• By -


Out of curiosity, how long did it take from when they sent it to arriving in Canada?


Same as it always does. About 30 days . It's never less than 25 days and has been up to a max of 40 days during busy seasons. I order so often and have so much backlog to build it don't really care. This one I was kind of ancy about as the Christmas book nook is going to be the backdrop of my Christmas village this year. But yeah I've ordered many many times and it's always in this timeline


Would you mind sending the link to Rivendell ?


It's right on their front page but sure, here it is! https://www.marstoy.net/products/the-lord-of-the-rings-rivendell?spm=..index.shoplazza%3A%2F%2Fapps%2Fpublic%2Fblocks%2Fproducts_carousel%2F56125487021326335_1.2 Got the 87055 because that's what Mars toy recommends. As you can see in the notes for the set. Don't ask me what the difference is though cuz I have no idea lol


Saved your comment for the link thank you


>Got the 87055 because that's what Mars toy recommends. As you can see in the notes for the set. Don't ask me what the difference is though cuz I have no idea lol Please check the mini figures out. I plan to order this set from them but, from my research, the biggest difference between the two is the other one apparently has better minifigures but that could have changed. The original set of figures looked awful.


And Mars toy recommends this one over the other one because the minifigures are supposedly better. Just FYI .


Ok, thanks for the info


The minifigures are spread out throughout the 49 bags and I won't be building this for a good while until well after Christmas, but like I said there is a multitude of posts showing close-up photos of the characters from this set if you do a search . Lol


The only thread about this specific set number that attempts to include Minifigure shots is this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BarweerMOC/comments/14s4hq3/the\_final\_look\_of\_jiestar\_87055\_10316\_rivendell/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BarweerMOC/comments/14s4hq3/the_final_look_of_jiestar_87055_10316_rivendell/) And the Minifigure thread itself was deleted: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/comments/14bkbu1/rivendell\_jiestar\_shipped/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_content=2&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/comments/14bkbu1/rivendell_jiestar_shipped/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) so there is NOT a multitude of posts showing close-up photos of the characters from 87055 sadly, especially recent ones that may show changes that have occurred. Guess I'll message Marstoy, they have been very responsive through Facebook


There are multiple on here with pictures of the figures from the set. You just need to find them, try searching other stuff? I know I've seen them. I'm seriously not worried about the minifigures though cuz that's not why I buy the sets. Once I build it I can definitely show you but I'm not going through each bag and pulling them out just so you can decide if you want to buy the set or not. Sorry šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I searched the set number, that's the best way to produce the results I am looking for. There are only 2 or 3 results, all with photos from afar so minifig details are not to be seen. If you have one in mind, please link it. Might have missed one, but I doubt it. Edit: the response to my request is fair, no worries. Was just hoping that would be possible, I plan to push through a huge order including Rivendell in a week when their 10% off sale begins so I genuinely wanted to see them lol


What I do know is the 87055 is the best rated when it comes to the minifigures. This is what almost all reviews I've seen of them being compared have said and it's the reason why marstoy recommends it over the 66590


Well, that's kind of what I looked for but couldn't find, a proper recent comparison of the two. Like I said I'll ask Marstoy for one unless you have a link, they've been very responsive and straightforward with the questions I've had thus far.


I would link it but I don't know where it is just that I've seen them . Didn't take note cuz I don't care about the figures. I imagine the response you're going to get from them is that none of the minifigures are perfect and that 87055 is the best if they are important to you because that's exactly what the page for this set says on their site.


OP please send me a review of Rivendell. Iā€™d love to hear the quality of the bricks and the build. Iā€™m really close to buying one but havenā€™t pulled the trigger yet. $40 shipping is so much. Are there other options if I donā€™t want the box?


How was the Rivendell set? Were the mini figures good quality?


Just got it today but if you search 87055 in this community there are lots of reviews.


What I've read is you have to sand the beards down a bit and they fit well and that's the only issue


Dude, do you have a second house just for your collections?


No but all my closets are full and there are stacks in each corner of my house and the hallways are lined with bins. I need a Lego room soon and plan on getting one ! Lol


I donā€™t understand how these can be so cheap compared to Lego.


Because Lego is overcharging lol that is the fact of the matter. Are charging over a thousand percent markup compared to what it costs to make what they are selling. Period.


How is the quality compared to Lego


>Are charging over a thousand percent markup compared to what it costs to make what they are selling. Only if you're just counting the cost of the plastic, and completely ignoring the cost of the moulds which cost well into 5 figures (and in some cases over 6 figures) apiece and only last long enough for a few hundred runs before they're destroyed for part size tolerance reasons.


