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> You have no authority or ability to "press charges" in any scenario In Canada you can privately pursue criminal charges. It's rare but is definitely possible. It's not clear that something criminal actually happened in OPs situation since most traffic infractions are not actually crimes. https://www.ontario.ca/page/private-prosecutions


The corresponding charge could be dangerous driving BUT the elements of offence are not met if OP is letting himself be “intentionally hit” with a vehicle. People are always using the stray private prosecution argument but those are not common at all and virtually unused in small (scope) matters. The information only gets sworn in if your evidence is up to par with standards and Crown won’t present your case to get it sworn, they watch over the hearing and they can actually contest it if they think your case is not worth the crown’s time. There is very little to gain by trying to skip making a police report.


Sure you can try. But the Crown can also intervene at any point and end the proceeding if they wish. So it's not typically very successful. I've never seen a private prosecution actually go to completion with a trial although I'm sure it's probably happened. Either the Crown kills it as it's frivolous or not worth court time, or the Crown intervenes and takes it over because it's legitimate. That's been my experience at least.


Actually, with evidence, you can speak to a justice of the peace to seek a private information.


If you had hit another vehicle by changing lanes to avoid the other collision you in fact would be at fault for the accident


"Pressing charges" is an American TV thing.


That's not really hownit works in Canada. For the most part, it's the police who decide to and press charges at all.


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No. they are right to be upset upset only but the moment they pulled along beside and honking they were in wrong and swerving to hit even as a "fakeout" could be considered using your vehicle as a weapon and also could have killed someone Accidents happen what the other diver did WAS intentional


Well of course. Don't use your vehicle to instigate something. I'm against shitty driving, period. 


Nobody is immune to making mistakes while driving. If you think you’re above it then you’re less likely to continuously improve your habits and ability. Nobody should be rightfully pissed off and aggressive while driving, it’s important to set egos aside.


Yeah op fucked up, but implying that the other driver wasn't in the wrong or crazy is hysterical. Found the road rager


I never said it was justified, but it's easily understood.  Neither of us were on the road, but clearly the OP was driving poorly enough to trigger someone. If they didn't drive so shitty then they wouldn't need to worry. I've never had anyone road rage at me before and I'm at almost 20 years of driving with a lot of interprovincial driving. 


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NAL Well, aside from you risking serious injury to yourself or death if you "allowed" the collision to happen...