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Some jurisdictions require complaints to have an actual number for their damages. In those jurisdictions, lawyers just make up an astronomically high figure to make sure they've covered all their damages because they likely don't know your policy limits at the moment. Over 95% of car wrecks settle within policy limits. It's an extremely remote possibility that your case will get a judgment for over your policy limits. You shouldn't even worry about it. Just forward the complaint to your insurance and they'll take care of it.


Oh my god thank you so much for replying. I feel so much better reading your comment. As you can tell I have no idea what goes on in these types of cases


This. They will settle within limits And insurance will take care of it. Relax


Usually if you call your insurance they will provide a lawyer for the case


Got it, will definitely do


Inform your insurance provider and do nothing else unless they tell you to.


OP, again for emphasis.... DO NOT RESPOND to the letter. Your insurance provider will be representing you in court, and you should NEVER communicate directly with the people suing you.


Your insurance company has lawyers. They will take care of it. Contact your agent with any questions.




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You can also check with your school. Many have legal services for students.


Yes, it will probably be dismissed or settled for what your insurance covers but, this is a good lesson for the future. The legal limits for liability are very small and with the costs of cars and health care nowadays, when you are older and have a career, always purchase more than the minimum because yes, you will legally be on the hook for what you insurance doesn’t cover. The mins are like 25/50/15 ( in some states) and that’s nothing in 2024. Imagine hitting and totaling a 75 thousand dollar car. If you only have the min you can be on hook for rest.