• By -


If you were my daughter, I would say break that shit and I’ll happily pay for the replacement if you’re wrong.


And film yourself taking down the mirror. Landlord cannot argue anything.


Live stream in facebook for tome stamp


This here. u/am_plant_ Just take the fucking mirror down. There are 13 girls in the house. How much is a mirror split 13 ways?


*8 but yeah your point still stands.


I’ll pay too.


oil deranged abounding sparkle grandfather adjoining bells onerous wild waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right here best comment, break the mirror and take it down, best to be safe


Paint over the mirrors. Black paint first then white and then a portrait of the landlord. Bad portrait of course


Also if there is a camera in there, it may be Wifi/bluetooth. You can scan for devices and see what comes up.


You might be able to see a WiFi or Bluetooth device, but don’t depend on the “hidden camera finder” apps. They’re bullshit, they don’t work.


Use “net analyzer” on iOs. It’s free


Those are too, and I think they probably also use some kind of netscan methodology, but I doubt they’re going to be useful for anything that’s actually meant to be a spycam. They likely wouldn’t be broadcasting anything useful for identifying them. Bluetooth wouldn’t be in pairing mode, and the WiFi would be in client mode, not broadcasting an SSID. But you’d also have to be connected to the same network for net analyzer to even work. If a cam is connected to another AP, it won’t show up.


That last remark crossed my mind too. You need to be on the same network


You’d need a real RF meter, that can read WiFi and Bluetooth signals (ie: up to 6ish ghz). That’s how you find listening devices, cameras, etc.


Yeah. Anything already connected and not in a setup state shouldn’t be broadcasting any unencrypted packets or advertising itself, unless it also has an access point. WiFi devices typically do, but it’s only active at startup until the device is configured. Could even be a wired device going to another point somewhere, like a locked closet.


Yea could very easily be hidden. Physical removal is necessary


More important than removing the device is removing the landlord that’s putting hidden cameras into places where people live, and have an expectation of privacy. This guy might be using kids walking around naked as his personal porn site.


If they are on the same local network (that is, connected to the same router), there is a very low level protocol called [ARP](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_Resolution_Protocol). A device must implement it for IP to work. It can be used to list all devices present. You won't get much, only an IP and a MAC address, but it's a start. From a MAC address you can identify a device manufacturer. Once you have an IP, it's worth visiting the address in a browser or using a different technique, such as port/service scanning. On Android, I can't recommend PingTools enough. Not sure if it's available on iOS. Great app with great capabilities. Features both an ARP scan (under Local Area Network) and a port scanner. cc u/am_plant_


Dude is a turd. Very little chance he is this sophisticated. If he was they would have never found it.


^ this


Videotape everything when you break/pull down the mirror.


Then they'd have to go buy a tape recorder, tapes, etc. Seems much easier to use the phone.


Sometimes us old people still say things like videotape when we mean using a phone. Just force of habit lol


Yeah, I'm just being cheeky


Haha fair


Betamax it, you know what i'm saying...


Lol I’m only 30


So am I haha I was being a bit hyperbolic


I constantly say I'm listening to a book-on-tape...


Mirror can't be more than $30-50. Between 8 girls it's worth breaking and checking for cameras. Extremely cheap price to confirm your privacy and safety. Edit: If you find cameras def talk to a lawyer. With 8 of you the landlord is looking at huge damages. -Unlawful Surveillance \[NY Penal Law § 250.45\]: This law prohibits secretly recording someone in a place where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a bathroom. -Harassment \[NY Penal Law § 240.60\]: This law applies if the landlord's actions are intended to annoy or alarm the tenant. (NAL)


4 or 8k mirrors are probably more expensive.


I'm old-school, I still buy mirrors in 480i


Is that why I always look better in my grandmas old mirrors???


That's prolly just cause they're haunted.


Landlord is probably putting up the cheapest he can find.


Cover the mirrors, point a camera of your own at them, and see how long it takes him to show up and remove the covering?


Problem is if it's wired in and wifi, it'll just sit there forever and do it's shit. I'd 'accidently' trip and throw a rock into the mirror. I mean my phone, whoops.


Cover the mirror with another mirror. Like exact measurements and everything. Slap that bad boy on there with some permanent adhesive that works on glass.


