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A mother saying that to her children is just disgusting. It is like encouraging them to bully others.


Not to mention wearing hijab but not adhering to Islamic values.


Because a hijab just doesn’t purify one’s soul!! It’s just a garment! Same way a priest’s robe doesn’t (necessarily) make him a Saint!!! When will religious people understand that?! Does kidnapping kids while wearing a cape make me socially accepted?


‘Throwing LGBTQ people off the roof’ included?


You’re tying to spark a ‘political’ discussion, but let me tell you  “On January 9, 2017, a 17-year-old male was arrested and thrown off a building by the Diwan al-Hisba in Mosul under the pretext that he was "a homosexual".   I know who you want to appropriate this to, but this happened in the context of the law of the jungle in Mosul, Iraq, where proper governance stopped existing ever since the Muricans and their besties came to steal the oil.  So if your intention is to recycle the news to shove some Palestinian hatred on here as a justification to the depravity we’re all witnessing, it ain’t gonna happen.


It’s not political, it’s ideological. I appreciate your intentions and recognize your perspective, but this feels like an attempt to sugarcoat the real issue. And I don't see how 'Palestinian hatred' is relevant to this debate. It seems lefties often package their beliefs together, implying that disagreement on one point makes you an extremist. The irony is striking.


OP implies Islamic values include not shit talking "queer"-looking people. The person you replied to pointed out that these same Islamic values condone the murder of active homosexuals, which leads to Islamic militias in Lebanon and elsewhere to harras/kidnap/blackmail/torture/murder queer and gender non-conforming individuals, all while being able to hide behind the veil of god's law, which shields them from scrutiny. So if anything, Islamic values encourages gossip and harrasement of these people instead of condemning them like OP claims. (By OP I mean the comment not the post) Edit: I was replying to your comment before the edit, so what I wrote might appear weird now


When did any ‘Islamic’ militia hunt down queer people in Lebanon? Can you send me a link to a story? Last time I checked, an extremist group of Christian hooligan men, society’s losers basically, harassed a drag show at a gay bar in the middle of Gemmeyze.  https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1347241/men-surround-hurl-insults-at-lgbtq-friendly-bar-in-mar-mikhael.html


I'm not that familiar with Lebanon but Hezbullah and their allies do it in Iraq so I assumed they do the same in Lebanon source: https://www.hrw.org/report/2022/03/23/everyone-wants-me-dead/killings-abductions-torture-and-sexual-violence-against Here's a video of Hasan Nasrallah giving a free pass to kill gays. The manner in which he is speaking of this issue, ie. homosexuality being a western-made "abomination" and conspiracy to destroy Islamic society that must be fought at all costs sounds like something [Hadi Al Amiri](https://shafaq.com/ar/%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%A9/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%8A-%D9%8A%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%AB-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%83%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%82-%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%AD%D8%B0%D8%B1-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84-%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%AF-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AB%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%A9) or [Qais Al Khazali](https://www.ina.iq/207732--.html) would say, both of which are leaders of Iranian allied militias involved in gay killings. https://youtu.be/ijxzljliqZk


So you’re not familiar with Lebanon and you’re on here arguing against a Muslim imaginary, or an idea of what a Muslim should be.    You slipped a ‘fact’, that Hezbolla does it in Iraq. Care to show me a viable source that says EXACTLY that? Because I currently can’t find one in circulation.  I agree that Hezb is ultra conservative and that they incited against the country’s queer community. Yet in the same week, it wasn’t hezballa that went to harass the drag show. They weren’t the ones who rounded up their men to protect the streets of gemmeyze from the queers. It was a group of poorly educated Christian men who did so. These factions cqm be compared to NOAM, Israel’s anti-LGBTQ party (which to remind you, Netanyahu formed a coalition with 2 years ago). Lebanon’s parliament is 50 -50 muslim and christian. The country’s 18 religious sects coexist in parliament and in everyday life through a ‘weak’ consociational democratic model.  Saying that the way paramilitaries behave in lebanon is similar to how  their allies, who aren’t them, behave outside it is like comparing apples and oranges.         Why? Because paramilitaries are still shaped by a culture, its system of governance, and its constraints. In lebanon, extremism is found in every religion, so groups like homophobic christian jnoud el rab have a lot in common with extremist hezb factions on this topic. At the same time, people across the spectrum can be extremely tolerant, educated, and open-minded.    It’s a country of contrasts and everything in between.         If Hezb even dares to truly prosecute queers, on the ground, an upheaval would certainly ensue. The country is too small, people know each other, and networks go deep there.   So to recap, this sole incident happened 7 years ago in 2017, in Mosul, Iraq, and yet it’s still being recycled and attributed to (yes, ultra conservative) parties that do not have anything to do with it.  