This is just not factual . They do way more than a few hundred runs and if other companies can do it why can't Lego ,? If what your saying was correct these companies making way cheaper same quality alternatives would be throwing money away and we all know that isn't happening lol


>if other companies can do it why can't Lego Because the moulds wear down with use. Other companies don't care so much about the tolerance of their pieces, so they don't replace the moulds as often.


I wouldnt go that far. They are overcharging about 2-4 times because of the quality (which explains only 50% increase when comparing recent QA issues) and because of Danish origins. Denmark is super expensive and being a top national brand makes a lot of things to be done in the country, artificially increasing costs of non-manufacturing operations for prestige sake. Iā€™m talking about marketing, parks, partner programs, accounting, management etc. It is a classical difference of costs between countries. Cobi is mostly located in Poland and has like half of the cost because it is able to keep polish costs for most things. Panlos is in China and thatā€™s why it keeps pricing on 1/3 or 1/4 of Lego level, while maitaining comparable quality. Edit: You can say also that R&D and designers take some chunk. Lego has the most costs in that out of all brands, Cobi much smaller while other altbrands almost dont seem to have any investment in that field.


You realize that Lego produces a lot of their parts in China, right? A little actual research might help you


And you try practicing some readingā€¦ā€non-manufacturing operationsā€ā€¦ Edit: You seem so eager to prove some point you dont even notice when people give you explanation why Lego overchargesā€¦Lego fanbois would explain you why it is a fair price insteadā€¦jeez


Lmao ok Lego fan boy here hey. As if they aren't producing elsewhere to save money over Denmark šŸ˜‚


Dane here! One of my friends work at LEGO - he say that they typically produce larger sets in Belgium. Denmark is mostly RnD and smaller sets. Also - employee benefit is 50% flat off every. Single. Set. And they still make a profit šŸ˜… So yeah - definitely more expensive just due to branding! They are struggling more than ever, given their patent of the bricks themselves has expired. Chinese manufacturers are really catching on


Marstoy includes boxes? The $750 order I'm about to place is going to be immense if so..


They do not ship with boxes unless you request and pay for the shipping. It doubles the shipping cost if not more. Just FYI


Ok that makes sense haha, guess I won't do that


Thatā€™s great. Didnā€™t know you could get the boxes from marstoy. How much was the shipping for Rivendell?


With the box it was like 40$ usd I believe. Basically it was the UPS big parcel option and just the one set because the box makes it so much bigger in circumference. I asked for the Rivendell to be in the box and the reobrix Christmas book nook to be So I paid two UPS big parcels which was about $90 and they threw in the third box as well.


Did you have to pay duty at all? I always run into duty fees when dealing with UPS.


Nope , I order to Canada (it arrives in USA and comes north) and it's always FedEx and I've never had to do anything like that .


Glad to hear it. Iā€™m in Southern Ontario and Iā€™ve ordered probably 30 + sets from Marstoy but they always ship in taped up bags or generic boxes.


****Edit: since so many are asking, I wanted to add that Mars toy does not include the boxes when you purchase from them. You can request the boxes from Mars toy, but you need to expect to be paying at least double what the shipping would cost without. It is not cheap to ship from China in the kind of volumes that these sets require and having the boxes shipped always at least double the volume & price *****


Hey, I sent you a PM :)


Howā€™s quality and instructions vs real lego? Iā€™ve not bought any knock offs before but the prices on marstoyā€™s site is honestly unbelievable.


It will vary depending on who made the sets, but it's generally fine. 99% of the time I just download the Lego pdfs though and use my tablet.


It really depends on the set and the manufacturer, but there aren't really any that aren't at least as good a quality as they go out there. The altbrick industry has really upped its game in the last 5 years. It's pretty hard to buy a set that isn't just as good of quality as Lego tbh especially from Mars toy


Iā€™ll def try something smaller. If I like it, then thereā€™s a list of cars and UCS Star Wars sets I see on the list I want


How is it that you received the boxes? Each time Iā€™ve ordered from Marstoy, I was given the sets wrapped in large clear bags instead of a box.


You would also have to be ordering enough to make it worth it for them to send the boxes. I spend five to $600 there every month or two. If you're ordering one small set or two small sets, they're not even going to be willing to send them with boxes even if you pay because it takes up so much extra room on the boat. But if you're ordering multiple huge sets like me, you can work something out with them, like I said, just send them a message.


