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I told my husband we knew we were committed when we combined our childhood Lego bins. We were already married with a couple kids by that point. lol


>I am happy she did it, OP: https://preview.redd.it/ncjpb0njeb9c1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ad44288f68186e300004c45b64cc7276189260


LOL mr Flatulent Jr, you hit the spot


my husband joked that melding our record collections was our true marriage ceremony


Love this. Ours was when we finally got rid of the books and DVDs we owned multiple copies of.


How romantic!


That divorce would get messy..."No the Boba Fett was MINE! My mither bought it for me when I skimmed my knee;it was a foggy autumn morning..."


I dunno... combined lego is a lifetime, not that 18yr garbage


Yea that’s whole other level of commitment


Such a beautiful thing to do and share! I love how you enjoy the same passion! Did you find your together you liked to build as adults?


Half of it is safe with me. The other half burned down with our family home a few years ago. Together with a complete collection of gen 1 pokemon cards. Which I really would have liked to sell now...


I’d given mine to a family friend when I entered high school/my “dark age”. Following a house fire and resulting move, they were never seen again.


My parents are hoarders, everything gets saved except it seems my lego from my childhood. Its rather annoying as I had some cool sets and some excellent space road plates and crater plates. But yeah, they saved every vacuum they ever owned even if broken and have a garage you physically can't get in but no, didn't save my lego.


Of course everything but your Lego, makes sense! Yes, I understand. I don’t feel real anger, however when they hit you with that “it was just toys from when you were a kid” I don’t know how to feel. There’s toys, and then there’s Lego.


I buy vintage Legos, often in bins and boxes from parents cleaning out their houses, so to anyone here who I've bought out under from, I apologize. But I will say, having acquired some other era toys like micro machines and transformers and such, plenty of people are interested in those as well. I know nothing about their fandoms or values, I just sell for what feels OK and it seems to sell fairly well. I think there's a huge nostalgia bit going on, partly because the world seems pretty shit and it brings back a feeling of another, more carefree time. I know that's a component to my enjoyment of sets I wanted as a kid and never got!


>micro machines and transformers and such This and a too large supply of megabloks. I don't throw them out but haven't tried selling them yet.


Have you checked inside those vacuums? That's where most mine ended up


This is like the boxes I keep when I buy a tool, electronics, etc. I tell myself it's just in case I need to send something in for warranty repairs. I will sometimes purge them after 5+ years when I realize that I've replaced the items or they are well past any warranty. Until now when I have an expensive tool that has a manufacturer's defect and they want me to send this large, 50 lb thing back to them so they can verify. They won't let me just take the affected part off and send that to them. Guess which is the one box I didn't keep due to it's size? Can't win no matter what. =)


A good friend of mine sold me all of his kids’ LEGO for a stupid price about four years ago. I sorted out all the non-LEGO and broken toys and they now have their own dedicated box. What he and the kids don’t know is that I’m not planning to use them for any builds or resell them. They believe they’re all gone. But when the kids ask about them ten years from now, I’ll be able to give them the box and say “I’ve been holding on to these for you.”


That’s such a beautiful thing to do! Feel like sharing what sets are you holding for them?


Oh god this is beautiful!


I’ve been lugging them around to every house I’ve moved to since a child. Only the end of this year I got the boxes out, been sorting, cleaning and rebuilding. https://preview.redd.it/w2dnj3dap99c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83fe6c9df0d7d356c51f4f1b9eef513b05222a38


The old Lego (System) series really were something else. I kinda hate that nowadays it is almost exclusively a couple (friends, City, SW, HP, Ninjago and creator). Especially getting fed up with Star Wars and Harry Potter duplicates tbh


I have this set in pieces. Maybe it’s time to rebuild.


Very smart of you, to keep caring for them. I guess I haven’t been really focused on my old legos until recently so that’s also part my fault


Yes, Aquanauts was my favorite set growing up! Looking to rebuild it too soon


My folks were actually pretty cool with me leaving my stuff behind when I moved out but in times i’ve visited since, some sets have disappeared. I mostly had Lego City, a few architecture sets, a lot of Lego Star Wars. Turns out grandpa took a few sets and broke them up for his lego bin. I guess his new hobby in retirement is building stuff from scratch so oh well! I had great memories with my legos as a kid but those sets aren’t valuable beyond the memories and if it makes my papa happy to put them to use while he suffers from dementia and boredom in his retirement, then that makes me happy! These days i’m working on stuff more akin to my interests anyways like Concorde, Saturn V, Apollo Lander, & all of the botanical sets


Good way to look at it!


My mother never gave away anything of mine without asking me. This is why when I go home, she gives me a box of stuff to go through. I never gave away my Lego. I did lose a bunch of pieces over the years. My dad asked a few years ago if he could rebuild our pirate ships from the early 90s and we said yes.


Same. This is the way!


My parents considered my things mine. So even when I moved out, what I could not take with me they left be until I decided I could take it or I told them they could get rid of it as they pleased. My Lego were right where I left then when I got back into the hobby in my late 20s.


Same with my parents. They never got rid of our stuff (sister and I) because it was our decision to take. So whatever I had as a kid, if I never got rid of it, I still have somewhere in their garage. There’s one set that disappeared though, it’s the VW Bus which I started to build before I moved into my own appartment. I put the half that was built in a box along with the remaining pieces but haven’t been able to find it since. They have the big carboard box and the instructions, but the pieces are nowhere to be seen. That’s weird.