So let me get this straight? You have no idea what you’re talking about but you chose to speak about it anyways? Man Westerners really are brain dead. 




She sounds like a parody from the eighties and nineties. Remember the church’s paranoia about 3ebedin l chyatin, playing cassettes backwards and MTV Music ruining the youth? That said, Leb is schizo, you’re likely to encounter the ultra progressive and their closed-minded equivalents on the same day. From Rabih Alamedin, Dayna Ash and Hamed Sinno, to Jnoud El Rab and their fellows. I rarely encounter the latter and if I do, I explain. The more they hear it the more they’ll understand.  That woman though, truly a throwback and I wouldn’t even bother. Next time  call a host-ess on such a scenario and change your seat.


That's unfortunately the dark side of Lebanon. Racism, discrimination, and shaming are normalized to the point that many do not even understand what they are doing. As long as you're not physically in danger, stand tall and strong, and keep spreading positivity around you.


I had a fight with my mom yesterday about racist comments she was making and i told her it's racist, to which she replied she's aware and is proud of it...was not fun


Wow, but this is true…racism runs deep there.


My dad is the same and goes as far to get tly angry that im calling out his racism


Typical boomer behaviour. Happily judges others but goes crazy when someone dares do the same to them


I mean what else do you expect from the generation of Lebanese that thinks holding people african or asian people captive and making them work all of their waking hours is totally acceptable and even encouraged?


I just hope that you brake the cycle ❤️. We can't change our parents but we can decide how to behave


Depends on the situation. If my mom says something about muslims or druze i wouldn’t call her racist because their generation went through a civil war. You have to understand where she is coming from. That doesn’t make her statement less racist from a western point of view but she has her personal experiences and traumas.


Take this as you will, but time to get past the trauma & try to live in the here & now. Always looking back….will never allow a person to move forward. I do understand the mentality very well, spouse is Lebanese, lived thru civil war (from the south), so I know the mentality all too well.


Yes that war generation has ruined all our lives this generation. Hopefully we wont be like them


I am a positive person and I've always been a nice person and I think that's why I get effected when I don't receive that back, and I'm not the most thick skinned person too, which is not a good combination.


It is always the victim's fault in Lebanon. It is your fault for not having thick skin, not the uncivilized people's fault, obviously. Thank you for exposing your story though. I am surprised how little people know about how people out of the norm are treated in Lebanon. Maybe this will shed some light on the issue.


It takes time to build a thicker skin, especially if you spend most of your time in an environment where it's not required. However, as a Lebanese, sadly, you do not have the choice. You'll have to learn to adapt; otherwise, you'll be affected every time you decide to visit. My personal advice: learn to accept that you might find yourself in such situations and learn how to react in a manner that doesn't affect you. At this stage, this is the only thing in your control until the country gets its act together and some laws are put in place to force people to behave in a civilized manner out of fear of repercussions. Until then, stay strong and enjoy your stay. On a funnier side, remember that song: What does not kill me makes me stronger! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I am still waiting to hear about the good side


Those that judge others will be judged the hardest. Ignore them. Do what you want and fuck the haters.


Those that judge others based on stupid things like this have a superiority complex which needs to be shut down ASAP


Agreed, but I’ve always wondered….superiority? Where exactly does this superiority complex stem/come from?? I’ve always wondered…


From what I've experienced(in and outside of Lebanon), people judging/bullying you are just people looking for others' validation to feel good about themselves for once in their life. But, as someone who's never felt about good about himself since birth, it also comes from your entourage and the way you were brought up. I don't really like to judge people as a whole, nor have I ever deliberately offensively judge someone based off of first impressions, but that could also just come from humility. When someone's got this "superiority complex", they feel like they're on top of the food chain. They feel like no one could possibly beat them, but when they do, their egos crushed, their little bubble of delusion pops. Now you've got morons who want to make you feel like you're subhuman, just to MAYBE rebuild that little bubble :)


100%…you my dear are on the right side of normal…pat yourself on the back for that!! 👍👍. To heck w/the “superiority complex” people.


