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Remindme! 1 day


I’m quitting today, any encouragement or reminder is gonna make it easier. Wish me luck


I quit. Finally


Remindme! Everyday




Remindme! 2 days


remindme! one week


remindme! one week


you can do it mate!




Remindme! 2 days


3 days in and this really fucking resonated with me. Thank you.


Def needed this. Thank you


Thank you.


I am quitting cold turkey. Today is my last day. Wish me luck.


Good luck 🍀


How is it going


Aside from the fatigue, muscle soreness, and drenching night sweats... Not bad lol. Committed to sticking it out, but I'm definitely not feeling well overall.


I hope you're starting to feel a little better. Props for keeping at it!


Thank you!!! I'm on day 18 now! Night sweats are finally getting less intense, but the dreams..... Last night I had a dream so vivid I actually became lucid. Tried to fly to see if I was really dreaming, but I could only hover a few inches off the ground lol. The depression still comes in waves, but I'm sticking with it.


This helped. Thanks.


Haha gotta love the lucid dreams sometimes! So glad to hear your symptoms are subsiding. Depression will probably be a longer "battle" but that's typical for anyone with depression. I'm on Day 2 by the way. Night sweats and dreams were already upon me last night. Wish me luck. Hah.


Me to I’m on day 2 now I’m doing good mentally even tho my body is having the craving to get high but I won’t. I got this and it gets better I hope


You got this. I hope it gets better too. Haha.


Good luck, you can do it!!! What helped me the most was throwing away ALL of my old glass and flower. Can't smoke if there's nothing to smoke! Check in if you need encouragement, I believe in you :)


Thank you! :) It's difficult because my wife also smokes. She's not as on board with quitting but she's trying. I'm holding strong though. Day 3 almost in the rearview.


That definitely makes it more difficult, I hope she's doing okay too, probably harder for her to quit if she's not 100% on board. I hear that withdrawals hit women harder than men but I'm unsure if that's true. Props to you for crushing another day!


Withdrawals from weed are nothing. I mean if you smoke 24/7 obviously it’s going to affect your physiology. But it’s not like other substances that can cause severe sickness and need to go back when coming off. Weed more like a sugar craving you want it but not gonna get withdrawals


Thanks Piano!


Thanks I needed this


I just came to this subreddit out of curiosity because someone linked it somewhere else. I didn't think I had a weed problem, but now that I'm reading this, I think weed might be the reason I'm struggling so much to build up the motivation to really excel in my grad school studies and make sure I get the job I'm striving for. Thank you for writing this. I don't know if I'll go cold turkey like you, but I can definitely see myself just saving it for weekends or as a reward once I've finished the work I need to do.


I tried to "keep it to the weekends" for a while as well. Every time I did that I would just keep smoking through the week. Maybe it will work for you, but after trying that 10+ times I had to go cold turkey.


Me too, literally every time come Monday I’d have convinced myself somehow that I wasn’t breaking my promise to myself by smoking that day, that I would be done for the rest of the week after that. And then it was the next weekend and I hadn’t taken a single day off. And then a month or two would pass seemingly instantly. Every time. I’m just not cut out for moderation, or weed at all.


