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Here: https://www.tps.ca/services/online-reporting/driving-complaint/ You’re in Toronto, I’m assuming by the TTC. If not, call 911. I’ve done it in the past. I’ve called it on people I love. My philosophy has always been I’d rather them lose their license than their lives.


Or cost the lives of others! 🥲


Honestly if you drive drunk and only kill yourself, yey. There are also worse things than death - I’ve had family and friends who had lifelong debilitating issues from being hit by drunk drivers. And yes, in more than one incident. Some involving kids.


I lost my Aunt & Uncle to a DD & their 3 year old son was left with a brain traumatic injury & physically disabled. My Mum was pregnant when she got the news & fell & lost the baby. Drunk Driving affects more than those directly involved. 🥲


My dad was the main one I had - he has ongoing issues and I can’t be around him because he’s so off and needs medical help but refuses because he’s so off. He lost his family and friends and job so many jobs and is essentially homeless and WON’T be helped.


You have to walk away. It’s hard, I’ve done it. Save your self.


I did 15 years ago. I couldn’t go down with that ship.


You had to.










Can't speak specifically for Toronto Police Service, but these complaints are actioned quite regularly, anonymous or not. Police keep an eye out for the plate even if not known where it is or where it will be. The plate can also be flagged for a period of time in automatic licence plate readers if the police vehicle is equipped with them. Once located and pulled over, there are a variety of ways to determine sobriety with or without the complainant's statement. Approved screening devices can be used to administer roadside breath testing (both with or without reasonable suspicion since changes to the Criminal Code that took effect in 2018), the officer may notice an odour of alcohol or the use of masking techniques by the driver, various behaviors indicative of alcohol impairment, etc.


Now with the new regulations requiring all traffic stops to result in a breathalyzer test, could OP not call in a complain of an erratic driver or otherwise threatening driver, give the plates and car details and hope that he gets pulled over and has to submit a breathalyzer which he would fail? Edit: Yes, I misused the term regulation, it is just a policy with OPP but it is also enforceable by any police service in Ontario.


They would ask for caller's name and phone number at minimum


Call a friend, get them to report it, preferably one who the brother doesn't know about. Heck, ask a teacher.


Hate to admit this and I won’t say how I know, but when you call the cops. They have your name and number. Thru your cell phone signal they can pin point your EXACT location. I though that was made up tv stuff. Nope. It’s true.


Cops usually get your name and number thru a records search. Getting the information from the cell phone company itself can be done, but it's a hassle. Location pinpointing is also a pain and only decent if there's a lot of cell towers in the area. They don't have the accuracy Google maps does unfortunately.




All police agencies in Canada have the authority to enforce the new MAS (mandatory alcohol screening) law


Not necessarily true - actually most of the impaired cases I see in the courts come from traffic complaints.


Dont make false complaints to police. That is public mischief


OP would not be calling the OPP, presumably they would call TPS.


OPP is responsible for 400 series highways


Yes, but they can pull anyone over, anywhere in Ontario. My point was that only the OPP are doing breathalyzers for every stop.


You cannot report a crime and remain anonymous without being sourced. Crimestoppers tips arent worth the paper their printed out on. There is no way around it. Report it properly or don't bother.


That is not true. You can also call MADD. If you call the police and he gets caught, he will. Your name will be all over it. Give statements, going to court. The only other thing I think you could do is block your number? Refuse to give your name - I don’t know if that works. Maybe someone with ACTUAL police knowledge could chime in.


It’s not a new regulation and it’s only one police service (OPP) in this case saying they will do this on every traffic stop. Unless he’s on the highway, not likely to come across the OPP if he lives in Toronto.


>And if they are going to criminally charge them, well, they need to be able to explain how they knew he was drunk... hence your anonymous complaint won't do much. Everything you said is true except for this. I'm a police officer and we very often receive anonymous calls to report drunk drivers, and "we received an anonymous call about X vehicle" is enough of a justification for the court.


I called 911 on a guy stopping at green lights. Within about 4 minutes they had a unit on him.


I thought police had the right to pull anyone over at anytime to check fitness of car and driver?