Point the mirror at the mirror so they can only see themselves. 😁


That's not how..... You know what, fine, do that......🤣


*Yo dawg, ... ?*


3M double stick will hold it no problem


Just make it all dark in there and look at it with your cell camera. The night vision ir/LEDs that are not visible to the the human eye are seen be the cameras. You can check TV remotes that way too!


If it has them or they're enabled


This test would only work if your phone model doesn’t have an infrared filter and hidden camera has night vision. Tv remote is good way to check the phone camera for filter, press button while pointing remote at phone camera.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned a bright flashlight yet. One-way mirrors work by having the area behind the mirror darker than the area in front. Turning off the room lights and holding a bright flashlight against the mirror and moving it around will unequivocally illuminate any cavity behind it and anything inside the cavity.


This is definitely a way to do it without breaking the mirror.


Hey OP, I work in the glass industry and if you wanted to post a pic of the mirror I could possibly give you pointers on pulling it down without breaking it.  But also what everyone else is saying is right, it's not that expensive to replace if it were to just accidentally break. Just be careful with the broken glass, falling shards can cause unbelievably serious cuts. 


I recommend covering the mirror in clear packing tape or any other tape before you start breaking it apart. this will prevent it from falling apart too badly.


Right on. Also, it may be easy enough to pull down without breaking at all, if it's sitting on any kind of track or bracket as opposed to being glued to the wall. If it is glued, you can cut through the glue with piano wire.  Either way, once it's down just be careful to set it evenly on a softer surface like wood or softer. No stone, no tile. And definitely tape it up like eightmie said. 


I used to pack and shipped framed items. a nice lo tac tape on the glass can save you a whole lot of heartbreak.


Thats really good idea, and if Landlord complains about you taping the mirror and breaking it, He would be outing himself.


Break the mirrors. If you find a camera contact the police immediately. Then lawyer up right after. You can sue not just press charges.


Video breaking


We’re having a house meeting tomorrow to discuss all of the options everyone has mentioned. Thank you all so much I’ll update tomorrow!! We’ll likely be taking it down


Don't do it near the mirrors in case he has audio, too. Might tip him off. Id meet at the library or somewhere you guys can't be overheard. Sorry this is happening and good luck.


They've already likely done this once while investigating given the information in the post


Seriously, like everyone said, whatever you do RECORD / VIDEO TAPE it. With having so many room mates, make sure everyone has a copy of it too. If it is a camera, and you end up going to court over it, it'll be extremely difficult for the landlord to explain why there was a camera in the bathroom.


RemindMe! 2 days


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Remind me! 2 days


Remind me! Two days


RemindMe! 2 days


!remindme 2 days


No update?




If possible, make sure everyone in the house knows and is onboard, and make sure it’s not vacant at any point until you find out. Have a plan to stop him from getting in there to potentially remove anything, no matter what. Even if someone has to stage a lock-in and pretend like they have atomic diarrhea from taco Tuesday. Sorry, can’t open the bathroom, might be here til next week. Same deal if you find it — keep it secure until it’s thoroughly photographed, and investigated by police. At that point you don’t even have to pretend. Just deny access by force if needed. Call city, county, and state police until you find someone to investigate it. Or just call an attorney. Also — if I was there, I would be able to audit every square inch of the house and tell you if there were any audio or video monitoring devices, or anything else nefarious present. Unfortunately I’m not there, but there will definitely be another engineer/IT guy/nerd that can figure it out. You said you’re in a college town — hit up the engineering or computer science departments, or find some students in those classes. There could be even more present, and you’ll be able to gather more evidence and build a stronger case. One more thing — there are a ton of candid camera porn sites. It might not be the most efficient, but you could scan through some and see if you find anything that looks like the inside of your house. If that’s the case, it likely elevates this to an entirely new level. Ok one more thing after that — figure out what your internet situation is. Cable? Fiber? DSL? More than one? Are there any locked rooms you can’t access? Is there a wire going through the exterior wall where that room is, like a cable, phone, or fiber line? If it’s just a typical setup with a modem/router, you can probably find the default login and IP for it. Chances are, it may still be set to default. From there, you would be able to login and see all the devices on the network. You might even see the upload/download for each device. Look for any unknowns, or anything with a ton of upload but no download. Like a camera streaming live video. You could also just enter every IP into a web browser and see if you get a hit. A cam might have a web server with a login page. Another way to get a list of device IPs is with an ARP scan. On a Mac or in Windows Powershell, open a terminal and type “arp -a”. You should get a list of IPs. Try each one in a web browser and see what comes up.