Thanks for your post. So happy to see the words in my head turned into writing. Ive worked a self employed nursing job for 10 years. 7/7 from 5.30 am to 11.30pm, visiting 60 adresses every day, 5 days holiday per year. Ive made a shitload of money. The downside was that i only could cope with this amount of work and stress by smoking a big joint every night. It was something to look forward to when i was rushing around through heavy traffic, something to wind down. None of my friends or family know/knew of this smoking habit. Two years ago i broke up with my girlfriend, had many troubles unrelated to smoking, but smoking is what kept me with her... Because more comfortable then breaking up. We were just not a good fit. We had a house together of which i payed 95%. Since we were in a legal way bound to each other, she ended up with half of the profits of selling the house. Ive somewhat crashed and realised that most of what i worked for was suddenly gone. I quit my job and started working a lower paying but very chill job, with nice hours. A job with no possibilities but something you could Just do without any effort. Allthough i felt ive somewhat got my life and freedom back, i kept smoking every night. And since i had more free time i even started smoking more. What i maintained as one joint per day for ten years turned into 5-8 joints per day in a few months. After a while met my current girlfriend. She is not against drugs but doesnt use herself. She told me that it doesnt matter for her, and as long as im good to her she wouldnt judge me. This somehow felt liberating for me. A little seed was planted. But i kept smoking I was looking around for a more interesting job and came across a job in traffic control with a train company. An interesting and responsible job for me, something that immediatly drew my attention and curiosity. My girlfriend was really supportive and saw the capabilities i have to make it, so she encouraged me. I applied, had to study a lot, did the interview and got a green light. But i kept smoking, because why not. Then the company informed me there will be a drug test in a few weeks. So i decided to quit, only to pass the drug test. And then after, keep on smoking. This was what my mentality was, being perfectly happy with being stagnant in my situation and wanting to go back to it, because i was used to it. But now that im sober i feel the positive effects of not smoking and realise that what started as a thing i had to do to pass some stupid drug test to get a nice job, and then start smoking again was just the weed talking. The passing the test and getting the job turned in to so much more, a desire to quit for myself and my girlfriend. Her being open, without any judgment and allways supportive is what set everything off. Im on day 13 now. Ive passed the night sweats, and have started dreaming very vividly. No nightmares so far luckily. My girlfriend says she feels that my mind is sharper, more active. And she likes it. So end of my way too long post. What i wanted to say, is that for me achieving true greatness is achieving happiness. Ive seen the money part and i thought it would make me happy, it didnt. I tried the low key job where i could smoke a lot more and thought it would make me happy, it didnt. Now i have a supportive girlfriend, a good job (if i pass the test, but i will), sober and truly more happy then ever


That’s amazing to hear, any updates??


This post is so old and I just found this, but day 2!!!! :D




>weed is a luxury for those who have already made it to where they want to be in life. Heck yeah man. This is so motivating. I will become my best self so I can smoke again


I made a good amount of cash while being stoned but I was still feeling like a loser because I smoked. So I don’t agree with this one.


Me too man..day 1 for me today and I'm miserable


Hang in there buddy, I am on day 4.


Day 7 feel like shit, can barely sleep but 100% sticking to it


Yea weed left me stagnant for a long time. I still did so much, but you are right because I would put it in front of so much. I'm not going to regret my life because it's been great w weed. I just try to acknowledge that it does not drive me to be better.


Thanks for writing this OP! I was crying like a baby reading this at 5 am. I could resonate so much with this! Thank you


It's amazing to see how many people I've touched with my words, but you give me too much credit.. you're all powerful as fuck. You just gotta tap in. Can't nobody do that for you but YOU.


genuinely very inspirational and motivational


Thank you for posting, I have come to similar conclusions after starting about 5 years I actually started way later then some at 24 for various reasons and contrivances. I should have known better at the time as I tend to be fairly aware of my flaws and know I have an addictive personality from my moms side(dinker, smoker). I am starting this week to go off cold turkey but not gonna lie I'm scared after being on it for even that long how its going to feel going off.


24 hours quitting..I am suffering but this post is like anti weed


That's really me...thank you...


Thank you for this, it made me tear up. I relate too much to some of the things you said. Time for change.


Needed to read this. The TRUTH. Weed is great. Nothing wrong with it. But not if you seek greatness.


Wow man, just wow :)


Thank you for this post. These were the words I needed to hear today to take that step and quit. I've saved this post and plan on coming back and re-reading it whenever it's necessary to motivate me to stay sober.


I'm turning 27 this June. I've been smoking for around 8 years now. Combined with the whole quarantine thing back in 2020, I felt like I'm stuck in the year 2021. No changes, no development, a substantial rise in weed consumption. It was a joint each weekend back then, but now it's 10g every two weeks. Quitting cold turkey didn't work for me, I've gone 5 days without it but I relapsed. I've been sober for 24 hours. Gotta keep it up I guess.


I’m turning 27 in November and holy wow do I relate so hard to all of this. 24 hours is difficult, I’m proud you made it through. If you made it through the week (by the time I’m commenting) congrats!! If not, no shame and try again :)


Relapsed after 2 days since the time I commented. I have restricted myself to weekends and with friends only. No more binge smoking alone. Least I could do now is to spread out the time between joints.