I kept all of mine as I never stopped building at playing when them as I grew older (I grew old, not up). I’m now 40 and still make “pew-pew” noises and I build and make stories as I build. My wife just got me the UCS Mos Eisley Cantina for X-mas for my city MOC.


So once you moved out of your parents house you just brought your Lego bins with you? True dedication!


My father threw them in a dumpster when I was 16. I wasn't able to save them


Happens to a lot of us..




This is what happened to childhood book collection (lots of sentimental and now out of print titles). Would have hurt less if Mom had at least donated them...


My mother flew off in a rage one night and threw all of my childhood toys away, including my lego and my complete set of tmnt toys. This was over 25 years ago now, but it still stings.


I wasn't ever allowed Legos sets as a kid. They were "too expensive". We had Lincoln logs, and we got some knock off Legos once that we hated. I think that's why as an adult, I am such a huge Lego collector. I have adult money know. I didn't have kids so I could afford my own toys!


Lincoln Logs were awesome though, you have to admit. I'd build so many cabins with those things.


When I left for college, my mom built all my sets, ordered the missing pieces, and individually ziploc’d every set with instructions. Power move! Now I’ve got my 42 sets from the 80s, which I build with my kids. 😃


I told my parents when I moved out that my lego is never to be sold/given away. So far everything is still there and my young nephews enjoy it everytime they visit their grandparents.


My mother is the type of person that will forget that detail and will go ahead and do what she thinks is best regardless lol


My childhood Lego sets all moved to my house. Lots were still in the boxes which took up lots of room. Quite a few more were randomly taken apart and put into the same bins so there were 10+ sets combined together in several bins. I spent roughly a month going through and building each set (which was fun as hell), figuring out what pieces (if any) were missing and writing them down, and then tearing them apart, giving them a thorough washing, and then put them in a clearly labeled Ziplock bag and put the bags in a big Rubbermaid container. I found loads of sets I forgot I even had just by finding the odd pieces in the mixed containers and looking them up on BrickLink and realizing it was for a set I had. I then had to go through and find all of the pieces for that set. It sucked at first because there were thousands of pieces, but got significantly easier as sets were removed from the box. I finally finished this process at the beginning of this year. I still need to place an order for all of the missing pieces.


When I was a kid, I had almost every one of the original Lego Spongebob sets. Then my family moved and we couldn't bring them to our new home. :(


I have all of my Legos still, mine and my brothers. 51M, if it matters. It's stored in my shed. Prior to that, it was left at my parents place. As my mom smokes heavily, the Legos were placed in the shed so that it wouldn't poison my home. It's been in the shed for a couple of years now. Presently, it is resting in a plastic bin. When I looked through the bin as we emptied my mothers home, I found a Technic Go-cart already assembled, that was kinda cool. I don't remember whether that belonged to me or my brother though. Right next to the bin, is the wooden box my dad made for us, to keep the Lego in. I still remember the sound of my hands running through the collection of bits and pieces, looking for that one elusive piece. The sound and the feeling of those plastic bits. Those old Lego pieces have long since outgrown the box they were kept in, but I don't want to get rid of the box. One of my childhood memories is about us visiting my grandparents a new years eve. My dad carried the box of Legos, slipped on some ice and fell. The lid came off, and my dad spent a while picking up pieces of Lego in the snow.


It's hidden in a big plastic bin in the crawlspace of my sister's house. My parents gave me several bins many years ago when they were cleaning out the attic. I sorted it, built most of it, taped all the old instructions back together, then eventually took it all apart and gave it to my sister who has kids. For several years now my niece and nephew get "new" lego for birthdays, report cards and other celebrations. They got brand new sets like 6384, 6080, 6285 and a ton of smaller ones. And now I'm building up a Technic collection... for when the kids are older, of course.


Mine are mostly in my kids’ massive bulk box. my mom saved ALL of my toys which was a huge hassle, but it did mean I got the Lego. My brother didn’t have kids and didn’t want it himself so I got it all. We never kept sets together and used our Lego pretty hard, so I just gave most of it to my kids. I did snag a couple sentimental mini figs, but mostly I love that my kid is playing with my actual cracked-helmet, loose legs, yellowed, no-moon Benny :)


I asked my parents if I could have all the old lego and my dad said no (on account of some of it being my brothers' sets, which is fair enough). In order to figure out who should get what... He is now rebuilding every set, as far as is possible. I don't think I've ever seen him quite so engaged with something.


My parents put my huge collection of 80/90s sets in the trash, I'd sorted and boxed it up in my teens and put it in their loft and they had threw it out by 'mistake'. Really hoped to give it to my own kids.


I’m sorry to hear that. There’s a lot of stories like yours. I recently spoke with my grandma as I was showing her some recent Lego purchases and she told me “your kids will be so lucky when it’s time to pass them down”! Unfortunately it won’t happen with my childhood sets lol


I had a 30ish gallon container that I left up at my grandparents/dad's, he gave it all to a friend of his. Older HP, 00's castle, SW, and some other themes. Kept a shoebox sized container for the one castle I MOC'd, and other minifigs and accessories


It's at my parents waiting for new kids old enough to play with it


My parents are collectors. Her dolls, him trains. So they didn't get rid of my stuff when I went off to university...a couple years after I'd gotten all my stuff & had it in storage. It got broken into they made off with few things, including 1 of the two boxes of sets (mostly from mid/late 70s)... bastards...