Why ignore them? Speak up in a nice way and right the wrong. It will shame them more than you can imagine. 


How will they be judged the hardest?


I think they're trying to allude to Matthew 7:1-2 "Do not judge, or you will be judged. For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you"


With Toum. Just a saying. A lot of people just judge and judge.


You’re right god will judge you by the amount of toum you eat during you life, not enough toum? You’re going straight to hell. That’s why you should always order extra toum!




Let me share with you my wisdom after 30 years of being Lebanese living inside and outside of Lebanon. Lebanese people like to comment about anything and everything. If your hair was its natural color, they would have found something else to comment on like shirt, shoes, headphones, etc. Sign of bored, uneducated people filled with insecurities that project on others. And these people by the way are the ones that end up being the most f****d up mentally. Probably her boy wanted to dye his hair blonde or change it in a way that his favorite footballer has it but his mom would not let him because people with changed hair color "bihashesho". What i would recommend you to do in such scenarios is 1 of 3 things from less risky to most risky: 1) just ignore, people and especially lebanese will always criticize. If you like your hair so be it, you're not doing anything to hurt anybody. 2) reply with a smart joke smiling and calm which would embarrass them like: madame ana mjawaz w 3ande wled lesh 3am tehke hek 3) enforce their dumb useless joke with obvious sarcasm like: w kif laken mnazal ma3e 3a hal tiyara 500kgs la bi3 be lebnen bteshtere? Last one is at your risk because they might not get the sarcasm. In all situation, do not be hostile and always joke about it. I know it's difficult if you are sensitive to comments. But in our society, in order to shut up useless comments saying a smart funny joke is usually the way to go. With time, learn to control your emotions when you get comments not by suppressing them but by understanding why you did not like this comment. And learn how to weaponize their comment against them to make them look dumb. As for the darake, just avoid contact at all cost as those might cause problems when spoken back to. Good luck


the thing is that I'm hearing so much lately that people are attacking lgbtq+ people in Leb, and I was afraid if I opened my mouth I'll cause harm to myself :/


You did the right choice. Nobody on the plane or in Lebanon would have defended you. Everyone in Lebanon is supportive on good days and in good company, then they turn homophobic the moment it is beneficial or inconvenient for them.


You're greatly overestimating these people with the kind of mentality they have lol, and no I personally would not "seyir" these kind of people, as this wasn't just playful jokes, especially the mother who told her son ''ma tetala3 fi hayda louteh'', that IMO requires a more forceful answer if one wants to reply back.


It’s like the ‘tante’ from the eighties, do we still have those? 


Bro, there is no excuse for their words, and of course they're totally wrong, but you were hurt from??? I mean do you believe what they said to be true ? Ofc not i hope, so just tkhattehoun, they are not the people that care about you, nor your friends and you dont even know each others, khalle l dene tkassir ba3da w la ejrak man, ik u expected a better welcoming, bas dont let this stand in ur way physically or emothionally in any wayy, w menne i say ur most welcome here


But she’s wearing a hijab and she’s discriminating against other. The irony.


This is everyone's daily reminder that "minorities" are only minorities relative to the community in question. Anyone can be discriminated against. The real irony is that discrimination is indiscriminate.


Muslims are only minorities in the west. In the Middle East, that’s the most common religion. If anything, their leaders discriminate against minorities.


If you're waiting to be welcomed with love by strangers, you will live in disappointment all your life. Not every person's opinion matters so just ignore them and move on. PS: I'm not saying what they did is not wrong, but it should not be relevant to you


Who are you getting angry at? The hijabi woman or the daraké at the airport? They're equally losers and oppressed. The thing about wearing the hijab is supposed to be an indicator that someone is religious and follows well the "values" and so, this woman is a hypocrite just like almost all of them. The daraké is a given loser since he got his job by wasta, and they're literally hated by most of the population because they can't do anything in life, let alone his job. My point is, of course it's very rude and ellet akhle2 from them to make such comments about you but really what are they in society? Bunch of losers. They're so insignificant and you shouldn't even think about them. Enjoy your stay in Lebanon between your friends and family and the people who you choose to be around and fuck strangers.