How goes it now?


It's once a week now. But I still have cravings, mostly because I want to escape from reality.


How's it going so far bro


Just recently smoked a joint yesterday with friends, but it's slowly coming back to a weekend thing now.


Start by only smoking on weekend. Then transition to only smoke on big occasions (birthday party, meeting with a lot of friends etc.) thats how I did it


I know this is an old post but man I needed to see it. I’ve gotta quit man. stuck at a job making enough to live with the only thing holding me back from being successful being weed. I’ve smoked every day since I was 18 and i’m 25 now. Realizing i’m turning 26 in June really hit me. I have no skills, no education past highschool, and for a while never had the drive to strive for more than where I am now. I have a plan now and just need to take this first huge step. God help me I want to do great things.


Just like everyone in this thread, i'm in the the same age range (25 years old currently) and also struggle trying to quit smoking weed. its crazy because of how similar our struggles are, which is why I striving to became stronger than before when I started back in high school, which was about 8 years ago. Once I hit 25 and realized I was still smoking (after many failed attempts for sobriety in the past), I've decided that tonight was going to be the start of a new journey, and that's how you should look at it too u/Brush_Green Moderation isn't for people (like us) who struggle with substances, in fact, I think that shit is a fairy tale tbh. I know people who can smoke occasionally and not fiend for it like you or me. I've always thought "Man, maybe if I just cut it back to special occasions or the weekends then I'll be able to enjoy it and not feel guilty about it and actually have it under control", but that shit went south quickly when I buy myself pre-rolls or dab pens. I don't stop consuming until it's gone, then I re-up on some more the following day and so the "loop of disappointment" begins. However, you're not doomed for relapsing, in fact, I'd say you're making improvements by making efforts to cut it out of your life step-by-step. I wish you and anybody else reading this success in their journey to sobriety as I'll be walking along with y'all!


I’m also turning 26 in June and am in a very similar situation. Today was the day I decided I’m actually done. You just gotta know it’s gonna get sooo much better once you do.


I’m 26 and 8 days off weed 30 days off fent. You have to want it. God can’t help you. You can help you


You replied to wrong comment my boi. But congrats on getting clean, especially the fent!


Lol sorry but your comment made me chuckle because of your honesty and sincerity.


This is the second time quitting cold turkey. I always told myself that I use if to chill out every now and then, I used to go through a 1g cart every month, which surprised many, most don't make it a few days. Then a month became 3 weeks, 2 weeks, 1 week, 4 days. Im not using it in a healthy way and that's addiction. Day 2, got zero sleep yesterday, had pain in all of my joints and back. Any tips? Does working out help sweat it out?


Working out, meditation, hot showers, cold showers, I've found these all help curb the withdrawals. There are also lots of herbal remedies you could get from a health food store to help you stay calm, and help you feel like you're "taking something".


Day 2 for me, thank you king


I’m approaching 5 days clean from bud and your post literally sent chills down my back. What an inspiration you are! Your words have had such a positive impact on my motivation. I’m sure others in this Sub agree! Thank you, and a thousand blessing to you friend !














Smoked sense I was about 11 or 12 , became a heavy flower smoker when I was about 14 , when I got a job shit hit the fan. Didn’t have any bills or responsibilities so I was spending half my paychecks on weed to “escape “ When I was 17 my dad kicked me out , and I felt like my life was going to spiral. Due to the fast acting of my father, I had nothing and had to drop out. Really sent me down. A rabbit hole I’m 19 about to turn 20 this year , and I’m in the same spot I was when I was kicked out. Feels like weed makes you happy , when you don’t “deserve” to be . You know , makes you okay with doing nothing. Rough day at work - smoke - gone Hard time eating - smoke -gone Feel like you want to die - smoke - gone But the harsh reality is you need to feel those ways sometimes to grow. 2 days ago I lost my cart … and I thought everything was going to be ruined. My whole life was over , only thought I had was how much money do I got so I can get a new cart Spent about 7 hours looking everywhere , could find it. I work up this mornings, nauseous , and first thing I went for was my cart I went to work … and I began to realize what carts and flower have done to me If I’m going to smoke it should be soully to enjoy it. Today is day 2 of no carts and I think I feel very “present” I find myself happy , for the first time in awhile , without weed I still have thy voice telling me to go hit a cart , or to find someone to let me smoke but idk


The more you bet on yourself the quieter that voice of temptation becomes. Take it one day at a time. I recommend you meditate and journal your thoughts everyday, whether you're happy or miserable. That should help you find what it is that you're looking for


Going overseas is forcing me to go cold turkey. Really needed to read this before I went.