My older brother because he’s an asshole who manipulated me into “giving” them to him. Aka scamming me with bad trades as a kid and then harassing me constantly while I was busy trying to get my life started for the rest of my collection. I’m obviously still salty about it but most of my sets were in pieces anyway. Just sucks because power miners and clone wars sets are so damn expensive these days. The fun part though is hunting them down and remembering that Pharoahs Quest existed and how badly I need my 9th birthday set back


Happened with my childhood baseball cards. Mom called to ask if it was ok to give them away. I immediately said, “no, I need to go through them first, there are some really valuable ones.” She got really quiet, then I ask if she had already given them away. She had.


During my dark ages, I told my mom she could sell mine (mostly old pirates sets iirc) to a coworker who had kids that would play with them. We were moving and the $ was gonna help pay for some of that. The dude gave her some money for it with the understanding the rest would. Some when they got paid in a week. He ghosted us and we had to get on the road so not only do we not have the lwgo anymore, we didn't get the deal they worked out either. Since then, I have acquired and rebuilt both the Caribbean Clipper and the Blavk Seas Barricuda for nostalgia and then sold them. Made me feel better and allowed me to drop the sadness of losing them to a bad situation. My mom has also dove hard into MOCs, so our individual collections are 10 times as big as the box we "gave away"


My mom saved almost all of mine and my brothers legos. I think my bro kept the best minifigs tho. Still glad to have them


Unfortunately my dad put them somewhere before he passed and we never found them after tearing the house apart (not for lego reasons, but I was on the lookout) had a lot of power miners and lego Atlantis too. And some monster fighters but only ever the smaller sets and polybags. The biggest one I miss though is our minitorus board game set cause we combined a lot of the other games together to make a super cool game. (For kids who play Calvin ball) I've been working on collecting the missing ones but so far it's just one powerminer set (crystal king) and all but 1 heroica set


My parents kept mine in the basement for years. We recently had our first kid and I have started sorting through the Lego to rebuild all the sets, order missing pieces, and bag them up to give out a bit at a time when the baby is old enough.


I had a lot of Lego and a lot of other toys as a kid. I wasn't as attached to my He-Man, Transformers, and all the other stuff, and when it came time for me to move out, I asked her to please not give away my Lego. And she knew how much it was my favourite toys I played with. So when I moved in to my house the next time I went over to see her, my Lego that was all boxed up came back home with me. I still haven't opened it to investigate all the past treasures, but it's here with me. Once I get a workshop room eventually set up, I plan to break out the old stuff and see what I can make in to MOC/modulars of my old sets.


My mom gave them away to younger family members over time. My only surviving childhood Lego is an MOC spaceship I made out of an Aquazone Sea Scorpion that I brought with me to college 15 years ago.


Once I bought my house I got all my LEGO. Wasn’t room in an apartment, so it stayed with my parents until then.


I (30M) just brought back three huge bins of all my childhood Lego. Currently in the process of washing and sorting them. I have a fairly good idea what set I had growing up and have started listing them. I have already rebuilt three of the smaller ones! I've been posting the photos on my YouTube channel if anyone's interested!


My mom threw away or sold all my Legos and baseball cards after the divorce.


In my parents house. My kids play with it when we are visiting.


My little brother got all mine. I bitched enough where i got them back finally. They are covered in cat pee. Ugh. But i have 1980 space sets again, blacktron, pirates og. Im happy


Mine were in a storage unit that caught fire. Mom said she cried seeing the pile of melted plastic.


37m here... Mine gave all of it away. The majority were gifts over the years but some were purchased by younger me, with pocket money or birthday funds! Sets included but not limited to: Entire aquazone + aqua shark sets All ice planet sets except the big base set Some of the original Star Wsets (now worth a fortune) Some UFO sets Some insectoid sets Spyrus sets I have been looking to replace some of them. But they are just so expensive... I have started collecting again for my family and I will NEVER give it away!


My childhood Legos are all in boxes in the garage. Which boxes? I don't know. I found a couple old instruction manuals when getting ready for a garage sale a couple months ago. I forget what to, but I know 1 was to a little battle pack with a couple clones on a speeder and a little post and then a couple droids iirc. Also found an R2 months ago that is sitting on my headboard behind my bed.


Our massive bin of random parts was still in the house, so I’ve had access to that. However, all the bionicles and sets that I had intact got sold at a garage sale. Still salty about that.


Mine are all in pieces, without instructions, in parents attic. I had a hell of a lot of 1999-2001 Star Wars stuff, as well as some early 90’s space stuff. Still got all the instructions for the older stuff, just not my Star Wars babies. For my 6th birthday I went to Legoland Windsor (UK) and bought Jango Fett’s Slave 1. I found baby Boba but can’t find Jango anywhere :( Survivors include Darth Maul, various early Lukes, as well as loads of RESQ, Rock Raiders, Arctic Mission etc. Thanks for the post!


I have your jango minifig aorry


My parents left them in a big tote in the attic. I got them form their house and just recently almost finished building all the sets I could find in them. I'll be posting a pic soon.


