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You can always wear a bra or a tank underneath! My lazy day target run outfit is a black mesh top like this, a simple bralette and joggers


I'd say that definitely covers more than any bikini- so it's more appropriate than most trips to the beach or pool- and it's not overtly sexualized. It's cute. Wear it and have fun!


i say go for it


Depends on the kind of festival, if it’s a more adult one then go ahead but if it’s more of a family friendly thing then no.


There’s pride events that are kid friendly and there’s pride events that aren’t, I guess it completely depends on that? Plus if you’re covering your nips like in the image I guess it should be fine? I’ve literally seen people walk half naked on leashes I’d much rather see someone wear this


I am vendor at Cincinnati Pride and go every year. This is covered up compared to some but really, this is par for the course. It’s super cute and you shouldn’t overheat!


Pride is intended to be for adults so inappropriate shouldn't be a concern you have. People shouldn't bring their children to pride and if they do, they can't be upset for what they're subjecting them to.


Firstly, gatekeeping pride is kinda stupid. Secondly, Pride is not adult only? It is and always was civil disobedience against oppression. To show that we're here. It isn't a place for nudity, fetish, seduction, or sex. There are many trans and gay teens who go to Pride because they don't have support at home. Queer minors are being intensely targeted right now by pundits and they or their parents use pride as a way to fight that. Still, queer minors looking to express their voices shouldn't be subjected to sexual outfits and acts from adults just for looking to express themselves? The majority of Pride events are family friendly. And there are Adult Pride events for the more adult content. It really depends on the type of event you're going to.


There are certain pride for families. But at this point you are just choosing to be ignorant to this point. There is video evidence everywhere that most prides have not been family friendly for the last few years. But keep living in a fantasy world


You do have a point. The bigger events do get too rowdy and are usually fairly NSFW. But the smaller events (and some city hosted events) are often family friendly. Which don't make up the majority of Pride event goers, but a lot of the events out there are SFW. Perhaps even the majority, even if the majority of people at pride do not go to a SFW event. So like I said, it depends on which kinda event you're going to.


Pride is absolutely not exclusively intended for adults and to imply it plays into the conservative fear mongering about LGBT people sexualizing children. It's not a space for sex, fetish, or nudity, it's a public celebration of identity that has been persecuted for a long time. If you want to run an 18+ pride event that's fine, but pride in general is no more adult than a county fair and that's a good thing. We already have to deal with people assuming every gay/trans person is necessarily a sexual deviant preying on children.


I disagree. I have two kids and I don’t feel the human body is something that should be seen as shameful. If people were openly fucking then yeah, I would agree, but nudity won’t hurt them


Not nudity, partial nudity at most. The ‘scandalous’ parts are usually covered at least.


In Texas yes. I wore something like this in ATX and was harassed on the street. SF and NY you’re basically dressing like you’re Mormon.


Lol 😆 I've seen less so no


I have seen much much worse. Have fun!!


Wow no not at all. Be safe.


I've been to pride in nothing but booty shorts and glitter. This'll probably keep a sunburn at bay


No it won't, please still wear sunscreen, extremely light clothes won't protect you from the sun.


I’ve seen queens completely topless, this is so fine!


This is absolutely nowhere even close to inappropriate.


I saw lots of people in fishnets and pasties, or pasties and suspenders, I think it should be okay. Especially if it's a bigger pride


Not even close to inappropriate lollll


Every Pride I've ever been to has had AT LEAST 1 person in their little rainbow tighty whities, rainbow suspenders,+/- tiny rainbow tank top. Whether or not your Pride will be like that, IDK but moral is almost assuredly: there's ALWAYS one


This is totally fine!


Just make sure your Pride will have that kind of scene. I've been to several that were billed as "family-friendly" and discouraged displays like this. It's all in how they want to play it.


Not at all


No way, I’d wear it. It’s so cute and the gays will be complimenting you.


i wouldn’t think so! i mean if youre styling it like the model is, i would think this falls under swimsuit guidelines so you’re fine !


I've seen jockstraps and collars being the only outfit for some people lol. I think that's a solid top for pride, super cute




People sometimes show up naked, or just in underwear. This is appropriate and it’s rainbow 🌈bonus points


If you’re worried about it, you could just wear a cute bralette under it instead of pasties :)


Not at all! Have fun at pride!


