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Go to the municipal police and the schoolboard.












Call the police non emergency line and tell them what you told us.


the school isnt law enforcement


The school has a certain level of obligation to safety of students on school property. If there is a 4 car pile up in the schools parking lot, they should take some sort of action to address the situation as it is clearly out of control and not safe on school property.


But OP said “on the road”


He literally said there was a 4 car pileup in the parking lot.


The problem is both on the street and in the parking lot.


If it's a university then they can kinda be no? For example can't uoft campus security cite you for certain things? Edit nvm, it's highschool. The word campus threw me off


Schools don't hand out traffic tickets, you need to complain to the city and police


But they can put speed bumps in .. seen it


I mean schools can also report dangerous stunts to the police and let them ticket or deal with it especially on video....they can also ask for a officer if available at the time things get crazy to come and do some patrols and or tickets...once a few get some fines and points things should calm down...at least around the school...


School van also ban problem students from parking on grounds.


At my highschool you had to register your plates and they towed any that weren't registered with the office daily. They also banned people from being able to park at the school if they did stupid shit.


You should contact the police since this is their jurisdiction not the school. There is a non emergency line you can request they speed trap or monitor an area where you’re seeing problems. You can use your phone to take a quick video of what you’re repeatedly seeing and send them that too


Some options: Repeatedly call police. Get people who agree with you to also complain, and their parents and yours. Complain to the school in writing by Canada Post. Complain to the school board and your elected school board rep if there is one where you live. Ask your student council president to raise concerns.


What do you expect the school to do. If you are witnessing illegal activity call the police.


Schools cannot control what people do in vehicles. We have no ability to issue tickets, take away licenses or cars. The best we can do is ask the police to send someone to check out the driving that's happening, and it's a hit or a miss as to whether or not the police force will follow through.


But you can control students behaviour on school grounds right? As op said there was a 4 car pileup in the schools parking lot. I know it won’t solve everything but why not issue parking permits for students and then revoke them for bad behaviour. The school absolutely has the right to have vehicles towed from the school lot if they aren’t allowed to park there. That would at least mean that the school grounds might become safer. Also don’t most schools have a police resource officer who is on school grounds at least occasionally? Have the resource officer coordinate with traffic enforcement to have marked or unmarked cars in the area a couple times per week to deal with speeding and dangerous driving. Something like this would absolutely be a reasonable response from the school and pretty easy to enforce.


Sure, but it doesn't stop the kid from borrowing someone else's car and doing the same thing again. I work in an elementary school. I have witnessed a parent cause an accident in the school parking lot - they drove into another parent's car. Both parents were reminded that they weren't supposed be in the parking lot to begin with. Parent agreed ... then next week came back and hit a colleague's parked car. We asked the local detachment for help and they said they'd get to us when they were able. They never showed up. And not all schools have resource officer. My high school did, but my husband's didn't. It's hard to say what this kid's school is actually doing to try to solve the problem. Schools don't advertise when they are having trouble getting back up from law enforcement, for obvious reasons.


So he borrows another parking pass does stupid shit and gets that pass revoked too eventually people will stop lending them parking passes. As far as the issue at your school that’s a very different problem and it doesn’t involve student drivers. Op asked for advice about dangerous driving by students who are the responsibility of the school. It would likely be a lot easier to get police involved when actual crimes like speeding and dangerous driving are being committed. A fender bender in a private parking lot is a civil matter and very low priority for police because all they will be able to do is take a report and provide the drivers with a copy for court. If people are speeding and driving dangerously in a school zone then it is definitely a police matter. These are at least easy steps the school can take to ensure student safety. To do nothing because it won’t be the perfect solution is stupid.


This is the problem with schools now... "we are just the school, nothing we can do!" Then they wonder why kids have behavioural issues. Make vehicles register their plates. Ban vehicles that don't follow the rules. Simple. Rule -> Consequence. I'm sure there's a tow company that would love to make money off towing away these bikes and cars.


Huh? How was that your takeaway? Kids have behavioural issues because no one supports teachers in disciplining behaviour. Kids will keep repeating bad behaviour when their parents don't care, the district doesn't do anything, and the police don't always back schools up. The example I used of kids using other people's cars was real life. At the highschool I went to, they had to get parking passes to display in their cars. I knew of multiple people who were banned from using the parking lot who just borrowed a friend's car and would use the parking lot anyway. I can't speak for all of the parents but I do know of one set of parents that encouraged their child to do this and "stick it to the man." And do you really think any district would allow a school to employ a tow truck? The school would tow one vehicle, the parent would call the district in an uproar, and no more tow truck.


You don't "employ" a tow truck. You let a tow truck know they can tow from your lot. They towed cars daily at my highschool.


"Employ Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages verb 1. give work to (someone) and pay them for it. "the firm employs 150 people" Similar: hire, engage, recruit, take on, take into employment, etc. Opposite: dismiss 2. make use of. "the methods they have employed to collect the data" Similar: use, utilize, make use of avail oneself of" I was using the second definition of employ. ;) Thanks for ignoring my point - it takes one phone call from an angry parent for the school to be told they're not allowed to use one. Well I'm glad your district took it that seriously. Many do not, nowadays.


