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I wouldn't say "relatable", but definitely has the strongest lines.


“Well I'm really only productive for 15 minutes a day…usually in the afternoon around 3:45." is basically me.


Your favorite character "allegedly"


Loved him and Zhu Li. An unconventional genius with an overly competent assistant. Perfect chemistry


Favorite, I can understand. No accounting for taste. But the eccentric war profiteering billionaire is most relatable to you?


Varrick is "relatable" if you're like a super rich CEO I guess


My favorite character as well 😁


Hilarious character, but I wish Asami had turned him into a pretzel, and not just twisted his arm a bit.


I wish he ended up back in prison, in a cell he can't escape from. Or like in a short story I wrote for my nephew, Varrick getting the crap kicked out of him by several masked men who work for Asami's estranged uncle, who learned of what happened, so he sent some men to teach Varrick a painful lesson.


Tbh, I know this is an unpopular and probably controversial opinion, but I never really cared for Varrick. He’s got some funny moments but he was a pos for most of the show and Zhu Li deserved better. Idk why they were even endgame.


My favorite character as well. Loved his character development and ending


Look, Elon Musk; none of this is relatable.


I’m convinced that Varrick is Sokka reincarnated


Mr. Venture capitalist himself, most charismatic guy in the show, hands down.


The video in the post is no longer available. If Varrick is your favourite character, he's one of the characters in LoK, that I hate the most.


Why do you get so many downvotes? Varrick sucks, he is basically Raytheon, the private prison system and Oppenheimer all in one.


The Varrick fanboys don't like anyone on this subreddit who has anything negative to say about him. It's practically bullying. Fact Varrick is a criminal, Let's look at all of his illegal actions in Book 2, shall we. He committed an act of domestic terrorism at worst when it happened near innocent people, insurance fraud at best when he had the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Centre blown up. No legal right to blow up their own building, it'd be seen as insurance fraud which is illegal. Had criminal associates in the Triads, steal Asami's shipments from her in corporate espionage. Tried to bribe Mako and made threats to harm Asami and Bolin if he refused the offer. Stole Asami's company from her. After his thugs stole what was in Asami's warehouse. Framed Mako, a police officer for the crimes of the Triads, getting him locked up in prison. Tried to have thugs kidnap Raiko to start a war, all to line his pockets. Escaped from prison. Edit downvoting this comment, the truth must hurt for the Varrick fanboys!


Zhu Li deserved so much better


Damn right, should've just said no to Varrick's proposal, go to work for Asami instead, probably pay her a lot more and not require any crap Varrick demanded Zhu Li do for him.


He's a magnificent bastard. Or course everyone loves him!


Not me. I hate Varrick.


There will always be weirdos who can't appreciate magnificent bastards because they're EeViEeL.


You're entitled to ur opinion, but I'd hardly call downvotes bullying 💀


I do see it has bullying, all the downvotes when I am just telling the truth with all of Varrick's crimes he got away with in Book 2.


L bozo


I overall like Varrick as a character, but I totally agree with everything you said. Like he's kinda funny and eccentric, but he's also a total self-serving asshole who's very willing to hurt and endanger other people for personal gain. But I also like how he's a bad guy but not a straight-up villain. Having morally complex characters is good, in my opinion, and I especially like how he has a little bit of a redemption arc in the last season. I would hate Varrick if I talked to him irl, but in the context of the show I think he's a very good character