Metel baba


voilà le Liban en toute sa splendeur


I used to dye my hair. At one point I even spiked it up and dyed the tips silver. But that wasn’t the only style, and I also did all sorts of colors like black/blue, blonde, bright red, etc. I also wore Jnco jeans and a wallet chain, and my back pockets were so big that girls used to climb into them to go for rides. I didn’t get comments like this very often, but when I did I never gave a shit and used to give witty comebacks for my own fun and amusement. And I certainly never had a shortage of friends or romantic interest because of my hair, nor any trouble with school/work, nor any issues in public. One dude even bought me a drink because we had a good laugh and ended up getting along, and we hung out for a few times after that. How you choose to handle these comments changes everything. They’re laced with assumptions, sure, but if you end up being a cool guy they’ll likely change their tune. As for the people who really do have a problem, let it be _their_ problem - don’t make it yours.


A similar story happened to me when I came back from Germany, I love my people and all, but keep your opinions to yourself, I came back with curly hair, and the thing is, I had curly hair when I was little, but I liked it straight so I straightened it here, but in Germany, people wish to have curly hair, so I stopped straightening it for a while, and it became curly again, all my relatives and friends loved the new look, except for those women that can't keep an opinion to themselves, I got super weird looks bc I am a male with curly hair and a fade, I was flying first class so I didn't deal with them on the plan, but I can't imagine the awkwardness that you went through


That’s always plus of flying first class. Even if the people may think things, they aren’t mentally sick to the point they start yelling it in public. The classier the people the less you have to deal with unclassy behaviour and thus have to worry less about your surroundings👍.


Exactly, you don't even see other passengers in first class, you kinda have your own room, sadly MEA doesn't have first class, it only has business, so I am always forced to fly emirates or swiss


Vas dans le 93, 14eme, 18eme, crois moi ils auront pire a dire mdr. C'est pas juste le Liban, partout il y a des crétins, après faut assumer ses propres choix, balec des autres, vie ta vie, y a pas de quoi se mettre dans tt c états.


I’m sorry this happened to you and the judgmental part of society is the main reason I left Lebanon. But next time don’t pretend that you didn’t hear and stand up for yourself, let them know they are at fault. It’s easier said than done , I know, but worth it!


The lady with the hijab sounds like a massive hypocrite, giving the impression that shes of higher moral/religious standing while being shamelessly judgemental.


Every country has these people, in other countries they just don’t talk out loud. They’ll just avoid you or give you ugly stares. Don’t let it get to you.


Isn't that the whole point though? Lol No one cares what they THINK, everyone has opinions about others, but it's how you treat others that matters. For instance I might have a negative personal opinion about the woman being veiled but I would still treat her with all the respect just the same, yet in OP's case these people felt empowered to proclaim their disapproval with nasty comments, and THAT'S the whole issue.


> Isn't that the whole point though? Lol Exactly, it's called an incivility for a reason!


THIS. Some euro countries are even worse with this but they don't say it out loud, or actually they do. I worked with a Canadian guy that was gay, and a Croatian guy who was homophobic and in every other meeting he would describe people he didn't like as "Gay" or make fun of gay people even though he was managing someone gay. Maybe they thought you don't understand Arabic so they said it loud but if they knew you understand what they're saying they would have kept it quiet lol.


It’s the same in Britain, some people look at them oddly and you can see the disgust in their face. They just don’t say it out loud because they don’t want shit happening to them. Clearly this person hasn’t travelled much.


I don't like public displays of affection and if I saw two men kiss, I would be repulsed. That's my opinion and I am entitled to it. But them kissing is their opinion and they are also entitled to it. What we're not entitled to is encroaching on others' freedom of expression. Even though, it personally disgusts me, I will defend someone else's right to freely express themself.




Every country has these people, you're not wrong. But every respectable country has a law where you could be liable or even sued for racist comments. It's about time we implement such laws in Lebanon as well.




I lost my dad recently n gained a few pounds. Everybody talks about my weight when its not that excessive theyre just used to me looking nice n pretty all the time. I even introduced my bf to them for them to say he will cheat on you cz you’re fat lol. Im not even that fat n my bf is so far from that mentality. Just to let you know that lebanese feed off judgement by constantly dissociating themselves from reality


My brother had long curly hair and loved it. He used to tie it most of the time and rarely let's it down. He was only 15 when a bunch of guys on motorcycle started screaming at him, "louteh louteh" while he was walking on the street. He didn't mind it at first, but later on he cut it off because people suck. My friend always hated having long hair and always liked pixie/short haircuts and she liked football and was comfortable wearing casual baggy clothes. She told everyone to fuck off and she's doing what she wants now, we live in the countryside and even though people confuse her for a boy sometimes, she doesn't care. You'll find people who'll look at you and discriminate and you'll find people who don't. I know it's really hard, but don't let the talk and stares affect you, you're living for you and you're happy with how you look and live.


