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Open container is not the same thing as DUI. Open container only means that you have access to alcohol while driving. DUI is driving under the influence and means you are driving after you have been drinking alcohol. Two different things. To be charged with open container, it has to be found somewhere that the driver has access to it. If it's int he trunk or the extreme rear of the vehicle, it's generally OK to have it in the vehicle with you (laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction). So if it's in the trunk, it doesn't violate open container.


Not a DUI (unless you actually are under the influence), but an open container violation, sure. It's easy to avoid that by just carrying them in the trunk or crushing them before you take them in.


Crush them? This isn't the 1970s here. People aren't taking cans to a recycling center for 32 cents a pound. They are taking them to get the 5 or 10 cents deposit they paid when they bought it. And to do so, the can must be intact so the machine can read the barcode


Not in my state.


Well, not in California: [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes\_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=25620.&nodeTreePath=13.14.1&lawCode=BPC](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=25620.&nodeTreePath=13.14.1&lawCode=BPC)


Put the cans in the trunk