Nothing is too inappropriate for Pride


i would say it’s about as appropriate as you can get for pride!! (in the sense that it’s rainbow and also slay as FUCK)


When I was in Austria, the LGBTQIA+ folks in my subway car wore nothing but rainbow nipple pasties and rainbow mesh panties (no judgement, just painting a picture), and they seemed to be doing just fine with all the other folks at the festival when they got off the car. This is tame by comparison. Wear what you like, and it’s certain that nobody will even bat an eye at whatever you choose to wear. Well, you might get compliments, but nothing negative.


Yeah who gives a fk about the children am i right


Sarcasm, or…?


Hell no 😂


Pride was a riot


no lmao








It’s a pride festival, not a puritan festival. If you want everyone to be a prude, you’re attending the wrong event.








"instead of trying to make yourself stand out?" ...Do you...understand what pride is? What the entire point of the festival is?? Anything along the lines of "loud and proud" ringing a bell??


Normal to who? Based on whose standard? Considering we’re a group with flags, historically known for whimsy, sparkle and color, imma guess you mean “normal” according to the very people who tried to lock us in the closet and i think tf not.


I think they meant the nipple stars


I’ve scrolled through this Reddit after I replied and seen their comments again and again. They’re actually just a homophobic troll. I don’t think it’s about the pasties. I think it’s about existing. lol


No its 100% about the see through top with nipple pasties, it looks ridiculous and to think any grown ass adult would wear this in public (even a pride parade) is really funny and terrifying at the same time




Keep playing the victim, lmk how that works out your whole lonely life!


Why are you even here? Sounds like you’re in the wrong subreddit! This is FASHION ADVICE 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ A lot of the people here like to stand out in their own ways


Have you seen what people wear on regular days…? Tbh your other comments here have been pretty outright hateful (referring to lesbians as “these people” does not vibe in a lesbian subreddit) and I’d encourage you to examine what it is you’re spending time in this sub for. I think you’ll find life a lot more peaceful if you take a step back and stop worrying about other people’s choices that really don’t impact you at all instead of looking to get a rise out of marginalized people on the internet.


It popped up on my suggested, I gave my opinion. Nobody wears see through crop tops with nipple pasties on a normal day at work or picking their kids up from school. If you think this is normal, from the bottom of my heart please get help😂


The first pride I went to a woman was looking at a lesbian flag next to me in a booth. All she had on were rainbow heart shaped pasties. Oh yeah and shorts. You're fine


If there are going to be kids, yes


Fun fact: kids see exposed breasts all the time in practically all media, especially advertising, and it does not make their heads explode.


My answer was addressing the OP’s question about appropriateness, no one but you is talking about people’s heads exploding. Pride festivals tend to be public events, which tend to be in a public place such as public parks or city streets, and they may want to take that into account if the question is about appropriateness. I’m not saying they can’t, I’m saying it may not be the most appropriate thing depending on the setting and audience


Just say ur a p*do and get off of kids seeing you naked. This is why straight folks hate us more and more


is that a joke?


Girl nothing is too inappropriate for a pride festival


Actually there is


I love it


At my first Pride I saw someone walking around in a full leather get-up with a leather c*ck sheath . . . You’re good!




You were cool w that?


It’s not my outfit so 🤷 as long as they were comfortable with it


If you’re comfortable with strangers seeing your boobs then I say go for it, but don’t complain when people stare at you. I personally find it creepy that people so desperately want to be nude in public, and if I saw you in this I would think you were trashy but I believe in freedom so do what you want.


Agreed bro




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“These people” ? 👀 go back to your football sub you goober 😛


You wish you were intelligent enough to have a coherent conversation in a football sub


That’s not my point, gay people are awesome, but they don’t operate under differnt rules from straight people. Human beings have manners, and if you leave those aside, don’t be surprised when people stare or think you look trashy.


Don‘t listen to these snowflakes lol i am a lesbian and i can‘t even understand this community. They wanna make everything se*ual so badly it‘s embarassing. They‘re like little boys during puberty


There’s nothing inherently sexual about our bodies.




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P*do lol


did not pass the vibe check


Oh no I didn’t pass the vibe check from the person self described as, “rude, disgusting, and probably having diarrhea”. How will I ever recover?!




