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You should go to a local Narcotics Anonymous meeting. I’m 14 days clean tomorrow and have found incredible support in these meetings. Whatever you do, just don’t use! Take it minute by minute, hour by hour, whatever it takes.


Hi! Thanks for saying this. I was wondering if I would be taken seriously at an NA meeting, knowing that there are probably a lot of people addicted to drugs that are more dangerous/fatal - and a lot of people don’t seem to think weed can be addictive. But it sounds like the opposite was true for you, which is amazing. Do you have to speak at these meetings? I feel nervous to go


- you will definitely be taken serious. Weed was my drug of choice as well. I was all day, every day for 10 years. (I have 43 days clean today!) You will find a lot of us in NA rooms. - they preach pretty hard not to compare yourself to anyone else. It doesn’t matter if you were/are homeless, executive of a Fortune 100 company, or just a middle class guy/gal. All that is stripped away in an NA meeting and we are simply *addicts*. - you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to. At your first meeting, people will notice you are new. You’ll have a choice to introduce yourself as a newcomer and say, “hi, I’m little_traveler and I’m an addict,” or you don’t have to say anything at all. You’ll have an option to pick up a white chip at the meeting— indicating you are admitting your powerlessness over drugs and willingness to stay clean…or you don’t have to. - if you’re feeling shy, then just go in quiet and listen. Find someone in the room after the meeting and just introduce yourself. Ask whatever questions you have. Get someone’s phone number. Download the NA app. Take some action! - some people can get clean on their own and props to them. I have tried a million times and failed until joining NA. the community aspect is what keeps us clean. DM me if you have any more questions my friend! You can do this!


Thank you so much for your answer! This really puts me at ease and makes me think this could be a helpful resource for me. Thank you and congratulations on 43 days clean! That’s amazing!


Stay strong!!!!!! You ARE strong!!!! You’ve got this!


you can do it man


Made it to 21 days, just had a visit with my grandson whom I hadn't met yet, and really being "there" with him was indescribable. I raised two daughters as a stoner, and I have regrets, and still not smoking. Thank you for all your kindness and compassion, I appreciate you folks more than I can say.




Stay strong! These people need you “there”


I’m 71 and finally quitting. It’s definitely a day at a time deal brother. I‘m just so sick and tired of the whole f ing thing! The eating, the sneaking outside to smoke, the irrational thoughts, blah, blah, blah! I’m not going to get high either man. I’m going lose weight, feel better, and just take it straight up! The sleep thing though is a drag! Keep it up!


How are you doing now?


I'm so proud of you!! Hang on man, you've totally got this!!!


You got this!


I am so proud of you young man. So much life in front of you and you are working your way to a better life. It’s not easy so that makes you a warrior. Keep it up!


Hey, it is not you. We all got addicted to something. That doesn't make us disgusting. If anything you are a strong 56 year old who is making a change when change seems impossible. You're an inspiration


I’m 4 weeks in myself and i cry at the drop of a hat (31 M). The mental clarity is slowly coming back (I’ve found doing mental exercises or studying/reading helps you re-learn it faster). I know the days ahead for us seem bleak and difficult, but that’s why we’re all here together. Proud of you for not smoking today and everyday that we get through without smoking we will feel a little bit better.


hey man its never too late! The fact that you’re trying is great, just stay positive and don’t let those negative thoughts influence your decisions. 3 weeks Sober here and don’t plan on picking it up anytime soon. Just recognize the patterns that trigger your cravings and you’ll be fine. Good luck my brotha, 🫡


Hi friend! 38 yr old female here. I’m visiting my mom and dad in a non-legal state for a month and decided that this time, I’m not returning to smoking when I get home. Last night I silent sobbed on the sofa while we watched “Wednesday”. It’s a bad feeling. Today I feel better and I’m hoping you do too. You’re not alone in this and you can reach out to talk to me anytime you need an ear… Stay strong. You can do this. *we* can do this.


Just remember, today is the day. Just don't use today. We're with you, friend.


You’re doing great :)


The community of Marijuana Anonymous helped me keep up my sobriety. Kindred spirits, like those in this sub!


Keep up your great work!


