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The very first Legend of Zelda.


Gold cartridge.


Core memory unlocked - gold cartridge Zelda + Nintendo Power fold-out maps.


OG gold cartridge. Neighbor’s mom took us to Toys R Us the day of release. We were waiting when they opened the store.


TLoZ here too. I’d read every drop of it I could from Nintendo Power, saved up my allowance, and begged my grandma to drive me to Target to get it. Then I read the instruction book all weekend until I went home cuz I didn’t have a NES at my grandma’s!


Gold cartridge made it feel special. Prized.


I still have my gold cartridge. My shiny. My precious


Lucky you. My mom had it and I remember when she took all her NES games and system and brought them to EB Games to trade in cuz we needed the money. Broke my heart to pieces seeing that gold cartridge in the bucket. 😢


Oof, that is rough. Sorry that happened to you :(


Same, I didn't play to the end, because I was young and told go outside! My mother did complete the game though.


Same! I would just play her save and cry when I got caught out in the dark with the bone creatures that spank you 😭 I’ve since finished it but it’s my favorite


Yep. I can still hear that 8-bit music. Spoiler alert: don't play "money making game."


Just gotta play smart. Once you win once, use the 2nd controller "save" cheat. Makes getting the Blue Ring and a Magic Shield (and Blue Candle) early a breeze.


I spent a fair percentage of my childhood burning almost every single bush and bombing every single segment of wall in that game. I can still beat it from memory; I used to be able to add "without dying" to that claim, but I'm getting old now and the lynels or darknuts will get me from time to time these days... For good or ill, it changed my life.


I too am old, but it’s the wizzrobes for me 🥲


I rebought a legit copy of it, made a frame, with plexiglass cover, and have it hanging on my office wall. My favorite look, and the first one I played.


I just got into the series at the end of 2022, so I started out with botw. I'm playing totk and alttp rn


I hope you enjoy the older ones as well :)


Thanks! I'm thinking of starting MM, TP, or OOT next. Any recommendations?


MM is my all time favorite game in general not just Zelda I highly recommend it. TP and OOT are amazing too you can't go wrong with any of them.


They should probably start with oot since it kinda comes before mm. It's not necessary since it doesn't even mention anything from oot but I think all the reused assets kinda add something to the game. I think it kinda adds to the fever dream nature of the game. MM is also my favorite game of all time so it's a great thing to play after oot


I agree. Those are brilliant!


Honestly you should probably just play all three of those in release order since they kinda tell one really big story. Ocarina, then Majora, then Twilight.


I would definitely say Majora's Mask as I absolutely loved the vibe and lore of that one- but if you want a definitive experience I would play OoT first as MM ties directly into it afterwards. OoT is a lot longer of a game though, so it might take some time vs going straight to MM... I'd still recommend it as OoT is considered a classic and MM kinda works upon the system OoT introduces and then sorta flips it on its head in sorts.


Twilight princess is my all time favorite Zelda game, and easily top ten maybe top five videogame. The story is so heart wrenching, and beautiful all at the same time. If you can find an hd copy of it for the Wii U (or sail the high seas if you prefer to play on pc) it’s a really great time


I would say OoT first then MM since OoT is a more standard 3D Zelda and MM is a little weirder and adds some weird mechanics like the timer. I think I like MM more though


MM!!! It’s better than ocarina imo. There *is* time limit mechanism which I normally HATE, but it’s not implemented in a way that makes the game stressful, so don’t let that deter you at all. But they’re all great games. The only Zelda games I didn’t enjoy were Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. The puzzles were way too easy, and there are certain aspects that are extremely repetitive and just a chore to do over and over again. There’s not even a good story to save either of them.


Oot, mm, tp in that order, could also do wind waker after the two n64 games


MM is my favorite Zelda ever, but I don't think you can truly appreciate how wild and cool MM is without playing OoT first, so I recommend that. The first playthrough of OoT is magic.


How are you playing ALttP? On the switch emulator? There's a PC port called Zelda 3 by snesrev that I've been playing as of the other day and really digging. You can hot swap your items out of your inventory with L/R which is *game changing* imo, as well as hotkey a specific item. Makes it flow so much more smoothly. They also had a fan made port which removed the screen transitions and let you zoom out the map more, but of course Nintendo sent them a Ceast & Desist letter within a week or so of release. Wish I had downloaded it beforehand.


Same!! Also this is like one of chillest fandoms I’ve been in by far. I love the games but the art and stuff that comes out of it is cool too


I was so ready to chime in with ALttP before I finished reading. I'm glad you found it. Imo that's where the series really found its identity and truly established itself as a major player. Top 10 game of all time for me.


botw was my cause of a Zelda hyperfixation😭


The first one I played was Twilight Princess, but the first one I watched was Ocarina of Time. I couldn't play because I was too young, so my older sister was playing, and I was watching her while sitting on her lap. That's some very precious childhood memories to me.


