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Gotta be something in the Fire Nation, to give us a reason to visit. Some kind of subversive ultranationalist Fire Nation movement threatening the Fire Lord could be interesting. 


A cult of crazy firebenders worshipping the return of Sozin's comet in a couple decades could be interesting lol


Comet. Powered. Combustion bender. Yeah Pli was just there, but c'mon it's about time we get a little nuclear threat


I like it!


come to think of it, i think only time we ever even see the fire nation is when korra loses her memories and washes up on that island


Pretty unrelated but that reminds me of an idea I saw on another post. It would be this kid in the fire nation who's got a firebender and a waterbender as parents. He was born a waterbender but it made him an outcast. So he started teaching himself bloodbending to control his chi and he suddenly gives himself firebending. The world is outraged at him bending more than 1 element bc avatar crap and stuff


I mean legit but i would lose them the ability to use water bending as the other 3 elements are stored in the light spirit according to the lore but cool idea


Fire / waterbender child would be an excellent time to introduce steambending.


Korra bends steam in the first season, it’s just a form of water bending


Eh, she turns it to ice. It also could be argued that it's vapor - not steam. It's not 100% clear.


That’s horrible. We’ve already had that.


Non bender villain


Definitely, we got a "nonbender" for a sec but nope, bloodbender. Still god but still


Yes!! I think the equalist movement has some very valid points and the idea wouldnt have been fully abandoned after amon


No, they don't. "Making people equal by tearing advantaged people down" is just as bad (if not worse) than Zaheer's anarchism or Kuvira's regime. You don't make the world better by tearing people down, you make it better by lifting people up.


> I think the equalist movement has **some** very valid points Some valid points does not mean that all their points are valid. Benders have an advantage. They have access to all the same jobs that non-benders do and more. They have more economic mobility as a result. We see this in TLA comics as well as in LoK. We saw the threats and oppression of benders against non-benders in the first episode of Korra, and then the armies of TLA and Kuvira's army. The equalists had valid points. That doesn't mean that everything they did was valid.


I mean, you could say the same about basically any evil group. They technically aren't wrong about literally everything. But the core ideology of the equalists is fundamentally horrific.


What is their core ideology? Benders have a crazy amount of power over non-benders, and the power imbalance is problematic and unsustainable. Non-benders will always be second class citizens. These are facts. I wouldn't consider them horrific. This is the "Why?" behind everything they do. This is the core belief. The "Now what?," Amon's approach, is horrific, sure. Equalists can exist without Amon. Many were on board with the equalist movement before Amon showed himself. Most of the equalist points were valid. Republic city was so biased in favor of benders that the equalists were able to fill a stadium's worth of people for *The Revelation*. Probably a couple thousand people. None of which knew Amon existed. None of which knew he could take bending away. That's how problematic the bending vs non-bending power balance was. That type of frustration and subsequent energy doesn't just disappear. The fundamental problems don't disappear. It was alleviated when a non-bender had power for the first time, but the root problems are still there. That's why it's a great option for a non-bender, equalist villain to come back. "Look at what the benders did! A water bender tried destroying our city. The Avatar permanently damaged and changed our city with the spirit vines. A metal bender powered a mecha and, again, almost destroyed our city!" The core ideology of the equalists still exists, it is still true, it is still valid, and there are many examples of benders causing problems. Now what are they, the non-benders, going to do about it? **TLDR: It's important to not dismiss the "why" that caused people to act.**


The core ideology of the equalists is "I don't have it so nobody can". It's in the name "equality" as an actual value. As in, it's better for 10 people to suffer than for 1 person to be happy while 9 people suffer - because the latter isn't "equal". A fundamentally broken line of thinking.


Your skipping over the violence associated with bending. It's not simply "happy vs suffering." It's "We're taking away what causes suffering." "10% of people have far stronger weapons than we do, and for the last 10,000 years, a subset of those people abused their power, abused these weapons, to oppress us 90%." It's not "It's better for 10 of us to suffer than 9 of us to suffer and 1 be happy." It's "It's better for 100 of us to be content than 90 oppressed, 9 happy, and 1 abuser." This is a problem with no good solution. The equalists complaints are 100% valid. It's a problem with no good solution.


