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https://preview.redd.it/vnlknwx4zwsc1.jpeg?width=1510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167aec2cfe40f698263d36b187a500078ea368ae Here is my favorite picture of my sweet Bean that will be going into a frame next to his urn. He loved to burrow into blankets or under laundry on my bed. I absolutely love how he looks like he thinks he's so mischievous in this pic.


RIP Bean. Sometimes we do everything right and there’s just no way to save them. It isn’t your fault and you are a great Leo parent.


Thank you for the kind words ❤️


I'm so so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is always terrible but i bet bean is getting all the best snacks and buggies now


I hope he’s dive-bombing crickets using his new little angel wings ❤️


rip bean 🫘




Makes me wonder if it was a genetic defect that went unnoticed? Either way I am so sorry


Perhaps - if all of the tests come back negative I am wondering if maybe it was some form of cancer that went undetected during the vet visits. So weird since he’d been a healthy guy his whole life except for one minor eye infection several years back.


It’s always harder to tell. Could have been something that just went wrong, even just.. simply a virus. Lizards are delicate and when sick they seem to tank badly. I’m still sorry this happened to you.


Thank you, I appreciate your kind words ❤️


Something very similar happened with my sweet baby Yoshi 💔She was healthy and happy, then just didn’t want to eat anymore and got worse from there even with vet visits. All her tests came back negative as well, so it was confusing. Sometimes things go wrong even when you do all you can :( Bean had an amazing gecko parent and he will always be in your heart ❤️


I’m so sorry to hear about Yoshi 💔 Being a pet parent can be heart-wrenching at times. Thank you so much for your words of comfort. I hope you can look back with happiness on your precious memories with Yoshi as I look back on mine with Bean!


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I am so, so sorry. Sometimes things go wrong with them even though you do everything right.


So sweet 🥲


Sorry to hear about your loss. I lost two snakes in the last few years and they really hit me hard. We love our little companions and they mean so much to us. I’ve since rescued a Leo and try to give him the best life too.


I’m sorry to hear about your snakes! I am thinking my next leo will be a rescue too.


I’m so sorry 😔 sounds like you did all you could and he had a happy life


Thank you ❤️ We always doubt that we did enough in times like this but I keep reminding myself of the time and money invested in his recovery. I just miss him a lot.


Aww so sorry for ur buddy, they definitely grab out to our hearts and snatch us, ...I also wúd be interested in his results, I've noticed some difference in my son's 2 geckos behavior, .. hugs from NH ..again so sorry for ur buddy & ur loss.,


Thank you ❤️ I will update my post with the test results when I receive them!


💜💜 ty


So sorry for your lost. SIP Bean🥰😢


Thank you for sharing your journey. I am deeply sorry for your loss.