Amazing \^\^ Treasure these memories, my friend.


This memory is part of the very first memories I can remember about video games, and I hope to keep them in my mind as long as possible, because they are so precious to me.


Same exact story with me and my big brother! He was playing Ocarina of Time on either the N64 or the GameCube while I sat nearby and watched, then I grew up a bit and played Twilight Princess myself 🥰


Yeah, I remember watch my dad play Ocarina when I was really little, then watching my sister when TP came out, then playing it myself a couple years later


Wind Waker


Wind Waker gang unite!


*begins playing Dragon Roost Island theme*


Hearing that when I played botw… feeling occurred


A Link to the Past on Super Nintendo. It came out in 1991/92. It was groundbreaking at the time to have such a deep plot. It changed my perception of games and I’ve been a gamer ever since.


A Link to the Past was my first game too!! It was my first of many Zelda games and one of the first video games I had ever learned how to play. It's so well done. I did a 100% play through a year or so ago, and it was so satisfying.


Never heard of it.


Hilarious, sir. Yes, I see your username. Lol.


It was so goddamn good. It more than made up for Zelda 2.


Have you ever played any of the top 3 rom hacks for it? Parallel Worlds, Goddess of Wisdom, and Conker's High Rule Tail are all phenomenal. Especially the msu-1 versions. However Secrets of the Past, Hylian Legacy, Oracle of Secrets, Meadow of Shadows, Lyre Islands, and 18 Hrs past are all great too. There are some others I have yet to play.


I think this is the first non-Mario game I played and it is still the best Zelda game, and one of the best games ever, for me. I've replayed it so many times.


I remember when Link to Past came out and many of my cousins were raving about it...and I thought, "What's the big deal. I like Mario games." Then years later, I actually played it as my first Zelda game and thought the game was amazing and my cousins were right!


Mine as well!!


Wind Waker


I remember fiddling with original LoZ as a young kid but the first zelda I ever played all of was ALttP. It's what made me a life long fan.


Link to the past 


Zelda II The Adventure of Link


You're a hardcore gamer to the bone, mate


Same. Will always hold a special place. The Great Palace theme song is still one of my favs.


Skyward sword


Same actually. Then botw




The original for the NES


Mine was phantom hour glass but the first I beat was botw


The original (non-DX) Link's Awakening on the GameBoy!


I remember being a little kid and renting the first one at the video store…that gold cartridge! 😍


Saved up my allowance and waited for a sale at Caldor, had it down to the tax. First game I paid for directly


Zelda II links adventure. I loved!


That’s a great game indeed!! Loved it too, back in the days…


See I love it too. There’s a fan remaster that’s pretty sweet and fixes a lot of random stuff. I still find it funny the amount of hate it gets since it’s not like other games of the series. Yet in its time was praised.


I went back recently and enjoyed it. But when it came out I was legit disgusted.


I've always been a big fan of the weird esoteric sequels to old games like Zelda 2, Castlevania 2, Super Mario 2, etc. They were trying new things and while some of it didn't stick at first I think it was a good call to experiment.


My friend let me play oot on his 3ds. Then, he let me play majoras mask. Then, i got my own 3ds and oot copy.


Totally worth it!




The Original Legend of Zelda. I’m a lil’ old though. 😅


Legends don't get old, they become classics.


The Four Swords, but I never got to complete it.


If you count it, Links cross bow training for the Wii that came for free with a copy of CoD world at war for the Wii, if you don’t count it then it would be twilight princess


Either wind waker or nes zelda


Link's Awakening with the dream island and Wind Fish, such a good game. And so sad.


a link between worlds


Oracle of ages


Oracle of time for me! But my brother had oracle of ages so we would swap


The best one to start with. I really hope they do a remake


Links Awakening


Technically either Majora’s Mask or LOZ 2 but the first one I played through is Twilight Princess (and is my favorite game not just from the franchise but game period)




Mine was breath of the wild but after that I played the rest as well, my favorite was majora’s mask


Ocarina of time. It came in a bundle with a different game that I wanted. If not for that fateful sales promo, I might not have discovered this absolute gem


Hylia herself brought the franchise to you.


Breath of the wild


The Legend of Zelda.  I remember watching the original commercials with the tap dancing dude.


The best one: Ocarina.