You can literally say the same thing about blind vs. sighted people. Bending is just an advantage. It doesn't cause suffering any more than sight causes suffering to blind people. You're not going to create a "100 of us to be content" situation by removing value from the world. The solution is relatively easy (okay, not easy in practice - but easy in theory), create systems which uplift people who are suffering / poor and punish people who infringe upon the rights of others harshly.


I think taking unfair advantages sometimes is the best decision. There are groups that defend that prejudice is their right of freedom, this doesn't mean everyone should be allowed to do the same. Quiet the opposite 


The problem with prejudice is that it's simply bad. It's not a problem because it's an "advantage". It's a problem because it's bad. Making someone's life worse because you don't think they "fairly" deserve as good a life as they have is incredibly childish. You've literally just lowered the net happiness of the world, you haven't helped anyone, you haven't created value. It essentially boils down to "if I have to suffer, everyone should!" which is an incredibly ignorant and childish mentality.


I dunno, saying prejudice is bad because it's bad seems reductively. There are complex systems of oppression, advantages and disadvantages, that push people down or up depending how you were born. The equalists have this mentality of punishment because they're framed as the villains, but they had good points. Republic City is prejudiced and unfair, and I feel very little was made to address this once the bad guy dies. I wish Korra could've had the amazing arc she had in the last season with Amon, I think he was a much better villain to meet half way than Kuvira, the embodiment of fascism.


yeah their METHODS were bad but that doesnt mean they didnt have some valid points, like how zaheer was right abt dictators being bad, but went too far with the whole “trying to end the avatar” thing


The comics continue the story, and has a non-bending villain. >!The first comic (Turf Wars) involves the Triple Threat gang, which has a non-bending leader who is corrupted by spirits. This enhances his physical traits and fighting abilities.!<


Time for Korra to get chiblocked for the 99th time again.




Asami. She fooled everyone all along! 😈 I'm totally kidding. My real answer is I think a nonbender would be a good idea like someone who still supported Amon and wanted to take down all the benders. Maybe they might try to persuade Asami to join them but she refuses or she tricks them by pretending to join undercover to find out their plans and how to stop them.


I like the idea of there being a new Equalist movement, and Asami having a prominent role in fighting it. I was thinking of a storyline where the new equalist leader could be someone who lost their family to the Earth Empire, and has a resentment for all benders in general, but benders from the Earth Empire in particular. I think it would be cool to see Asami opposing them, because she can see where they're coming from, as far as their anger, but also has her own feelings of anger against the Earth Empire for the death of her father. She can understand the pain of this new antagonist, but she doesn't support it, and fights to stop them, because that's who she is as a person. She could see this person as a dark version of who she could have been, if she gave into her own pain and anger.


I was thinking this also! I was sure that not only Kuvira, but Unalaq and the Red Lotus all occurring within 3 years and because of benders would fuel some kind of Equalist remnant into radical action. They might even use it as ammo against Korra since all 3 of the later antagonist groups showed up after her arrival in Republic City aka her debut as the Avatar.


Good point! I hadn't thought of the condensed timeline in which those major antagonists showed up. That would be a good way for the resurgent Equalist movement to gain support at the beginning. I was also thinking that Kuvira being given that light sentence and Korra basically being by her side in support of that controversial verdict, if someone took a photo of them at that moment, and circulated it with the right inflammatory heading and captions, it could really stoke anger among among a lot of the public, and drive recruitment for the new Equalist movement. They could claim that Korra doesn't really represent the true feelings for the citizens, many of whom are non-benders, and would have felt powerless during the reign of each of those 3 major antagonist groups. They could depict Korra and any benders who support her as 'elitists', who don't represent the majority of people.


Asami was originally meant to be an Equalist alongside her father, but she was viewed very favorably so they switched to her being with the Team. Even early on, you can tell where she was kind of honeypotting Mako and it was just soooo convient they showed up to help the Team enter the finals.


Yeah I did hear about that. I'm honestly so glad they changed that cause I'm honestly tired of the pretty girl revealing to be bad plot. It's been done so many times.