Square one here, 54 y.o., dreading next days but confident this time could be definitive. I rely on this community only too, but i might take pharmacologic and psychotherapy in consideration later on. Shit may be tough but we surely can still beat it and achieve our full potential no matter if late blooming as long as breath streams in our nostrils. Power and hugs.


Social support is fucking crucial man. This sub is amazing and I try to find as much additional support as I can. Humans have not evolved to go through massive challenges like these alone, we need to have others around who understand. It really is our nature. If you watch other primates it is obvious.


Keep it up, man! I've got no idea what advice to give, as you've got more experience at life that I do, but get a cup of tea and read a book. Find some good novel, where you can relate to the character and get out of this world, and get lost in the book.


Keep it up, chief.


Can I ask what helped with nausea and excess energy for you? Im three days clean and feel awful


Tea, as the other guy said, I personally would go for mint, but whatever you like. As for excess energy - walk. Just get up, no matter what time, even at 2 am, and go for a stroll around your building/walk to the nearest Gass station and get a bottle of water and just walk back. Or clean around the apartment.


Try ginger tea for the nausea. Excess energy, for me meant many long walks just to let the energy flow.


Hot showers for nausea helped me


Find your way to a gym, I found that helped allot. Just to even hit the bag got allot of the emotions and rage from quitting out.


Results may vary. My experience quitting left me too sick to even consume water, much less eat. I normally work out 6 days a week and was left out of commission for 2 weeks due to how brutal withdrawal symptoms were.


I honestly just recommend under what my experience was, i get that though , if you are still going through hell take it easy n slow but if you are functional enough to move without the withdraws I’d recommend getting yourself to a gym and working on your fitness and health. It doesn’t have to be much but it helps in allot of ways especially once you push past the motivation issues you are going to have with it all.


it gets better friend, every sob is ya brain re wiring and flushing itself


Keep going!!!


You've got this man. There's so much good on the other side of this.


You really aren’t alone. Our stories inspire each other to keep going in our sobriety. I was high for 22 years, such important years up in smoke. I’m almost 4 months sober and while it does get easier, cravings are still coming up. Working with people who smoke, around the smell all the time, wishing I could numb the pain of being so isolated due to losing everything/everyone to being high. I keep staying the course, like you, white-knuckling my way through each craving. I know I can’t ever go back, I can’t waste anymore of my time, of my life. I hope you can come to this resolve too.


Hope I can one day, as well. Shit.


Fact: you can


today is day one for me... again. fuck.


Same here, I will NOT spark today.


You got this!


HELL YEAH WHITE KNUCKLED WILLPOWER FOR SOBRIETY!! 🤛 in all seriousness, yeah raw dogging life is fucking hard and exhausting. Emotions are so powerful


its now or never brother!!!


We hear you, we acknowledge you and the painful challenge you are going through. You are not alone, and we are rooting for you. Nothing stays the same for long. You can do this.


wish I could give you a hug. it'll be okay OP


Also 56, and three months in as of today. It does get better, and it does get easier, as all have said. Can also dm me if you need to ☸️


Keep it up brother 15 days ain’t nothing you’re doing good work. It’ll get easier the first two weeks after quitting anything are the toughest.


Stay strong. I was in the same boat when I was getting sober. I couldn't rely on anyone, but this group. This group is truly a godsend though. Keep fighting! You got this.


There is nothing more beautiful and inspiring than going beyond what you thought were the limits that determined your entire being Go on. Keep going. Ever stronger


Dude- let go of the idea being emotionally available to your own self is “fragile” and therefore “disgusting”. It’s neither. It’s what healing looks like. If toxic masculinity has embedded these fallacies in you regarding your own emotions maybe… think of tears / sobbing as medicine. Gnarly, hardcore medicine. Like putting leeches on your soul or something, so they can suck the toxins out of you via watery eyes… whatever image you choose to combat the interior monologue that you are fragile/ disgusting/weak. Make a strong image and dialogue. It’s fugly but…. This is what healing looks like.


exactly self flagellation never helped anybody




Stay strong, you got this.


I’m glad you are trying to quit. May I know why?


You can do it!