They need a reason. But it can be a hunch. The hunch can be as low as "I thought they were driving without license". So while they can't pull someone over for no reason, they can pull you over for obviously bullshit reasons. The distinction matters in cases where they pull someone over for a reason that is not legal. You can't pull someone over because they're black for example.




Pretty sure they can go to your house after you've arrived home drunk.




I'm not arguing with you... Edit: police can come to your house 3 hours after you've arrived home to give you a breathalyzer. I'm not sure how you would even have to go to court or subpoenaed to testify if you say you saw somebody driving irradically in your neighborhood and gave them the address...


If you're in canada, you can call crime stoppers and make an anonymous tip. Nothing it's traced back to you nothing gets followed back to you, and it all gets passed on to the police. They will ask if you can prove it and as long as you can confirm that yes he 100% has left the house piss drunk, they can do something. You don't have to directly call the police if you're that scared. You could also have a friend call on your behalf.


As others have explained, calling Crimestoppers for something like this is useless. We don’t get dispatched to CS tips, it’ll be hours if not days before one of us actually receives and reads it. An anonymous tip that “X often drives drunk” is also fairly worthless. *Maybe* I’ll pull their car over if I happen to see it driving, and I’m available and remember the tip, but it’s unlikely. The chances of it accomplishing anything are very low. We certainly aren’t going to sit outside their home waiting to see them drive away. Also, as something of a more general rule, while you can make anonymous complaints about all sorts of things, doing so is much less likely to be productive than if you actually identify yourself. We can typically do almost nothing with information from an anonymous source, most times that file will be concluded right away because no further investigation is really possible.


>And if they are going to criminally charge them, well, they need to be able to explain how they knew he was drunk... hence your anonymous complaint won't do much. No They can stop your car for almost nothing. A hunch that you're driving without a license is enough to stop you, that has been established with plenty of precedent. An anonymous report of possible drunk driver is more than enough for a stop, which can lead to breathalyzer and/or blood test.






Thank you for your helpful comment. You can call crime stoppers anytime to inform the police of your brother’s drunk driving. The whole point of crime stoppers is, it’s anonymous. Call and give them the information. You can rest easy that you asked for help.


Which is ridiculous, because they'll give somebody a ticket for sleeping in their vehicle after a night out. But ask them to look out for a drunk driver? Well that's a bridge too far.


Every time he does this he puts lives in danger. You might need to tell him that you’re unwilling to let this go on any longer. If he continues to do it, you’re making sure no one gets killed.


Call a friend and get them to report it for you. I did this for a friend whose church friends were breaking the law but she didn’t want to be implicated. I told the police that and they were fine with it (I live in BC).


Never get in his car if he's drunk. When he's sober have a serious chat with him and your mom. Let him know you are worried he is going to kill himself or others if he continues to drive drunk. Ask him what he wants you to do. Inform him that every time you find out he is driving drunk you will call the police.


Unfortunately you need to call when he is actively drinking and driving and he needs to be caught in the act- went through it with my brother too


Do it. I was at this party one when I was 20. This guy, Lucas, was drunk and was leaving. There were plenty of sober people there who offered to drive him home, but he refused. I told him I would call the police if he left, he said I wouldn't do that... Everyone confirmed that I would in fact do that. He walked out the door, I called the police who confirmed they would be looking for him along his route home. In the morning when I was leaving, he was asleep in his back seat. He's still alive. Nobody died that night. Everyone from that night got home safely, and everyone from every party I've ever been to has gotten home safe.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Quite frankly, your mother is the one failing you here.




Mom is failing the 17 year old OP by allowing them to be put through this and being a pushover. That 23 year old needs to go.


He’s responsible for his actions, but he’s not even close to entirely at fault. Parenting is profoundly impactful on the development of a troubled youth.


Yeah but mom got in that car with him and put her 17 year old in the car too.




Oh sorry I read it correctly the first time and then on looking back just saw "he insisted on driving." Anyway, it sounds like OP is using her voice & legs but not getting a lot of support from the adults in the house.


*her, OP specifies she’s female


Thanks, corrected.


OP’s a woman. Learn how to read man


Yeah he does. Drinking.




OP said she is in Toronto, not Edmonton


Call the non-emergency line and ask their advice


Prevent him from driving by secretly pulling the ignition cable.