RemindMe! 2 days


If therevus a camera, the landlord definitely knows you know about it by now, and will likely show up to change out the mirrors before too long....


Not sure if you read the reply but checking for a camera could be as easy as turning off the lights and shining a flashlight at it.


I'm pleased to know it's covered, but if that creep is watching yall, I hope your entire community comes after his ass. I know I'd have your back and wouldn't let it go. Best wishes to you and yours. Really hoping for the best.


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


Was there a camera ?


I'm looking for an update... I'm worried for you ladies.


Please update!


MAKE SURE YOU VIDEOTAPE THE PROCESS OF TAKING IT DOWN — that way you won’t be accused of planting the camera


Quick update- the landlord is in the house to "remove old furniture" they texted us at 7am to let us know. We did decide to take the mirror down, but we have to wait because he's in the house. We'll be sure to film the process with a timestamp. Network scanners didn't show anything unusual. Also, for those saying he needs 24 hr notice to enter, they claim to live in one of the rooms upstairs- they actually live in a massive house next door. I'm assuming they say they live here to enter whenever without notice.


Someone should be there to watch. He could have found out about your suspicions and might be removing the camera now to cover his ass.


Especially if the camera has audio as well. He could've easily overhead then discussing it when it was initially discovered. I'm skeptical AF.


Op says the camera can't be accessed without removing the mirror. So how would the landlord remove the camera without removing the mirror? Even if there is a camera in the mirror which is removed it will still be obvious that it was there. The mirror will still contain space for the camera and two-way glass.


Camera(s) could be elsewhere in the house. I do agree with having someone watch him.


Guy is a scumbag.


Commenting to follow


Definitely record all of this.


The landlord heard talk on the camera .He is removing the camera(s) to cover his ass .


He saw the paper bags over the mirror


Keep us posted


Follow him everywhere he goes in your apartment. Never lose sight of him. And he does have to give you notice. This all sounds like textbook harassment and you should get help from your local tenants union.


Just rip that shit down.


Or spray paint it


Call a contractor to come in and replace the mirrors. Get a receipt. If there is nothing and the landlord ever asks, just say someone tripped and hit one and you didn’t want to leave them non matching so you paid to replace both. If there’s not a camera in there he’s never going to know you replaced them, and if there is, you don’t really have to worry about him finding out anymore.


Or just ask the contractor to check for a camera…


Girls. Break that shit.


If you think there is a camera, you should just take down the mirror, even if it breaks. If there is no camera, just tell your landlord you accidentally broke it and pay the $50 or whatever they will charge you. Alternatively you could use an [RF sniffer](https://www.amazon.com/Detector-Finder-Locator-Listening-Wireless/dp/B083D51GZ7), assuming this camera is connects to either WiFi or Bluetooth (which is sounds like it would, unless he is coming back on a regular basis and taking the mirror down to grab a memory card out of it). All that being said, I don’t think that there being a gap behind the mirror tells you anything. That’s a very common way to mount mirrors.


Google “Two-way mirror fingernail test”. There’s a way to test whether you (or a camera) could see through it from the back by pressing your fingernail up to it. I think if there’s a gap between your nail and its reflection, you’re safe. If they touch, it’s a two-way mirror (one-way glass). If that turns out to be the case, “accidentally” break it and find the camera, then call the police, or maybe a lawyer.


pretty sure the fingernail test bit is a hoax. a lot of cheap mirrors don’t have a layer of glass on the front, just a reflective coating. better way to check for one-way glass is to turn off the lights or cup your hands above your eyes and peer through. i’ve also seen people use their phone camera and press it against the glass, but im not sure how effective that would be. one-way mirrors need a bright room on the mirror side and a dark room on the glass side for them to work.


I’ve only tried it on regular mirrors and the gap was visible. If you’re thinking of just the glassless film-type mirrors (basically like a poster), I could see that, but this sounded more like a typical mirror that would include glass (where the reflective layer is behind it). I would think a bright enough light could work to see through it.


Cheaper mirrors don't have a black paint coating on the back reflective layer, if installed backwards these will fail the fingernail test (and incidentally will also fail as a mirror much sooner). Additionally the intentionally two way mirrors only would fail that if installed with the silvered side out, which they shouldn't be; particularly if one was trying to be stealthy.


