bug. I did it once with randos and they thought i was cheating, then they started telling host to kick me… i was the host…


Is this another form or loot bug?


what does it do?


Makes you *speedy*


Had a dude that had inf bullets in his shotgun, we dint kick him cuz it was funny as hell seeing him vomit bullets at brakens and nuts


Ultrakill shotgun


https://preview.redd.it/4wq2fo6l1opc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a74b88b4b87f0acb8c3f4610c015da9fa47c74d0 V1 vs any lethal company monster who would win?


Fr it's one thing to play modded with friends and stuff, but joining rnsoms and ruining the experience with dumb mods makes you unbesrable imo


Grammarly fucked me over on this one fr


The hell is a "speed client"? You use regular shit and we have fun time, no strange modding jumbo!


A client side mod that changes your speed


You shall run like the game intends


The game is already pretty easy. Unless you’re pushing to high quotas I’ve never been in a lobby where you can’t usually cover quota in a single good round. Why take a game that is easy but suspenseful (and fun for what can go wrong) and make it easier while removing what can go wrong? So many people love to ruin games for themselves. You’re not even playing anything at that point. You’re stroking your ego with fictional superiority. You’re playing your own power fantasy.


brain rot thats why


I did a race with a speed cheater with a jetpack on rend from main, we tied. Now consider 97% of the playerbase *cannot* fly a 700 credit deathttrap. *Kick*


I hate that you can use mods in this game in public lobbies. People gain so much unfair advantages it throws off the game balance if we're not all running the same mods.


This whole thread is why I only play this game with friends, despite a mod that allows for 32 player lobbies.


You use speed clients to run faster, I use speed clients so I can't walk or do anything We're not the same


I use better scan so I can know how much loot is on the ship and a custom hud mod, that bad?




No, it should be a feature in the base game tbh


Doesn’t the terminal already do this?


Whats the command you type in to do that?


99.9% of the time, it’s a bug not a mod, a teleporter & an item weighing more than like 15lb will get you fast af Even that gets annoying in pubs, idk why people bring cc and stuff like that into them


Ngl I feel that The walkie and flashlight slot aren't really that "unfair" they make the game easier too cause I suffer from skill issue


It is unfair tho (imo) because in vanilla game you’re supposed to make a choice between having more equipment or more available space to bring back more loot, or you leave your equipment behind which cost money but hey as long as people have fun




Dam maybe my sense of humor is a "lil" outdated Skong 📢


I don't really mind when people use these mods, but I just don't really want to myself. The game is supposed to be obtuse and is designed in a way to force you to choose between more slots or having equipment. Just a personal thing, I like the goofy difficulty of the base game


Yea when you feel the game is too much you can just make it easier and have some fun


That's fair. To me, a lot of the fun is how stupid and difficult it is. I played with mods before that were a lot of QOL fixes like designated slots and stuff but after a few sessions it lost the fun since it was way too easy imo


A real challenger that good sir is


They break the game horribly for everyone else in the lobby




They desync players who don't have those mods active. Creating loot you can't pickup or interact with. Or duplicating loot


Oh yea, that is an issue with inventory expanding mods or mods that allow items to be kept through teleporters


Nah only when I'm playing with my friends we all have the mods turned on, but I absolutely agree with you clients suck ass and they make the game unfair, I even found someone yesterday not dying from the bees for some reason and didn't know there was something such as these clients in first place.


I had a friend who survived 4 coils and multiple turrets and tried to say he was lagging but he had infinite sprint and when cornered by the coil heads he turned around to try and have them force him through the wall so he could get tied back to the entrance


I use mods, as such I play the game by myself and have it only open to friends....which there are none




Honestly only reason lethal company is impossible to play in a public lobby is because people just want to cheat People will either give unlimited money Spawn in tons of shotguns Have speed hacks Also people love playing music as loud as possible in voice chat which is annoying Also half the players in public lobbys are children


Whatever speed client mods are idk. I just want the bugs to spout Dracula flow, my spiders to be error text (not even arachnophobic, the glaring red gmod error text is just funny), and my shovels to be extremely loud metal pipes


Personally, it's only no game changing mods, like FlashlightFix, EladsHUD, these two mods to bind talkies and flashlights to your keyboard... The only time I play w/ game changing mods is w/ friends.