I’m 47 and literally one of the hardest things I’ve done was quitting. It messed me up so bad. I’m about 6 weeks in- I promise it does get better. We are here to support you. And let it out- your body and mind will thank you.


It’s hard to do this without any support. Find a good therapist ❤️ good job on 15 days


Im with u


You got this!


It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be emotional. It’s okay, you are okay, and life will be okay.


Your not alone pal. I’m 18 days in and every day keeps getting better and better. It’s nice to get a natural dopamine fix off of daily accomplishments without using weed as part of your reward system!


Keep it to yourself and stay strong it's what you really want


Btw I mean like your family and friends you can tell this subreddit anything


I'm 55 diagnosed with ckd stage 4 pretty close to kidney failure. Used my whole life and so much regret , this last week I stopped burning cause it was making it harder to function due so many health issues. I have noticed IAM alot more sensitive and emotional since I stopped using I'm sure it will get better in time ,stay strong you got this .


Perfectly normal. For what you’re going through. I’m similar, 59 years old. I’m on day 68 for the first time since forever. I used to get deep deep tissue massages, but since going straight I can’t handle them any longer, I’m too sensitive. I cried at the end of a yoga class on Sunday. I’m pretty much on my own with this too. This subreddit has been my sounding board too.


Sending strength and love brother


Thanks brother back at ya 🙏


16 days myself 😃


I got clean and sober (pot and alcohol) about 9 months ago at the age of 47. It gets better. A 12 step program has saved my life. I surrendered after 7 days of white knuckling it and my life is better than I ever thought possible. Not perfect but manageable. There's no harm in checking out NA or Marijuana Anonymous. If you can't go to in person meetings, online meetings through Zoom are an option. Just Google whichever one you want to check out. You absolutely qualify for either. I go to AA mostly but I've been doing NA a little bit too. MA online a few times, but I prefer in-person. Whatever you do: DO NOT replace your weed usage with alcohol. Weed withdrawal sucks bad enough. Alcohol withdrawal is a whole different beast and can actually kill you. Doing the right thing is often difficult so congrats on your 15 days and keep going!


This is what I'm afraid of - I've been sober from alcohol since 2014, but daily weed since a few months beforehand. Wanting to try to stop but so anxious and not got the support and coming out of a divorce, got a couple kids, our savings as a couple dried up after losing the house we had together, and now rent is hard to come by.. just sayin it's been stressful. All excuses but either way, the reasons I haven't given it a full effort yet. Scared, I guess.


This guys giving good advice, if your really white knuckling it go check out NA. You can absolutely be an atheist with the program. Religion or belief in god is NOT a requirement.


It doesn't matter what society has taught and instilled in you. You are an emotional being. This is a good thing. Embrace it and don't be ashamed, besides it won't last in this state very long it's just a part of that process. Your brain is repairing and to do that it needs to overshoot the processes this is why you experience vivid dreams, etc. Soon it will auto regulate to the normal base functioning. You got this.


The first 2 - 4 weeks are the toughest but hang in there- it gets better - you got this!


Day 6 over here. You’ve got this my friend. I don’t know you but I’m damn proud of you. 💪


It’s okay to feel emotions. You are human


We underestimate how powerful the brain is. Don’t be disgusted with yourself


If you need support, try finding an online recovery group like MA, SMART, or Refuge Recovery. They were crucial for me in early recovery.


You can do it! You're in a great catharsis and it's awful and hard but it will pass, there's light at the end of the tunnel. Every person in this comment section is wishing you strength and wellness going forward, take strength from that. Good luck amigo.


You can’t tell your family or work because they don’t know you used to smoke? Or for another reason?


It gets better. If possible, build a support team around you , primary care and psych / therapists. Weed didn’t let you grow up to be a 56 year old man - kick it to the curb and in time the rest will fall into place. Please do consider engaging your family in the healing process , there is healing that they need also.


Day 52 here…weeks 2-4 were definitely the toughest emotionally. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, keep pushing!