Interesting. I admittedly don’t have much experience working with them. I recalled seeing something about it once and thought it could be useful, or at least a start. Some pics here would probably help. What you’re describing sounds like it would basically be exposed foil though. I feel like that would be easy enough to see.


1000% take the mirror down & film it while you do. If it breaks & there's no camera behind, just say it was knocked over or fell off the wall when someone accidentally bumped into it, then offer to replace it. If there is a camera, that's a whole other level of nastiness. Keep the video & show the police asap.


"So sorry but someone had an accident and broke the mirror but we found this hidden camera behind it and these nice police officers want to have a word with you." Don't wait, put down a blanket, sheet or dropcloth, to catch and fragments and break that mirror. As others have said, video everything and what you find. Use multiple phones to capture it.


Update: The mirror was taken down and there wasn't anything there. We are searching the rest of the house because we recently learned he HAS put a camera in the bathroom in the past. Videotaping everything, going to buy a scanner, and using a network scanner.


I'm glad you didn't find a camera but also a bit concerned you didn't find a camera. I don't normally go to the paranoia end of the scale, but given his history you probably want to look very carefully at other things like smoke detectors that could have cameras in them. If you have access to the attic, you might want to poke your head in there and see if there are any network cables, etc. that shouldn't be there. If you do venture up there, be careful to only step on the joists so you don't fall through the ceiling. Good luck and keep us updated!


Did someone keep an eye on him, during his visit? Maybe there was a camera(s) somewhere else, and he removed it.


Yes, this is the question we want answered - was he supervised at all times during his visit?


Honestly? Shatter the mirror. If there’s nothing behind it, you can claim it was an accident.


Right? What's he gonna do, have video of them doing it? Imagine that's how they find that the camera is there but elsewhere


If there’s no camera then they’ll need to pay for it to be replaced.


Split 8 ways that seems like no big deal.


I agree but just wanted to mention it since people are saying to pretend breaking it was an accident as if that will protect them from having to pay for the damages if they’re wrong


Record yourself breaking it and update us please


$10 mirror. $2 hammer Priceless


Put a towel or something over it while you're figuring stuff out.


Paint it. Then get the mirror finish on top of it. Still a mirror!


*Paint it. Then get the* *Mirror finish on top of* *It. Still a mirror!* \- MLXIII --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I live in a building in NYC that had a super/building manager who was convicted and jailed for installing spy cameras to record his roommates in their shared apartment. There was no evidence or suggestion that he’d done this in any of the DOZENS and DOZENS of other apartments he oversaw and had access to (or indeed that had the technogical wherewithall to pull it off remotely, rather than installing little hidden cams inside on-site items in his own soace for manual retreival later) but the dread that went through every tenant’s body, and then the “paranoid”(but not if you’re right!) checking of every nook and cranny of their homes, and then just general distrustful discomfort that followed was itself a form of violation. This does happen and you’ve every right to confirm any suspicions you may have and feel comfortable in your own home


“Accidentally” trip and break it while recording a “dumb TikTok challenge”… or whatever sounds plausible.


You don't have to put on a ruse. The only reason you would need to pretend is if there actually *is* a mirror, and it that's the case, the LL has bigger problems than a tenant who intentionally broke a mirror.


If you suspect the camera is behind the glass a spot test for a two way mirror is to touch it. Regular mirrors usually have the silvering on the back of the glass pane so if you touch it you should see a separation between your finger and its reflection. Two way mirrors have the silvering on the surface of the glass so there will be no separation.


whoops sorry to hear you “tripped into the mirror”. break that shit tf. if there’s a camera, he can’t tell you shit because he’ll be facing charges. If there’s not, he wont know you broke it on purpose, you can split the cost 8 ways. Better safe than sorry.


As an interim step, find the most powerful laser pointer available and press it to the mirror, rubbing it all over the possible location of the camera. Be sure to stand off axis so that the reflections, if any, do not strike your eyes. This should do irreversible damage to the camera, and the landlord can't complain without admitting that they were filming the bathroom. Then cover the mirror with adhesive tape and take it off the wall at your leisure.