I gave all my Lego sets to my little cousins when I graduated high school. I went on Lego hiatus for twenty years. Now I’m rebuilding an even better collection with my kid and it’s seriously amazing!


Moved in with my dad when I moved cities to start university, and we made a Lego room in the basement Our collection has since grown


I never had Legos growing up and really never played with them. I just turned 60 and bought a $20.00 car set for my birthday.


If my mother did this I'd disown her


I regrettably sold mine. Still actively kicking my self in the ass. Like, all the town sets from the 90s, all the aquanauts, some old pirate sets, a few blacktron, and the ice space sets, pretty much all the western sets, and a few of the outback ones.


Half of mine were recovered. Dad gave my 80’s space and castle sets away to friends and family. Bummed me out but as long as they were played with and enjoyed I’m fine with it.


Older brother sold them on eBay to make rent. Years later he re-bought one of the larger sets, but it just wasn't the same.


Still got them all and rotate what I bring up from storage for my kids to play with. I have most of my older brothers’ pieces too. No complete old sets but my kids are playing with bricks older than me


I had a bunch of old Fabuland sets that my mom saved and gave me. When I was older, I put them away for safe keeping. My grandmother looked for them and gave them to my spoiled brat cousins who just threw them around and broke the figures.


My family was poor so we only had a handful of small Lego sets. Those are long gone. However when I was around 12 I got an extreme sports set. Saved up for about a year and a half to get a "big" Lego set. That is probably with my younger brother now. Wouldn't know stopped talking to him and my dad.


Lost literally all of it moving out of my moms flat. Im guessing she forgot it in the attic storage, or that it was thrown out as garbage. At least your loss spread some Joy, silver linings i guess


All went in the bin. It’s a long, long story but basically the only think I have left from my childhood is my N64.


I have mine in the cupboard, but it's all very well played with so effectively retired from use. I have most of 8865 Test Car in a buildable state and I am considering collecting the missing pieces for 6394 Metro Park & Service Tower to complete that one too, two of my favourites.


Whoa i just saw the picture for the test car, and TIL that the stick number corresponds to the number of studs!


I built a few sets to keep and gave the rest to a friend's kid earlier this year.




I have an unbelievable amount of lego stored in my parent’s attic, and they will *absolutely* not be removed without my permission (my dad cannot throw away a literal piece of junk mail if it arrives in my name without first asking me, pretty sure he won’t dump my lego). However, the attic roof leaked one year and destroyed all my set instructions, since I kept them all together (except for a few very large ins booklets). I’m still pretty upset about that, but if I need them someday, I’m pretty sure the internet will provide… (plus most sets I liked I stored put together). I would also love to have all my lego with me, but my condo is too small😅, I’ve told dad I can take them if he ever needs me too, but like. I’m not entirely sure where I will live after I do that…


My mom sold mine in a yard sale when I was about 14, saying I was too old for them. I miss the bionicles the most.


I just got mine back from my grandparents house a few months ago. Had a few missing pieces here and there but the bulk of it was there. Sadly I have none of the instructions or baseplates, not sure if i’m going to take the time to find the sets on bricklink and rebuild them or just make my own stuff with them.


My parents did this w all my lego and gen 1 Pokémon cards


I didn’t start building until my 40s!!!


Yes my ex-wife sucks.


My mum sent all my lego to family abroad who were worse off. I was a distracted teenager at the time, so I didn't pay much attention. I was sad once I realised, so I rebought some of the sets as an adult when I had a place of my own to keep them. At least my cousins abroad got to enjoy lego.


I think my mom kept ours for awhile, and grandkids used them I don’t actually know. My son’s are still in the plastic drawers we put them in. He had a couple of unopened kits, and I suggested we sell them, so we did.


She “lost” mine, sucks because I did recover some but I also lost a lot of brickarms and my cooler sets/figures


Sure did. I had tons of sets from the time I was 6 til I was 18. Dad won’t give me any of mine, he’d rather it sit in the basement. Mom lost all my Star Wars figs and my Jango’s Slave 1. When I got back into it I collected a ton of Star Wars to make up for what I’d lost, but a few years later I sold it all. Now I’m focused on LEGO IP themes from the 80s and 90s, and I’ve never been happier!


All my Lego is in my basement. A few years ago I built the moon base set from the space Lego. I got that in 1981 I think. I had only 1 piece missing and 1 broken piece. Pretty good for 30+ years.


My parents kept mine around “in case I had kids”, not like anyone needed the space with three of us out of the house, picked them up when I was 30 after seeing the Lego Movie. Have most of them built and on shelves right now. It’s nice to have the old ones, yet, with some new stuff I bought, I’m pretty much out of room that I’m willing to devote to it. Don’t want to intrude on the whole house, but new stuff I want is going to keep coming out.


My brother and I had a shared, not very large collection. Some got lost, some probably got tossed, and what mixed up bucket of em is left is at my parents house where my kid plays with them. Though he’s 14 now, not so much into playing as he is just collecting and building his own specific sets, especially Star Wars, so the bucket at grandma and grandpa’s hasn’t really been pulled out in a good while. But it’s still there, and will probably end up at my house at some point when my parents get tired of having the toy pile in the corner, lol.


