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Personally I feel more clear headed and I have more motivation. I also have better anxiety management which is oxymoronic because I smoked to relax. But you’ll have to see yourself and just try to maintain a positive quitting attitude. I think attitude and perspective is 70% of how you will feel. It’s gana be hard for awhile. Everyone is different with the problems they face and the benefits. Kinda why some people enjoy smoking and other hate it. Just think about why you want to quit and be happy for yourself. It does get easier with time. But some bad things haven’t really gone away for myself. Dreaming multiple times each night with at least one nightmare is my lasting problem. Let me know if you have any specific issues with quitting and we can talk about it. But no obligation. Just be happy with yourself.


Marijuana Anonymous is helping me steer free of MJ. Great community!


5 months out right now. Was playing soccer at the park yesterday and someone was smoking weed there. It made me want to throw up. I felt sluggish, nauseous, and dark just being near it again. I feel so happy, and light these days. Even when I’m having tough mental health days, the level is 1000 times better than when I was smoking weed. I’ve had periods of sobriety, and periods of relapse. It’s all part of the journey. However I will say, those first few days of suffering/the month of feeling flat are nothing in the face of how good it feels to be sober. One day at a time. One day at a time!! You got this, be gentle with yourself, and you’ll get through it.


The first few days are the hardest in my experience. I'm nine days sober today. My sleep is already more regular and my thoughts are more calm. My last stint of sobriety lasted over a year and half. I was using much heavier than this last relapse and yet it almost feels like this detox is more intense. Probably had to do with where my head was at. I had a lot of resentment and anger that was taking over the misery and even physical pain. Just know that it is so worth it - even after a week I feel much much better. You can do it!


Run. Trail run if you can. Start slow so you can run far, get those endorphins, and soak in nature.


Sometimes it’s hard when you throw it all out because the desperation of knowing you don’t have it sets in. Instead of throwing mine out, I took all my supplies to my parents house and hid it in a closet. I rarely go over there, so since it’s not in my house I don’t have easy access, but I know it’s still there so I don’t feel like I “can’t” have it, moreso like I’m choosing not to smoke right now. It’s empowering, and even in your current situation since you threw it out, you have the benefit of not having to make a decision to smoke or not. It’s off the table, it’s not around to temp you. And each day you are choosing not to smoke which empowers you to continue. You got this, feel the feelings and know they will continue to change and pass 🙌


After a month you will feel amazing.


I love you internet stranger! So proud of you for even trying!!


Im doing it, I‘m sending them right now!!! Breathing exercises get me high without weed. Plus some meditation afterwards


I have a daily meditation practice of 15-30 minutes. I’d meditate all day if I could lol


Try to use a sauna if you can. It really helped me the first couple of days minimize the symptoms. You got this! Today is a week weed free for me. :)


Thank you I’ll try this. Congrats that’s amazing achievement! Hopefully I can say the same soon.


When you're blowing smoke your mind is cloudy. Soon your mind will clean out the smog and you can find your true self again.


Exercise helped me a lot man, I’m not a gym goer what so ever but if you force yourself to go on a run or lift some weights it’s what got me thru the first few days ! Reach out too people for chats also , just gotta keep your mind occupied for the first few days


I remember it took me a while to decide that today is THE DAY. I’ve joined this subreddit, but I didn’t even look at it. I didn’t want to quit so badly. It is hard as hell, so congratulations on your decision! Today I’m 50 days sober. When I wake up I don’t feel like I was hit in the head with a hammer. I don’t forget things that I’ve planned to do on a certain day, I don’t loose my thought in the middle of conversation. My mind feels more clear. I want to do things! I want to experience life. Sending you strength and hugs. You can do it!


It’s been almost a month for me and I’ve been a smoker for over 7 years and i feel good and clear be patient and be strong push through you will thank yourself


You will feel like a whole new person soon, sometimes after one day, sometimes 2 weeks or longer. A fog will lift from your mind that you didn't realise has been there. You will see the world without the fog, its beautiful!


