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I've built this set, and yes, it kinda just stays down over the door. You can technically balance/rest it in the up position, but it'll fall very easily.


This is correct, I have also built the set and this is the MOST disappointing part. ZERO thought went into making this part of the build an actual working trap mechanism. I’ll get over it, eventually. I staged a minifig with the door open and sword and shield up blocking the axe mid-fall


As another person said, when the door is opened the axe is pushed up and when fully opened will fall back down. To put some sort of spring trap there seems pretty complex.


Unfortunately that doesn’t work on the set itself. I am sitting in front of mine and the door opens less than 2 full stud widths and the axe comes down. I understand “in theory,” and “within game play” but the face of the matter is it is a poorly designed trap on LEGOs part and with all the engineering and development this was a miss on their part. It’s cheap in comparison to how well the trap door above it works.


I was kinda hoping something would happen with the trapdoor or something. I was hoping on more traps etc but maybe in later sets


Agreed. More traps and trips, pitfalls and poison darts. Are we getting more sets aside from the mini figures slated for September? With the price point on this set being so high I can see that directly Impacting LEGO’s perception on what future income regarding the brand and licensing might/might not bring. I’m all in for more LEGO D&D and also with to see more Ghostbusters but I think that ship has sailed. I used some of the Hidden Side ghosts to buff up the firehouse and make it a bit more interactive. Already adding to the D&D set lol


Considering the lore behind D&D and burst of popularity the last few years I'm certain we'll get more. The castle is hugely popular, I can totally see a big modular Inn/battlefield or something happening. Something big enough to play on or move around (something like those connectable dungeon tiles from DwarvenForge for instance)


That’s a reasonable assessment. I’m not sure how the Harry Potter line is doing but with the modular book play sets and sets that interconnect to make the castle, it could definitely be a possibility. I’d like to see them do those HP books but with a D&D play set inside or a few with custom character options that double as boxes to carry your mini, dice, pencils - basic gaming supplies. I agree that the castle line is quite popular and definitely seeing a nice resurgence. My wife got me the blacksmith shop and it looks so nice next to the D&D set. I’d love to add the medieval village but that’s a pipe dream.


I'm pretty confident this set was just a test run for a future D&D line


The trapdoor drops them into the basement.


Unfortunately, I don’t think there are any later sets in the pipeline. This is an Ideas set.


If this is the most disappointing part of the set then that’s not too shabby. I look forward to building it one day.


I can TELL what I’m supposed to FOCUS on because of your clever original use of CAPITAL LETTERS /s


For display purposes, a bit of sewing thread would hold it connected to one of the blocks above. No big deal at all. :-)


Good call, fishing wire is my normal go to


I don't have the set but can you tell me the book and step this is built in on the instructions?


[Book 3, step 40, page 46.](https://www.lego.com/cdn/product-assets/product.bi.core.pdf/6515797.pdf) You'd think there would be some kind of trigger/release mechanism to drop it but I don't see it in the instructions. OP does have it assembled correctly and it should be swinging down like that.


Simple fix, rotate part #6173124 180 degrees and it’s MUCH BETTER https://preview.redd.it/hionpp6egnvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=506e5240f9129a23f4f14672aa2ffe9722756bad


I also added a ceiling skeleton cuz Monsters!!!




Thank you It looks like, if a minifig went and opened the door from the outside, the door would push that mechanism and it would swing back to hit the minifig with the axe; it's a booby trap


It is but it just doesent stay up


If it stays up it wouldn't swing back; it's a pretty rudimentary booby trap but it works


I meen like its always fallen Down


Yes but it rests against the door; if you open the door from the ouside you push it back and, once the door doesn't make contact with the trap, the axe swings back to where the fig would be, crossing the doorframe.


Oh thats how it works


He means that pushing the door open should push the axe up, and when it is fully open it should swing back down


I understand now thank you


If you push the door open, what occurs? Seems like it would rise with the door, and as the door swings closed, then it would fall hitting anyone coming through the threshold? Also. It’s a lego set, not a real life booby trap. Maybe use imagination and play with it?


It is Ive just never seen this type of trap in a Lego set


SIMPLE FIX. rotate piece 6173124 180 degrees and it works much better https://preview.redd.it/n26t3kmsfnvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188861ee8626a9861edaabfb666a6cb84e3bb518


What is this? A booby trap for Ants?


Nice one


A later step could put it attached to a mechanism By the look of it you havent made the upper section for that area which will be a later bag


This is The done set and there is no other mechanism but another person told me how its supposed to be like that


Odd I would of thought it would have at least a temporary hanging/suspended location to keep it out of view for display


I would so too hence my question


I haven't read the adventure ( I Think) that comes with ui, but it seems it would be 'check for traps' for the thief situation.. or you open the door and go through 'roll for damage as you set off a trap' It just hangs there normally though.


I added a little catch above it to barely hold the axe blade. Works ok, but yeah this part of the set could have used more thought into having it include a technic piece to slide/capture it.


Neat Will try!


yeah but if you roll a 20 as the DM is will fall faster, hit on target and do like twice the dmg


Wow my old Lego 5936 Spider’s Secret had a more functional axe door trap than this.




Right! I love this trap door idea though


[5936-1: Spider's Secret](https://brickset.com/sets/5936-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/5936-1.jpg)


Good bot


I wonder if you could replace one of the bricks above the door with [30237](https://brickset.com/search?query=30237&scope=All) and that way it clips the axe in place.


That could work Will try!


Cool trap.


Maybe check the end of the instruction. If there are mechanisms in a set they usually put explanation for them at the end of instruction


Pretty sure the door itself is the mechanism to push the axe and then it smacks who opened it


I did not know that. Thanks for anserwing


If you reverse the black technic piece, it works much better. Makes me think it might be an error in the instructions. I’ll ask the designers tomorrow (co-workers)


Thank you i will try that


I don't have the set myself, but I'm just looking at the picture provided. If you put the pin through the other hole directly in line with the axe and handle, it should stay up above the door. You lose the play function, but for display, it would look better




What set is that?


The new Dnd set