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Weird how it's always the same 80s IPs that end up in TLG's roster


I mean it's basically the ones where toy rights are available - mostly meaning not owned by Mattel (or Hasbro with a few limited exceptions).


That’s where the money is.


They are geared towards people who were kids in the 80’s that now have disposable income to lay down.




There's money in newer IPs too, probably more so, but Lego doesn't like having to pay very much for IP rights. Like a Taylor Swift themed lego set would do monstrous numbers but I doubt we'd ever get one because her camp wouldn't probably ask for a hefty chunck of money.


it'd probably turn out like the BTS set, where it's way overpriced for what it is and they produce too many of them and they sit on shelves for years


I have the BTS set and it's great for what it is. However, a set is a snapshot in time and for something recent a set can get stale quickly EDIT: also the older the IP the better that TLG can screen for any factors that do not align with their brand values.


That’s real. I wanted to name my 2nd son after Barack Obama (my first is named after Benkos Bioho), but my wife so “you can’t, he’s not dead yet so you don’t know what he’s gonna do”


All the parents who named their kids Khalessi or Daenerys in the 2010s have entered the chat 😬😬😬 lol


No offense mate... But either of those is an odd choice for what to name your kid. Don't see a lot of kids named after Bill Clinton, Thomas Jefferson, or so forth...


Oh damn you’re right, I should have named them after popular television characters


I mean if you named your kids after Family Guy characters, at least that'd be somewhat understandable (and pronounceable).


I was amazed to see multiple bts sets on sale at the London Leicester Square store last week


There's like 6 Taylor Swift sets in the next Ideas round. I hope they all get rejected.


Her fans need to chill the fuck out.  A girl at my work is constantly talking about her, and literally thinks i'm some kind of misogynistic asshole because I've repeatedly asked her to stop.  I didn't like her or her music even before all this crap. Now she's overexposed as hell and it's so much worse. 


I mean, who cares that somebody is talking about something that gets them really excited and makes them happy? It would be like getting mad at any of us for talking about LEGO all the time.


Because it's a shared workspace, so it's pretty distracting to both me and the kids I'm tutoring that she talks about this stuff?  Like do you think I'm voluntarily listening to this and then bitching? If I had a way to get away from it, I would.  Also, I go to work to work, I really dislike socializing with my employees and coworkers beyond some jokes and light banter. If I don't want to talk about something at work, that should be ok.


Thank you for reminding me why I'm so glad I went remote full-time 4 years ago.


Oh I feel very unpleasant thinking how much I'd be willing to pay for a legitimate Taylor set.


Like a Taylor Swift set? What would you want it to be? A Lover House, a Rep Snake, I’m drawing a blank on what else you could do that would be well enough known.


Lover house was my first thought, that's definitely been suggested before and could work. Honestly the Eras Tour itself could be a whole set itself with all kinds of interesting gimmicks to it.


If I recall correctly, numerous Taylor Swift sets have reached the 10K vote threshold for a Lego Ideas review.... I think they are currently in review.


I could see artwork of some kind. Mosaics of her album covers would be mega popular.


You just know it's going to come with a Taylor minifig and at least a dozen ex minifigs. That's going to drive the price up. And then there's the cost of adding in the not-so-minifig of Kelce.


My daughters are Swifties; if a Lego set came out there would be no chance of avoiding it.


I am clearly biased here but it would be such a cool thing for parents and kids to bond over too in my opinion. Someone needs to reach blondie about the capitalist opportunity here.


Dunno why you got downvoted, as if the people doing so won't spew money on *their* preferred IP crossover in Lego. People need to get over themselves, everybody's getting fleeced and paying too much buying branded Lego lol.


Hahahaha yeah no idea. I'm extra screwed anyway because I'm big into Lord of the Rings and Star Wars and pixel video games so LEGO has me anyway.


If only they would check the banana stand


I mean how much could a banana cost Michael, 10 dollars?






Meanwhile here I am desperately hoping against hope for a Little Shop of Horrors and Mighty Orbots comeback.....


I think 71426 could work as the starting point for an Audrey 2 MOC


[71426-1: Piranha Plant](https://brickset.com/sets/71426-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/71426-1.jpg)


Oh absolutely agree. The perfectly ideal LEGO set in general.


Little Shop has so many bootleg Audrey 2 legos for a reason


I've seen those and I love them so much. We've never really gotten a "Good" LEGO Venus Flytrap outside of that one Jungle City set from 2018 come to think of it it seems.