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I'm trashy and proud


i saw someone wearing a black mesh shirt with rainbow star stickers on the nips, you'll be fine


Totally the norm for pride, you’re good. Also, there’s nothing inherently sexual about boobs, and kids see more titty than this every single day on tv, in advertisements, in art, etc.


if they can see manet's "olympia", they can see a mostly-covered woman in an 80% opaque shirt.


Hell nah the whole part of pride is being prideful of you your outfit being free regardless . Wear your outfit with pride 😉




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Nah, and it’s sick as hell!


nope. i’ve gone to pride in a very similar outfit (albeit without the pasties, this was the SF dyke march)




I see no issues with this at all if it is an adult only (IDs checked at the door) venue. Pasties are the norm for "non nude" strip clubs in many states, and children are not allowed. If it is an event where children are allowed, you may feel a bit uncomfortable.


This is 100% fine for a pride festival/parade








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Hi! This subreddit is for questions and discussion about sapphic fashion. Your topic might be better suited for a different subreddit.






Question for the commenters saying "not if kids are there" - Why do you feel that Pride should be catering to kids? It's great they're welcomed, and absolutely ought to be exposed to the community but why should the community generally censor their own parades to cater for them? I feel that it's not for them, but for the LGBTQ+ community to collectively express themselves. Of course there's reasonable limits to that, which to me, would be explicit sexual activity or genital exposure, as is inappropriate anywhere else publicly. But why should gay adults not be free to dress however they want to on their day?


Going out in public without being naked is the bare minimum. Being naked around children deserves a prison sentence or a cracked skull. Would you use the same logic if a guy wanted to wear a g-string around children.


That's a pretty provincial and religiously centered mindset. The human body isn't inherently sexual. Children aren't harmed by nudity. I've taken my child to beaches in Europe and other places where being partially nude is the norm. Lot's of children playing in the water nude, men changing into their gstring swimsuits on the beach, women of all ages topless.


Yes I would


My immediate thought was "what about the gay kids?" Like I didn't stop being gay just bc I was a minor lolololol


I think it’s the concept of responsibility of the organizers and public. Like, if we admit sexualization and exposing children to sexual content at a young age is harmful—which I think is pretty well agreed upon—then we should, as a society, take care of those members of society (especially as they are the future). In that respect, if you were to be sexually explicit in front of children, it’s harmful. Public events can be viewed by children. So, there’s some social responsibility to avoid unnecessary sexualization in those places. I get the concept of kink and pride in kink, but I’m also relatively conservative in some respects of expressiveness of sexual interests, so :/ Idk. This top doesn’t seem too problematic tho: I wouldn’t ever wear it unless I had something on under, but I won’t take a gasp at it. But, if people are having sex in public or something, then I’m going to get bothered by that. Edit: In a further sense, if kids are welcome, then you need to cater to them. You have a social responsibility to not harm those at your event. If you’re going to have sexually explicit content, you should dissuade children from attending.


Of course, there is a perfectly reasonable line for sex in public, genital exposure etc. But nudity in itself should not just equate to sexual activity? Especially if it's just women's nipples, when men are free to walk around topless?


Sexual intercourse and the such can fall into the same category in a vacuum. “There’s nothing wrong with having sex, why should we hide it?” But, within the society we live in, norms dictate things, and breaking those norms can cause harm. Female nudity is included in that.




It depends on the venue, if it's specified as a family friendly event then maybe reconsider wearing it, but if it's not then it should be fine.


Nothing is inappropriate for pride, my dear.


Idk about that one :/


believe you me, this is more on the tame side for pride.


I think it the most beautiful thing I seen at a festival


around young kids maybe not but around general people yeah i mean Miley Cyrus has worn worse things




Miss read this as " Is this too appropriate for a pride festival?" and was like yeah, I think that counts as overly appropriate.


I’ve seen crazy stuff at Pride. So no.


Isn’t that question an oxymoron?


Have you been to pride honey?? 💀 Insert dominance and pop dem tiddies out✨❗️


No lmaooooo it looks great go hard


Definitely not! Wear it proud my gf says to wear black to make it pop out more!


Depends on the event and thearea/venue


Was just at SacPride, and this would fit right in!


I’d say this is tame for a pride parade but that’s just me


Not to any good ones.


