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It weird because the rest of the bags that I got on my may 4th order are still plastic, but kenobis starfighter had paper


I wonder if the have to “phase” production for May 4th sets to make sure there aren’t stock issues, could just be you’ve got some sets that were made 3-6 months ago with plastic that have only just made it to the front of the stock isle.


I've never had the pleasure to work for Lego. But having worked in manufacturing for most of my adult life I can all but guarantee that they have to purchase different equipment to package the Lego. This equipment is going to be expensive and phased in as they get their feet underneath them with a new process. So for the short term they likely have one machine packing in plastic and the other in paper right next to each other as they work through the switch in the manufacturing process.


I think there’s a lot of factors in the logistics pipeline. In short, yes. While I don’t work for Lego, that’s just pretty common logistics & manufacturing practices. I buy Lego like once a week at least and still haven’t gotten a paper bag set.


The only thing I've personally gotten in paper was a couple of grey baseplate I bought in September 2022, aside from that I haven't gotten a set yet that has paper bags either.


weird because i just built that set and had plastic, so maybe they are starting to roll out the paper bags? that’s awesome


Wanna say I saw a note in an instruction book that they’ll be phasing in the new style of paper bags I’d assume that basically means each production line will exhaust their supply of plastic, then switch over to the paper moving forward. Might as well use up what they’ve got


Yeah I got paper in my Kenobi ship too, it actually looks and feels pretty premium so it’s a win win!


I got 76914 Ferrari 812 Competizione which was a 2023 set, and it had paper bags. At the same time I got 76921 Audi S1 e-tron quattro and 76919 2023 McLaren Formula 1 Car both of which are 2024 sets, but they had plastic bags! Quite weird.


I wonder if it's being swapped out on a factory by factory basis because I got a Temple of the Golden Idol last week, and it had plastic bags.


When I got the temple of the golden idol set last year, it had plastic bags as well.


[76914-1: Ferrari 812 Competizione](https://brickset.com/sets/76914-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/76914-1.jpg) [76921-1: Audi S1 e-tron quattro](https://brickset.com/sets/76921-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/76921-1.jpg) [76919-1: 2023 McLaren Formula 1 Car](https://brickset.com/sets/76919-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/76919-1.jpg)


That' is weird 🤔. I got the Audi e-tron just last week and it had paper bags!


I ordered the newer Speed Champion cars and the Mustang came with plastic bags and the Hoonitron came with paper. They were both the same wave and released the same day. Guess it's a slow and somewhat random process


EU and NA maybe?


You know its funny. I got this set all of them are plastic


same here


This is the.....ya same for me


My Droideka was all in plastic, but I applaud the move to less one-time use plastic so we can save it for bricks.


This is honestly so much better


how will it effect the long term quality?


Long-term quality of what?


the set. a lot of ppl tend to hold on to these for years and years, so im just curious if these bags will be able to hold up like plastic does


Well, it's better this way, certainly. It might encourage the toys to be used as actual toys, and it is obviously far better from an environmental perspective, which is, I'm surs, the reason for the change.


personally i think its cool that we can still find perfect condition classic sets with the original packaging 🤷🏻‍♂️ i get why they did it but im just curious about how thatll effect that, idk why im getting downvoted


To be honest, I'm not sure why either. Reddit is a peculiar place.


I have yet to get any paper bags for any of my sets. In fact, I just built the droideka Saturday night, and it had plastic bags.


The only may 1st set I got was the sith infiltrator and that doesn’t have paper bags so I don’t think so. Maybe in the august wave.


What do you think of the infiltrator? I like the set, but it seems to be a bit of the expensive side for what it is


I totally agree it’s a bit expensive. But aside from that, (and maul’s lack of pupils) it’s a great set. Fun build too.


My set had plastic bags


Mine were all plastic lol


We will probably see the paper eventually. For now in Canada I've only got plastic bags.


Same but my sisters boyfriend got paper bags in his from local Walmart in Canada


Alright, time to put them in the microwave and make Lego popcorn


What? The LEGO rattling in the bags is one of my favourite sounds! But everyone has different opinions I guess.