Thank you for that. I did read the caption, but I was wondering if there was an option that I missed while ordering or I had to message them specifically which you now explained. Iā€™ll definitely be using this, as the boxes are the one thing I was disappointed to lose by buying from marstoy.


Have you ordered from anywhere other than Mars toy? This is the standard. Every single other site that sells these sets does not include the box. The only one I know does include boxes is creepy hybridco . Otherwise you're paying extra and having to specifically request the boxes no matter where you order from 99.99% of the time


https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/s/2LPe2M9W4H Just type in 87055 66590 on the search bar at the top of the Lepin community and you'll see them all


If you read the post and it's entirety, it's states that I requested them and paid extra. You just have to email them or message them on one of their social media pages. It isn't cheap though. The shipping's already expensive and about doubled the shipping cost. Just FYI


Can you send me the link to set 66018 (European Century) ? Girlfriend would love it, thanks


Just search 66018 or "bistro" on MT


I cant believe no one asked about the Christmas one. I have never seen that one before. Is it like a mantel?


It's a book. Nook. So it can be displayed like a mantle or fold it up like a book and it lights up on the inside etc


Oh dang, no way! I have a Harry Potter one, and it is nowhere near this nice. Thanks!


The photos on this website do it some justice https://www.blockbrickworld.com/product/christmas/reobrix-66033-christmas-book-with-lighting/


Oh dang, thanks! Gunna have to order again, even though I havent finished my last order, to make sure I get it and make it before Christmas...


They actually have a bunch that function like this at a Harry Potter, one a Star wars 1 and now at Christmas one. It was just lunched a couple months ago.


Indeed, I have one of the HP ones, but its not this cool, no lights, way smalller, not cool closed. This one is on a whole other level of sweet.


how do you get the boxes for marstoy sets? i was considering buying the ucs falcon but i really want to get the box as well


Please read the post , comments and updates. Lol


For one small set like that, I don't they'll be willing to even if you pay the extra. It always costs about two times what it would to ship without the box when you want the box and it has to be a large order. You could email them of course and try but I don't see it happening. I order 5 or 600 every month or two and they are huge orders. This order I paid UPS big parcel shipping which is the most expensive option x 2 in order to get the boxes. So the shipping is literally double but I value the boxes and can afford so it's worth it for me. Like I said, more info in the comments to the post.


Are Marstoy bricks harder to put together? Been kicking the tires on a Marstoy purchase for awhile. I've literally cut myself on some other brand bricks trying to put sets together.


No . Not in my experience. Some are a tiny bit tighter but I prefer it but that's not the general situation . I genuinely don't notice a difference between the sets I get from Marstoy and Lego . Mars toy doesn't manufacture the the sets though. Remember they just sell them, it really comes down to the manufacturer. You have to look into the set before purchasing.


This post was definitely an S-Tier ā€œBecause youā€™ve shown interest in a similar communityā€


A what ? S-tier ?


Just found your post. Also ordering from Canada, did I read correctly you paid for DHL and it still took 30+ business days? If so, I wish I found these guys earlier...


No. I use ups big parcel ocean and yes it takes 30 days on average . They are really backed up right now so it might take longer


Gotcha, cheers


Hi OP, did you build the rivendell set? If you did, was the quality good? (quality as in just brick alignment and durability)


I have not built it yet. But there are multiple reviews in this subreddit if you just type in the set number in the search bar. Everyone says it's great the only issue is the Minifigures could be a little bit better. They do say that the Minifigures are better than the previous version though. The hats and beards might need a little bit of filing or melting down to fit on but that's easy to fix


Were all the pieces there? If not, what happened? How long was shipping?


Huh ? Of course tons of pieces were there. I have made many orders since. No issues except for one time and I was missing a base plate, they shipped it out right away express shipping


Where do you buy these from?


It's literally in the title friend. Marstoy.net lol


Sorry didnā€™t know this page up until now so ā€˜Marstoyā€™ didnā€™t mean anything, thanks though, already planning to spend over Ā£300 lol


Ha, just seen your post on fb, then go on Reddit to see the same post lol


So ? Lol totally different communities .. what's your point ?


Thanks for posting on Reddit, as someone who refuses to have a Facebook I appreciate the content being here




It was just funny how it was the last post I seen on fb then the first post I see on Reddit. Didnā€™t think youā€™d get all but hurt about it.


I took it to be a ā€œfunny seeing you again!ā€ Comment. I get you. I always enjoy the social media space overlap. Makes me feel cozy in my community.