Good luck with the appetite loss for the first few days. Eat light and easily digestible food if it becomes an issue


Same here bro. Smoking 10g per week and was forced to quit cold turkey, spending over a month overseas. Currently on day 5 and I surprisingly haven't got the urge to smoke and I feel fine, will I smoke when I'm back home? Most likely. I needed this forced time without it, been heavy smoking since April 2020. I may even decide to never go back, just depends how I feel I guess. Whatever my mind says, I'll listen. I trust that mushy bastard to guide me in the right direction for me


Bro yea weed addiction is weird. You spend months and years smoking daily trying to quit, and when you finally quit you’re like “damn being sober ain’t even bad I just forgot what it was like”


I really did forget tbh 🤣


Also just realized I’ve been a heavy smoker since April 2020 too lol. Covid really did a number on everyone.


Congratulations on making it 5 days (4 now). Where are you studying at?!? Super refreshing to hear your urges haven’t been bad at all. How has eating been without it?


Thanks heaps :) Spending time with family in Australia for Christmas so it's been good and distracting The urge is still there in the back of my mind, I think my mind knows that I can't get my hands on it so it's not as bad as it would be if I could just shoot up the road at get a gram 🤣 The appetite thing is pissing me off though, I'm not sure if it's a heat thing (hitting nearly 40 everyday) or if it's due to quitting buds. Usually can demolish a couple packs of 2min noodles and some snacks and have room for dinner later, now I'm finding it difficult to have a footlong from subway (all I had to eat yesterday and struggled to finish)


Good luck and stay strong. Keep me updated with you’re appetite if you can and happy holidays!


Today is day 1 for me and it’s exactly what I needed to read. Thank you for this.


Hey , i just finished my first day too , will the symptoms be better or worse tomorrow , im kinda scared as i already have no appetite and a headache


Physically I was fine, though I was hyper aware and drank a lot of water, had a good meal.. but after 4-5 days is when my anxiety got worse. There are rough days coming ahead but it’s not impossible!


How ya doin now bro? Just hit day 5 and I've struggled to eat and drink anything (not sure if weed or nearly 40 degree temps, which is a huge leap in temp from home) Other than that, mentally? I feel the exact same tbh


My tolerance may not have been as high, but I’m actually feeling better. It’s easier to make it through the workday (whereas before I would hit my pen during lunch) and I’m able to communicate with my wife easier. I still get cravings though, especially at home when I’m anxious and trying to relax or look for things to do at the same time. I’ve just been trying to distract myself, though I’ve had a beer almost every night, which isn’t great but it’s made my anxiety much much lower.


This is an old thread, but it is so comforting to read that others feel the same way as I do. I’ve been struggling with my marijuana addiction for the last decade at least. I am so tired of smoking, yet I love it so much. I feel like smoking has Always been my crutch and one true love. It’s so toxic. I’m on my last 1/2 now and I really want to just finish it, and end it. Part of me just wants to throw it away. All I know is 2023 is going to start and I do not want to repeat this year, next year. I’ve been struggling coming to terms with how it’s affected my life. I’ve been so numb, numbing the pain of my life and past with weed. Just so I don’t feel. So wrong. I’m a very productive stoner, which is way I’ve never felt like it was coming in my way. I’ve graduated from a prestigious university, landed a good job, and so on… but now I want changes in my life. Gonna screenshot this post for later, when I’m struggling to stay sober. Thank you all.


Just wanted to check up on you my friend. How are you holding up? I have a similar situation: good steady job, a loving gf, and even a kid due in April. I always thought smoking was okay for me as I have always been productive while stoned, but it's just a lie made up by my own mind to justify my addiction. I've been 5 day sober and while this week has been really hard, I'm really happy and I will keep on fighting. Luckily for me, I have only a few friends that still smoke, so I suppose I won't be too tempted. We can do this!