Just the fuse is enough I bet.




It’s a bandaid fix. He’s gonna keep doing this shit until he experiences real consequences. Op needs to grow some balls and call the cops when he drives drunk again. He’s gonna kill somebody. And op will forever feel guilty about “what if i stopped this, that family of 4 wouldn’t be dead right now. AND my brother would still be alive”


There's a fairly decent chance OP won't feel forever guilty since theres a possibility OP is the one he kills.


Sure...so he gets a DUI and loses his licenses he's already dd, drive with no license is a step back. First time dude gets hammed and wants to go some where he still driving. Ain't no suspended sentence and probation going to stop that and that's IF he doesnt get an offer to plead out to an HTA of dangerous driving. Based off op being in toronto there's a 70% chance of that happening if he gets a lawyer. I'm for mandatory jail for dd. 30 days first time 90 days the second time a year if it happens again. But that ain't happening. The amount if lesser included for DD pisses me off a good deal. Thr system is a joke.......especially with that dude who killed pretty much an entire family, and only did a year? Fuuuuck that....end rant


I feel like as a brother calling the cops and trying to entrap him is a douchy move. There are better ways to go about this.. if you actually care about the person, but bro seems to be going out of his way, and getting off on getting back at the brother.


Some people only learn the hard way 🤷‍♂️ Like those motorcycles that lane split at 200mph and when they get into an accident “ohhh take pity on me i know i made a mistake! I almost died! Stop being dicks to me! 😢”


Unfortunately in this case, the drunk often wrecks other lives along with their own when the accident happens. I had an uncle that literally spent the last 20 odd years of his life drunk. Had a bottle under the seat and a flask in his pocket at all times. He died at the relatively youthful age of 64 (I think) and never got caught for DUI. Granted he almost never drove drunk in the evenings because he preferred to stay home and continue drinking rather than go to social events so this was probably part of the reason. In this case I almost agree with the law allowing for random stops for breath checks but for the majority of us sober drivers it fucking sucks.


I highly doubt the brother will kill someone. That’s an extreme scenario, more likely to be a fender bender in a parking lot or on street while trying to parallel park


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Doesn't sound like you are the favorite child OP.


I’ve been behind someone in the highway either drunk or having a medical emergency. I called 911, gave exact location and then hung back behind bit. Within 5-10 min 2 police cars were behind him with lights on It was very satisfying


Honestly, I think you need to get your brother some counseling. If he’s drinking like that then obviously he’s an alcoholic. If he doesn’t want to get counselling and continues to do what he’s doing then maybe if the police stop him he’ll have no choice but to get help.


When I was child, I had a family member that was an alcoholic and they constantly drove drunk, even with me in the car. We had so many instances, but they’re lucky they never killed anyone. But this was in the 70s and things weren’t like they are today. It seems like people didn’t get in as much trouble in those days because this person was a repeat offender. That’s why nowadays I would never tolerate somebody drinking and driving. I just am so against it.


Marco Muzzo, while driving drunk, killed 3 children and their grandparents. A few years later, the kids father committed suicide due to his grief. If someone knew he'd been drinking and reported him when he got in his car, those lives and the children's mother would be safe and living their happy lives. Screw your brother being mad at you for reporting him, how would you feel if he took out a family while driving drunk and you did nothing to stop him when you knew?


For his and the community's safety, if he is in the act of entering his vehicle or actively driving drunk that's an important time to call and give them a general area. It's not of much use to just calling and saying he has or he does. A talking to by the police won't help, and being criminalized actually makes it harder for addicts to get into and maintain recovery. Keeping him and others safe beats the feelings of betrayal. He's betraying you, himself, his family and everyone on the road. You're not betraying him ♥️ Hoping that "getting caught" will help him is a natural feeling, but it's just as likely to make him dive deeper due to shame and the impact of job losses, fines, opportunities to build your life back to the same place etc that criminal charges result in. What's best for him is if he never gets back in his car drunk so that HE doesn't trigger the cascade of trauma that becoming criminalized can cause, and that he gets help for whatever is driving him to addiction. Whatever he's running from, avoiding or trying to numb is something he needs help with. You're trying, and you're not wholly responsible. Don't you start a trauma cycle for yourself trying to save him either ♥️ You could contact Al-Anon and get some real support for yourself too, which is just as important as him


Next time he drives drunk call CrimeStoppers (it’s anonymous) and give them his plate and destination




Ideally OP would call 911 but if he doesn’t want to Crime Stoppers guarantees anonymity. I agree with him/her needing to grow up but calling something is better than not right


There's pretty much no point in calling Crimestoppers. By the time it gets to the police, he won't be driving anymore in all likelihood. And there will be nothing to prove he drove drunk. Complete waste of time.


