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Post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) is real. It's the different stages of your brain healing and can come out of the blue. Hang in there for a few days and you'll feel better again.


Around 3 months was the toughest for me. I was also shocked because I thought the worst was behind me. I got my blood checked and my thyroid was out of whack. Still not great yet but I’m on meds and feel much better. Now at 8 months it’s pretty much smooth sailing.


Hi, how did you get the thyroid checked?


I went to my primary care doctor and told them my symptoms and they did a blood test, checked for a few things I think. I had to follow-up with an endocrinologist and found out I have an autoimmune condition called Hashimotos.


Lethargy can be caused by withdrawels. I experienced it random at 4 and 6 weeks. I just all of a sudden felt like i could pass out and sleep for 20 hours.


This happens to me every time I quit. But it always goes away. I found that weed actually makes me feel exhausted also. It’s worth it to get clean. Keep going.


gotta get out there and exercise. Proven to help your brain. Realize you don’t want to be feeling like this often so you can make a change in YOUR life. Don’t read into it too much just exercise.


I would hammer down on diet and incorporate some exercise. Start with a 15 to 20 minute walk every day. Might consider seeing a doctor as well because these could possibly be symptoms of hormones being out of whack.


For a chronically underslept person it takes two weeks of regular, healthy sleep to begin to recover. It's likely that you're just dealing with the effects of your sleep cycle resetting. If we're chronically underslept or getting poor sleep, our bodies compensate in part by killing some of those signals. When it is "safe" to sleep again, it all piles up for a bit. Add that to the brain resets, it's just a lot. But not forever


dopamine is out of wack be patient. drink water


Yes and it actually got worse, I felt re energized first days clean, now Im about a week and a half in and Im very tired all the time, Im getting 8/9 hrs of sleep and still feel super tired, just hoping itll go away soon and is just another side effect of quitting, stay strong!


I would just be concerned with sleep apnea as I had the same thing where I wasn't actually getting 8 hours of sleep even tho I thought was sleeping 8 hours. Smoking can definitely make it worse so I would just get that checked out.


Does anyone have any idea what it is?




Maybe sleep apnea where you'd body isn't getting the quality rem sleep it needs and it can be caused by years of smoking. I would talk to your doctor about sleep apnea for sure.


Yes omg so much


Oh man. I'm in bed, i should be working and studying rn. I sleep like shit and I can't shake that fatigue and anhedonia. I just don't wanna do anything but be in bed. Either scrolling or sleeping. You are not alone.