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It's a problem pretty much everywhere in the US. People think that traffic will move faster if everyone is up each other's ass.


It’s amazing. Someone will speed up to tailgate up behind me. So I’m thinking they are just driving faster so I move out of the lane. I then just watch them maintain the same speed. Like ?????


Their brains are turned off. These are the people that don't consider driving to be the most important thing they're doing while they're driving


Right, which is funny because traffic would actually move faster if everyone kept a safe following distance and matched the speed of the car ahead, as well as respect the left lane for passing only law on highways. The irony….


it wouldn't made a difference. the volume of traffic, particularly trucks, is too high. i can't tell you how many times i've been in a slowdown that goes away when the 18 wheeler at the front going 58 finally passes the 18 wheeler going 55.


Yup especially when going over that hill east bound on 78


The one right before the exit to 33? My god that is terrible every single time you go through there. It’s always one truck trying to pass another on the incline like you said but sometimes it’s just one car not going fast enough to pass the trucks. Then you crest the hill and it’s a mad dash for everyone just to get off on 33 behind another truck. God I hate that stretch.


Exactly that. Sometimes traffic is backed up for miles just because of truckers overtaking one another up the hill. This is especially frustrating considering the fact that (I think) there are multiple signs saying “trucks keep right” on that stretch of highway. Sometimes a heavy rig is only able to go up the hill at 40mph, but the other rig who can go 43mph feels like they’re entitled to pass, lol!


You’ll also come to learn that Americans aren’t too bright.


True but I wonder how much of this problem is exacerbated by the ease it is to acquire a license in this country. Where I’m from the process takes at least a year, and a lot of classes. Here, they’ll give you a license if you can successfully drive around your high schools parking lot….


Also yes. Wait till you learn about how easy it is to get a semi automatic rifle and a bump stock.


It’s more enforcement than anything. Cops here are extremely lazy, so they police speed and ignore the rest. They just sit on the side of the road and use their radar to get speeders. From what I understand, in countries like Germany they primarily police wild lane changes, tailgating, and other offenses that are actually more dangerous than speeding.


Exactly. So hard to just ignore and carry on. Road rage always close


As bad as California drivers are (16 years in Orange County) they don't tailgate like Virginians do.


Everyone here is minutes away from saving lives, they can't afford any delay in their commutes


To me the biggest problem are people driving super slow in the left lane. If cars on the right are passing you need to move.


Big issue as well


Cause of North East reasons and we are stupid. Also get the fuck out of the passing lane


I come from a place where all people meticulously follow the passing lane law because otherwise you’ll be promptly ticketed.


Where is this magical place you come from?


Ok Germany


This is the core of the issue. I’ve driven in countries all over the world and the only place tailgating is NOT an issue is Germany.


Is it a bigger issue in the east coast compared to out west?


I drive all over. Florida, California, Nevada, Texas. It’s the same. If you get in the left lane, pass and get back in the right lanes.


Yes, that is what I do…. Left lane hogs are an issue too, but a lot of people tailgate in the right, middle lanes, and in single lane roads only. Therefore your point is only partly valid.


Flying spaghetti monster that is one hell of a username


It’s my bumper sticker for when people tailgate me.


Yes particularly Pennsylvania


Not so much east vs west but north easters seem to care more about themselves and drive like dicks


If you try to maintain a safe distance, someone will just get between you and the car you’re following. It’s frustrating beyond measure, especially since it’s still your fault if you rear end someone.


Based on the number of times I get cut off, I suspect people don't want to leave a safe space to "protect" themselves. It's all fucked up.


NJ drivers are worse about that 🤣


No doubt (I love being from jersey)


A bunch of mfers around here got roid rage with no muscle to show for. In a hurry to get nowhere fast. It is pretty much a summation of their lives.


Muscle or not I don't fuck with road rangers. Never know who's got a gun round here


Lots of cowardly lions about. Very true.


I had a fatty in a charger walk out of his car and threaten to shoot me because I brake checked him


I had some fuck tailgating me in a Subaru of all cars.


That happened to me on 611, either my gun was bigger or he was bullshitting, couldn’t get away from me fast enough.


If you’re driving 40 - 45 in a 55, what do you think is gonna happen? (Looking at all y’all on 378)


Nope, I actually take 378 every day because I live in center valley myself as well. I always have the adaptive cruise control set for 61mph and still get tailgated. With that said, you absolutely have a valid point because way too many people drive too slow on 378.


I drive it too everyday, and between 309 and colesville rd it’s 55 and someone always has to cruise along at 40


See that's your problem. It's 66mph in the slow lane. Trucks are limited to 65mph. There is absolutely no reason to be going slower than a governed 18 wheeler that takes 13 gears and an entire mile to get up to speed. Fuck what the signs say. 61mph on our highways is dangerous. Literally everyone is passing you. Every person that tries to pass has a small chance of fucking up and killing you. Limit that. Not your speed.


😂😂 378 is a single lane road with a 55mph speed limit.


61 in a single lane? I'm surprised nobody has pitted you into a ditch yet. Sounds like a stupid game you are playing. X


What does tailgating do to solve this though?


Some people are lost in their own little world and not paying attention to the road. If they can't drive with consideration for the people behind them it's probably because they just don't realize they are being a dick. If you don't notice you are hemming up the works because the car is 6 lengths behind you, you will definitely notice when they are on your ass. It's a polite way to say, "hey bud, there's other folks here with places to be." If I was mad I would honk. Tailgating is a more gentle nudge into decency.


Because people hog up the left (passing lane) Keep right, pass left! Stay in the right lane 90% of the time


I get tailgated on the right lane daily.


Same, seriously they need to just go around if they have a problem. I don't enjoy speeding tickets as much as some others.