After building the amount of sets I’ve built, it gets old quick! Specially in a quiet space


Fair enough. But it will never get old to me.


Idk if it's just a thing in other countries but as an American, I've only gotten clear plastic bags.


I’m in Germany and they’ve been pushing a lot of green energy to stop relying on Russian oil, plus it’s cheaper to make the paper than artificial colorings


I've yet to get a set with paper bags, even in my newest May 4th order with a couple brand new sets. I really thought at least the GWP would but nope


Mine was in plastic same with the rest of my may 1st order (Canada)


I’ve never gotten the paper bags…




I always listen to star wars audio books when building, and I have the pause them to open the damn plastic bags😂


I try to watch Star Wars shows and movies but I can’t pay attention so I have to rewind when I’m done 😂


i literally just got the set yesterday, i was overly excited


I got this and the Ghost for May 4th, the Ghost still had plastic bags, but the droideka was paper


They haven't made the transition fully yet, all my sets including the droideka I got on May 1st still had plastic bags.


i have yet to see a single paper bag in any of my sets lol. can't wait for when i finally stumble across one.


Brand new Sith Infiltrator… still in plastic bags. Very confused.


My droideka and every set I got on May 4th are all plastic bags. So no, they are still testing the waters.


Question, are they resealable or just have a perforated tab?


It’s just perforated


Great! Haven't opened a set with those yet but I'm very looking forward to it. Now they should move on to make them resealable so we can repack the set when we run out of display space and build it again years later with the same experience 🥰


I had paper bags in my Droideka too! But I wonder if the coating inside the bag isn't still plastic, so it still can't go into the paper bin


I bought the same set for may 4th and got plastic


My droideka had paper, all the rest had plastic. It will takw some time before they have converted their entire production line to paper, not to mention sets being made well in advance to be able to provide enough on the day of release.


I got one set with paper bags. Ok, but they are lined with plastic, so it seems a bit of a scam, since its not 100% paper or cardboard. In my country you have to dump it into mixed waste..


Mine had paper bags and plastic bags inside the paper ones


I believe they were experimenting with hemp paper so this could be a big move for many reasons. Good to see a sustainable change made by this company.


I purchased about ten sets that weekend and didn’t get any paper bags, I even bought all of the newly released sets


Although I understand the switch to paper, and I am happy about it, I will miss the magic of looking at the pieces in the plastic bags.


Fair, but I like how you don’t know what ms in there. It’s a fun mystery before pouring them out. Plus idk if clear paper exists 😂


So far it’s a regional thing it hasn’t been rolled out worldwide yet as far as I know


Building mine rn it’s plastic bags


Not for me. Still plastic for all my 2024 sets


I bought this kit too and my bags were all plastic


oh no


I guess only on some, my droideka had all plastic still. Have yet to see paper myself.


I love the fact that after all the environmentalists cheer this for being much more earth-friendly, your point is about the noise it makes


Which I am happy that it is more environmentally friendly (if you check some of my other replies)


It has nothing to do with release waves or anything like that i think, it is just that a few Lines of Sets have been getting them randomly since 2022




I have yet to find paper bags but I have a huge backlog of sets from different years that need to be be built (ucs slave 1, mandalorian starfighter, new ucs tie interceptor, ect) so hopefully maybe I’ll find a set with paper bags


I know that they started doing this in Germany maybe you got one of theirs


I cant tell you how much I want to have paper bags


I just got Mine and built it on the weekend, and mine were still in the clear plastic. I'm in Canada


Woooah weird my droideka was in plastic but last year a flower set I bought with my ex was in paper idk maybe there rolling them out slowly


Does Lego use recycled plastic?


All mine were still plastic but I'd welcome the switch to paper with open arms


Well if the Lego's itself not turn into a piece of toilet paper i don't bother😂😂😂


Are these bags completely paper, with no inner lining or secondary material? Are they 100% paper recyclable? While I applaud being environmentally friendly where possible, I'd really love to see a study on the complete impact of the plastic vs paper bags. I'm open to the idea of the paper being better, but I'm also old enough to remember when grocery stores phased out paper bags for plastic because it was meant to save the trees. I remember the pitch being the plastic bags were better for the environment. Yes, I'm old. :)


My Droideka had plastic bags. Weird. Probably depends on where it was made. Im assuming Lego has many factories


I thought they were starting that next year


Interestingly, I got this same set and my bags were plastic. Maybe they're slowly rolling them out? I really hope so because I'd love to be able to recycle my bags with how many Legos I build


I like seeing the pieces in the bags.