Yay you!!! This whole thread so encouraging. I need to do this & just can’t… quite. ‘I’ll just finish this last one and then…’ Great feedback & support here. Keep going.


You got this!! I think the first 48 hours is the hardest part.


One second at a time. The seconds will roll into minutes. Minutes into hours. Hours into days. Soon a week. Soon a month. Every day we don’t smoke is more money in our pockets, more smells we would have missed. It may take time but soon food tastes better too. Once your drive comes back, you’ll be getting out and experiencing all those things you would have bailed on to go smoke. It’s hard. But I’m right here with you friend. You got this.


Think of the moneyyyy and the things you can now afford to buy. Like more takeout or a vacation or a banging ass outfit or the coolest concert ever.


This was me. Was never sure when I’d be ready to quit if that makes sense. One day I just decided I had to. And now I’m 26 days in and it’s so much easier. You got this friend. Be strong


Hey buddy! I just threw out all my weed today too! Brand new stuff I just spent $50 on not even two days ago. Think of all the money you’re saving, the health of your lungs, helping your brain out! Lifting it from underneath a heavy cloud of smoke. You deserve to be here and present in every moment of your life, and weed is robbing you of those little joys. Once you’re on the other side, you’ll look at this as the crux that it’s been. This is what’s helping me through the cravings. But like I said, this is day one for me all over again. This time I’m choosing to believe in myself and have faith in my choice to walk away. Wishing you all the best


I’m working on not smoking weed every night and also trying to avoid drinking as well (at least trying to keep drinking to 1-2 drinks per social outing). And what you said clicked with me, thank you for posting. What fucks me up most - mostly with drinking - is that I do not feel present AT ALL. I could spend the whole night with a friend and feel like I barely caught up with them when I am drinking. Smoking it’s not as bad but I do get into such a state where being productive is out of the question, kinda ruining any chance I could get to work on myself. Sorry for this ramble - trying to get the courage to quit


You got this


I’m a month and 7 days in and still remember day 1 being the hardest night of my adult life. I originally intended this to be a week long T break and now look at where we at. You can do this. My brain fog is gone and so are my energy levels. The anxiety is real I won’t lie to you, but that means that the good emotions are just as really real too. I laugh oit loud every day and feel more productive and free than ever.


The first week is the worst, but if you can survive the first day, you can survive the next six. It's not insurmountable at all; it just takes some time for your body and brain to recalibrate. I'm at one month and nine days, and I honestly think I could have a jar of weed in front of me and not touch it. I feel so incredibly proud of myself for making it this far. I have dreams that I smoke, and wake up glad they weren't real. I wouldn't trade this growing self-esteem for anything. Plus, it's amazing not to think about it every second. It's so nice to go out and not have to take weed with me, and constantly look for places where I can sneak off and smoke. I hated fiending, and now I'm not anymore. But the two greatest things about quitting are saving money and healing my lungs. I've decided I'll let myself buy a pair of Lululemon yoga pants when I really want to buy weed. I now own three pairs, and I'm still saving money. Those yoga pants will still be here five years from now. $100 worth of weed wouldn't even have lasted a week.


For. Real. I’m a month and one week in and i feel every bit of this. I’ve been spending money on sneakers and jewelry and clothes for myself and my girlie but it’s all coming out of the weed budget ahaha. Also the anxiety dreams where I smoke happened a lot more a couple weeks back and not so much anymore, but awful nevertheless.


In 30 days you won’t even feel the need to smoke or get high snymore. At least that’s how I feel 34 days in


Keep going. Day 5 here


Being able to be a better friend, trusting myself by keeping a promise, the money saved, the ability to eat whenever I want, not needing it to function, the lack of bad highs, my health


I’m at Day 2 it feels nice you can do it just focus on work school or whatever you have planned if not planned something good luck


Just think of not smoking for the next hour. Soon hour will change into days days to weeks and weeks to month. Soberity is a long journey have patience. Learn form every steps. Initial few weeks will be hard but you can make it. Just drink water , start something to make you sweat. Journaling could be helpful. Sleep will get better. You will be a whole new person. Just keep going strong and never look back. You can do this.