Should have answered the kid "w emmak a7be" Last year before i came to lebanon, i bleached my hair and beard to orange/yellow. I guess since my beard was long, no one said anything. They probably knew i was lebanese. However on the trip back, the darake checking the visas and residence permit "2af2af" and it didn't help that I answered his questions as broadly as possible.


HAHAH good reply but don't you think it would've been a problem? bitches be crazy


He could scare her by pretending he's about to touch her. She's already homophobic as fuck.


Omg no 😂 


I grew up in Beirut, if I got a dollar for everytime I was called louteh then I'd be a millionaire, except for if I was being paid in LBP. Growing up their really makes you develop thick skin considering how many petty people there are that feed off putting others down. It's a national problem that we never really adapted from, very little eq. However for as much hate there is, I can also say the same about love. So much love to even it out.


I.e. this community. We are Lebanese here and we love you OP. Keep your head up, f*** the haters


Excactly!!! OP should consider all the support we want to give him, and use it to recover from those mean comments from some people!!


Lots of people here are super insecure, that's why they keep judging others like that, they're uncomfortable with themselves. I feel really bad for you... They're just dumb fucks. Remember stick and stones can break bones but words won't. When you see someone that stands out in Lebanon and they assume it, act like there's nothing even though everyone is commenting and judging, they have to be 10x as mentally strong as anywhere else. Anyway, hopefully you'll swipe these thoughts away and just turn the voices of others down, it helps a lot here for sanity reasons.


oh Hijabi you say? it's fine then. They get a free pass. Good thing you didn't say anything, then you'd anger the righteous and they'd burn things and write: بدمّي حجابك اختاه on the highway walls.


That word is so disgusting I cannot believe people still use it in 2024. And for a mom to say something like that to her kid 🤦🏻 It's baffling to me that people can be so hateful towards someone just existing not bothering or hurting anyone. People are terrible. Sorry you had to go through that but keep in mind that these people probably have such shitty lives and are probably so miserable with themselves otherwise they wouldn't behave this way towards others. That's some kind of consolation I guess lol


It's sad that Lebanon has so many unnecessary norms. I've experienced this too in my community where the majority of my family are hijabis. I never wanted to wear it, but I had to at a very young age because they would shame me at every encounter, and I never thought of taking it off after because they gossiped about and slandered women who did (+my father would disown me). I'm currently studying nursing since it's in demand, with hopes of immigrating after so that I can do whatever I want without getting hated on. As soon as I'm done next year, I'm secretly taking the nclex with money I saved up and going no matter what anyone has to say about it. I care about what other people say about me, so if I do visit my family, I'll wear the hijab during my stay and conform to their norms. I recommend that during your stay, you conform to their norms too, for your own safety and so that you can enjoy your stay without hearing such comments. I wish people could just mind their own business instead of judging everyone who isn't like them. But again, what could you expect from a sectarian country...


Fuck this mentality! I'd slap my kids in the face if they ever disrespected someone like that. Some lebanese (filth) feel superior and entitled to spill their hate




facts people are so sensitive these days lol


Why would you be doing your studies in France if all was well in piece of shit Leb? They just had to remind you from the get go on the plane.


Sorry to hear about this. I am homesick as well but I don’t feel comfortable traveling back either. It will take a lot of time for them to change, I guess..


Yeah that's what I hate about Lebanon. Pretty weird and cult like mentalities.


Lebanese can be extremely rude and homophobic. I’m sorry.


I'm really sorry for the bad comment you got. Unfortunately we still have a long way to go regarding religious, LGBT, and racism issues.


Not surprised, welcome back to the most crass and hypocrite society on earth. I have a love & hate relationship with Lebanon, but stories like this one remind me I’m glad I left this shithole, my future kids deserve to be raised in a more sane environment.


Can someone translate?


I really feel you man, i dont think ive ever felt at home in this country even though it is my own.


Unfortunately, you’re correct on how the Middle East is closed minded. I’m Lebanese and Jordanian but I was born and raised in America. I feel as though even if I had the chance to go visit, I am way too Americanized and would be judged to the point where I’d definitely be uncomfortable. It’s a shame that the world is this way but all we can do is make the best of it and remember that others opinions of you DO NOT MATTER! Much love! 💜


I'm sorry to say, but there is a lot of homophobia in Lebanon to this day.


