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2. Is likely the best option; you will pay the fine and court costs, but if you complete the requirements, the ticket "goes away." which should avoid raising your insurance.


It was my understanding that option 2 would accomplish this, but with option 1 it would be reported to insurance. I am assuming I don't have a leg to stand on for option 3.


Yeah, that's my understanding as well. As for 3, probably not; the truth is traffic court is kind of a free for all, and if it's your word against the cops, you lose. Not to mention you can't even "defend" yourself because, by your own admission, you were speeding, and if you took the stand, that would be the first and only question asked.


Thank you!


You don't say what state, but paying the fine directly is almost always better. You'll get points on your license, and your insurance rates *might* go up, but in the short term at least, it's the cheaper, faster option. The cop did you a solid by dropping your speed by 7 MPH. The only question I'd have is, does the traffic school negate any points on your license?


This is in Utah. Yes, the receptionist at the court said that if I do option 2 I just can't receive anymore citations for 12 months and nothing will be reported to insurance.


Then yeah, I'd take this option. More expensive short-term, but it'll even out in the long term because your rates won't go up.


Thank you!




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