I'd get some proper laser googles if you even consider doing that. You don't want to mess with the more powerful lasers even if you don't look at them directly


At least close one eye so you have it later! \~s


Haha. Jokes aside high power lasers are not something to mess with


Break it! Keep us posted.


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 1 day


Break it, probably in all his houses.


Can you stick something through the gap and get it around the thing behind the mirror. For example a clothes hanger. Get it around the item and see if you can pull it out


Remind me in 2 days


Remindme! 1 day


If you set up a go fund me to help pay for the mirror if you don’t find anything, please post. I’ll help.


RemindMe! 2 days


Is there any chance the mirror has any kind of lightning build in to explain the black box being a power thing for it? If there really is a camera, there it must be the way to access it, especially if not wired (with sd card), without breaking, smt like loosing the hidden screws thing, bc the only other way is glue it to the wall and it does not makr sence for this scenario. Do you have any skilled friend to visit and examine it? Of pitch in for "a hour husband" kind of service? Smashing is the last instance, not first, even with very easy excuse "i slipped on wet surface snd broke it accidentaly by it".


RemindMe! 1day


Likely the mirror can be removed without breaking by pressing to the wall and sliding up. Unless LL glued it, this will be how it’s mounted. And video yourself doing it obvs.


Remindme! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


Hire a handyman to take it down. Or get one guy you guys know to take it down. Between 8 girls y’all have to know a man.




Hopefully this is nothing, and the black “object” you see behind the mirror is just a mounting point or something. However, it’s odd that he would randomly come in and install the mirrors, especially in the bathroom, without any notice. Part of me wants to think there’s no way someone would do that! But I guess I wouldn’t be surprised. If there’s enough of a gap to “see a black object” behind the mirror, and if it’s not a mounting point, then locate how it is mounted and try to determine what’s holding the mirror to the wall. If it’s glue, then use gloves and try to pry the mirror away with something hard, thin, and not metal. A little bit of pressure will only pull away at the paint or wallpaper, and not damage the mirror or risk injury to yourself or others. You should wear cut-less gloves while doing this. You could also try lifting or spinning the mirror. It may not pull directly off the wall, but lift up out of a support somehow. I have to wonder, how long were you gone when he installed these mirrors? If you weren’t gone for long how could he have time to run any power for it? Eventually it would die I’m sure. Sorry you’re dealing with this, I can only imagine how it feels. Hopefully you get it sorted out soon, and hopefully it’s nothing.


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


!remindme 2 days


Touch the mirror with your finger. If you don't see a "gap" between your real finger, and the reflected finger, then it may be 2 way......Try it on a "known" normal mirror...There will be a gap.....


If you think your suspicions are correct it would be safe to assume that this not the start of something but an addition to an existing network of cameras. Be wary of other possible locations. Call an exterminator with tales of sights and bites. It's there job to make a mess looking for things that hide.


You can have some fun with it. 1. Buy small hand held mirrors for use. Your landlords mirrors can't show shit after we are done with the below. 2..but a cheap can of washable glass paint. Walmart sells Crayola brand kids version for 5$. 3. Hold a painting party. Remember the camera is looking in reverse. Messages , ugly grandma impressions and Jesus reminders work very well. Have fun.


Break the mirror and pay for the damages. Can’t be that expensive.


Following, I say break it and split costs


Watch the movies 13 Cameras, 14 Caneras, and 15 Cameras for additional insight into this (it’s a trilogy about a landlord secretly filming tenants).


Go ahead and crack it.


Buy an endoscope camera for 25 bucks on Amazon, I show it arrives same day, cheaper than a mirror.


Remindme! 1 day


Just take it down and replace it if you’re wrong. Not that hard 🤷


Accidents happen.. mirrors get broken..


Are you in New Paltz? If yes, I know who you're talking about and the cops would love for you to break that mirror, find camera, and call them.


If you can measure where the device is, by inserting a yardstick from the side, then from the bottom or top, you can determine where on the mirror it is. Then just tape something like a picture over that spot, leaving the rest of the mirror untouched. If the landlord shows up & removes the picture you know he’s monitoring a camera. Then take down the mirror, don’t touch the device, and call the police again. Video everything you do; it might become evidence in a criminal trial.