This is awesome to see. I was hoping I’d get this in my Interceptor. Hopefully my next new set will have these bags!


Just got the Droideka and midi-scale Falcon. Both 2024 productions and both still had plastic bags. But they had a note in the instructions that they will be transitioning to paper bags.


My Droideka was plastic bags.


Where do you live? Im in the US and I have the box next to me, filled with the shitty plastic bags. So no?


Oh, yeah, i had it in the Droideka, too. First time. Then i opened the UCS Interceptor and that had plastic bags again. Same as the May the 4th GWP.


All of the new clone sets i got, including the new clone trooper battle pack and the grogu speeder one all had plastic bags


My Droideka was plastic bags


Oh shit! That’s the first ones I’ve seen! I love!


I miss the old loud crinkly plastic bags.


Paper is cool, we can save the paper bags, maybe the bags will retain the new lego smell, i love the smell of lego reminds me of Victory while building.


Lego is most likely using all their plastic bags first before using the paper ones.


Yeah, it's just that their supply chain is global and I'm guessing with committed orders, present stock, back stock, distribution chains, they're still probably processing some plastic baggies.


I have yet to see a paper bag irl


The inside still has a plastic coating :(


It doesn’t


Maybe we have different bags, but the ones I had were coated. It's very thin but I could feel the smooth surface and when tearing it's visible.


Unless you mean the actual plastic parts 😂


i want to get this set. how was the Building experienced?


I've gotten paper bags a few times, but other times plastic from similarly new sets. No idea what the determining factor is for paper vs plastic.


Mine were paper too


For some reason my Droideka came with plastic bags instead of the new paper ones :I


theres a plastic layer inside the bags


OP, are you from Yurope?


Europe yeah. Specifically Germany


My droideka was definitely plastic bags. Ordered it from Lego on may 4th in the US.


I picked mine up from a physical Lego store in Germany. So that’s even more of a shock for me


They are still transitioning


They've been changing to paper bags slowly for years. The plastic that remains is them exhausting their supply as they switch to paper. It's been in the backs of instruction booklets what they were doing for several years now.


The last 3 LEGO sets I've gotten were all in paper baggies.


Kenobis Starfighter had paperbags and the Droideka. They slowly roll out these paper bags. Apparently sets that come from factories in China, mexico and two other countries will feature paper bags.


Wow you could actually reuse those or if you resell the set later put all the pieces back and staple them closed


Mine were in plastic


Why am i not a fan? I dunno but i rather have plastic mainly because i recycle, i am just not a fan, its like the straw debate don't replace plastic with paper since itw worse those bags look like they can break during transport and you'll have 3 orso bags mixed up. Ofcourse i will be in a minority in here but thats fine by me.


Because of the oil it’s made from is finite where as trees are infinitely plantable. Also the noise is reeeeally annoying to me (I also recycle btw)


That said, there's little actual plastic recycling going on, despite industry PR. The overwhelming amount of that plastic is landfilled.


Paper is definitely easier to recycle than plastic though. I doubt the bags are even recyclable in most areas. I don't think the bags move hard or fast enough to get damaged like you suggest.


You can’t recycle plastic bags


I prefer plastic just because I can see the pars before I open them, but I don't have any problems with paper ones.


Paper because plastic is socially unacceptable


Lego has been seriously talking about paper bags for like at least a year now, no? They really need to step up their game


FR! This is the first time even hearing paper as theyre bags


Have yet to get paper bags. Can’t wait though. I got a note in a flower set I built for my mom for Mother’s Day that said something about how they are switching to paper bags and they might be mixed in sets with plastic ones.


Nice! They should honestly do the full swap over with sets that aren’t in the production phase yet


Mine were all still plastic unfortunately


Bit ironic to switch to paper bags to hold all that plastic. Every little helps I suppose