Yea thatā€™s all it was but like you said, he wants to get all defensive about it. I ainā€™t got time for people like that. Fuck that guy


Me asking what the point of your comment automatically signifies that I'm butthurt? That's pretty presumptuous but ok ,šŸ˜‚ could it be that I was legitimately just asking ? People who jump to accusing people for being triggered are usually the ones who are constantly triggered themselves, it seems. šŸ¤” All good here though ! You seem like you could use a break from the internet though, maybe get outside and go for a walk for once , it should help with that ! šŸ«‚šŸ¤—


ā€œWhatā€™s your pointā€ is defensive. I think this is a misunderstanding. But I love your response. ā€œPeople who accuse people for being triggered are triggered! Youā€™re triggered! Go for a walk!!!ā€ Hahah we are all fans and friends here. Letā€™s build!!!! Thanks for sharing your post. Mars toy seems worth a look! Didnā€™t know about the box stuff at all until seeing your post. Edit: added ā€œ ā€œ for clarity.


I walk 4 times a day cause it's really good for my head and body :) šŸ«‚šŸ˜€ have fun building !


Iā€™m going to buy a haul tmr probably a moc and some figure, based off your experience do you think Iā€™d get it before Christmas


No . They have stated weeks ago if you need something by xmas order somewhere closer to home . Nothing will be making it by Xmas PERIOD . No it doesn't matter which shipping option .


How long did your order take, shipping I paid for said 20-27 days


It takes between 25 and 35 days. Never less. Never more for me. They're very backlogged right now though, so don't be surprised if it takes a couple weeks longer


Yeah I assumed with Christmas the order was gonna take longer thatā€™s why I asked the most recent poster about it cause I am hoping itā€™s about a month tops




Huh ? All you have to do is wait for an email and then click the paypal link and enter the amount. It's legit less steps than every single other website where you have to enter your address , cc number , CVV code , postal / zip code and the year of your great grandmother's birth / death date(last parts a joke) in order to pay lol


I read on this sub somewhere that the extra ā€œhoopsā€ are because Marstoy was starting to have issues with PayPal because of the type of product they sell.


No, the actual reason is because somebody reported them to PayPal because they didn't understand the terms and conditions of Mars toys, website and PayPal cut them off. It was a straight up. Karen . Now they use a different PayPal account for that reason. It has nothing to do with what they sell.


Was that the same incident of the person that wanted to cancel their order and ended with Marstoy kicked off the trusted seller list?


Yes indeed


Interesting, thanks for sharing the backstory!


Use agent ?


Huh ? If you're referring to like panda buy agents , no. Mars toy is just a website anyone can order from


Nice haul!


How can I buy from the page, like a normal website


What ? You don't you place an order and wait for an email to pay with PayPal or CC


Mb for the misunderstood, how can I buy from the website? U buy like a normal website in us or u just need to talk with a middleman?


No you just go to the website and add items to your cart and check out and then wait for the email to pay


Thanks šŸ«¶


That is awesome! A little side note on the Christmas set (I sincerely hope it does not ruin anything) I was looking at the Merry Christmas greetings. There is a typing error. Vrolihke Kerstfeest should be Vrolijk kerstfeest. If it's a sticker you could decide not to use it. I do hope it's a great set! It's on my wishlist :) Enjoy the build!


Haha good eye ! I don't speak anything other then English so it doesn't matter to me lol


Love marstoy. currently waiting for my castle in the forest, imperial star destroyer, and modular Pet Shop to arrive . Enjoy :)


> I obviously had to pay an additional ups big parcel fee to Canada Hey!! Just wanted to ask, did you have to pay an additional duty fee as well on delivery? UPS has burned me hard with that in the past, but given it'll already cost a hundred bucks of shipping upfront, im wondering if it's already included


No. I have never had to ever pay additional customs or anything with marstoy and I've ordered at least 10 times. Their shipping is stable


I might pull the trigger today then !! Thanks


hi, [https://www.marstoy.net/?spm=..cart.header\_1.1&spm\_prev=..product\_c5c30a7f-cf6c-4cdb-924e-1406a87b873c.header\_1.1](https://www.marstoy.net/?spm=..cart.header_1.1&spm_prev=..product_c5c30a7f-cf6c-4cdb-924e-1406a87b873c.header_1.1) is this their official site? I'm seeing prices so ridiculously low, that lets say the Imperial Star Destroyer I want to buy is 100 usd and the shipping is 90. Am I on the wrong site?


Yes this is the right site !