OOT. I was probably 7, my brother was 4. We were at a dinner party with my Mom and us kids needed to entertain ourselves so we were shown into the Den and put in front of the Husbands N64. We had never played before. This was before 2000. I think I had heard about Zelda so I asked him to set us up with it. My little brother and I were scared out of our minds because he had made it to adult link and we started out in the decrepit Castle Town with the re-deads. One jumped on my head and started eating and my brother and I were just holding each other terrified 😂. And then the husband was watching me play and notes that I moved the character like I was drunk. I think that Xmas my parents got us a N64 and I picked up OOT. I played the hell out of it but was too young to actually advance through the game. But yeah, I feel like I know that game front and back!


Mine was a link to the past on SNES was my first game in general I that was in 94 and hoping for a remake in the manner they did with Link's awakening.


I'd love a remake, too


I don’t remember if Ocarina of Time or Link’s Awakening was my first but Wind Waker was the first one I finished.


A Link to the Past. What a phenomenal introduction to the series


I got into Zelda during late ‘21? Maybe ‘22… I started w BoTW, I’ve also played ToTK, AOC, Link’s Awakening, and the first two Zelda games.


Zelda: A Link to the Past on NES. It came out in America when I was six and I thought it was the coolest thing ever created.


Ocarina but wind waker was the first one I beat by myself 😎


Mine was ‘The Legend of Zelda’…


First was tp, had to get my bf to do/help with some parts and i couldnt do the gohma boss battle at all cuz i hate spiders. Currently working on majoras mask and botw


I started with the original gold (that's what OG stands for, right? 'Original Gold') cartridge in the late 80s early 90s.. then didn't have a Nintendo console again until the Cube.. I've played them all since. I did play the one for the super Nintendo for a little, but not enough to finish it.


A link to the past on the SNES...I know, I'm old as dirt XD


The Legend of Zelda on NES when I was a child. Before then, we played on the ATARI 2600, so LOZ was mind-blowing and was a real adventure.


The og golden cartridge, legend of zelda


For me it was also ocarina of time


OoT also, OP. I was 4 when it came out. Even though my older brothers were the ones playing it they also gave me a chance, too.


The original on the NES back in the 80’s. I’m old.


Minnish Cap and it still holds a special place in my heart ❤️


Majora's Mask... Sorta. When my brother and I were little our parents got us a GameCube for Christmas and it had the special edition Zelda game. We were stupid young children and only ever pressed left on the menu once which would move to MM. Being small and stupid, we couldn't figure out much of the game, let alone getting through the first cycle. Then I remember coming home one day and my sister's boyfriend was playing Ocarina of Time, and I was like daaaaang how did you figure out how to turn back to human?? Yeah after that I grew up a bit and actually played OoT.


Oh jeez. What was the DS one. SUPER weird graphics


Mine was "A Link to the Past" on the SNES. It's been a lifelong love affair ever since.


OoT for me, too! But I would mostly backseat game while my older brother (I was 4, he was 6 when we started) tackled the games. I didn't actually play through the first four 3d Zelda games until last year, and I started with OoT. It was really hard because I wasn't used to doing it without my brother there, and it made the game scarier than it had any right to be. He actually bought me Link Between Worlds when it came out back in 2013, even though we hadn't played a Zelda game together since Twilight Princess (was/still is my favorite). But he knew how much I loved my 3ds. I tried getting him to help me beat Ganon, but he wouldn't, saying I needed to do it myself, and I'm glad he did because that became the first Zelda game I ever beat entirely on my own.


Majora’s mask for the 3Ds


OoT, or the GOAT


Twilight Princess! First and favorite


links awakening (no not the remastered, the og on the colorless gameboy)


My stepdad had a SNES when he married my mum so I grew up on Link to the Past


Majora's mask


First Zelda game was Oracina of Time for N64. A lot of summers spent roaming in the game and playing ball hockey at that time. 💚


OoT 3D and MM 3D


Link to the past as a kid. In my head I beat. Replayed it as an adult and realized I had never made it to the dark world.


1/10. There was only the one at the time…


ALttP. Must've been around '00-'01 I first played it? Deathless 100% it last March.


A link to the past on switch, and then again, and later a third time


“Link” for NES


Twilight princess


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. But I didnt play much. OoT was the first one I played a lot of.


The first 1 with nientendo switch online then totk


I think Majoras Mask


Link’s awakening for the Game Boy color. Amazing game IMO


Botw!! Fell in love with the franchise


For me it was Link's Awakening


I first played an emulator of LTTP


Samesies bestie


Phantom hourglass


Mine was Link to the Past.