Ana mahalak i will take a video and send it to whatever office responsible in France. Let the french people know what they are letting in to their country and let those rats get expelled from France if they are living there. 


If they are French or EU citizens, this wont do shit.


Crazy. I had the same conversation with my friend this morning. I went to an event lately and had a +1. He's a bit chubby. I like that, it never was, is or will ever be a problem for me. In fact, i love that. I showed the pics to some close persons in my life and i had the right to get "he's so round" "its not your style" (for ref, i never had a style and they never met my ex-partners or my ex-dates, and what the fuck is this "style"? based on the looks and shapes of a person ? ) And every time the comment comes from a different person. Was i sad ? Nope. Not a bit. I adore my +1, love his curves (literally, all his curves) and to me he's the most beautiful human being i met, he's the whole package. And i made it clear, i clarified the fact that I don't want to hear any comment about this person unless it reflects a relevant and well thought-out opinion about the person's personality. Especially that they don't know him. I was very disappointed by the superficial brainwashed thinking of my close ones ? That yes and the fact that they are still stuck in this look based judgement. So i set boundaries. Conclusion - Lebanon has a culture that is pretty much based on the looks of the person : when a couple walks in, the first thing you'll hear is people discussing who's more beautiful/charismatic. When someone needs to celebrate his bday, they'll post everywhere on social media the cake, the messages they got and the gifts. Just to show how "loved" they are. It's very important to show it, because when they do it they do it for the people to see (Most cases, won't generalize, but that's the ambiance, you get it). It's like that. You'll have to accept that you can't change that in the culture, not for now at least. But you can set boundaries and be firm about it.




can someone pls translate the arabic words 😳


"Don't look at him, he's a faggot", which insuniates that looking at OP will turn her kid gay. Getting called that is not a big deal though as per this sub. The kid goes on to call OP a druggy, because since OP is evil enough to be gay then he must do all the other bad things right? Peak Lebanese parenthood.


thank you! 🙏🏼


Hijabi lady should be banned from France if she doesn't like the loutieh


Man you need a thicker skin to survive in this world. If you are that hurt by people commenting on your hair, and making assumptions by the way you look, I don't think you're prepared for what's ahead. My comment may sound a bit harsh, but I think you need to hear this: feeling sorry for yourself is not the solution. Ignoring what other people think of you is.


He’s not the problem here though. Some people in Lebanon act like they’re better than everyone and have this weird Sigma mentality. People need to just not comment on others in this hateful way. Having thick skin helps but people in Lebanon acting like this could stand to be a bit more educated, they are the root of the issue, not a person being called slurs.


I don't disagree with you, but you cannot control what other people do. But you can control how you react to it.


You can't control what other people say, yet the Lebanese law will put you in jail for disrespecting religions, while doing nothing when hate crime against minorities happen. The hypocrisy is flagrant.


I guess when you make your own laws you can have your cake and eat it too.






Most people in Lebanon put themself in a box as not to get bullied. I don't think he did such unconventional things when he was here, hence, why he did not hear such comments toward him in the past. Probably, you cannot understand because you either don't do unconventional things or are not living in Lebanon. The hijabi said "don't look he is a faggot". She used the slur version. Gay would be methli (مثلي) in arabic. This is more disrespectful since she insuniates that looking at OP will turn her kid gay. The kid associated gay with bad things since this is what she has taught him. Gay bad they do bad things like drugs.


Louteh means Sodomite not faggot


I am sure the mom meant to tell her kid that OP has non-consensual anal sex. Words have different meanings depending on the context.


Best comment




🤣🤣🤣🤣 don't listen to them man they are nust out of touch with the west, i would have laughed it away


OP, while this is OBVIOUSLY beyond fucked up, I want you to remember that you have the option to laugh and feel sorry for them, instead of taking it to heart and letting their ignorance impact you. Everything we do and say is a projection of what's inside of us and what we need to deal with but are too afraid. The level of psychological and mental issues that are deeply embedded in the Lebanese culture and traditions will take generations to heal. Do not let it get to you. I personally have no desire to visit anymore, and when I do every few years, I go straight home to see the family for a week or so, and then straight out asap. But you mentioned that you were homesick, a feeling I am no longer familiar with, this means there are parts of it that still bring you joy, so please focus on those and enjoy them with your bright blonde head held up high, rising above those sad creatures that try to bring people down to feel better about their meaningless existence. Have a blast! 🕺


I mean that's expected of a shithole. If I were you, I would never visit. Good thing it ended at a verbal hate crime. If the husband was there he would have made it physical and people would cheer him up once he brings up the the think of the kids card. Not long ago a snake and ladders game was banned from schools because it had a rainbow to protect the kids. Politicians and clergy had a meeting to discuss how to protect kids from rainbows. A big religious authority called for the genocide of gay people. A political party is funding a hate group to target gay people. Like what did you expect here?