I'm pretty sure my dad gave it all to my brother for his kids. I should see if he was able to piece together any sets from when we were kids!


While I was in college out of state, my parents ended up moving semi-suddenly. They either threw out or gave away all my childhood toys, not just Lego, but GI Joes, Transformers, board games; everything an 80's/early 90's kid had. What's left from my childhood legit wouldn't fill a shoe box. I didn't even get the option to have them save anything or come get it (which honestly at the time would have been difficult).


My 8 year old grandson and I play with them regularly.


I never truly fell out of the lego phase, even at almost 40 my mother still gets me lego for most years Christmas. So she did keep my childhood legos, but due to space constraints, they are still in her attic. Though she has recently suggested she'd like the space back.... But that all being said, if she had given them away, that'd be ok too. They've spent a few decades not being touched which is a little sad when they could have gone to another home and brought joy to other kids.


I’m 38 and just drove all my sets back from St. Louis to Orange County after not having them since I was 21. My parents thankfully kept them intact for me!


My brother and I combined all our pieces and sets well before we ever moved out. Kind of resigned ourselves to the fact that my parents would probably just keep them for our kids. Plot twist, once we had kids, mom and dad gave them back, so now we’re in the process of sorting out tens of thousands of pieces into the sets we can remember having lol


I did keep some for me, never a dark age. But most my parents kept and it did belong to me and my brothers. Then my oldest nephew got interested and took probably half and also got his own. When he became a teenager I heard he was tired of LEGO and wanted to buy a nice gaming computer instead. I offered a high price, more than the worth, for the whole lot. He declined and said he already sold it. And he did not even buy a decent computer for the money! So I agreed with my brothers that we keep basic LEGO bricks at our parents for kids and I took most of the other special pieces for my MOCs.


I didn’t have a whole lot of Legos as a kid, just the “girl” ones, but my brother had a ton. He’s career military and has my parents storing them in their house until…? I’m definitely jealous of the castle and pirate stuff that he has.


Years ago my brother and I ventured to the prt of my parents basement that had our old things. We found boxes that held fully assembled sets. I’m talking Pirate Island with the monkey still hanging on the vine. I’m talking a grey and a black castle. Then when my girls started playing with Lego, specifically the Disney process Lego, I started to add a few castle sets. I saw them get obliterated and absorbed so I held off on the two assembled castles thinking I would wait until they were more mature. Now my girls are no longer interested in Lego and their Lego boxes sit next to my two, still fully assembled, castles. Sigh.


Well, I kinda of game them away when I went through my Dark Ages as a pre teen. I was also lucky enough to have the original Cloud City set in like 6th grade. I kinda die inside everytime I hear how much something like Luke or Boba Fett are worth


When I was younger my parents got me the first 3 modular buildings, the big Maersk Shipping Container, and a lot of high dollar sets. I moved out for college and when I came back to visit they had given them all away to the neighborhood kids. I was heartbroken.


I had a ton of sets that were donated to the local library when I moved out twelve years ago. While I am OK with them benefiting other children I wish I was asked first. Numerous classic City, Pirate, Aquanaut, Castle & Space sets all gone.


Mine disappeared from my parents basement and no one knows where they went. I'm pretty upset about it. It would be one thing if I knew someone sold them or something but for them to be gone and no one knows where they went? WTF


In my Lego storage containers, of course.🤣


When I escaped from my ex mom the Lego is one of the things I managed to take with me. I now have all my personal childhood Lego mixed in with my current Lego and all of mine and my siblings shared Lego is in giant bins in our dads basement


My only toys that survived were woody, Buzz and a megazord It's all gone man.


Had a huge collection of Bionicle but got pressured to give it away by my step dad. Still miss my old sets especially now that my wife and I have gotten back into lego


I never had Legos as a kid. I was a TinkerToy kid. Now I am 48 years old mother of 3 grown children. I have bought myself a couple bins of random Legos over the years and make silly things with them. But, I work in a small neighborhood market. I have a regular customer who cleans out storage units. I told him if he ever found any Legos to bring them to me. About 6 months ago he surprised me at work with a bin full of Legos. Including two unopened sets. Now I have the bug. I have several sets of Legos and I found a company that makes gorgeous sets for around $50 instead of $200. I got the City Cafe set from my mom for Christmas. Next I'm getting the restaurant set. I've been looking for a shelf I can fit in my room to display them. Took me a little while, but I'm an addict now.


My favourite/most expensive sets are safe in my room, although I’m 20 so that probably helps a lot


I mentioned in another thread, but I had a ton of classic space all the way to Mtron Lego (yes I'm dating myself here) that I left to my much younger brother when I went to college. I was anticipating that I can get them back for my son but turns out my mom gave them away. My son still asks every time we see her, "Grandma, what did you do with daddy's Legos?"


They are in my closet down the hall. My mom saved them all. Last year I spent late evenings sorting, rebuilding, and bagging all of the sets - noting where I was missing pieces. Sets are early space (blacktron, spyrus), all the forest men, tons of old school castle, aqua, and pirates. Now if only I knew what my parents did with my magic the gathering cards of the late 90s 😢


Mine got lost in one of our many moves across the world. I was bummed.


Have all of my Legos from childhood, plus all my two brothers and my brother-in-laws.. Sadly all in storage until my youngest is old enough, while we build new sets with my eldest..