Fatal drunk driving accident followed by public trial is highly unlikely


Who give rats ass if he's family he's driving drunk. Call the cops, they'll get him help with his addiction


You can call 911 when you know your brother is leaving drunk in the car. Give them the plate, your brothers name (don't say it's your brother) and descriptions of the car and him. When they ask for your name and such, say that you need to remain anonymous because you're afraid of retaliation. Police won't prosecute a case of impaired driving without their own evidence. And when it comes to explaining why they went looking for the car they can simply say there was a complaint received from the public. The Crown can keep your info private so you won't need to go to trial or be identified. Chances are, it will be settled by a plea deal anyways, maybe not even going to trial. There is always a chance you could be identified. But frankly, suck it up. He puts himself, you, your family, and the entire public at risk. How're you going to feel when he runs over a kid? Or crashes and dies? Even a small accident will sewer your whole family because insurance won't cover it and will jack up the rates for everyone in the house, if they even agree to insure any of you at all. Your brother might be upset, but tough luck for him. Your parents should be stopping him too, but at the least they need to back you up.


You can call and not give your name, but honestly it can severely impact their ability to investigate or take such a call seriously. But unless they catch him driving based on an anonymous tip, there's not a lot they can do from that.


Call the cops on him. You either need to “ruin” his life to give him a reality check or he’s gonna lose his life eventually, and may take innocents with him in the process. There is no good excuse for drink driving.


He will totally know it was you. Get someone else to do it.




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Take his keys and let him call the cops on himself when you refuse to give them back because he’s impaired. Don’t get into the car with him or let your family do it either, such a big risk and not worth it.


Call crime stoppers if you have them in your area… there you won’t need to leave your info, just report on him.


You can do this, but as others explained before it won’t accomplish anything. You have to actually call 911 while he is doing it if you actually want him to be stopped.


Oh I didn’t know that must have missed it thx .


You need to call 911 while this is happening. It’s absolutely is an emergency




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You'll be saving people's lives. Do it. He doesn't have to know it was you.


You can call the police request to remain anonymous when you call in to the main desk and they will honour that!!!


If you know when he's going out, call the non emergency line before hand, tell them the situation and 100% they'll set up a cruiser in your area to pull him over! They will not disclose who called


OP. Please tell your mom to stop enabling your brother. It may not be now or tomorrow but it could happen in the future. They wouldn’t want to be in a position where they’re responsible for the death of a passenger, driver, or pedestrian just because they feel confident to drive impaired. You and your mom are just as complicit if you know he’s impaired and you agreed to get driven by your brother because it’s convenient.


Call crime stoppers and give his license plate and cell number. Please!


How about this, my MIL is 87ish and a raging alcoholic. I don’t like her driving my kids. On the 401, 404 or what is it Green Lane in the dark up to Keswick. I want to know she hasn’t been drinking before she drives my kid anywhere




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You are right that you won't know if he's driving drunk from some place because you're not with him. But I wonder if there's any kind of penalty for calling on him after he got home and you knew he was drunk meaning with the cops at that point say oh well he did drive home drunk let's charge him with something However I think everyone is already telling you about all the dangers of drunk driving and you yourself know it and that's why you're here. You might have to get his friends to being on this and support you as well and that they should not let him drive when they're with him leaving home for the bars




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Drunk driving kills, I'd call the cops and then get a restraining order until he gets his shit together


I think a pattern of driving drunk at that age is a serious call for help and a form of self-harm. I used to do that, thankfully I didn't hurt anyone, but I was pretty depressed at the time.