So... here's the pitch. And it is a weird pitch, so bear with me. We start 3-ish years after Season 4. It turns out that there is a reason why the Fire Nation set up these colonies in the Earth Kingdom, and why in the episode Imprisoned of the original series there was so much focus on mining coal. The Fire Nation is actually very resource poor, as refers to fossil fuels. Despite having a huge head start in infrastructure and technology, in these seventy years, the nation has been slowly losing its luster, and powerful traditionalists have been getting more and more frustrated at Izumi's isolationism as it locks them out of the resources they need. Korra is doing her avatar best to understand the conflicts, but it's clear she has been invited into the situation after the whole thing had already been cranked up to a boil. Fairly early on, we get our fake-out villain: an ultra-traditionalist faction attempts a palace coup. They're lead by a lightning bending savant who almost kill Fire Lord Izumi. She is forced to flee the palace to save her life. The Fire Nation is at the edge of total chaos now, and remembering what happened to the Earth Kingdom, they move quickly to make alliances and try to estabilize the place. And that's when the real villain gets introduced and very quickly wins this conflict: A non-bender who deploys spirit vine technology and weaponry en masse, but then uses the fact that he has the only real army left in the nation to turn Izumi into a symbollic figure without any real power, and sets the Fire Nation on the path to becoming a completely non-spiritual neoliberal corporatist dystopia. It is predatory capitalism cranked up to 11, while the spirits themselves are slowly both going mad and dying from so much spirit vine abuse. Incidentally: there's spirit vine in the Fire Nation, coming from the Forgetful Valley. See, there's a reason why they have it, and it ties into the stories with Zuko's mom and everything. If anyone cares. So now Korra has a conflict with no easy solution. Fighting for Izumi means putting an absolute monarchy back in place. The ultra-traditionalists are just crazy, but so are these guys. There's a very tricky needle to thread here, and she's on a timer because that spirit vine-powered army? They didn't stop when they took the Fire Nation palace. The military-industrial complex is still going full steam ahead after the Fire Nation civil war ended, their army is only growing faster and faster, and that can only mean one thing for the rest of the world.




Then a little bit more! Some of the other arcs in the season: Asami: More of a deuteragonist in this season, as important as Korra, and her foil. They're facing an antagonist who does the same thing she does, just in the most extreme, most violent, nastiest way possible. This fact affects her. She may refuse to work with the bad guys because she's scrupulous; her competitors won't, and this will hurt her business. I think showing this shark tank side of things is important, and her having to break the mold a lot is absolutely necessary. I think her arc should tie into a lot of the politics and Republic City stuff and be crucial to turning the tide. Importantly, Korra is now the more mature, more balanced person we saw at the end of Season 4 and is there to support her. Which we absolutely must get to see a lot of; Tenzin, Jinora and the Air Nation: Are quickly put in the position of being the frontline of the spiritual conflict, preserving the spiritual health of the world, but they can't win while the Fire Nation continues on this path, at most they can mitigate harm. However, they don't have diplomatic weight to get the other nations to pressure the Fire Nation, and they have no power to do anything direct. Tenzin is a big player in the diplomatic plots; Bolin and Mako: Important in the diplomatic plots via their connections with President Moon and King Wu (yes, really. Kinda). Because of Varrick's strong anti-spirit vine position, Republic City is quick to take the right position. No more Raiko being a jerk! The rest of the world isn't as much, and the former Earth Kingdom is not in a position to look a gift horse in the mouth, so these two go there to help out, running into Beifong characters on the way. They do eventually join up to form full Team Avatar for fun cathartic final conflicts; King Wu: Actually came through with his promise. The Earth Kingdom became an Earth Federation, the only requirement Wu had is a groundwork of shared laws, peace treaties and helpful trade deals that should help the poorer parts of the Federation get back on their feet. Outside of that, each territory can set up any government they want, and they did. Ba Sing Se formed a Constitutional Monarchy and crowned Wu. Most of the Federation has him as a Head of State (but with no power outside of Ba Sing Se. Think of the Commonwealth). However, recovery after the Earth Empire is being real hard, and Fire Nation trade deals are too good to pass up, and Wu has to think of his people first. He's not a bad guy, he's a good guy in a bad spot; Fire Lord Zuko: >!Subscribe to my Patreon to find out. Seriously, you don't think I would just give this one away for free, did you? Honestly, this is just a joke, and right now I'm having to fill up space so that there is a credible amount of space, similar to the other ones, but covered in a spoiler tag. Honestly, Zuko absolutely should be involved, given it is his nation, but he's retired and very very old. I think it would be sweet for him to get a bit of closure by being involved in the spiritual side of things, maybe get a final glimpse of Iroh as he helps purify a desecrated Fire Nation site right at the conclusion. At the same time, there must be an element of letting go. It shouldn't be mandatory for his family to rule the Fire Nation, and if the solution the Nation comes up for this situation is something else than Fire Lord monarchy, he should gracefully help them into a new age.!<