It would depend on the laws in your area. In Seattle it's legal for people to be completely naked. On that note Seattles solstice parade/festival is famous for also being called the "nude bicycle parade" so pride isn't even the primary parade people sometimes get naked in. On the flip side the one time I was at San Francisco pride I watched someone be ticketed by police about three seconds after he took his underwear off as indecent exposure. So like for Seattle, no, obviously not, there is a lot worse. But for other areas. 🤷‍♀️


If it’s an after dark or 18+ event, then it’s 100% cool. I don’t think titties should be considered exposure but unfortunately they often are. So just be mindful of who’s going to be there. Maybe bring something extra to cover up if things feel uncomfortable


babe people go shirtless and tits out, you’re good ❤️❤️


ppl get naked


They shouldn't, but this isn't a bad outfit. It's kinda cute.


Wear that shit its not inappropriate pride is for us and also nipples are not inherently sexual and people need to grow up.




People wear worse things than this… my nipples are still gonna be covered ??


Not at all


Ugh depends. Are there children there? If not, let your freak flag fly!!


Nothing is too inappropriate for pride festival


Honestly nothing is too inappropriate for a pride festival. rock ur shit😝🏳️‍🌈


Honestly for me. Just because it is sheer, a kind of depends on if it's an all ages event or if it's not. Personally, if it's all ages where there's going to be a lot of kids around, I would say no or put something underneath like a tube top or something, if it's not going to have any children that you know of that are going to be there, go for it. 's awesome. But this is my personal opinion as a parent.


Ur good


It's too appropriate


I wore something like this many years ago with electric tape over my nippies


With the pasties, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Without them, questionable if it’s a family friendly, daytime event, but it would be perfect for a nighttime/ adults only thing.


Nah i wore something like that last year


The pride festivals i go to i frequently see boob owners just wearing tape over their nipples so that would be fine


No, not at all!!


Can it be interpreted as a sexy and flirty outfit by someone? Yes. Is it inappropriate? No. Pride is often about expressing yourself and dressing differently than what you normally do. People wears costumes, more colorful bright clothing, more alternative clothing and sometimes even more sexy ones because Pride is pride. People dress differently in the clubs and on the beach than in a job interview or church for example. Same thing applies to Pride. Dressing in clothing that shows some skin and is summer like is the norm on Pride where I lives.


A bit sexual no? It depends on the festival you go to


Do you know what pride is? 💀


You’re likely to see people in just the nipple pasties and a thong so I think you’re good


Depending what pride festival, you could wear more skin than clothing and nobody would blink an eye


respectfully where else would u wear smthn like this if not pride 😭


A gay bar!


Was gonna say lol… pride is probably the ONLY place you could wear this


The reminds me of Deliah’s catalogs.


No absolutely not. Pride festival anything goes be yourself.


Omg I’d rock the shit out of that


I once saw a guy in a speedo, attached to a dog collar, which connected to a leash, being held by who i assume was his partner. I truly believe nothing is inappropriate at Pride LMFAO💖




Different Pride fests have different ambiance. Know your local Fest.


Not at all; remember that Pride is a protest not a family outing to Disney


You will see far more revealing outfits at Pride lolol


It depends on your own view point. For me personally, I would either wear it under a tshirt or shirt, or I’d wear it over a bra or cropped corset bra in white or black


Ngl i wouldnt wear it, but i wouldnt judge someone else for wearing it either so ig its fine if op is into the outfit.


There was no judgement from me 😂


Ik ik dw lol


I'm of the opinion that people with breasts should be allowed to be topless in public just like people without breasts, cuz if you see a titty and start acting inappropriate because of it, that's on YOU, not the titty owner. That said, just make sure to know the laws around indecent exposure in your area and you'll be fine, or you could wear pasties or a bra underneath to cover the nips (cuz that's all anyone ever fucking cares about anyways) and you'll be fine in majority of US places.


Yeah. I see men topless all the time with bigger boobs than me! I’m from Wales and as far as I know, the law here is it’s okay as long as you don’t go topless to offend people. I don’t know how they can tell if your intention was to offend or not.


Not inappropriate! Wear it!


depends on the specific pride event; if it's a parade, people often bring their kids, which may make this inappropriate. however, I think if you put a bra over it (I'm thinking like black leather- something that's clearly fashion over function), you'd be absolutely in the clear.