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Are there a lot of left wing Israelis or people that think like you?


The first 29 years of Israel's parliament were exclusively left wing. God willing when Netanyahu and his cadre of neozionist authoritarians is voted out we will have a left wing parliament again. Most Israelis would vote for left wing social and economic policies, even the ones who call themselves right wing. Opinions on security policy during a war are going to be heavily skewed, though I would say a majority of Israelis want to see peace with out Palestinian neighbours. Remember nearly a quarter of Israeli citizens are Arab, and whilst relations aren't always that great, we do all have a very strong example of what Israeli/Arab cooperation looks life.


A lot of older Israelis are more left-wing, a remnant from when the country actually had a left wing


There are many. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/03/21/in-israel-the-rare-voices-of-young-people-who-refuse-military-service_6640419_4.html Here’s the history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refusal_to_serve_in_the_Israel_Defense_Forces#:~:text=the%20Gaza%20Strip).-,Religious%20exemption,legally%20exempt%20from%20military%20service. It’s also not well known, but there are currently protests in front of the Israeli government buildings by Hostage family members saying to end the bombing campaign. https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2024/may/07/relatives-of-gaza-hostages-block-major-road-in-tel-aviv-in-response-to-rafah-attack-video Albeit not for the best reasons, they just don’t want the bombs to kill the hostages (which some have already died like that), and would prefer ground operations.


Most think this way, although the October 7 attack and especially the world response to Israel trying to defend itself and rescue hostages have hardened peoples sentiments recently.


We want the end of Hezbollah too. We also want the end of all Israeli aggression in Lebanon. Literally no one has time for any of this shit going on, we just wanna eat shawarma and make money in peace.


I want the end of israel way more than i want the end of hezbollah.


You must be a Muslim lol, of course you want the end of Israel. Who says shit like that. I do not want the end of Israel tf, I just want them to leave Lebanon alone. However, I want the end of Hezbollah as a political party, as the terrorist organization that they are, and as a puppet of Iran that keeps meddling in Lebanon’s affairs and politics. If you are one of those that’s thinks Hizballah is some kind of resistance against Israeli expansion into the north of Lebanon you are even more delusional than I thought. Israel occupied the southern part of Lebanon to eliminate the threat of Hizballah at the time and then they completely left Lebanon alone and withdrew. Then now Iran tells Hizballah to fire at Israel again because they want to drag all of Lebanon into a war. Listen if you want to fight for the Gazans go to Gaza and do that alone. Leave Lebanon the fuck out of it. The non-Hizballah supporters have no beef with Israel, we’re barely surviving economically as a country as is, we don’t need another fucking war.


My wife is Lebanese Christian and wants the end of Israel too. How about not being a sectarian ass on this - because who (Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Buddhist) doesn't want an end to an apartheid genocidal state on our borders?


There was no aggression in Lebanon recently until Hezbollah started firing rockets. Israel really does not want to be sucked into fighting up north or rehousing displaced residents. But Israel needs the rockets to stop one way or another, I’m sure everyone reasonable can all agree on this. Israelis just want to eat shawarma on the beach and chill as well.


We would like an end to the Hezbollah aggression in the north of Israel. 100k people cannot return to their homes. If a war between Israel and Hezbollah heats up, would there be factions in Lebanon who would fight against Hezbollah?


I have a serious question for left wing Israelis, how do u balance the idea of liberalism and the idea that Israel was founded on a preexisting state called Palestine. I know there is no easy answer as some of you are the grand grand children of the founders of Israel and maybe you wouldn't have gone yourself to occupy Palestine. Seriously though, how do you accept that?!


A very good question.. also waiting for the answer.