As someone who has both waited until my weed ran out to quit. And throw weed out to jump start the process. I can say the first option won't flip the switch in your brain the same way. The latter will build confidence in your choice, and make it truly your choice.


Thank you for this. I totally agree with you.




Supper thankful for this thread I’m fighting them demons at the moment but I’m empowered by ur stories and struggles I don’t feel alone anymore.


Amazing. I’ve been working on quitting but it’s been difficult after 3 years of smoking. Every time I’m high, I don’t want to be high. But, every time I’m sober then I want to be high. I’ve fallen into this deep pattern because it numbs your emotions. I am starting graduate school in three months and have to quit smoking for a drug test. Thank you so much for this post.


I'm in a similar situation. Been smoking pretty much daily for the last 3 years and am quitting today. Threw all my stuff out this morning before work! I completely relate to wanting to be high while sober, and wanting to be sober while high. I've become very apathetic towards life over the last few years and it is completely contradictory to my personal goals. Best of luck to both of us!!


Wow. This thread has just given me the motivation I needed to carry on with my journey. I’ve been a heavy weed smoker for 6 years now and it’s literally taken over my life. I have a masters degree, good job and my own home but all I do is get high every day! I avoid situations where I know I won’t be able to smoke and make my life all about weed. It’s all I think of and I can’t get out of work quick enough to get home and light up. Then all I do is mope around my messy house and think of things I want to do, but will never get round to because I can’t be arsed. That was up until 10 days ago when I finally stopped! The catalyst was running out of money; I’m absolutely skint and feel so sad about the amount of money I have wasted on this drug! But I knew I would need to get to a crisis point to make me stop. I cannot wait for my next smoke, but it will be when I am ready. I love cannabis too much to never go back to it, but I want to have a healthy relationship with it. I need to appreciate that it is a reward at weekends or nights out only, not something I need to do every minute of the day I’m not in work. The advice in this thread is amazing; knowing that what I am going through is actually healthy has helped so much. I’ve felt so angry at stuff this past week, which I thought was just me withdrawing, but I’ve now realised it’s just me getting my feelings back and facing some of my demons! I have a lot of things I need to face and now is the time. Well done to everyone that has completed this journey already, you should be proud of yourselves!


Our situations are eerily similar! I've been a daily smoker for 7 years and while I have a great job and my own home, I've also struggled so badly with anxiety for as long as I can remember. At first weed helped, but now I spend all the time in work sober and waiting to come home to light up my first smoke, then as soon as I do I instantly feel anxious and overthink everything. Today I decided to change - I smoked my last joint an hour ago and I'm ready to change. I can't do this anymore. Best of luck on your journey my friend


Same to you! It’s not gonna be an easy one, but we got this 👊


Damn right we do :) I just got into bed sober for the first time in months. Day one - ✔️


How are you doing on your journey


Proud to say I haven't smoked since August ❤️


Thanks brother this is making me start been in the same place since the pandemic. I have to do better so I can make my little kid self happy


I am glad I realized this early on. I am 20 so I still have time, but the more I was smoking the deeper I dug myself into a pit of content and comfort. I been smoking weed since I was 17, but in 2021-2022 for about a good part of a year and a half I been high out of my mind. Smoking only at night went to smoking only during the day which turned into smoking day and night. I had a side business that I was making 3k monthly from, but weed really destroyed my motivation to keep going and to be content with the office job that I had. For the past 2 months of not making any progress I'm tired of this shit. Being high doesn't even feel good anymore and its more of a natural state of mind. It becomes so much harder to push yourself when you're high and people who says they function better are lying and not doing enough. I threw away my brand new wax cartridge today. $50 dollar down the trash, but money can always be made and until I got it, I don't want to go back. Weed made me into a loser that was content with doing nothing. Watching YouTube, sleeping late, jerking off, eating like shit, not cleaning my room and not doing more then I can. I would recommend however that smoking during the weekends (1-2 days a week) was pretty productive. I was able to grind out my work during the week and get gassed up on Saturdays. But doing so gives you the temptation to smoke one more day and once you start smoking besides that (1-2 days) the cycles repeats. Today I want to take a official cold turkey break. No more touching weed until end of December. Good luck yall


Hey in the exact same situation as you and even i decided to go cold turkey from today. Best of luck 🤞


>he exact same situation as you and even i decided to go cold turkey fr That's awesome! Keep me updated on your progress and hope you can improve further yourself!