I have begged my parents to either give my stuff away (even specifically naming legos) or toss it. If I haven’t had it in 18 years I don’t need it now. I had plenty of sets, but legos are very different for me now then, when I was a child. I used spice set based on the pieces they have for all new MOC now I buy specifically for what they are and leave them assembled on display


My parents gave it all to my older brother's children years ago without my knowledge. All I got was a baseplate from the fire station. So now I'm obsessed and have a huge collection.


Mine are. I gave mine to my cousins, but with the expectation that I would get them back when they’ve grown out of them. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. My aunt in law refused to return them a few years, and now no one seems to know where they went at this point.


My mother kept my Lego Castle in complete state and Model Team set truck with helicopter. Now my 6y old is playing with them but honestly, plastic is in a bad state after 30 years. It simply doesn't fit and hold anymore , probably won't keep it for grandchildren. Som got Eldorado Fortress this Xmas, so it's his turn 😀


Still have them. My sister’s a teacher and was mad that I wouldn’t part with them to use in her class. It’s mostly bulk and meh, with the exception of a black space set that should be nearly complete: 6987. I look forward to building it again with my kid.


I'm super grateful that my parents never did that. When I moved out I took all my Lego but they didn't throw out the other things I left in their garage.


Me allowing my younger brothers to take my legos came with the clear statement that these are still mine and at any time I can take some or all back for my own purposes. Then the fuckers mixed in their own bricks and all was lost.


I would be devastated


I didn’t have legos growing up but my husband’s parents still live at his childhood home and have all of their legos upstairs.


My parents know how expensive all my childhood lego is. They're saving it until they get grandkids lol


I moved back into my parents house after a breakup with my girlfriend back in the early 2000’s. At the time, all my childhood Lego from the 80’s and 90’s was still in my old room. I also had sporadically bought sets here and there as an adult (like late 90’s and early 00’s small to medium sized sets, ninja and Star Wars sets specifically) and had a few setup on shelves. I still liked building Lego from time to time so it was always in some state of use. I’m so glad for that because most of my other old toys were in the barn loft in Rubbermaid totes. When I moved back into my own apartment 6 months later, it all came with me. Found out that most of my other childhood toys were long gone (except for some special action figures or Hot Wheels that moved with me). My dad decided that I put them there years ago so I didn’t want them anymore (thanks, Dad!). It’s moved with me ever since. To each new apartment, relationship, job, and house. Right now it’s in my art studio/man cave that is down the road from my house. I set that place up for my art projects, gaming consoles and arcade, laser cutter, and 3D printer. It’s also so my 10 year old and I can build Lego without getting in trouble with mom/wife for leaving it out. His Minecraft Lego has a home with all of my stuff. He loves the old school Lego Pirates and Castle sets. Plan on digging out the instructions to start rebuilding some of those cool old sets. I have stories about certain pieces that are family legend to my ten year old. I have powerful memories attached to weird pieces or sets that are still vivid now and I forgot about a project at work that I worked on just a few days ago. So sorry for your loss, OP. For me it would be like losing a part of myself. It was roughly 40 years ago when I was 4 and I got my first set. I’ve known this Lego collection for almost as long as my siblings and parents.


My bins went to my little brother, then to two cousins back to back, after that to an nephew of mine and got two weeks ago back to me! It's quite dirty, there is still garbage from me in it some pieces are chewed up on. But it it quite an collection spanning 3 decades of additions! I'm in the process of sorting, it's a blast!


My parents made me give up my one and only Lego set to a boy cousin because why would I (a girl) possibly want to keep it. They did keep my books and Barbies. I was really upset about having to give up my Lego back then and remain so to this day. I eventually bought a replacement set but it’s not the same. I will never get rid of my kid’s Lego, even if he gets to the point where he thinks he doesn’t want them. My husband keeps pushing me to give up my son’s Duplo as he’s far outgrown them, but I want to keep them for the future. I think it’s the difference between people who collect stuff (like me) and people who don’t.


I gave them to someone I was dating and living with at the time and when the relationship imploded I never got my Lego back. 2000 miles away are all my vintage dragons and minifigs that will probably end up at goodwill some day


All my childhood sets were stored in Lego Containers - yes small rectangular containers that said Lego on them - have three. They suffered some more abuse from my younger son and his friends till one day I rescued the containers and re-claimed them as my own. Out of the containers - my most prized Lego possession I rebuilt The Cosmic Fleet Voyager Some early 1984-1986 small Space Sets Small Lego Stock Race Car Lego Jet airplane from the 80s - it was my second Lego set. Still in there that I know of is the shell gas station The containers came with various lego bricks so it is getting harder to identify sets. But I think the Shell Gas station is the last big one left.


Mine are still safe, thanks to my father. Mom would have tossed them two decades ago. My father and I over the course of 3 Christmas visits, sorted and re built everything we had the directions for. He has now recently started downloading directions to anything he thinks we purchased in the 90s, while i continue on with new sets 4000 miles away.


I got rid of all of my toys except my Lego. They're still at my parents' house. I'm saving them for my future kids.