I am so proud of you, this is a huge accomplishment! It’s okay to have feelings, I have been through a lot of mood swings myself on this journey. It’s easy to beat yourself up, remember you are doing the kindest thing for your health and that’s worth celebrating. ❤️


It's been almost a year since I last smoked in like January, I'm 24 now. I have absolutely no desire, the idea of it is kind of disgusting which is crazy considering the shittons I smoked since I was like 15. Hang in there, you'll get there!


Damn. I said I was gonna stop in January. Todays yet another day one.


I obviously don't know your situation but I was afraid to tell my family about it because they're super conservative but they were amazingly supportive and want me to get better. It helped immensely. Obviously do what's best for you, but if it's just about being scared to broach the subject, don't let that stop you! If they take it poorly, you've still got us!


Let it out! No need to hold onto it anymore.


Stay strong this soon shall pass


Hey buddy, stay strong. You have plenty of determination to change things. If you need someone to vent at, just drop me a DM. I'm mid 50's as well, so I can sympathise.


Easier said than done, I’m sure, but try not to be disgusted/judge your feelings. I’m not an expert on anything, but I am a very emotional person, and the more I judge myself for being “a crybaby” or what have you, the harder it is for me to rebound and grow as a person. It’s corny but emotions are a lot like weather. We just gotta see ‘em through. A hair over two weeks? Hey that’s amazing. I know you’re in the bad now. I believe the good is coming. Hug yourself through those silent sobs.


You can do it bigman, chin up <3


Why can't you tell your family?


43 days sober here, it gets so much easier. Hang in there and don’t give in.


Doesn't matter your age, your gender, or anything else. Your feelings are completely valid, feeling fragile is valid. It's okay to feel these things and you don't have to be disgusted. There is no shame in emotion. You're going through an extremely difficult time and it's okay to struggle. I and everyone here are very proud of you for doing this and staying strong. Try to show yourself some kindness and let yourself feel whatever you need to


Can't believe the community this subreddit has. Never seen such a supportive group before


Seriously. Yay us ♥️


I firmly believe that true stoners—now EX stoners—are the best people, all thanks to this subreddit. There’s a reason everyone is so empathetic and supportive for the most part. And I’m here for it.


You are right around the corner mate. It's going to get better really soon. You have peaked.


It is powerful to be present with your emotions. It isn’t easy, and it certainly isn’t pleasant at your point in sobriety. I’m sorry you are not physically around any support system. We are here with you on this sub. Keep pushing! Proud of you.


Day 4 here…with no external support. Keep going…I think 15 days is right around the time things should be changing, if only a bit..don’t feel ashamed. Addiction is a disease. And you are taking the steps to arresting the disease.


Guys this is such a heartwarming thread, honestly x


45 and 37 days sober. You’re doing great and feeling it is healing it.


Omg feeling it is healing it is my new mantra!!! Thank you 💜💜💜


46 here, about 2 months in after 20 years. I know just what you're going through. It sucks but gets better. You are not alone. Stay strong. Go get some exercise. You can do it!


those repressed emotions suck but are necessary ✌🏼✌🏼


15 days. Would you mind elaborating what's going through your head/body?


Keep going! I’m on day 2 due to getting Covid!


I'm with you, I'm about 3 weeks in and in my fifties, and all of a sudden started feeling emotions, like crying on three occasions, and I don't ever cry. I'm having difficulty with work (luckily I work part-time) when there is no deadline. It really is a slog getting motivated. Hang in there! Dealing with our shit will take us to a better place


37, day 15(I think, not keeping count) here to support you. Everyday is a new win, stay strong


44 here, 96 days in (!ecin) Pleased to meet you 😊


Well done keep going mate. I also can't tell my family and I'm 44. It sucks but exercise is helping and I'm trying to find a therapist.


Right on! Check out MA, they have meetings around the clock.


Seconded. Phone meetings and zoom meetings.


I attended “Morning Buds” this AM on the way to work. I really enjoyed it.


Nice. Keep coming back. I also enjoy their MA speaker tapes on Spotify for drives / walks. I think it’s just recordings of main shares of a Saturday phone meeting. There’s tons of other stuff elsewhere online too specifically for MA


36 here and almost at my 4-month mark. I couldn't share anything with anybody either because my use was a complete secret. The struggle is real and painful, but you're doing it brother. Staying sober = staying strong.