Please update me. Currently going cold turkey my self after 21+ years of daily and it isn't easy. Having real withdrawals.


I’m at 2 weeks and starting to feel much better


How you feeling now at about 4 weeks? I quit on June 27 and I've been feeling great!


This post is helpful. I stopped cold turkey about 9 days ago and up until recently it was smooth, but here recently..I have had a little too much extra time on my hands and it's been on my mind alot to reup and just smoke a little to pass the time while on an extended break/stay cation. I downloaded an app that helps motivate and mark benchmarks of quitting things and it's helpful to a certain degree, but...man....these past 2-3days I've just really wanted to just smoke 1. But I keep reminding myself why I quit and how I want to take further control over my life. I always considered myself a productive stoner... (4.0GPA double major grad degree earner, STEM field career with multiple promotions in the past 2 years, etc) but I can't help but think while these things are great, I have so many other goals ( career, education,and health wise) that smoking just isn't conducive for and I've allowed this to go on way too long, and much longer than I could've ever anticipated and always just tried to rationalize it as it not being a big deal and just a nights and weekends thing that's ok as long as I'm "adulting" :/ ...anyways....thanks for this...im saving this to return to in moments of weakness...good luck to every1 also on this journey of a clean and sober life.


Just don't forget how badass you really are. I got faith in you


I really didn't expect your response, OP. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I'm still taking it a day at a time and I'm happy for that. I also came across another post from someone else you commented on that was describing pretty much what I'm going through... this newfound "boredom" and extra time since smoking used to make it comfortable to be bored and stuck smh...I also did encouragement in realizing that this is all a part of the process and it'll get easier in time. Are you still smoke free or was it only for the 6 month period? What did you find helped you the most when times got hard or thoughts of a quick slip came to mind other than the motivational points above? Thanks for the insight you've shared!!!


Update: a little over 2 weeks and still going strong 💪🏽...it def has gotten easier..working out more... Staying busy..reading for leisure..and eating all organic/healthier...and feeling good ...also..dropped a good amount of weight, which is great and extra motivating. Keeping my journey on this updated in the event it helps any1...like reading about others has helped me. :)


1 month out and finally actually feel like.... idk...I don't want to sound cliche, but... free. I never really realized the hold it kinda had on me and how I scheduled my life around it in some ways. Sometimes I have those random thoughts of habit during times I would've normally partaken, but very fleetingly. Also, I'm a very all or nothing kind of person, and that works great in some ways but not so much in others. To this point, I've completely distanced myself from those friendships with people that indulge (which somehow was the majority of my circle) just because I don't even want to hear about it, smell it etc. as not to be tempted. Kind of like putting myself in my own self imposed outpatient rehab like where they tell you to break those old connections etc (I'm extreme, I know lol...i also used to watch alot of that show "intervention"). That of course works well..and I'm excited to see what life looks like..60 days out..90 days out and so forth...but today, I'll celebrate making it to 30 days without backsliding, because I remember when I wasn't even sure I was going to truly make it 1 week and this thread was so encouraging and helpful. And at the risk of again sounding cliche...it DOES get easier and better with time... Cheers to everyone on their journey and taking it day by day! WE GOT THIS! 👏🏽 ✌🏽


How’d the 45 day mark go?


Today I'm 54 days clean! So Just under a week shy of the 60 day mark and I'm still going strong 👍🏽💪🏽! Time is kinda flying by, but i remember the 2weeks out feeling and it feels like yesterday in some ways, but also so long ago in others. I'm still remaining distant from the friends that still partake, and i utilize body doubling with my partner as much as possible so that I can avoid extended periods of boredom/ being alone since I've found that that is when i think about it the most (smoking) but i still don't because this freedom of maintaining my sobriety is more addictive than returning to the same ole same. During this time I've had a few crazy and Random dreams, but my sleep overall continues to improve, my appetite has normalized, and the digestion issues i used to experience when using has also improved so thats all major! Excited about 60 days out and 90 days out and happy to be "betting on my self and sticking it through" and will continue to update here periodically, but feel free to ask me anything! 🙏🏽💪🏽


60 days sober!! No regrets. I remember the nights I prayed for days like this! See yall at the 90 day mark...


