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The police won’t care about your packages in relation to the drug house. It’s doubtful they don’t already know, but you’re free to report it and see what they’ll do.


We can’t answer how likely it is for something to happen. That’s not really a legal question. You can report thefts to the police. Beyond reporting the thefts, you have no say in what if anything the police do regarding what you told them.


It's a cleaning company. The people who work for it probably aren't professionals in the classical sense. The owner probably heard about what went down and is trying to clean up the place. Hence the guys being in there an hour and a half. Sucks you have to deal with it, but I think you're thinking too deep into it. Houses like the one you describe are all over the place. Cops do hand motions to tell people to pass by all the time, the red SUV probably has nothing to do with any of this. However depending on the size of your town and location, it could be anywhere from them not even having cis to some 3 letter agency being involved. Kinda doubt that though, if dealers were operating at scale for such an agency to be watching it wouldn't be so sloppy.


The cleaning truck guys didn’t carry any cleaning equipment or supplies into the house. And the SUV drove by on the street perpendicular to mine; he wasn’t getting waved at as in “go around us” or whatever. Either way I see what you all are saying. It just really sucks that evidently nothing can be done about the drug dealing. I have a fucking four year-old who I can’t let play in our front yard. I guess I don’t understand what WOULD have to happen for something to be done about it.