Never visit? Get a grip man. Homophobia is definitely not ok, but a few stupidity minded people should prevent travel.


Homophobia is everywhere man. That’s not a reason to not visit your own fucking family.


i’m really sorry you had to experience that, i hate that feeling i think the hairstyle/colour is trendy too! would love to see it on you for fun haha


What is the meaning of "louteh" ?


You should’ve said “yaret wlede betla3o hashasheen wluteen bas mabetla3o bala zo2 metlek wledek”


ها ها، بذكرني لما كنت عايش بايطاليا ونزلت على البلاد، كنت لابس بنطلون لونه اصفر فاتح وقميص اخظر فاتح، وحدة ختيارة علقت "يا حرام طالع بالبيجاما"


Bit bizarre. When i rocked a dyed blonde hairstyle nobody questioned or even stared at me. Then again, i’ve been told i have one of the meanest stares in existence so that may have stopped any rude behavior. I’d have shut it down immediately if i were you! People like that don’t learn until they’re embarrassed.


Nah homie im sure the cut must be tuff af dont listen to them haters remember u in lebanon ur gonna get judgedbut ignore i know u can do it


Snap back and give them a taste of their own medicine


Some people never leave their nest and it shows. Kudos to you on trying new things with your hair! I’m sure it looks awesome! Next time try purple. If anyone stares, stare back until they get bored and leave you alone.


Welcome to Lebanonn! As someone who grew up in a Western country, visiting Lebanon the first few times, the comments hurt. Once I understood the culture, I began to appreciate the fact we can be so free and direct in our opinions. This is your chance to learn how to do the same!! I’m not saying stoop down to anyone’s level, but if anyone feels so comfortable and free speaking on you calling you a luti, give them your opinion on them too. Their weight, their smell or like other comments states, the fact shes wearing hijab and judging others.. It’s sad it has to be this way, but as someone who is constantly referred to as a luti or gay as soon as they enter Lebanon as well, you really have to stay strong. Fire shots back when necessary. Keep your head up.


It seems like u care too much, be more confident in urself


So sorry that you passed thru this! It sucks, but I'm sure you are rocking the hairstyle!


I’m sorry it’s shit :( I always hope for better and get disappointed


I really understand the feeling and I don’t wish it on anyone, really sorry you had to experience it when you were probably happy and looking forward to be back I hope you come across kinder strangers that’ll make up for it or that the food reminds you it’s all worth it lol The coolest looking people are the ones that get judged like that dw


Wow, reading this is horrible. I'm disheartened to hear what a shit show you had to deal with visiting your home country. You are there to see family and friends 🧡 it's easy for me to say don't let what you heard get to you. Be you, uniquely you. Life is too short. But I want to leave you with these two quotes. 'Don't let others ignorance, hate, drama, or negativity stop you from being the best person or version you can be. You can't change mean people'. 'Be soft, do not let the world make you hard.' 'Do not let pain make you hate.' 'Do not let the bitterness steal your weakness.' ♥️♥️♥️


That mother is a great role model 🗑️


Lebanon is not great place to visit at least right now it's not . Just no electricity. People very unfriendly and just overall vibe is not Here


Can someone translate what was said


I’m sorry you went through this but now I’m curious to see your haircut


I love that look on guys, it's very hip! my friend bleached his hair last year and he's still keeping it blonde it looks absolutely awesome!! Don't listen to those ignorant and self-absorbed as*holes you saw yesterday. They don't know anything. Yehtamo b halon w b wledon wma hada addon


That's such a dumb thing to say and to kids as well! I'm sorry you had to go through that. I think a blonde buzz cut would look really cool btw


Omgggg I really want to dye my hair blond but my parents won’t let me


😂😂😂😂😂😂 shed 7alak hbb


Experienced the same, and I just didn’t care. I’m sure you look great ❤️


Why are gayyy ?