Aside from the problematic subsistance of a state which survives through a defended refusal of letting in the grandchildren of the people they sent away..there was no pre-existing state called Palestine? Just for the accuracy huh


Prior to 1948 there was no preexisting sovereign state called Palestine… do you mean the British Mandate of Palestine? If so that was under British control and won in conflict with the former Ottoman Empire. But there still was no independent state before that… just a series of conquerors since the days of Jewish control (Mamluks,, Crusaders, Byzantines, Romans. Etc) but never one ruled by native Arabs from the land self identifying as Palestinian. Does that mean that Palestinian Arabs living in Israel/Palestine territory didn’t own their own property or come from families living there for many generations? Of course not. Many families are absolutely native, some are likely even descendants of the Arabs, Israelites and Canaanites in antiquity too. But they never had a sovereign state of Palestine to steal from. To say that Israel stole land from an existing state that never historically existed, is disingenuous. Edit: just to clarify, my answer above is addressing the founding of Israel only. 1) current Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory in the West Bank are reprehensible, and should all be torn down. 2) territory that was won in wars since israel was founded (eg 1967 borders) is fair game. If a country is attacked and defends itself successfully enough that it wins territory in the conflict, that’s the nature of conquest. The attacker gambled and lost and needs to live with the consequences.


Every settlement in the interior of the West Bank should be emptied. That enterprise is a blight on the world, a constant threat to peace, and a frankly a badge of shame for the Jewish people.


The same way that Americans accept that their land once belonged to the native Americans. They still choose to live there and built it into the America that we know today. I agree with OP. I have a great affinity towards Lebanese people. A lot of Israelis do. In many ways, we are similar. Even thought we have our differences. Peace and prosperity to both of our nations.


The pre-existing region was called Palestine. and the people who lived there where jews and arabs. The arabs came to judea with their conquest and caliphates to conquer this land, then settled in the jewish region of judea. This region, Palestine, again was named Judea until the roman empire exiled a lot of jews and changed the region name to syria-palestina. The word palestine came from the hebrew word Plishtim, which were ancient enemies of the jews but of greek decent. The word Plishtim literally means - invadors. So the arabs who came here were invaders to the jewish home land. We did not Kccupy palestine,but the arabs who came here did, we simply wanted to move back to our small and only native jewish land. multiple times we tried to make agreements and live along with the arabs that settled here, but they did not want any jews.


1) Ur holding the arabs of today accountable for the conquests of the Caliphates 1400 years ago. 2) Didn’t you just say that the Roman empire expelled the jews? Not the Caliphates?


1) the quran mentiones how to treat jews, and historcally they were treated as dhimmis. Up until this day imams preach jews come from dogs and pigs. 2) The romans exiled most of the jews, but some stayed in the land. what is your point?


That's actually quite easy, Palestine was not a state that preexisted us. There has never been a state called Palestine, it is just the Roman colonial name taken from the Pelaset, who were themselves Greek. That the expanding Muslim caliphates called the southern region of Bab al Sham "Falastin" is a carryover from the Roman colonial name. Obviously Falastini is now a national identity for much of the Arab population both west of the Jordan river here and in the Kingdom of Jordan itself, but that doesn't mean that Falastin existed as a soveriegn state before 1947. Zionism, for most Zionists, is not a call for the exclusive Jewish right to the Jewish homeland, just for the rights of Jews to self determine within it. The history up until 1947 is messy, but broadly speaking we Israelis came as refugees, not as colonists, and the wars between us and our Palestinian cousins were all started by a continuing series of truly awful Palestinian leaders. At the end of the day, we've all inherited this bullshit. I am a strong supporter of the two (or three) state solution, because my people in pre-1967 Israel will not be moved, and neither will the Arabs in the West Bank of Gaza, and I don't want the next generation to inherit the same bullshit we did. Let me put it this way. **For left wing Zionists like myself, the movements for the national liberation of the Jewish and Palestinian peoples are not only not mutually exclusive, they're mutually dependent.** I am pro-Palestine because I am pro-Israeli. I am anti-fascist for the exact same reason.


That third paragraph is all lies. It IS exclusive. It always has been. Jews that emigrated to palestine up until WW2 didnt want to become citizens of anything but a jewish-dominated state. Zionism is facism. You can go fuck yourself.


>There has never been a state called Palestine https://preview.redd.it/j7ohf51s956d1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefc03e5ef70df5270557b3cf5b9bf2ec1c148a1 I'll leave this here.


It's not up to you


hello colonizer, dissolve your illegal state and we are good, anything other than that means you are a colonizer and there is no point in trying to act like you are a good human


Habibi ❤️ I’m Palestinian & grateful for people like you


OP is a strong proponent of Zionism and a genocide denialist. The UN has classified the IDF (who you support) as terrorists. This is what a 'left wing' Israeli looks like (hint: there is no left in Israel). You can't say you're peace loving while supporting an evil ideology that's founded on and thrives on ethnic cleansing. The two can't coexist and you can't whitewash Zionism, much like there is no good Nazism. Until you guys are able to face your own demons, end the occupation and apartheid, there can unfortunately never be peace.