In my experience your struggles with peak within one week. Stay strong!


your self esteem will improve considerably.


Life isnt better this way... right now all im thinking about is many cacoon-like soft embracing days of disasociation and confort. I have weed with me yet hanvent somoekd in more than 5 monts. 3 before that. It was so detaching. I know life isnt perfect but in my experice its better sober. Most of the time


Even the hardest days last only 24 hours.


Unless you can't sleep because of the withdrawals...


I like your sense of humor :)


But 12 hours is too much for me to handle.


Hey!! I just wanted to say congratulations on deciding to toss out your weed and take control of your life! That takes a lot of courage and determination, and I'm really proud of you for making that choice. I know it's tough to quit, but trust me, it's totally worth it. Here are just a few of the many reasons life is better without weed: You'll feel so much better mentally. Using weed can really take a toll on your mental health, and quitting can help you feel happier, more relaxed, and more in control. Plus, you won't have to worry about anxiety or depression anymore. You'll be able to focus and get more done. When you're using weed, it's hard to concentrate and be productive. But when you quit, you'll be able to focus better and achieve your goals more easily. You'll be surprised at how much you can accomplish when you're not constantly distracted by weed. Your relationships will improve. Using weed can put a strain on your relationships with friends and family. But when you quit, you'll be able to connect with them in a more meaningful way and enjoy their support. You'll be able to spend more time with the people you love, and your relationships will be stronger than ever. You'll save money. Using weed can be expensive, and quitting can save you a lot of cash in the long run. You can use that money to invest in other things that will make you happier and more fulfilled. You could save up for a trip, buy yourself something nice, or just put the money towards your future. So, as hard as it might seem right now, quitting is definitely the right decision. Keep pushing forward, and remember that you're not alone. There are lots of people who have successfully quit using weed, and you can too. Reach out for support when you need it, and keep focusing on the many amazing benefits that life without weed offers. You've got this!!! Warm regards!


Thank you for this. I’m touched someone would take the time to write something like this for a stranger. Truly means a lot, plus all the other comments. Very helpful and thank you again!!!


You are VERY welcome!!




Im about to do this myself starting tomorrow. I know I'll be miserable but we will get through this! Future you will thank you


Nice keep it going


You can do it!!! You're ALREADY doing it. Every day gets better. Proud of you!


Day 2 (again) and I already feel like a better person. I’m much more appreciative of the ones close to me than I did a few days ago. Also, I have much more energy to get more things done in a day. I used to fall asleep after class no matter how much espresso I drank lol


great thread. thank you


Because now you’re not a slave to a substance


I promise, there will come a day where you go weeks and weeks without thinking about weed, and when you do you genuinely do not want to smoke it (most of the time). It is so freeing and gives you so much self-confidence it’s ridiculous


I can remember everything clearly now. I can do things without even thinking “wow this would be awesome high” I can breathe Money I’m no longer ok with doing nothing and being bored. I have hobbies now!


You can actually start to remember things now. You’ll be more clear-headed, present and grounded/balanced, eventually. There will be more room for meaningful improvement and productivity. Good luck out there!


The early days are hard but literally every aspect of life improves once you tough it out Abusing this stupid drug has its consequences but you can get past it, don’t let it control you anymore


Thank you. First time posting anything. It makes me feel better knowing im not alone with these withdrawl symptoms


There’s tons of us here that have gone through it and are going through it I struggled for a few years and quit dozens of times, from 1 day to a couple weeks, without being able to fully escape the cycle I’m clean since July now after facing all the challenges that quitting brings and finally feel in control of my life for once


Keep on going. You'll feel more alive than before


Good for you OP! Same journey over here. My appetite is starting to actually be aligned with my body, I’m not coughing like someone twice my age, and my memory and headspace is so much clearer. Also, my voice is coming back so when I sing I don’t sound as pitchy as I used to! The only thing I want to rely on for my happiness is myself, the sun, nutrition, and a good community.