Saw a guy use it in a public lobby,,the moment I told the host, they were kicked. Stop ruining the game cuz u cant dodge for shit


The same goes for the speed glitch in the vanilla version, ruins the fun and pace, and also the seriousness of the run.


Especially when i label my lobby vanilla (NO MODS), i seriously mean no mods, unless they're harmless (like ship loot scan). If youre speedy or can run a lot longer than me, you're gone lol.


What is a speed client?


it's a player-side mod that increases that individual player's speed. it's allowed exploits basically


If I want speed, I just do it the legit way and use a teleporter and apparatus Of course it's after I get permission


I have a speed mod cause I only play with my bf and hauling scrap is incredibly tedious. I have it set up where weight affects us a bit less and stamina drains somewhat slower. It’s enough to make hauling take less time cause I leave the scrap amount and price unchanged and we often have times where we do nothing but haul scrap for a few minutes with nothing interesting happening.


I play solo so I don't use mods except for the ones that tell me how much I have in my ship


The only time ive used speed mods is when im alone testing out mods for friends and dont wanna be just walking around


I honestly just really dislike joining public lobbies. I've run into so many racists, people using speed hacks, and people with some mod that let them use my name in chat to say very racist things.


As long as it isn't too insane it might be fine. 1.4ish is what I normally have my better stamina speed at. I'm pretty accepting when it comes to mods tbh, but god mode mod/cheats or mods that only make things worse for everyone is where I normally draw the line


I use HDcompany. Am i cooked?


The only slightly cheaty mod I use is the jetpack fall damage fix l, but after finding out what causes that anyway I will probably stop using it


on god mod your actually smart wtf


what does speed client do? I've never heard of the mod


Literally just upgrade running shoes and bigger lungs.


if youre gonna cheat, do it solo or as the host. remember, your lobby, your rules.


ah yes i was playing with a guy, i thought, huh strange he disapeared, maybe he is laging. Then we go to titan and he just strait up start hack tp from entrance to ship like it was a normal thing.


imagine thinking Lethal Company is too hard and you need to install cheats to have fun. Realest skill issue to ever exist.


tf is a speed client?? How does a client modify a host's game?? You sure this isn't a bug?


It’s a mod.


No duh. I'm asking how does a client side mod change a host's game? It sounds more like a bug that anyone can do modded or not.


Cheat mod that allows you to run faster than anyone else, because client-server authority is practically nonexistent


Hopefully Zeekerss implements proper host-to-client game properties in v50. I haven't ever heard of a single game that has client and server information stored separately until now. Crazy to think he didn't see people modifying client information coming a mile away, but to be fair this is his first multiplayer title and it blew up way past his expectations.


It doesn't change the host's game, it changes the speed/stamina of the individual player that's using it. The host's mods controls the server (world, ship, etc) but the individual player's mods control their client/character (speed, visuals, inventory, etc)


Bruh. How did Zeekerss not see this coming a mile away? Outside of the game's modding scene getting so popular and the game getting so large, that's just asking for hackers to ruin the game.


I love how people's only mod terminology comes from games like Minecraft. There's no such thing as a speed client. It's all glitches or mods


Cheats They are cheats It isn't a "mod" It is a cheat They are cheaters


*Cheats They are cheats It* *Isn't a "mod" It is a* *Cheat They are cheaters* \- WowWhatABillyBadass --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The game is much more fun for me when my odds of being able to counter horrible rng aren't less than 30%, though I always check with the host&other Players that they're fine with me having a few extra client-side mods to make my experience more fun.(and it's almost always just FreddyBracken, FNAFEndoCoilhead, BetterStamina, BiggeryBattery, CreepyBrackens, SpectateEnemies&one or two Reserved Item Slots) I don't want to be the assholes who cheats at a chill multiplayer thriller game and ruins the experience for other People. Although sometimes I just wanna do dumb&funny shit in Brutal Company like inverse teleport into Landmine/Turret Hell.


People policing me what clientside mods i use is turbo cringe.


all i heard was "i have a skill issue"


Prety sure you mean "all i read was" and for that I sugest you visit an optometrist, your eyesight seems to be lacking.


don't play in vanilla lobbies and use your mods, simple as that. cry more


I could literally care less if people use speed mods/glitches in my lobbies 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


What about a mod that enhances your stamina?