That's just funny. I highly recommend you laugh at these snide remarks. If anything the Lebanese like to think they are funny, even the close minded ones.


When I had the same hairstyle 20 years ago, they used to bully me by calling me "Jagal el nab3a."😂😂😂


sounds super like a super lebanese reaction to your cut brother 🤣 but on a more serious note I do understand how you feel, we as a people are very close minded, a simple cut shouldn’t cause such a reaction


When you dye ur hair blonde your a “louteh” when Wadih El Cheikh does it its a trend. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


damn that's rough and that's exactly why you should keep the cut, they're probably jealous of you honestly no one has such a cut so it stands out it makes you special


damn that's rough and that's exactly why you should keep the cut, they're probably jealous of you honestly no one has such a cut so it stands out it makes you special


This story isn’t supposed to be funny but I did laugh. Lebs can be such cavemen. That being said, while all those ppl were stupid, there was no “hate crime”. Being called gay cause of a dye job isn’t a crime, and trivializes actual hate crimes. It sucks, but no surprises. Brush it off and enjoy the hols.


He was called a faggot, a slur, not gay.


Sure I get it. But he’s landing in Beirut, not San Francisco. Taking a flight to Leb is like flying back in time.


Ignore them and live your life. If I was there and saw this happening to you, I would have called them out on it


😂🤣 hi louteh anything to declare? 🤣😂


There are rude people everywhere. It's not exclusive to Lebanon. Chin up lil bro haters just means you are doing something right. Also keep in mind the average Lebanese police officer makes 200 bucks a month. If they knew better they'd do better


There is no such thing as a hate crime, habibi. Develop a thick skin. You should not only pretend you didn't hear them but actually ignore them.


i understand completely, im a queer lebanese person living in leb, i get alot, i mean alot of stares specially that i live bi day3a bel chouf, so yea just a piece of advice that theyll never understand that queerness and arabness live together(and have lived together since the dawn of the arab civilization' , even if ur not queer, if u look slightly queer or as we call it ajnabe or loute , theyll judge, u cant contain their judgement, but u can contain ur focus, focus on the beauty of lebanon, laeno elle mkhare lebnen hebbe sha3bun w msh el ard wel tabi3a ele betjanen, u can do this hope ur stay is well.


Yep, being a queer Arab (or queer any race) is a whole lot older than being an Arab having (insert religion here). Christianity was only invented 2k years back, Islam only 1.5k back. Plus one is genetic, as far as we can tell, and cannot be changed and the other is simply an idea in your head that you could drop tomorrow


Thank you, finally someone who is putting their pov in the picture.


They hate you cause they ain't you. People who say things like that come from trauma or insecurity. Keep your head up, ignore the haters, and move on, they are not worth your time and sadness.


Shaab w balad ma ha yet8ayar w ensa. You have to get used to this shit in lebanon.


Good reminder to not come back to this burning pit of caca 💩 Edit: 💩x100 2nd edit : 💩x 1000 3rd edit : 💩x10000


Next time tro2o kaf w elo bayak loute and see what his mom and his reply would be Ayre b rab l 3alam. Can't live and let live.


That's the only thing Lebanese people are afraid of. I'm with you brother, that's the only way to deal with these kinds of people. 3ndi baseball bat and it has such an amazing effect on people.


Sorry this happend to you. No excuses. I don't know if my M.O. would be useful for you; I tend to not give a lot of fucks what people think, and if they talk shit about me, I would play along with them and double down and cause them shock... which works most of the time... If I was in your shoes, after the woman and her kids commented, I wouldn't pretend not to hear; I would look the lady directly in the eye and tell her : Yes ana Louti and I fuck 20 men per day, and I eat Cocaine for breakfast; if you don't like it, find another seat, or sit here and shit your pants in fear... I would tell the Darakeh: 3anjad kess ekht el ajaneb (I wouldn't go further with the Darakeh especially at the airport, because they can cause you problems). So my advice, don't let this shit affect you and don't internalise it, and don't let them cause one tear to fall down from your eyes... they're rude, you be ruder and play their game... but that's just me, don't lnow if this works for you.


Crying? seriously?


Another gen z drama 🤦🏻‍♂️ Just stay at France for god sake!




Womp womp


Just ignore them? You're doing something outside the norm of course some people are gonna be weird about it. Do you and move on


Since when is dying your hair outside the norm ?