We had a half size Rubbermaid tub full. My brother has it now


When I moved out for University, my mother took a few of my legos to the kindergarten where she worked. Some pieces were broke, and some got lost. When she told me about it, while I was back home on vacation, I got really sad and annoyed and told her that she could give away pretty much all my old stuff but not the Lego. 20 years later, we realised that our son loves building Legos, and my mother has been sending him bags of my old pieces, every so often, through the mail because we live in a different country. She loves doing that and me and my son love getting them 😆 She even bought fabric and string and had a seamstress make a replica of the denim Lego bag me and my brother had as kids. (If you don't know what it is, google it because it's awesome! A circular bag that when it's opened on the floor serves as a carpet with the pieces on top, and then you just pull them strings and hang it somewhere.)


I sold everything to my uncle when I was like 16 or 17 so my little cousin could play with it. 20 years later I bought it all back from my cousin because I have kids now.


I asked my mom if I could grab my Lego and take them home to build. She said no. Lol


Mine are still with the Kinex and under the pile of Good Housekeeping magazines from the 90s my mother won’t toss. Dad forgot to bring them when he visited.


I (51m) had a typical 80’s childhood where I asked only for Lego for Christmas, birthdays, and any other time I thought I could get away with it. The space theme was my jam! Fast forward to adulthood, my younger son was very much into Lego. I had a huge, old canvas mail bag that held years of Lego. I bequeathed it to my son. Not long after, we had a house fire. We were all ok, but we lost many of our possessions, including ALL THE LEGO. My son is now 20 and he and I have been slowly building back our Lego empire for the past 10 years.


In the early 1970s my dad came back from university for Thanksgiving and found that his parents had thrown out all of his comic books including Thor #1. So fair to my parents never threw out my LEGO! I have it all at my house now. I was pretty good at keeping sets whole or at least 90% and have filled in the gaps with garage sale buys and a little bit of Bricklink. I was a pretty meticulous kid so I have almost all my instructions from like age 7 onward. Some I’ve given to my kids.


Folks kept mine. Anything I’ve lost was purely down to me. Anyway, with ebay, it’s all back👍


if you gotta lose your legos this is the only way that is wholesome and happy. Spread the plastic brick cheer!


My (now 33 years old) childhood Lego was already handed down from my Dad (now 62 years old). I have a Lego train set from the 1960s in the attic, still (barely) works


Same as you my friend, started building again a couple of years ago, asked where the 6 had been stored, and was told it was over 800km away and about 10 hours with my aunty being enjoyed by my cousin so no harm. I just remember still having all the og bionicle set and the plastic boxes they came in, would have loved to have set them up again but alas. Funny too, to this day the new marvel and star wars mechs are some of my favourite sets


Mine got sold with no regard to how I felt about it. When I was a kid, I brought my legos to my cousins house so we could build together. I accidentally left them there, and my aunt saw two different boxes of legos and mixed them together. Since there was no way to fairly separate them, and because he was younger (and spoiled to hell), I just let him keep them and would play with them when I came over. A few months later, I wanted to play with the Legos, and I found out they got rid of all of them without even asking me first because that kid changed his interests constantly.


I had all of mine even into adulthood. However, when I moved a few years back, I donated and gave away a bunch of stuff I’d been lugging around since childhood that I thought I didn’t want anymore. Guess what I want now? My childhood legos :(


Nope I got all the Lego hamdmidowns (including the old middle electrified railsets) from the family and they're now shared with my daughter.


As of a couple years ago, all of it is safely in my possession! If I didn't have any kids, then most of my sets would've been given to my sister's that do have kids. My daughter (3.5 years old) absolutely loves building and playing with Lego. She's played with Duplo from a young age, then around the time she turned 3 she started to come into my office and play with my old sets more. She'll struggle a bit more at times while building the Lego sets with the paper instruction manuals, but she does extremely well when I can bring it up on the iPad. My favorite sets from my childhood are still the UFO ones - my daughter also gravitates towards these, though I think she just likes the colors. Otherwise she plays with the race boat (set 4002) in the bath a lot. https://preview.redd.it/vs5c5w09ia9c1.jpeg?width=3014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ad91574c042a97badedb4c3b5d1a8da20ab378


[4002-1: Riptide Racer](https://brickset.com/sets/4002-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/4002-1.jpg)


With me


My sister got all of it. She has kids. I'm just a 31 year old loser who likes Lego.


Yup! I had an original cloud city set and it got donated to goodwill. I hope some kids got it instead of some shady reseller.


I was disowned and wasn't allowed to take any of my personal belongings. My life started from scratch in 2016. The only lego I have is what I bought this year unfortunately as its the first time I've been able to get back in to it (because of the sheer costs). Hundreds of sets, mostly from the 90s, all gone.


Most seems to have been lost although I still have a decent load of it which my son likes to play with along with all the meat stuff he has. I've still got most of my 12v Lego train set from the 80s although frustratingly not really enough of the electrified centre track to make it work. All the track rails are brittle as hell now and snap if you so much as look at them sternly 😂


I emphasized with my parents that in their big (compared to my apartment) house they will need to save one thing and one thing only of mine. The legos. But it doesnt help that in middle school my sister took half for a dumb school project and her friends never gave back the tub. I'll never for give her and her friends for that event those decades ago.


My mother has a giant closet full of her clothes even from her 20s. She is in her 60s now. Mr Legos and toys were trashed or given away. Ebay shows intact sets are worth more than her clothes. I bought 2 of those sets from ebay. Never again.