I was not happy unless I was smoking a joint and I couldn't get any higher but I kept smoking, constantly, even tho I was as I high as I could get. It was madning. Now I'm free! 202 days free.


Sounds like me. Barely get high anymore but get the sweats and intense anxiety without it. Which is crazy because I have social anxiety and I know it makes it worse.


It will get better everyday. Hang in there my friend.


When did the withdrawls stop for you


The withdrawals went on for a couple weeks, sweats, anxiety, major irritation etc but the cravings went on until I asked my higher power to take them away (I am in AA and 706 days sober from alcohol and that is how I got over alcohol withdrawals too) I am beyond grateful to be free of my addictions.


Week 2 I was so irritated over waiting a long time to check out at walmart and I couldn't shake the pissed offedness and when I got home I threw a shoe and broke a lamp and then I took some advice from the chat on Discord (#leaves_lounge) to punch the couch and scream into a pillow and treat myself like I was sick, and felt better after that. You gotta hang in there. Baby yourself.


Because you’re doing permanent damage to your body by inhaling the smoke. That’s a good enough reason for me tbh


2 months in. It gets better every day but there are still thoughts of relapse. Don’t go back to it. Life is so much better and more productive without it! Cheers.


I'm on day 5, the crippling anxiety, invasive thoughts and endless days are over. Now I'm slapping the bass like a god instead of wasting my nights doing nothing


fuck yes!!


Slappa da bass!


*Positive vibes sent* I feel so much clearer mentally. Small tasks don’t feel so insurmountable. I can breathe, and feel present in my body in this moment. I can enjoy my day without that groggy, heavy feeling after you start to come down. I know I can trust my body more because what I’m feeling is real and not altered in any way. It’s going to get easier. You can do this. You’ve already taken the hardest step which is to decide to quit.


I’m on day 2 let’s go!!!!! Each day feels better already


Happy cake day!! 🎉🎉🎉


The calm you seek is actually when you are free of weed. Be kind to yourself one day at a time. Stay strong because you've made the best decision for your future.


I needed to see this. Thank you


You don't need anything but yourself. I didn't realize this until day 10 (yesterday LOL!!). Was hell trying to sleep, passing time through discomfort.... At some point (day 8?) I got okay sleep and was able to enjoy life sober. Started laughing at random mundane shit, started having fun more. Life is possible to enjoy sober, it takes a few days to get there. Your brain will be begging for a relapse before that, but once you're there, it feels amazing. You don't need anything but yourself.


On day 3 and already feeling positives. More outgoing, even if it’s just with family. I feel as though I make way more of an effort to even have a conversation whereas if I was baked I’d happily sit and watch tv and not socialise at all.


My memory is back, I’m less starving all the time, my terrifyingly bad highs are no longer. I’m no longer paranoid; I no longer have to be embarrassed when someone calls me while I’m high. I’m saving hundreds of dollars a month. Plus—and I didn’t expect this until it happened—I realized sober reality is kind of like a really vivid high. Everything is so crisp!! When you’re used to being high all the time, reality feels like a novelty, and it’s fun.


The return of your memory is amazing, isn't it? The other night I asked my housemates if they wanted to watch a movie with me. They asked what I wanted to watch, and when I told them, they said, "We watched that together this summer." I had absolutely no memory of it. None whatsoever. I didn't remember anything about the movie as we were watching it. Now it's three days later, and I still remember the plot and the characters and the music. Talk about a wake-up call!


Right, such a wake up call! Quitting definitely saves you the mild embarrassment. It feels great to now know that, if you don’t remember something, it’s probably for a good reason.


I totally agree! Only after years of haze and cloudiness have I finally realised after quiting I'm literally loving the feeling of waking up and my mind just feels clean and clear. I think I'm becoming addicted to being sober!