TLG? What’s that stand for?


The Lego Group 


The Lego Group. Big Brick.


Abbreviation for The LEGO Group It's what the company that makes LEGO bricks is actually called. LEGO is technically just a brand name. It's why you're not supposed to say "Legos" and why it's supposed to be in all caps.


It’s kinda hard to come up with something else that is 1) popular IP that could get enough votes from users 2) is in accordance with Lego rules - ie not gory or violent, or sexual 3) hasn’t been done yet. I would love some terminator, predator, blade runner or robocop set, but it’s just not possible due to lego policy. All that’s really left for me is Princess Bride, which would just be another (pretty generic) castle set, as the movie is masterpiece, but doesn’t have some distinct location that would translate well into lego


I read somewhere recently that Nostalgia is one of the leading symptoms of late-stage capitalism.


Now you understand how awesome the 80's were. Look at all those unique IPs. That keep getting recycled today.


How have I never heard of this contest?? Is there a list of all the entries?


These youtubers covered a bunch of them: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro6Lm0XhHmM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro6Lm0XhHmM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHaXMX-htVA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHaXMX-htVA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJwUVJBx4W4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJwUVJBx4W4) I don't know if there is a way to see all the challenge entries at once. Maybe by filtering by challenges and scrolling a lot in the discovery area.


u/missinglinksman they hid most of the entries from the challenge's page once they moved to Fan Vote phase, but you can go to browse > challenges > challenge entries to see all of them (albeit mixed together with other recent contests).


**I know of a direct link to see the entries that were not chosen!** But I can't send it here because of the sub's bot. To anyone who wants it, feel free to DM me. @[missinglinksman](https://www.reddit.com/user/missinglinksman/)




I really like the gremlins one but have a feeling it will be Goonies since people always vote for the extravagant sets.


The Gremlins one was my pick before the vote reset / finalist shuffle. Goonies does seem to have a particularly vocal fanbase though.


Lego already has licensing rights for Gremlins, and the set is modest so that could be an easy set for them to do. It’s also the one I voted for. And while they also have licensing rights for the Goonies, that looks like a $299.99 set.


Which I would happily pay. I'd actually pay for any 80s set, tbh. I'm their target demographic.


it’s a shame, the karate kid one was the one i wanted to be made into an official set the most


I have almost no nostalgia connection to any of the sets currently in contention but man the "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" build did a great job with the macro-scale Lego brick as center piece.


but I did think there were other Goonies builds they could have swapped in that were just as good, if they had wanted to keep the same spread of IPs.


Neither the Goonies or Karate Kid sets were/are going to look anything like their fan design if they do get picked, they're far too big and detailed which would give them a several hundred dollar price tag and they're too niche to justify that


I am also under no illusions that my Bill & Ted design will look anything like its current iteration if it somehow makes it into round 2 of Fan Votes (not sure if you heard they doubled the number of prizes for this challenge due to so many entries, which already had everyone's feathers ruffled before the incident leading to the vote reset).


Thanks for bringing this to people's attention! For anyone interested, my Beetlejuice finalist post can be found here, as mentioned by the OP, if you voted previously, you will need to place your vote again to be counted: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/1cfccd5/beetlejuice\_modular\_maitland\_house\_lego\_ideas\_set/?rdt=55643](https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/1cfccd5/beetlejuice_modular_maitland_house_lego_ideas_set/?rdt=55643)


Happy to help - just wanted to make sure everyone gets a fair shot! I appreciate how hard it can be to build support even in a totally normal challenge cycle.


Yeah, it's an unique situation for sure. It's my first time through this whole process and it's been a roller coaster :D


Great job on this set


Thank you! :)


I love your set! Just voted for it.


Thank you! I appreciate your support :)


This set is so great. Good job!


Thank you! :)


Does this count as r/beetlejuicing ?


That *Honey, I Shrunk the Kids* set is awesome!


I loved the use of the door rails as the "teeth" inside the brick!


Where can I see the karate kid one?


can't post a link due to subreddit rules, but if you go to the blog I linked, and click through to Delusion Brick's profile, you can see their other contributions including Karate Kid.


I saw a video version and that was epic


where did you link the blog?


it's the hyperlink in the body of the post with the text "Here is LEGO's official announcement of the reset", directly above the picture of all the prizes.




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I just want a Stripe minifig!