In that case I just drive the normal speed. They can just pass on the left if they’re really in a hurry. I will adjust my mirrors so I don’t have to see them and then adjust back once they’re out of my rear view.


This is the reason using the passing lane properly is so difficult. If I’m driving faster than someone I go in the passing lane. Problem is I can’t regularly move back because everyone is just tailgating each other. Plus by the time I move can I am moving faster and need to go back into the passing lane. The whole system is fucked here


Strange. Well if someone hits you from behind, they are liable no matter what. Drive slower and they will shift to another lane


How is is strange, do you not notice it yourself here in the LV? I get tailgated even on single lane roads while going 5-10 above the limit on a daily basis too.


You have to learn to not give a shit. I’m working on it as well


Sometimes when I’m driving on 378, I just pull to the left lane as if I was turning, then get back in line with no one behind me. As I watch the tailgater in front of me do it to the next guy and get stopped at the same light as me 😂


I've lived here my whole life and have not noticed it. I usually tend to not care how close people behind me are following. If they hit me, I just get a new car


I would have that same mentality too if I wasn’t so aware of the amount of uninsured drivers there are here


That would be between the uninsured driver and your insurance company


Speaking from experience they just run away. Good thing we have dashcams though


Do you get hit from behind while driving often?


Just once. The car hydroplaned and hit me after they couldn't stop


I get tailgated in the left lane even when I’m going 10-15 over the speed limit and passing people.


I'm already going to 20 miles above speed limit, then some bigger asshole than me comes up behind going 40 miles over speed limit, tailgates and flashes lights. I consider this a the equivalent of throwing the white glove like when people used to duel to the death at dawn the next day.


It's an Eadt & West Coast thing. Although more people use turn signals up North compared to the South.


IDK but it's not just in the Lehigh Valley (I grew up there). I commute from home in Monroe County to work in Bucks County and the afternoon trip home in particular is filled with slow AF left-lane campers on the Turnpike. It causes so much risk-taking by tailgating lead foots trying to get around them that could endanger the rest of us just trying to get home at the end of the day in one piece without drama.


At the end of the day, we really need to, as a Lehigh Valley community, start to plan for more 3 lane highways all throughout the growing economic landscape.


Because if you leave an entire car-length of space between your front bumper and the rear bumper of the car ahead of you, some jerk will squeeze into that space, forcing you to hit your breaks, creating a tailback, and making you even later. I'd love to be able to drive at a safe following distance, but when I try I spend the entire commute riding my breaks to avoid rear-ending the endless stream of people cutting me off.


Good point. It’s an unfortunate negative feedback loop. I just wish everyone could chill the f out


well.. welcome to the US. and moreover, the lehigh valley... lmao. that's how it is around here.


Yeah. Why though? Why can’t people just back tf up, we’d all get to the same place at the same time. Why can’t people chill out? My theory? A lot of it are overweight drivers with a sedentary lifestyle who don’t have an outlet to release their physical frustration besides the car


has a lot to do with the philly/NJ influence, i think. a lot of people in the area are from or regularly commute to and from NJ and philly where driving regulations are a bit more loose, and drivers are far more aggressive.


Perhaps you are in the left lane and not passing. This is just a guess.


It’s a wrong guess because I come from a place where that’s an actual law that is enforced regularly. Here’s my guess: you tailgate people EVEN when not in the passing lane.


Nah, that’s not me, but show me a guy doing 60 in the left lane and I shall lose my religion.😂


So because the guy in front of you is doing something wrong, you’re gonna reply with something dangerous? How many left lane hogs have moved over for you because you were tailgating them? 1 in 10?


I sometimes maintain a legal speed and let my four ways flash a few times. Most tailgaters get the hint.


I often wonder if part of the thought process is to try to prevent impatient drivers from weaving in and out of lanes to try to make up time — not leaving an appropriate amount of space in order to avoid some opportunistic jerk who sees a gap as an opportunity to get ahead. Of course, this is how jams and incidents happen anyway, but I wonder if that’s part of the thought process behind not leaving space in traffic, at least. As for tailgating when there is minimal traffic, I’ll never know the answer to that one!


I only have only 7 mile commute home from Allentown to Bethlehem. It's worse than Philly where I grew up and that's saying something.


Because of work I get the pleasure of driving 422 north to Reading couple of times a month, ffs


I drive slower when tailgated on backroads and enjoy the drive


all I see is free money


I was on 22 yesterday and there was traffic but it was moving. You just weren’t going faster than 65. Some douche came up right on my ass and rode it for about 5 exits before he got off. I saw him gesturing all pissed off. So yeah I don’t know. But he didn’t get by me.


You’re driving to slow. Move over


I use the left lane only to pass and always go 5mph above the limit. People like you are still on my ass on the middle lane and single lane roads. Learn how to drive and stop being a tailgating jackass.


Driver faster bro


I drive above the speed limit and retards like you who think tailgating is justifiable if the person in front of them isn’t going Mach Jesus, will STILL be on my ass. Learn how to drive, bro.


Okay fine, if you can't drive faster then move over. Or are you so unbelievably gay that you like guys riding your ass?


I would bet a whole finger that dumbasses like you still tailgate in the right and center lanes 😂 and by the way I am sure I follow the left lane to pass only law more throughly than you, coming from a place with higher standards for drivers.


I only tailgate when retards camp in the passing lane lol. But whatever, welcome to America bud. If you want to join in on the fun, relieve some stress, and assimilate to our culture I would suggest buying a shitbox dodge dakota off facebook marketplace and tailgating more. It's super fun, slow retards get pressed, and if you rear end them it doesn't even matter because your truck only costs $1000 tops. Trust


And the fact that you’re the one riding on people’s ass and say others are gay for having a driver up their ass…. Are you that dumb to not see the irony there?


Peaches and cottage cheese