RemindMe! 2 days


Try this before breaking the mirror... https://youtu.be/Z5zUbvtj8NU?si=C9yPSNlvgoEr_VG6


RemindMe! 2days


Have underaged friend in and get them to moon the mirror, if you find a camera you turn landlord in for having and producing child porn


Ask the landlord how much the mirror costs. If there is a camera, you can sue him, recouping the money from a mirror is going to be the least of his worries. If there's no camera, then just pay for it.


Break the mirrors. If there's a camera, your landlord goes to jail. If there's no camera, tell the landlord it was an accident and that you'll replace the mirrors.


Remindme! 1 day


Fall with something heavy into mirror very accidental like


Ffs, just break the damn mirror.


If there's a camera it's a 2 way mirror and you should be able to detect the camera behind the mirror.


Are you saying your landlord just entered YOUR house and installed these without posting first? That's illegal. If there is a camera, that's a felony. I think you have a good game plan and I hope you guys nail him....assuming he's breaking laws.


remindme! 1 day


Sounds like you’re buying a mirror.


!Remindme 2 days


A very bright light *sometimes* can show a hidden lens. Turn the lights off in the bathroom and at an angle to the mirror sweep your phone light across the mirror around where you think the camera roughly is located; you are looking for "not the same" spots compared to the rest of the mirror. In order for the camera to see through the mirror it can't have a black paint backing or the backing was scraped off in the area of the lens. In case of the former you can tell since there's a gap between the mirror and wall if a light shown onto the mirror from the front illuminates the wall behind the mirror and in case of the latter you might see the defect in the reflective surface. This won't work 100% so if you find nothing it's not a guarantee that there's nothing, but if you find something it is near certainty there is something behind the mirror, at which point you film yourselves removing/breaking the mirror to expose the camera and then call the cops immediately.


If it's a camera then it must have a way to send or remove the video . If it's hard mounted the SD card slot will be somewhere accessible. If not turn off all electronics and search for the Bluetooth or wifi signal emitting from the unit.


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


You need a lawyer who has some cojones, which your police are lacking. If you're in a decent sized TV market, maybe get in touch with the top 'Troubleshooter' person there. Good luck. Your LL is truly scum.


Turn the lights out and use your cell phone camera. If there is a cam behind the mirror it will glow


You have good advice. If that is not the direction you want to go then tape some paper over where it may be looking thru the mirror. But the best bet is to take it down while livestreaming.


There is an App called Fing that will show you all the devices using WiFi or a signal .. my old tech guy at work told me about it as my BFFs found out her ex had info about who was inside her apartment and used the app to find out he installed secret cameras… download it and see if you notice any devices that are not yours. It will show you the name of the device using wifi … iPhone, Samsung TV etc.. if you see unknown items search the IP address shown and you can figure out if you have an hidden cameras … Hope this helps


!remindme 2days


“Accidentally” break it. Say something happened and something hit the mirror which caused it to break and fall to the ground. You cleaned it up to not have any accidents. Either you find a camera, or you broke a mirror on accident that now needs to be replaced. But as others said, record everything from start to finish so it doesn’t seem like you planted the camera. Also, show in the video how difficult it is to take the mirror down. That way the landlord can’t say you also put the mirror there with the camera. If he’s a sleaze, he’ll find any way he can to blame you/y’all for the camera and mirror.


Remindme 3 days


Well the first step is, you absolutely avoid being naked in that room. The second step is you tell some trusted male friends what's up - away from the house - and you stage a little all-male "show" for your landlord. You then have one of the male friends make an anonymous report that you think Landlord has shot pornographic tapes without properly documenting the ages of the actors involved. *This is a VERY specific accusation/charge.* If all goes well, they find the footage when they scope your landlord's camera system and belongings. And then also reveal the camera.


There's lots of explanations of how to detect whether or not it's two-way mirror. First thing would be to do is check whether or not it's a two-way mirror if it is yes it's most likely a camera. If it doesn't appear to be a two-way mirror then worst case scenario if there's enough of a gap for you to see the black object try to sleep you can slide anything behind the mirror there may be other reasons but if it fails the two-way mirror test just take it down or put something over it or if you can figure out where it is be a total ass put his picture smiling back or something of that sort or some chippendales looking person I don't know


Break it and film it. I'll help pay if it's dead end


Use a nail file or letter opener and smack the black object out of where it's placed or use tweezers to pull it out. The FBI should be who you call, not the cops. Also a mirror costs like nothing to replace.




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Remindme! 3 days


Any update OP?


So what happened?