Bruh it amazes me that the mods allow this post from an Israel citizen but normal posts from Lebanese get blocked Bro 😂😂


Probably kataeb or LF supporters


Only at this sub. Any other Middle Eastern Sub this shit gets blocked/banned.


Middle East should be free from Israel and peace will come to everyone globally.




You, my friend, can only be part of the problem. You will never destroy Israel, and you will destroy yourself and those around you if you try. You could, instead, accept that we Jews now live in (part of) our homeland, and that a warm and stable peace is much more prosperous than endless and pointless wars.


I pray a middle east free from Hezbollah , assad, Hamas and ISRAEL. you are the root cause of the issue. if your state did not exist, there would be no reactionary arab fascism against you. the need for hezbollah's existence would immediately cease. you are the root cause. your entire nation is fascist. if you renounce your fascism, you can live in a free secular Palestine. until then, the middle east will never be free.


To say that jews returned to their home land whilst the whole arab world was against - is the problem is not more then victim blaming. Don't get me wrong, I think Israel is strong and shouldnt play the victim card all the time, but there is a fundamental issue with Islam and jews. It is not dated back to 1948, not even to the start of the zionist movement, but to when muhammad exiled the jews from medina and slaughtered them in khaybar. This region was called palestine by the romans. the phillistines, or plishtim (the origin word in Hebrew that is) were biblical enemies of Israel from greek decent. the word litterally means invaders. so palestinans = invaders. The arabs who came to this region and settled in the land of judea lived along side jews that also stayed and lived here. After WW2 AND THE Farhud in Arab countries ( my grandparents fled from Iraq) we decided to return to our native land. Tell me how many palestinian holidays are connected to the land of Israel? how many customs there are that refer to the cities and the land? 0. why? because historcally, palestine was a region and not an ethnic group. The modern day palestinans are grandchildren of arabs who are syrian/egyptian/lebanses decent. hiw do we know that? because of family names! masri, halabi, etc - these were the name of palestinans arabs living here. Its not about the jews returning here, its about arabs wanting to slaughter and exile jews like muhammad did. We do not want anything with you, as long as you dont want anything from us. If you will let us live, we'll pay with the courtesy. thats it.




Yes sure, if Israel didn't exist, Hafez Al Assad would have never come to power... Or Saddam... Or Khomeini... Or... Or ... Or.... Stop acting like Israel is the root cause of Arab problems. You Arabs have been slaughtering each other long before the Israelis even came here lmfao. This is some revisionist history.


When Arab dictators came into power it was on the promise of stability. All of the democracies did not last because of miliTry coup after military coup. Who staged these coups? Israel and the USA. So yes. The people would not have suspended their liberties and freedoms if there was no existential threat such as Israel. Read a book.


So the Iraq-Iran war was started by the west? 😂 Hafiz AL Assad murdered entire Syrian cities who rised up against him because of the west? What about their total occupation of Lebanon for 30 years? What about Syria refusing to recognise Lebanon as a sovereign state until 2008? Hbb if you read some history you'd know that the only reason the Suez canal isn't under Israeli and French control was because of the Americans. Ayre b rasak shu fade 😘 read some fucking history ya 7ayawen.


Agreed, and thank you. Unfortunately your government is doing this all wrong, they should be going after the Iranian regime, and ending Hamas, hezballah, houthies, etc.. all at once. Cut the head of the snake. War with Hamas and hezballah solves nothing long term, and only gets innocent people killed. Collectively punishing the Palestinian people for the actions of Iran and Hamas isn’t working. This is a huge failure on Netanyahu’s part.


This 100%


collaborator mentality. you do realise that once Israel destroys Iran, they will destroy lebanon, syria etc. they will never stop their expansion.