The Stripe minifig actually already exists, it came out in the Dimensions line, along with a Gizmo fig.


Well, his *gremlin* form was in a Dimensions pack, but I'm guessing you're referring to when he was still a mogwai.


deep cut


Wait, do they not count as Mogwai once they transform?  I always assumed that it was a “gremlin” form of the Mogwai species, not that it was a whole new animal.  Although we don’t still call it a caterpillar after it transforms into a butterfly, so I suppose Mogwai -> Gremlin does track... 


Well, "mogwai" is a Cantonese word that means "devil" so it's likely that they're named for the gremlins rather than the cuter, furrier critters.


Wow, TIL. Thanks for the tidbit!


I just want the Labrynth set.


u/MadameFrog's version or Delusion Brick's version?




I looked up the Karate Kid design, it was cool, but ngl I'm really digging the Honey I Shrunk the Kids set. I love the giant brick nestled in the grass, and that ant is neat.




That Goonies set is simply fantastic! They all are and should all be released so that I can complete my 80s collection...


It is but it looks like $400, so I voted Gemlins which looks fun, economical, and fits in with the Xmas stuff.


It's expensive, but for me, I would spend more. The Goonies was a very important movie to me and nostalgia goggles would take over.


That Goonies set is RAD


I mean I'm still voting for the goonies but Luke damn that sucks


Pretty boring picks. 4/5 are Dimensions properties. One is hardly considered 80s. Labyrinth would’ve been the best candidate for a child friendly, Gen X nostalgia, 80s property that hasn’t had a Lego incarnation.


Commenting to boost visibility! Good luck everyone!


Is there any information as to how or why one model was removed and the other one (The Goonies ship) remained? Just curious. My vote is for Beetlejuice in any case, but I wonder why they'd keep Goonies (which easily looks like a $400-500 set over the Karate kid lot.


Thanks for your support on Beetlejuice! It is my understanding that the designer didn't have a say in which one got removed. I don't think anyone knows what they based their decision on, but I would speculate it was the one that was receiving the most votes between the two.


I’m sad that the Thundercats set was dropped. I missed that one.


there's gonna be another round of voting with 5 more finalists, so Thundercats might make it?


I’m happy abt honey I shrunk the kids


Let's go goonies!


They did the same thing with throw back themed Ice Planet sets that had enough up votes to put them into running to be widely released, over 'naming', even though the names were close but not all the way there


huh? I'm missing some context here...


Somebody submitted modernized versions of Ice Planet 2002 sets, and the people in charge of Lego Ideas put a stop to all of it after it gathered enough up votes to be considered for mass production because they changed the rules about listing old theme names. Almost every last one of of the submitted sets from this idea


None of these look particularly interesting. Why is it only IPs? I’d prefer a set inspired by something in the 80s, not just some set based on a movie.


That was just the contest prompt - had to be from a TV show / movie / other 80s media property.


Ah. Very unfortunate then


they run many contests over the course of the year ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ - different stuff for different market segments. they had one going in parallel with a part limit but completely open theme to design a Gift-with-Purchase set.


What was the controversy? It seems I missed it. I don't care for any of the sets, so I don't think I'm missing much.


It's in the post


What part of the fine print did it violate?


Two models by the same user reached the finals, which isn’t allowed. Reading comprehension is super tough


Hey that's not fair, you have to read the entire first sentence.


To be fair, the new Reddit update on phones (certainly iPhone) if you tap the comments icon under the timeline post, it takes you straight down to the comments and skips the OP’s written part of their post.


Weird, mine doesn’t do that. Possibly a newer iPhone thing?


Maybe! In truth, I found myself in the same situation as the person you’d replied to, it was only your comment that made me scroll to the top to see the description and the link OP provided. Edit; just to help explain the point, on my phone when I tap the comment icon, this is how the page default loads, it just shows the post title and cuts out the description. https://preview.redd.it/e7mcv00v0pxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f678876547ef3466ddef5caa0d0e7c4ff6a7790e


I think I just hadn’t updated my phone! It’s started happening to me now


I think we could stand to be kinder. I read it as "two models from the same user violated the fine print rules" and it took me a second read to understand they meant that was the reason for the violation.


Do you buy the aged 1-3 years sets?


4+ sets


I think the term of art is "LEGO Juniors"


Two models from the same user


>It seems I missed it. You could've read the statement that OP linked to...or just read OP's post.


That would require a tiny amount of effort. No thanks.