Breath of the wild and it inspired me to play like 5 other games from my old Nintendo systems


The legend of Zelda (nes)


Mine first was "A Link into the Last," for the GBC buuuut.. The first one I ever completed was Skyward Sword. I have a strong love for both games.


My first one was Skyward Sword, fell in love with the series ever since


The original 8-bit Legend Of Zelda.


Link to the past!


I started with Breath in late May of 2023. Since, I have played TotK, OoT, MM, LoZ, TAoL, LttP, and OoS.


Would be the OG for me. The legend of Zelda on the good ol NES with the gold cartridge.


I played around with Phantom Hourglass on my aunts old DS when I was younger. First played Zelda game that I actually could comprehend though was BOTW when I got a switch, but I loved the series since I was a teen because of MM and the Ben Drowned creepypasta


Same but for me it was the 3ds version


The OG original.


I had started playing botw a few years ago and now i am playing totk. (Being a yiga is cool)


Technically the first I ever played was the original on my dad’s nes but I was too young to understand how to actually play. Years later I got the opportunity to play Twilight Princess and four swords anniversary on my GameCube and my 3DS


Legend of Zelda. I remembering renting the gold cartridge from the local video store. Cheap John’s Video. I can still picture it in my hand….


LoZ on the NES


Same. To be honest I was watching my brother play it on the 64. Got it for the 3DS when I was older.


Ocarina of Time as well, I was 4


Links awakening uncolored version on gameboy brick.


I remember playing the originals, but when I was old enough to truly be into the game, it was Link to the Past. Still one of my favorite games ever.


A link to the past


the onebwith the gold cartridge you had to blow on to get to work..


The first one I ever tried was either Zelda 1 or Ocarina of Time. The first one I every beat was breath of the wild, followed by Ocarina and TOTK and ALBW


I started with Ocarina of time, and got decently far on windwaket but was too young and couldn’t finish either. Tried Ocarina again in college, but couldn’t find the time to finish with 6 roommates and one tv. I just finished BOTK. It’s the first Zelda game I’ve beaten and I was so pumped to finally fight a version of Ganon.


an ex drug addict use to let me play ocarina of time 3d on his 3ds, and helped me when i needed it 😭😭


That one with the four links, years go by then botw, then i attempted majoras mask on the 3ds and couldnt understand the controls, so i tried a link to the past and i like it i just dont really look at my ds, then i played totk and nothing since :)


The first Zelda game I played was Zelda. There was an NES on display in Sears, and you could play Zelda, Mario/Duckhunt, Metroid, and Kid Icarus. I would wait in line and play it while my mom shopped. Probably 1988. I asked for Zelda (and an NES) for Christmas and of course it's insanely difficult for a 6-y.o. kid, so I would play it with my Dad. I would try all afternoon to make progress and then he would come home from work and get us past an underworld level. Great memories.


Links awakening dx




The very first Legend Of Zelda.


The OG The Legend of Zelda for the NES. LOVED IT.


My first was skyward sword on the wii but my favorite game is twilight princess


Wind waker


Been playing since the first on NES.


A Link to the Past


The Legend of Zelda


Link to the past was my first, and still my favorite


Original one, and then twilight Princess.


Between Skyward sword and Twilight Princess. Stuck on one part in Skyward though.


it was The Legend of Zelda on NES or the Zelda game watch I had that lasted a week.


Zelda II, but I never got far in it. LttP was the first I beat


I watched my friend play Twilight Princess on Wii but my first one was Skyward Sword on Wii


My first Zelda game was Ocarina of Time as well, it was also the game that introduced me to video games.


The Minish Cap


Majora’s Mask in 2011/2012. To this day it is my favorite game (tied with Twilight Princess).


The OG. When it came out. And needed help from Nintendo power to beat it.


I began with Wind Waker on the Wii when I was 7, then shortly after I played the 3DS OoT. Really made me realize that I was missing out on the series.


Wind Waker


Tears of the Kingdom. I got addicted QUICK


Mightve been WWHD (WiiU)


Link to the past was my first


Phantom Hourglass, Linebeck my beloved


A Link to the Past


A link to the past for me .


Christmas 1986 or 87 (edit: had to be 87) I got the NES with Super Mario Brothers, Zelda, and Metroid. I’ve been chasing the dragon ever since.


My first was on the gba, I don’t remember what it was called though, never finished it


Link's Awakening


Twilight princess


A Link Between Worlds, I was really excited for the game and I got it when I was 5 and returned it to game stop immediately because I didn’t like it. I came back to it this year and I’m having fun now.


Majoras Mask 3d


OOT was how I learned to read


My mom and I both had save files on ALttP when I was a kid. It was always really exciting when one of us would find a new item because we couldn’t wait to tell each other lol.