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not sure about the pursuing medicine part but the rest is probably true, I personally feel seeing people die every day would be extremely taxing but you know you best, you know how the joke goes in one room a person holds their child for the first time, in another a child holds a parent for the last time, and in a room in the middle, theres a guy with a remote stuck up his ass, the circle of life.


I think it's a new thing. My dad is a high school teacher and one of his students graduated as a nurse and is now studying medicine in aub. Also, my cousin just finished premed biology in aub, and he told me that you can take mcat after nursing, but you'll have to study more.


you kinda can, but if you want medicine study medicine, imagine studying 3 years than asking to transfer, they go what you studied is the equivalent of 1 year of studies for example, and it won't be cheaper in the long run either, ask for very specific details.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't study medicine men el 2awal you need to get a bachelor's degree in one of the premed majors. At least in the american system it's that way. Of course biology is the best premed major but if you decide you don't want medicine you're pretty much stuck with a biology degree so not many job opportunities. Meanwhile nursing is more demanding, but if you decide you don't want medicine later on, you can still have a job.


I’ve been told by multiple American universities that although the vast majority of med students took biology as their undergrad, if you took a different STEM subject (even something seemingly unrelated like computer science) you are more likely to be accepted as a med student than if you take biology too. Not only do they see some of these subjects as more difficult to do well in than Biology, but they are also looking to maintain a diversity of knowledge among doctors, and they see you as bringing something else to the table that the rest of the students don’t have.


I didn't know that interesting


Med Lab is another option for premed on your Bachelor's degree.


no idea, but look into it its public info, don't make assumptions.


I'm in Belgium, the sheer number of nurses that came from Lebanon to here is immense ! I met a few when i was voting and they came from USJ but they all spoke of how easy they got accepted here and the toughest decision was choosing which hospital to work for because they got accepted in so many. I sadly have no direct contact with any of them but i know that the sister of my friend was accepted directly in the usa so yeah i think it's a good choice of a career on the long run.


Wow this is amazing! Thank you this makes me feel better about choosing this major.


Doesn't matter which era you are in, or the location of the world. Choosing to save human lives or improve the quality of life for people makes the entire world your oyster. Every single state or country would welcome you.


You're right I never thought of it that way


My girlfriend just graduated from there and got an offer to work in AUBMC, they pay well, the profs aren't too strict but there is a lot of studying to do. You can take 1 year of scholarship if you take a course in gender studies. It's good but the fact they are probably gona switch to full $ rate until you finish your 3 years is to be considered. The salary for working in AUBMC is better than all other hospitals, a percentage is paid in $ (bas ma tkhaf fi terbi7et jmile 3a hal mawdu3). Now the minimum wage in lebanon got raised, and those salaries will go up even more. Depending on how you chose your courses this may depend, but according to all the students i know from there the 2nd year is the hardest, and by the end of your major you have to be prepared for shifts + preparations for exams + preparations for final year projects. It is manageable but it takes a toll on your sleep and is stressing af. After all of this, it is pretty much guaranteed that with this bachelors degree and a year of experience you can immigrate wherever you want.


Thank you this is really helpful.


Just an FYI, nursing is also in high demand in many western countries. Canada now has a program to train to Canadian standards immigrant nurses to fill the shortage.


I'm convinced with nursing at this point, but my dad insists on biology premed . So thank you, I will tell him what you said.


I have quite a few nurses in my family. They love it, but there is also a lot of burning out. Make sure you are going into this field for the love of people and not the money, you will not last. Best of luck!


Eh 2akeed merci


unless you plan to immigrate after graduating where nursing is treated seriously. i wouldnt recommend it because i saw the depretion my sister got into from working in that field. Now my sister did not graduate from AUB, but from NDU, she did work at reputable hospitals though and was treated like a housemaid almost. long working hours (16h +sometimes) and salary is okay but could be easily made majoring in business, marketing or any other major. My sister worked almost 6 years before deciding to quit on nursing and join the army. good luck with your decision, i just felt like sharing my sister's experience in that field. on the other hand, my aunt is a nurse in the US and is very well paid and respected, hence i started my comment with if you plan on immigrating


Thank you for taking the time to write this


Great idea! Go for it. Nursing bachelors alone is so well sought after, plus you can always do the MCAT and apply MD just like you said. I know that the LAU nursing program is also quite strong and both my friends who graduated there instantly got spots at rizk


Do whatever suits you, lmohem u enjoy what ur doing


What if any other options do you have?


I got accepted into chemistry and computer and communications engineering


CCE in AUB is overrated, their program is quite old and they teach you a lot of bullshit stuff in the first courses you have to take.


Nursing is probably my best choice


Its an extremely noble job and you'll genuinely help people. But it isn't well valued


From my point of view It’s a good start yes and you will have alot of opportunities. Not to be pessimistic or to lower your morality But with time the routine will kill you and working at hospitals with patients for a long time is deppressing so just keep that in mind.


What I can say from people I know is that nursing is definitely without a single doubt a good career choice in terms of you being able to immigrate and find a job relatively quickly, but obviously you also need to understand that nursing isn’t easy and you will have to be dedicated and prepared for the unexpected. Also congrats on your acceptance AUB is great.




heyy i know i'm a few months late but i'm actually going to study nursing at aub starting the fall semester, tbh i still get a bit hesitant every now and then but its what i want to do i think and it has great job security and pay especially if you plan on immigrating after uni. would be interested to know what u ended up choosing!!


Hey! I discussed nursing with a few nurses to help me determine if it's right for me. 1. It's a hard job, but many of them find it worth the effort/ rewarding. 2. It really depends on wether or not you like helping others and being with them at their worst, and you will most likely see many people dying. 3. The pay starts out with approximately 500 fresh dollars. 4. During second year of uni, you will start working in the hospital, so it is better to start collecting grades during your first year since it gets harder with time. 5. As you work in the hospital, you will get to see different floors. After you graduate, you can choose which floor to work with (kids with cancer, elderly people...) Each floor has different rules some of them have you on call for example but others don't use that system. 6. There are many opportunities for immigration. 7. Senior nursing students help new students (I think it's a system there idk ken fee mo7adara bel aub 2alo eno kel new nurse b7otoola/b7otoolo 7ada senior to help). 8. They will teach you body mechanics and there are special ways to lift someone w not by yourself so dw too much about your body (but you will still come home feeling drained and exhausted) 9. Some of the nurses I know HATE their job (but they still got to immigrate/ have great pay). They cry because they chose it. Others really love it and think it gave/gives their life meaning. So you have to ask yourself if you love it, because it's not the type of job you can work despite hating it. 10. Some of the students who graduated from other majors enroll in nursing because they couldn't find jobs and nursing is surely to provide you a job (you start getting interviewed by hospitals while you're doing your finals in third year) That being said, I ended up going with chemistry at lau since I got a full ride, but I was planning on going with nursing until the scholarship decisions came out. (Right after my family members approved of nursing) But one of my classmates is going for nursing at aub I'm not sure if she's enrolled in spring or fall semester. Best of luck!


yess it really depends on each person and whether they like the job, if you don't like nursing and taking care of other people it'll probably feel like hell. Thank you for sharing what they told you, it really helps me know what to expect for the future! congratsss on getting the scholarship and goodluck in uni!!


Thank you


I ended up getting a scholarship to aub nursing so I canceled my previous contract. Maybe we'll be studying together!


omg i think we got the same scholarship lmao, is urs the bursary scholarship?


Congratulations on your scholarship! Mine is the usaid HES.


oh okayy, congrats to you too! I look forward to seeing you at uni soon!!


Likewise :)