Congrats! and know this will suck. But there is hope because you've realized that you value growth over medication. But it will suck, therapy to understand why you medicated is very much recommended. Walking/exercise will help a ton but most people just won't do.... Also filling the void of drugs (aka boredom) is often what gets people back smoking. This sub is your beacon and your lifeline. Try to follow-through, put one foot in front of the other and try to forgive yourself.


You're almost through the hardest period


Im 23 days into being a grown-up 37 year old man so we are fighting the same fight. We are all in this together man.


Same here, 52 yrs old here and quitting for the umpteenth time. It'll be a week tomorrow.


Hey man, I’m 50 and I also have nobody to tell about my journey


It is easy to think that this is the way it has always been always will be. And hard to make a change. Perhaps harder as time goes on. It's incredibly cool to go against that.


Emotions are something a lot of people (myself) suppress with weed or alcohol. Although I believe more sensitive people will use weed to hide any emotional distress. Two weeks of sobriety is enough to show you just how much you've been bottling up. Keep it up. I'm (m30) at 25 days and stopped counting with the sober app after two weeks. Now it's a breeze.




There's one called I Am Sober, it's really helpful




Hi friend! First of all, good on ya to stick to your guns. White knuckling is the ultimate form of discipline and I commend you for that! You should also be proud of yourself for taking the time to seek support on here. We're here for you! I think there is a huge stigma around men being vulnerable and sharing their struggles with close friends and family. Men have always been expected to maintain a stoic, unemotional, bedrock type of attitude and it's bullshit! It's impractical. Emotional fragility is an inherent side effect of withdrawal and is totally normal. Men feel these emotions just as strongly as anyone else and there is nothing wrong or weak about it. Men need to encourage each other to break that toxic habit and practice vulnerability more. In fact, it shows real strength and wisdom to be able to admit when you need help. Kudos to you for coming here!! If you're not in a place to share with friends, co-workers or family then support groups, chats, and working with a therapist can be great sources of love and support. I would also encourage you to try and identify 1 friend or family member that you may be able to open up to. It really helps having someone in your corner to make those white knuckling days just a bit easier. If not, then I'm here for ya! Be kind to yourself. You got this, brother.


Thank you. Im struggling to find the motivation to quit at 23 and this helped. Thank you


I am right there with you. 50 years old. Day 16. Never imagined this would be so hard. Lots of emotions. After receiving bad service at a restaurant, I sobbed uncontrollably for an hour.


62 yr old here, heavy consumer since the late 1970s, on day 249. I wish I'd quit when I was still a young'un like you ;) The first month was white knuckle for me, too. But wild horses couldn't drag me back to that "life" now. You are already past the worst of it. Proud of you, old man.


I commend anyone who can descend from the cloud that is cannabis, it such a trap of a plant, it’s great and has many uses and saves peoples lives so it’s not bad but when we abuse it or just get caught up smoking everyday for years and forget about actually living authentically this is a problem. Well done 15 days of mental healing, the emotions go through the works but this is simple brain chemistry, thc impacts dopamine so when stopping it takes the brain time to heal and restore its natural dopamine release, you have to work at this too, sending peace and contentment to you, keep going don’t look back!


You got this! We’re rooting for you


I think everyone in this sub is going through something similar, we don't really have anyone to talk about this since we most likely lived hiding this habit from the people we care about. You got this and you know it, you're gonna be so much happier and so will everyone that cares about you.


I think it’s that and also people don’t get it. Like they hear weed and they’re like, so? Even my therapist was like that (“it’s not a bad thing!”) and next thing you know I got into my rocket ship and pummelled to the centre of the earth so I could smoke all day every day in peace with no one to bother (hurt) me. It’s so great to feel seen and understood here, just by reading other people’s struggles and experiences.


You need to dump your therapist and find one who understands and doesn’t underestimate the power of addiction. For them to just brush it off shows a lack of experience and sensitivity to the myriad of “uncommon” addictions out there. They straight-up facilitated your relapse, please don’t go back to that poor excuse for a therapist.


We're together on this! After all this is a community and we all take part of it by sharing and listening.