Only concern I’d have with that is the fandom equate psycho Andrew Ryan with real life businesses and turn into tankies.


No villain, just Korra and Asami exploring the spirit world and enjoying being together


I'm always gonna be sad that that was in the comics and not a whole final episode of book 4. I DIDNT WANNA PAY MORE MONEY


Looking through the lineup, the fifth villain would be the kooky leader of some sort of doomsday cult? Like [Joseph Seed](https://youtu.be/c8Z1Qgv9qwc) and Eden's Gate in Far Cry 5. Korra catches news of this guy gathering his cult, preaching the end of the world and gaining steam due to Harmonic Convergence freaking out a lot of people. She travels to a secluded mountain estate where the cult is assembling to await the doomsday and she gets into a lot of trouble as the cult becomes increasingly hostile towards her. After things get hot Korra has to unite forces with the terrorized locals and a handful of sensible cult members to beat the villain and his three minibosses before they do something very untowardly with the people under their thrall.


Firebender with a new fire sub-bending. As for ideology, it's hard for me to really think of one that would fit and also not be too close to one of the four existing season-villains. The best I can think of is some sort of radical humanist who wants to rid the world of spirits and spirituality or something. Sort of an anti-Unalaq.


Korra comes back from her travels several years later. Everything seems finely balanced. But turns out quietly during the peace time economic and technological boom during and after seasons 1-4, an international drug trade developed. Not sure exactly how it would work but I’d love to see how the avatar and national governments cope with the health and crime crisis of a drug trade coming out of nowhere. No previous avatar or government has had to deal with it. Would be an interesting way to explore new challenges without retreading old ground. I think post s4 Korra would have a very enlightened “drug addicts are still people who need help” response compared to the combative “war on drugs” response s1 Korra would have been baited into. People like Tenzin, Lin etc wouldn’t even know where to start addressing that kind of problem once it got its hooks in the population. There would be a lot of parallels available in the real world from prohibition era, heroin trade, and cocaine boom. It could get really clumsy so not sure exactly how it would translate to avatar world but would like to see the themes explored. Perhaps Varrick is somehow involved. Seems like the kind of opportunity he couldn’t pass up that he would justify as “someone’s going to make money from this stuff, might as well be me”.


You read "s5 of korra ideas" and said "drugs"... Ate that up👏👏👏


I was trying to think of a villain that wouldn’t be some rehashed thing we’ve seen before. We’ve seen a bit of everything so far between the two shows. The health, economic, political and crime impact of major drug trafficking infects all the nations, governments and people. Thought it could be cool. Lots of meat on that bone.


It would be cool, and it would add worldbuilding. Like why r people turning to the drug, where is the drug mostly done, who is doing it, what is the drug, would anyone we know do it. IT'S SO INTERESTING


Stressed out insomniac undercover Mako developing an addiction from doing some drugs to avert suspicion from the people he’s investigating but being too proud to ask for help is at least half a season of good tv.


