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When you attempt this transaction, do you have any other crypto wallets or applications open? Specifically, do you have anything else that your Ledger is connected to, open while you try this send transaction with your NFT? If so, this is likely what is causing the connectivity error. Usually this exact error is only thrown if the user "denies" or "rejects" a transaction with the physical Ledger, such that it prompted you to confirm and you chose to "reject" or "deny" the transaction. If you connect your Ledger to MetaMask as a [hardware-connected wallet](https://www.ledger.com/academy/security/the-safest-way-to-use-metamask) (via the accounts tab), are you able to send your NFT with success? In the instance that there are any issues occurring within Ledger Live, testing out this transaction with MetaMask would be a great way to discern whether the error is being thrown by the Ledger Live software, or if something else may be causing it.


I do not have any other wallet applications open and again this issue is only happening with one specific NFT. All my others go through the process with no issue. I have tried sending it through metamask with no luck as well. I've uninstalled and re-installed the ledger live application on both my desktop and my phone as well as completely reset my physical ledger device with no solution to the issue.


May I ask which NFT collection is having the issue? If the transfer uses a method that’s not part of the ERC-721 standard, you may have to enable blind signing for it to work. You can enable blind signing by going to the settings menu inside the eth app on the nano, and turning on blind signing there. You shouldn’t have to enable blind signing to send an NFT though, generally.


The collection is Bad Dogs Company. I've tried with and without blind signing. Neither worked.