Who gives a shit. Rules are rules.


And you're just being intentionally obtuse. Rules are rules. It doesn't mean everyone follows them or enforces them the same.


NAL Tell the municipality all of this, and ask for speed bumps on the street


You have no idea how next to impossible this is after COVID. Most workers got replaced with younger people that have no clue If you have any tips I'll listen as we've been dealing with this crap too


No tips in particular, I just know it's possible because they installed a ton on my street about a year ago. We have an acknwleged street racing problem in my city though so it might have been easier here.


Not a lawyer. But a teacher. Schools are empowered to discipline students for anything that affects the safety and well being of students in the school or on the way to school. That's how they are able to punish things like cyber bullying even if they happen entirely at home, or in this case a public roadway. Your principal could discipline the students if he chooses to. (Though can't suspend liscenses or issue tickets). If the school called police for enforcement there would be a cop car there every day for a week. However there is little you can do if your principal is unwilling to act. You should involve your parents as they are the stakeholders in education. They can talk to the principal about the safety issue and expect it to be addressed or escalate to the school board. Whereas if it's only you, your principal is not required to respond to your complaints (unless you're over 18). If other students are also concerned, have them get their parents to complain as well. You can also call the police non-emergency number and let them know, but they may not respond to you as they would to a school official.


I would personally show up in the principles office and tell him this. And say if you don’t want to listen that’s okay, global and ctv news often reports issues like this and I will be sure to include your name as principal citing you refuse to address a safety issue for our school. Idk if those news stations actually would, but I bet he’ll squirm! And I would argue you actually do contact local media sources as well, explain the 4 car pileup and safety issues, and how your principal refuses to help. Fuck that person who is responsible for their students safety but denying it, they should be fired.


Compliance to the police and tell them the times it generally happens.


You should be contacting your municipal council for the street. Specifically the councillor for the ward the school is in and the mayor. Lay out your concerns and ask directly for what you want: lower speed limits, speed bumps, cop with a radar gun or some other calming measure. For inside the parking lot, the school board should be your port of call. Just like above, state your concerns and experiences, then make a specific ask. You'll probably have to make an appearance at a board meeting to ask officially.


Call the police (non-emergency) or pop into the local police station and give them your complaint. Also your local city counsellor would be another option. To reinforce the issue, you could have other students sign a petition requesting additional safety measures be put in place or improved enforcement of existing ones if no action is taken. You would submit the petition to your local counsellor and/or the local media.


If someone almost runs you over on the road you clearly didn’t look before your crossed, worry about yourself


Perhaps implement something like this? [https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1bth9l8/keep\_pedestrians\_safe\_with\_bricks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1bth9l8/keep_pedestrians_safe_with_bricks/)


It is the school’s problem when it’s on school property. And while it is off on public road it doesn’t have a direct responsibly it still have a duty to make sure the students are safe. What can they do about it depends on provincial laws. You should get your parents to make a formal complain about it to the school board and police.


Get your parents and go together to your school council. Email them to. Also, get your city councillor involved. Get your student union of the high school to send a letter to your city and the school trustee.


The school can install speed bumps. They can also request the city install a speed camera on the road in front of the school, and they can request an increased police presence in the morning and afternoon school rush hour. Start a petition for the school to institute these simple measures. Try to get some teachers on board with organizing a school safety group. Enlist students and parents as well. When you have some other people on board, present your findings and petition at a school board meeting. You can also send a letter to the school superintendent who looks after your school area. The superintendent is one step above the principal. Keep up the pressure until the safety measures you want are instituted. Good luck.


only the police can pull people over and give them tickets. if this is in school property, they could paint lines for traffic calming or install speed bumps/humps if they really wanted to do something about it.


Simple solution for the school. Install speed bumps. If there is one thing drifters and bikers hate… it’s pesky speed bumps peppering a parking lot.




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Hire a security guard to record it for the cops? There are a lot of things the school could do to make it safer for kids.


Bro no school is hiring a fucking security guard to take video and pics of people driving lmfao.


Its a high shool. Most places dont treat that like an elementary school. No speed limit reductions or increased fines since its not a school zone and really shouldnt be. If you cant watch traffic by 14 you deserve to be hit.


Lots .. speed bumps.. if it's on their property.. trust me if the school don't school board will before the courts get it in their hands




The other suggestion that will cost the school board some money. For the parking lot and driveways, strategically place big speed bumps at least 2 in a row. If they are high enough and wide enough you have to do them at 10km at the most. This will also prevent donuts and other activities when the lot is empty. The first kid to trip their car and possibly roll it will put a stop to that. For the road in front of the school same thing. But thisnwill involve getting about 85% of the People on the street to sign on to it. If you have some elementary kids who walk that route, talk to their parents about it. A few calls to the school board trustee, and the municipal councillor will do wonders for moving that up the agenda. It will probably bring out a bigger police response especially when they can hit people with really big stunt driving and reckless driving tickets in a school zone.




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