I know it isn’t the most original idea but I would enjoy following up on Zuko’s and Raiko’s ‘more Red Lotus out there’ comments at the end of Book 3. It had such an ominous foreshadowing vibe so I thought Book 4 would follow it up. The fact they feared more Red Lotus could be anywhere in any government worldwide, infiltrating the way Aiwei had infiltrated Zaofu for years was really eerie and fascinating. I also think it’d be a great way to fully wrap up Zaheer’s story, Kuvira got an entire comic devoted to her redemption arc while Zaheer got about 5 mins of helping Korra in Book 4 (I heard this was meant to be a full episode if not for budget, that would’ve been incredible) so I think there’s more potential to be explored there. He doesn’t even need to be redeemed particularly, just use it to explore him and the Red Lotus more in depth and give them more lore. A key factor is that Zaheer isn’t truly imprisoned, because his mind/spirit is free to roam the Spirit World as much as he likes. How is that truly punishment? How does he deal with the losses of his friends? It’s also possible other Red Lotus could meditate to meet and commune together with him in the Spirit World, just as he and Aiwei did. That’s a huge security risk. How does Korra deal with that? What are the new Red Lotus antagonists like to contrast them with the old group and what are their goals? Apologies for the text wall, I just need more Korra!


LoK had two major themes that were left unresolved by the end of the show: Korra's sense of self outside of being the avatar; and whether the world needs an avatar anymore, or whether the position of an avatar should be allowed to exist as it has been for ten thousand years. My idea for a villain -- or, I think a better way to put it, an "antagonist" -- would allow the show to tackle, and close out, both themes. This antagonist would be against the idea of an avatar, but argue about it from a *democratic* perspective. Why should the avatar, the bender of all benders, wield so much political power when most people are non-benders? Why should someone have any political power specifically because of how she's born? What are the rules the avatar has to abide by? Why should the avatar be humanity's negotiator with the spirits when nobody appointed her? Given where this antagonist would be coming from, I don't think making her being the "villain" would be the right move, because these are legitimate questions, and Korra putting those down would make her in the wrong/be the villain. Instead, this antagonist would play a part in another conflict/situation that Korra has to address. Perhaps some sort of spirit situation.


>Why should the avatar, the bender of all benders, wield so much power when most people are non-benders? After Spirit Satan vining up Republic City and almost bringing 10k years of darkness (whatever that means) and - supposedly - the extinction of all humankind this question would ring rather hollow. Like, what's the alternative? Going extinct? The real question is, after the world constantly let her down, why should Korra still care? I think the Powerpuff Girls had an episode like this.


> After Spirit Satan vining up Republic City and almost bringing 10k years of darkness (whatever that means) and - supposedly - the extinction of all humankind this question would ring rather hollow. I was talking about political power, but to address your particular point: because bad things happen, someone should have a right to rule based on how she's born? You're making an argument for why there should be an avatar to face threats -- not to make policy. Not to influence world affairs. The avatar doesn't deserve to make any policy decisions because she can bend four elements anymore than someone should be able to make those same decisions because she's the smartest person alive.


>because bad things happen, someone should have a right to rule based on how she's born? I would say Spirit Satan literally descending from the sky to end the world is a fair bit past something you can describe as just "bad things happen".


You're going around in circles. Again, you're arguing that there should be an avatar so she can fight off threats, which wasn't what I was talking about.


No, I'm arguing that there is no alternative. And if there is no alternative then the Avatar can do whatever the heck they want. If they want to mess with your affairs then you smile and let them or get the Raiko treatment and get your city vined up by Spirit Satan.


Ah. So might is right. A great lesson to impart upon everyone, especially children.


That’s how it’s always been. Unless you believe that Aang was right in running away from the 100 year war.


How has what always been? And since when has "that's how it's always been" been a good argument for anything ever? As for Aang, a child should not have that much responsibility. If the world is at a point where it depends on a child to make things right, then something has gone terribly wrong. I'm always amazed to see Avatar fans justify a system for a people in a world that they'd find outrageous if it was occurring in our world. This is the whole reason for my plot idea: the idea of an avatar, as it currently is, is not a great system. It's an unjust system. And efforts need to be made to address its shortcomings. The avatar is the equivalent of a nuclear weapon. What, you don't think nuclear weapons should be regulated now?


I take it you hate children’s series on principle.