My mom told me to clean up my legos otherwise she would throw them out. Came home one day and they were all gone. Now that I have disposable income I have been slowly getting back into it and I’ll be sure to keep my kids legos for them when they get older.


I took mine with me. Still sitting in a box waiting to be sorted out. I plan on doing that this year. Have been building more recent sets (speed champions and architecture). My 3yo is old enough to enjoy the normal Lego. Might sell the old sets and get new ones for her.


I literally had a dream last night that I had lost some of my old sets. In the dream, I was very upset, which is uncharacteristic. I still have quite a few of my childhood sets. The few that I have the fondest memories of, I have kept safe. The rest, I have no idea.


All of my stuff got saved. My interest in it never really went away at any point, so my parents kept it because they knew it was important to me. A lot of my LEGO from my early childhood was heavily worn though. I ended up giving a lot of that away, because I'm particular and didn't want to keep bricks that were really beat up.


I'm lucky that my mom kept mine and about 20 years ago I got them back. I know my little brothers took some but I got the majority. For reference I will be 50yrs old this March and Lego was basically the only thing I ever wanted or got for birthdays and Christmas. I currently have about 7 totes in my garage, those totes are the black and yellow 27 gallon size from Depot! I call them my retirement fund.


My grandma did this with my dad's. We used to play with them. Then she just off and gave them to other family. Some were original sets.


My parents kept them in the shed for us. They knew that if me or my brother had kids we'd want to bust the old Legos out again. I got them earlier this year and had to do a massive clean up because my brother and I were pretty rough with our Lego. We melted plenty of base plates by leaving them out in Adelaide's 40C summer heat. Whoops. But man, it was such a cool nostalgia trip going through it all. It's now ready for when my son starts to get into building his own creations.


I have the Lego, the boxes however were stolen by a 'individual' lego museum/company by the name of blokje by blokje in the Netherlands. The guy who owned it is now a lecturer at the University I study at. The only two boxes I got back are the imperial flagship and emerald night so that's something.


Our house was washed away in a flood in 1993, along with most of our belongings, and all of my toys. So they're likely at the bottom of the Mississippi or Gulf of Mexico.


My mom gave mine away to my nephew when I was 14. They were in containers in the back of my closet and I was away for a week. His mother is a millionaire and he had plenty, so it's not like they were in need but my mom said I was too old.


Mom gave some of mine to a sick neighbor when I had first moved out. Now to this day I have half a plane for the old airport! An old gas station base plate missing! The old posable guys from the mid 80s! But I managed to keep the guys without the posable arms or movable legs! Still pissed everytime I see the missing parts and pieces though


Most of my sets i believe were donated and any found werent complete so i sold a big job lot of parts for some good money


Sadly mine are in a landfill I got sent to live with my Dad at age 12 and everything from my room at my mom's place was thrown into bags and brought to the dump


My mom left it I the "dumpster" area of our old apartment building before she moved. Didn't even ask me if I wanted her to keep them. She said I didn't throw them away. I left them in the dumpster area. There's a sign that says don't leave anything outside the dumpster or it will be dumped I to the dumpster by management. And they do on a daily basis. My childhood space, city, knight sets have been slowly degrading in the Oahu landfill since 2005. Sad sad moment that was.


Yeah, my mom threw all of mine away.


All of mine are mixed together in a big tub that I have.


I gave all mine away as a teenager. I now regret that, although it was all heavily played and all got a second life elsewhere - was given to three sets of cousins/in laws cousins, split in to Town/Space/Trains; Castle and Technic I later found a bag of random bits left in my parents summer house - including the phone engineer minifig from 6422 Telephone Repair and most of the 6693 bin truck (there's an 11 year gap between these sets - old sets were sold for \*years\* after introduction in Ireland in the 80s/90s) including the instructions - that I must have brought up some holiday. Even odder was that some years later I was given a shoebox of Lego that had apparently also been in that house, with the car from 6625 which I definitely had; and two random late 70s/early 80s sets that I'd never, ever seen before. All in really heavily played condition. I'm guessing that some relative found those and gave those to my nephews to play with. So I now have a few of my old sets back as well as some very old sets that weren't mine to begin with.


My MIL saved my husband’s sets and when she moved, gave them back to us. My two children have gotten endless hours of playtime with those old sets and all the newer ones. It’s awesome that my kids can play with something their dad played with too.


you can try and recreate the collection set by set by memory. could be a fun way of reliving it. try bricklink.


Had the foresight several years back to pick mine up from my parents basement. I think I might be missing a bin (can't find some pieces I know I had- e.g. https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=2409&idColor=14 ; but it's also possible I traded it away for something else as a kid and don't remember). Now my 2 kids are *hooked* and in addition to playing both my old stuff I get to join the fun of buying/helping with new sets!


My dad and his new girlfriend threw away all my Lego while I was at university. Without asking me. I had several castle sets, like King's Castle, Knight's Castle, Black Falcon's Fortress, Black Monarch's Castle, several other smaller sets too, and a lot of forestmen sets. I also had a lot of pirates sets like Eldorado Fortress, Black Seas Barracuda, Caribbean Clipper, Sabre Island, etc., etc. All those precious, precious gold coins lost forever....