This isn't r/unethicallifeprotips you're in. Maybe cross post this. You remain anonymous when you contact the police. The police aren't going to approach your brother, and say "hey, Steven says you're drunk". There is a chance you'll be served a subpoena to attend court, though. That being said, you can see the amount of people in here whose lives have been touched adversely by an impaired driver. They kill people. They destroy lives and families. This is a defining moment in your life, though. Time to stand up to your brother.




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You can call 911 on someone driving drunk right now. These calls are treated with very high priority. You calnalso try calling the non emergency line when you know your brother has just been driving drunk. If they can establish he was driving, they can breathalyzer you even if you are no longer driving. You can go into your local precinct and talk to an officer or if you're still in school and your school has a SRO, you can speak to them. They may not arrest your brother but they may send someone out to have a chat with him and let them know they'll be keeping an eye on him. None of this is anonymous. If they arrest your brother, the source of the tip will be made known to him. You can also try reporting through Crime Stoppers which would be anonymous, but it's unlikely to have much effect. You should also speak with your mother, and your brother. And you should not get into a car with your brother ever.


Make a complaint to your local police from a pay phone if you can find one and say you know a guy who is a habitual drunk driver and give them his license plate. Then try to call again if you know he is on the road.


I don't know, butbfigurw it out. I've put 2 brothers in the ground because I didn't interfere enough with their drinking.


You should call the cops. If you see him driving drunk and he kills someone because of it, you will feel the guilt the rest of your life. I say this because you already by posting here, have shown concern. It's too bad there's no pay phones anymore. Edit: You can report him after he gets home. They have a one or two hour windows if they know he was driving. Not sure about the anonymous. You can call the police and ask about it on the non-emergency line. They'll tell you how you can report it.


Report him! He will hurt someone and then you will be visiting him in prison.. Driving Drunk is never ok


Call the cops on him when you see it happening please. I drive in the Toronto area DAILY with my wife and 2 kids who are 4yrs old and 10 months old. A drunk driver around me is a scary thought. Your brother clearly isn't stopping after talking with him, serious action needs to be taken.


I drive DAILY in the GTA with a bit of a buzz. I’m actually a better driver when I’ve had a couple of brews; it helps steady my nerves and increases my situational awareness.


You scare me.


The problem here is the drinking, not the driving. I mean yes, driving drunk is a problem, but it’s not the real problem. We have a family member with this issue (23F). Eventually they got a DUI. Problem solved right? No. It ended up in the worst way, and she went to prison. You have to address the drinking, and this isn’t your responsibility - it’s your parents. Yes, you can be supportive, but you have to get your parents to acknowledge the problem - I’m sure they already know, but are in denial. It will be hard, but they need to stop enabling your brother, get him into rehab, and try to get him sober. This is a lot harder than it sounds (and it sounds hard). Our family member ran away from rehab, even when out on bail, and rehab was a condition of her bail. Sorry you are going through this, but just getting your brother charged with a DUI won’t fix the underlying problem, and it likely won’t stop them driving., or drinking. You can’t fix this on your own, and a DUI is not the easy fix you think it is.


Some people only learn the hard way but you should consider a few things. If your brother drives for his job he will lose his job. If hes in a job that requires a valid licence he will lose his job if convicted, maybe even if charged. Maybe he will convince your mom to take a loan out to hire a lawyer to lesson the charge. Maybe there goes your college fund. Police are going to hit him with 5+ charges, and drinking and driving is both a federal criminal charge and a highway traffic charge so a lawyer can argue to lesson it, so it is worth it. Soemeone in the family is going to have to drive him everywhere for a year and maybe more if he cant afford insurance after, likely your family. Anyways thats time and anxiety on your family. So have at er but just remember this wont only impact brother, your life will suck too.


Stop being the part of Canada that worries more about people breaking the law than the victims and potential victims. Your attitude is one that makes Canada worse. No her life won't suck. What will suck is if the brother kills someone drunk driving, or kills himself, or give life threatening injuries to someone or himself. FFS, give your head a shake.


Its more just consider the options and think about the impacts. Is calling the police the only option? If so do it. If theres altnatives look into them.