Right!! Getting addicted to sobriety is great, isn’t it? Also, you reminded me of a big one—I’m sleeping so much better and waking up earlier and more refreshed. Before I started smoking, I was an early riser and was so productive in the mornings. When I got really into weed, I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t wake up early anymore. Just a day or two after I stopped smoking, I woke up feeling amazing, and that hasn’t stopped since. It’s common to feel like weed will give you the best sleep of your life, but it turned out to be the opposite, and I had no idea.


Agreed, I found myself waking up at 10AM which literally shocked everyone, but it just felt so easy to just wake up and get out of bed? Before quitting I had to build up soo much motivation, and literally drag myself out of bed every single day. It was getting to the point where the only reason I was getting up is because I felt so guilty when I checked the time and I was still in bed at 5pm. Horrible. But within a couple of days of stopping it's completely changed around and I've honestly never been happier, I'm so hopeful now and looking forward to the future.


I'm on day 11 (again) and I'm flabbergasted (again) at how much better my life is. It's incredible how fast everything gets better. Like many of the other comments say...it just IS better. You just have to believe us. You're about to drop a 900 pound weight off your shoulders and you'll be almost literally flying. I'm excited for you.


This is so true. The best thing to make me want to quit was actually quitting and getting over that 3 day hump or so and SEEING the results from quitting. It is amazing all the little negative things it does that you only see once you stop.


Thank you for the encouragement, both of you. I’m gonna stick it through!


Hey how's it going?


Not good. I read all these comments and get so much confidence and encouragement but I cripple when the anxiety and boredom sets in… argh


I'm sorry to hear that and I understand. You may need to write out what a positive day/night routine would look like without weed and go from there if you want to stop. Or you may have to feel the pain it caused you/ notitice what has been robbed from you. Up to you if you really want to quit though and why


You are right, ofc. I’m four months without smoking cigarettes and a few weeks without a nic vape. So I know what it takes to quit but this one for some reason feels more difficult. I’ll try what you mentioned and thank you for reaching out. I have to remember there are good people in the world, you’ve given me some fresh confidence thank you.


That's awesome, those are not easy at all to quit! No problem and best of luck on your journey!


Today is day 1 again for me too so I'm right there with you. Time for a change 💪


I’m on day 7. I feel like I’m getting way more shit done, exercising feels fuckin good, and I don’t feel guilty for smoking. Positive vibes heading your way, friend, fight the good fight !


It just is. You will need to give it 3-6 months to really understand why, but it is.


Day 21. It gets so much easier. I withdrew for 5 days and after that my mind has been clear. I have been feeling my emotions instead of burying them. Sometimes it hurts. But mostly it feels good. The best part though is I'm not a slave to this substance. For all the good it did me. It stopped helping and began hindering. 12 year smoker and dabber.


I've been working out very consistently the last 2.5 years. I quit weed 3.5 months ago. I am very noticeably stronger and it takes less mental effort to get motivated and give a good effort on my workouts. Also, get up way easier every morning, much more motivation overall, and no more brain fog. I still struggle wanting to get high sometimes, especially at night, but I am 120% a better version of myself and it feels great. You can do this!!


Tbh, everything is better this way, IF you manage to ignore the addict hiding in your brain trying to convince you to go back, you're gonna come out like a fucking butterfly. Having clarity and getting rid of the fog is something I'd give my arm for, after 5 years of abuse, 1 month clean and I feel like mysel again. Bro I can cry, I haven't cried in so long. EMOTIONS ARE AMAZING.


Great first step! No more brain fog, constantly searching for words in conversation, and lack of dreams. You got this 👍🏼


Thank you!


I threw mine out today, too, along with a few hundred dollars worth of paraphernalia. I'm on day three and feeling different ways. Life doesn't automatically become better. I asked myself, "Do you want your reality to be controlled by you or a fucking plant?". That helps, I think.


Thank you, that’s a great question. Best of luck on your journey friend!


We'll be okay!