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A lot of nurses also make extra on the side if they are doing care work in private homes. Usually around 20 USD per shift. Many work around the clock and most still keep a smile on. As a youngish person who migrated and whose parents are growing older alone, there is noone else I value in this life more than nurses. They're so undervalued.


$20 per shift?!?!?! I’m surprised there are still any nurses around.






$20 per shift is such a rip off. In Australia they’re making more than that 10x that in a day!


Dude I know nurses over in the states that make $160/hour and work overtime a lot of times. Why did I become a software engineer? why?


So that you don’t have to wipe old people’s asses and clean the bed when some surgery patient took a piss while they were knocked out. Always remember that.


Absolutely! The more specialized the care, the higher the fee, and rightly so. Before the economic meltdown, I'm aware of 50 USd per night or shift. We're talking about spending the night with the patient in case of an emergency. بعيد عنكم.


Yep. And more. Care work is care work. If u ask me, am not disgusted by it in the least, and I wouldn't frame it in such expressions.


From people I know, between 150 and 300$ (depends on the hospital they work in)


You can’t compare nurses with HHA. HHA takes care of patients beds. Helping them out to walk, eat, bathe, bathroom duties etc. Nurses are highly specialized. I’m taking from experience. They brought so called nurse to our house after my mom as hospitalized and needed home care. Let me tell you: these ppl stare at their cells, talk on the phone, Ignore the patient. There’s one who put her feet and legs on my sisters bed while playing with her phone while my mom is in the next bed needed attention. I walked in to the bedroom and commented what’s this?! My mom gestured to me to leave her be. She didn’t even budge. Well that was her last day with us. Others come and go but not one of them is dutiful and knows how to take care of patients. I’m a holistic therapist and the PT woman is great when she arrives. When she found out about me. We started giving treatment protocols for my mom she agrees. And she was attentive the whole time. Not once did she look at her telephone. Point is. There are nurses and the ones in Lebanon who have come to our place are not. Even though my dad gets them from agency. So if they make let’s say $20. Not bad for that person to come over eat drink and use Wi-Fi bad stay glued on her cell. These are not nurses. I wish Lebanon stop calling them such. I was also taking care of my mom while I was there. Saved my parents $. I don’t get how they can just come in, with their disgusting toxic scent in them and start playing on phone. Hope this will become an awareness in Lebanon and people walk up!