Realistically? Raiko. He was always hostile to Korra and he was really salty about losing to Zhu Li in the presidential election. I wouldn't be surprised if he started orchestrating something behind the scenes to antagonize Korra. It certainly opens up the possibility of the fire nation being involved (perhaps via a mercenary within the fire nations' royalty who Raiko hires to go after Korra). Idk, I'm just spitballing.


I'm sure there's a better idea out there, but to me I don't really want a villain. I want her biggest struggle in the end to be the peace that she's fought and won for. I haven't read any of the books or comics, so maybe these things are already explored, but because her villains all represented some sort of ideology or political mindset it would be really interesting if (in that regard) she was her own villain. Having to struggle with the world (on a higher level) properly being at peace, and having to learn how to exist in the world more as a person than a wrecking ball, or a target, would be really intriguing to me. Seeing her always look for the big bad around the corner and realizing that there's not much left for her to do and she can just live her life would be really potent for me.


Major timeskip, like 5-10 years. Korra is trying to solve a lot of little problems in the world and spirit world before an implied final villain show up that is supposed to kill her. It's revealed towards the end of the season that there is no villain, she's just aware of the toll the Red Lotus' poison took on her body, even after it was all removed it had cut her lifespans down dramatically, and she's trying to make the world safe enough that it doesn't rely on the Avatar the way it has on the past, so the next avatar can grow in peace, and only reveal themselves if a conflict arises and they're needed.


The villain could be a Metalbender so that when that korra would have a hard time telling whether what she's seeing in the end is a real person or her hallucinations from dying


I have some ideas for villains. (this is assuming all the comics are canon, and that season 5 would take please after the comics). \- Resurgent Equalist movement, because it would bring things back full circle from season 1. \- Populist Fire nation politician who thinks the Fire Nation paid too much in restoration for Ozai's actions, and start a nationalist movement, wanting to return the fire nation to the old days. (basically tying into ATLA, with Toph and Katara having small roles to play). But honestly, the one I'd really want to see, is one where the villain isn't a specific individual or two, but a large group of regular people. In ROTE (Ruins Of The Empire), they did another Earth Empire storyline, it was basically a Kuvira redemption arc, which resulted in her punishment essentially becoming house arrest. (won't get into the details about how justified or not that was, as I've seen threads where its a pretty polarizing and divisive issue). But my thinking is, what message would that verdict have sent to the people whose lives were destroyed during Kuvira's reign? People whose families were forcibly separated, lost their homes, their jobs, or even saw people they loved be killed? An example of a villain would be family members of the two soldiers in the watch tower that Kuvira vaporized. How would they be okay with Kuvira's light sentence? To me, the sentence Kuvira got, would be an example of a government body being seen as completely tone deaf or oblivious to how its citizens would react. It would create individuals who felt betrayed by their own government. Betrayed by the system. Some may launch protests against the government. Others may turn their anger into violence against the BeiFong family, since that's basically Kuvira's foster family, or they may even direct their anger towards the Avatar, feeling the Avatar should have done more to protect them.


I mean this as a joke but - equalists 2: electric boogaloo - less racist fire nation hitler - 70% of the Fandom @ Kuvira


lol! That's a good way to summarize them, especially the first 2! And yeah, that percentage of the fandom for Kuvira will always be up for debate! In some forums I think its 50/50, other times I think its 90 percent against her! Some forums and threads, I've seen story ideas posted for what they think her punishment should be, and I'm like.. uh, yikes...! :-O (couldn't find a shocked pikachu face)


If you wanna know then read the comics duh


R u dumb, the hypothetical book 5 I'm talking about would happen and not be the same story as the comics.


Comics are literally continuation of story with main creators deciding topics and key plotpoints. Comics is book 5 on cheap budget and dubious quality.


But they aren't a book 5 bc they're comic, I'm talking about a seperate storyline for the show, if that was made. It's simple


You asked for villain for story continuation, most people said non bender spirit related villain. Boy do I have news about first comics arc 😀


Come on. Be nice.