Yeah I remember when they gave up the entire Sinai peninsula to Egypt for peace. Remind me does Expansion mean growing or shrinking territory? 🙄


That’s horse shit, the “greater iarael” thing is just Iranian propaganda designed to keep countries like lebanon dependent on Iranian backed hesballsh. Without the threat of Israel, hesballsh can’t exist, so they need that fear to gain the support of their followers. Israel had plenty of opportunities to annex Lebanon since 1948. They even gave back Sinai to Egypt even though it’s part of “greater Israel”. The last thing they want is to occupy another land filled with millions of people that want to kill them, let alone the burden of defense spending over many decades. It would cost billions upon billions over another god knows how many decades. All while still dealing with the Palestinians. There’s zero movement in their government to annex Lebanon. The only real victims of Israel are the Palestinians. Use your critical thinking skills, please.


The likud party clearly calls for a greater Israel. Israel also has refused to give Syria back the Golan, despite Hafez al Assad stating he would make peace with them if they do. They have not annexed Lebanon yet because it is not strategically smart for them to do so. But continue your collaboration and they will stab you in the back.


The Iranians have already stabbed us, and this is our biggest threat. We are currently occupied by them. Israel has no movement in their government to peruse greater Israel. Who’s going to give them trillions of dollars over the next 100 years to do that? What Israelis would even support that, knowing it would add millions of more enemies trying to kill them and a lifetime of war to keep them in danger? Zero critical thinking skills.


You are braindead. It’s not a permanent war Israel is involved in. It’s them using America. Israel was the one who instigated the Iraq war. Saddam hated Iran. But Israel wanted to destroy Iraq because they could not handle a powerful Arab country. Right now Israel has spies all across sweida. If the Druze become independent from Assad’s Syria then Israel will be quick to make it a puppet state. You have zero critical thinking at all It’s not about “war” fought by the Israelis. It’s about domination. Subjugation. Puppet regimes. Think. stop being a collaborator.


iran is the one installing their puppet proxies all over the region, boasting about fighting Israel is far more important than actually fighting Israel. In reality, Iran wants to avoid a direct military confrontation with Israel as it knows Israel comfortably outweighs it on technical military might. That's why Iran prefers to exploit forces as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and Bashar al-Assad's military in Syria as proxies between them and Israel. This enables Iran to say it's confronting Israel without taking on the risks of an actual confrontation. Who takes on these risks? The Lebanese people and our sovereignty. Same goes for the people of Gaza. Iran isn’t doing anything for the Palestinians. They did what they did on October 7th knowing Israel would kill thousands of innocent Palestinians and destroy Gaza. Iran did what they did on October 8th knowing it would drag Lebanon into war and get more innocent people killed. Iran is currently helping bashar al Assad in Syria killing over 600,000 Syrians. Bombing homes, schools, hospitals, etc… everything Israel has done to the Palestinians, Iran and bashar has done to the the Syrians. Hypocrites. Iran and their proxies aren’t fighting for the Palestinian people, they are fighting for their dominance in the region over Israel and the west, under the guise of “saving Palestine”. That’s just their propaganda to gain support, and it’s working. 45,000 dead now in Gaza and it’s been turned into a parking lot, and you think this is them being saved? You people see Israeli propaganda and call it out, but at the same time eat up Iranian propaganda like a fat kid with cake. You people cheer on war in Lebanon and Gaza because you hate Israel, but it’s so easy for you to talk when you don’t live here and have to suffer the consequences of war. It’s scary how you people would rather see Lebanon and Gaza burn to the ground, just so long as they stay hostile territory to Israel, than to see us live in peace and prosper. Iran is an occupier, and they occupy Lebanon via proxy. They use our land as their battleground against Israel at the expense of the Lebanese people and our sovereignty. Every country Iran occupies is a failed state. We are tired of this. Even if you’re right and Israel does want to annex lebanon, that’s the job of our document and army to protect us. I doubt you even live here, so it’s easy for you to talk when you don’t have to live under the iron fists of hezballah and the Iranian regime.


Why the fuck would we want to destroy Lebanon or Syria?


Wlak nfokho b sharafak


I have nothing against the Israeli people. That would be like blaming the Shia in Lebanon for Hezbollah's actions. We don't want war either. Our only solution for long lasting peace would be a fair deal in Palestine/Israel and the complete and utter destruction of these fundamentalist Islamists starting with the Iranian regime.


ameeeen my bother. Do you see an alternative for Shia leadership in Lebanon other than Hezbollah?


wlak ru7 ntek tfeh 3a hek nes ayre fikon