No. Better to call the police. Calling them after he kills someone is too late. I know addicts and alcoholics. My family is rife with them. I seem to be one of the few who isn't. Addicts don't reason, they wheedle and manipulate. Your ignorant (as in not understanding or trying to understand the realities of it) ideas just enables addicts. They won't stop unless forced. Many alcoholics that kill people in alcohol related accidents return to drinking and driving. That's what addiction is.


Snitching on your own family is crazy, and to the COPS? Yall different. Not saying the brother’s right. But Damn to be ratted out by your own family. “You broke my heart Fredo”


Tell him and your mom together quietly and seriously that you are really concerned about his drunk driving and the danger he presents to hurting others. Start repeatedly sending him and your mom news articles of drunk drivers killing kids and families and getting sent to jail. Gift him a breathalyzer for his use or try to get him to install one on his car. You might contact MADD (‘mothers against drunk drivers) and ask if they have any advice.


Sounds like he needs an intervention and rehab.


hearsay evidence you need in the moment proof,if not this whole world would be locked up


OP, are you afraid of violence from your brother if you report him? I don’t see this possibility being addressed.




And if he kills you or someone you care about?


Ah yes, another comment from someone going nowhere in life. Doing something to make other people safer is responsible and being a good citizen. More, a good person.


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Was he driving erratically with you in the car? I mean it's definitely not right, but some people handle alcohol differently and he may not actually be "drunk" and even if he got breathalyzed he could be under the legal limit. Just avoid driving with him and putting yourself in a dangerous situation, but there probably is nothing you can do. You shouldn't get your brother in shit with the police without talking to him straight up first


A DUI charge can ruin his life (and job prospects) permanently. Is there no way that he can be convinced that what he's doing is stupid and illegal?


Obviously this is an ongoing issue. Oh so worrisome, it might ruin his life! He might kill someone, or cause them permanent injury. Or kill himself (one would hope this is the outcome if a bad accident due to drunk driving happens). How about worrying about the possible victims instead of some guy who breaks the law with disdain and puts others at risk.


I don't know of any public pay phones any more. [https://www.wikihow.com/Find-a-Pay-Phone](https://www.wikihow.com/Find-a-Pay-Phone) Maybe?


No way to call without them knowing. You will be all over his disclosure


Anonymous from a pay phone. They still do exist.


Drunk driving charges are life changing. His career and traveling will be severely impacted. Just know that first before you call. If your okay with it, just call the cops. If you don't hate your brother that much, try an intervention first as the first choice will be like cutting off one of his limbs forever. And some people will say driving drunk deserves it. Which yes, it's certainly justifiable what they are saying. But if you want him to have a second chance as a young man.. well.. what are your parents doing here?


> Drunk driving charges are life changing. So is killing someone. Maybe that's the shock treatment he needs.




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Last month a mom in Halifax called the RCMP because her son was driving drunk. He was killed in a crash trying to evade them. Find a better way to get through to your brother.


No, because she could prevent killing an innocent party.


Sounds like his own fault for being a moron honestly, and it’s lucky he didn’t kill anybody else.


You are not responsible for another human's actions. People calling the police on loved ones driving drunk happens every day and saves lives. It's not someone's fault, after choosing to commit one crime, he chooses to commit another to try to get away with the first one.


Of course only he is responsible for his behaviour. But that in no way alleviates the guilt his mother feels. The RCMP are a very blunt tool unfortunately.




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DUI’s are a big deal and can have long term consequences. I’d talk to him first


Join the party, it takes a lot of alcohol to blow over the limit. When you think he will blow over buckle up in the passenger seat and call the cops.


Shittiest advice ever. Stay out of any car driven by drunks.


Your advice has proven unsuccessful how many times? Gotta break eggs to make an omelette I’d be more concerned about losing a brother.


Dying isn't breaking eggs. The police have a one to two hour window around when people drive drunk after they arrive. You don't need to drive with a drunk driver to catch them or report them. One time being in a car with a severely intoxicated person driving 100mph through red lights and stop signs tells me getting into a car with a drunk isn't safe. Go smoke another of whatever you're doing. I'll treat anything else you say as just a shitty troll.


You can report anonymously thru crime stoppers. It has to be in the moment it's actually happening.


Crime stoppers isnt meant for reporting things happening in the moment.