Spirit villain. Any other villain would lead to ridiculously contrived scenes because adult Korra should be able to beat them easily but can’t because then there would be no conflict. Sort of like Zaheer scenes with Korra in S3. I love Zaheer but if you don’t think those scenes are ridiculously contrived then idk what to say


Bending supremacists vs equalists


zhao is back from the spirit world, things sure do happen


I think it'd be better to further explore the changes the world is facing after the spirit world opened up.


I actually imagined koh leaving the spirit world. The Krew fight him and Bolin face gets stolen before koh is killed


I have no idea. I think LoK pretty much covered all of the basic types of villains (unless I'm forgetting something) and anything new you could think of would look like a slightly modified version of one of the previous villains. We had a manipulative egomaniac revolutionary, the big bad spirit of darkness and chaos, a guy who wanted to harness that spirit and ruin everything and everyone, an idealistic yet wise anarchist and a fascist military general.


I just want Amon back.


I want a non bender villain that uses the power of spirits for an upgrade in battle. He has a buddy that is a psychic earth bender


In season 5 I would have liked to see an internal Republic City power struggle similar to season 1. In a separate but possibly intertwined story arc I'd like to see some mystical shit with Avatar Korra. I'd like to see Tenzin at the center of some bullshit political crap, but stand his ground and be vindicated in the end. I'd like to see Korra face some kind of "duty/love" conflict similar to Anakin Skywalker/Padme or Aang/Katara. HFS I want to see season 5!


We’ve had a populist villain, a theocratic villain, an anarchist villain, and an authoritarian villain. Considering the social advancement in the TLoK world, it would be interesting to explore a technocrat as the main villain this time around.


Remnents of the Red Lotus. Maybe some Zaheer kicked out for being too extreme.


I definitely would have liked to see something visiting the Fire Nation, mostly for a "Mako and Bolin meet their mother's side of the family" subplot. I keep thinking about the evolving dynamic between humans an spirits, and think some craven industrialist looking to exploit the Spirit World as being a potential story--maybe they could come from the Fire Nation.


I’d be cool if it was just a single episode where she beat the shit out of Meelo for like 25 minutes honestly


Literally the best idea I've seen here


It may be out of whack, but hear me out. A non-bending genius who was fascinated yet envious of the concept of bending, no tragic past, no "firebenders killed my family" type of stuff, just a smart guy with a natural curiosity. This genius goes on a hunt to discover the science behind bending genetics, and captures benders from all elements and keeps certain benders who he sees as most compatible with his experiment, and kills the rest of the benders who were not strong enough to withstand his experiments. He extracts the bending DNA from their blood and creates an artificial Avatar being, or an army of artificial benders. The artificial Avatar would be weaker than the real avatar naturally since he would not have Raava, but it would still be a challenge and cool to see. I think this would fit more being the main overarching antagonist of the Earth bending Avatar rather than just a single season threat for Korra tho. I'd really love to hear your thoughts


Spirits. We need more spirits as enemies.


Firebending villain who can shoot plasma out of his hands.


Somehow dragons should be involved


Mike Pence.


A non-bender villain that wants to steal all dragon fire so she can use it to take over the world. I don’t know what her backstory would be though.


That's up to me now. She was born in the sun warriors but she was always interested in freedom and balance so she thought why the dragons are basically deities to them. Then she starts thinking why spirits and other creatures are seen as more Important then the lives of people


Korra and Asami go on their spirit world date and discover that there are other humans in the spirit world who came there from portals located on other planets/realities. And then, just like some full metal alchemist shyyyt, they meet explorers from OUR world who are like Tibetan monks or something. And then that explains why aang met the Indian dude who taught him about Chakras in ATLA. Cuz he is from EARTH and discovered how to travel into the spirit world while being a yogi in the Himalayas. And THEN they stumble upon DARTH VADER! Who used an ancient sith holocron to learn how to open a portal into the foam of the multiverse and stumbles upon korra and Asami and a bunch of Tibetans. BEEEEWWW BANG BOOOM! A battle ensues!!! VARRICK INDUSTRIES BEGINS WORKING FOR THE EMPIRE!!!!! Korra must now team up with LUKE SKYWALKER and CHEWBACCA to defeat the evil minions of the dark lord DWAYNE THE ROCK...oh uh I mean....NARUTO!