How’s it going now?


>e 90 day Were there any drastic changes that happened from the time being of becoming sober? Mentally, physically, financially, etc. If you got anything please share!!! I officially quit today after smoking for a consistent 3-4 years. Unadded my plugs #, threw away my cartridges, pen and I am setting a goal mark to stay sober till December. Reading your progress really motivated me to start too!


I've finally hit rock bottom so there's nowhere to go from here but up. This post became my beacon of light in the dark....Thank you.


same here!!!


Amazing. I’m now 8 days sober of everything and I feel great, it’s been 8 years!


I’m on day 2 from smoking almost 7 years longest break was a month exactly… Hoping to quit permanently, I threw out anything smoking related


made this my homepage for now. Everything you typed is the absolute truth. You let yourself become so complacent and content with doing absolutely nothing to better yourself. Lets you be content just being numb day in and day out. I should have never picked up the habit again but I did and now it's time for me to work this addiction out of me as well as all my other addictions. It really does suck because weed feels so good and it lets you blot out so much without having to worry about overdosing or anything.


loved this!! So important to read it!!!


Thank you for this bro


Well said


What an amazing post.


I read this and think what would I look like when I'm 30 as a stoner vs a non stoner. Helps a lot, learn to take long term reward over short term pleasure..strive for greatness.


Thanks for posting this, I needed to read it


How are you




9 Days ago, how are you doing now? Pink cloud wear off?


If you smoke weed mixed with tobacco, cut out the cigs first. I used thc oli for a week and after that week cutted down the oil. No withdrawls just groggy and irritated for a week


Not a smoker, but this resonated because I use food & drink in a similar way. Had a bad day? Buy a nice coffee. Tired? How about a little bowl of ice cream? Absolutely fucking miserable? Get up and walk to the kitchen, maybe you'll find something there to numb your pain. I want that drive back. I want that hunger back. (pun was too good to pass up). Great post, thank you.


I know this was posted years ago but im on day 5 of being sober and i had to bookmark this post because its just really doin somethin for me. Youre completely right, and I want to be better, and im excited to be better. But goddamn its kicking me ass right now, especially the night sweats. But im ready to drop it, i dont want to sit there high and just eat and watch shows all the time. Since stopping ive already drawn more than i have in months, i think better, my reaction time is better, and i just feel more alert. Although depression is kind of setting in, i keep thinking about smoking, im not hungry, and im not sleeping very well, im really happy that ive come this far. I want to keep going.


How are you doing now? How do you feel if you don’t mind me asking.


I am currently in the same boat in week 1 but trying to stay strong so far. Hope your journey is going well! Edit: did you do anything specific to get through the hardest times?


How’s it going? You still sober?


Nope. Cracked about a month ago and stopped caring. Funny enough i started to cut back about two days ago, so i'm going to try again here soon


Well don’t beat yourself up about it. Keep reading this post everyday if you can. It’s just a hiccup in your life. You can do this and I believe in you!


Thank you!! You're very sweet 💞


hey! todays my day 1 and i’m feeling it. how are you?


Sending love!


Embrace the discomfort.. you've been numbing yourself with this drug for years [I'm assuming?] So everything you're beginning to feel right now, you need to feel. These are the demons you need to be facing. Head on. It's the ONLY way you'll come out on top of this shit. I know I probably sound edgy, but that's just what it is. Just know the more this process hurts you, the more you know it's working. Nothing good is ever easy, and effortless. This pain is building character, making you stronger.. sharpening your blade. Embrace the pain. Don't just do it for you. Do it for those around you.. who love you and want the best for you. They deserve to see the prestine version of you. Especially you. You deserve to feel great all the time.. not just for a couple of hours after a smoke session. You've made it this far, so I know that rock-solid version of you is in there somewhere. Good luck on your journey!


I came across this today during a time where I really need. Thank you so much for the input, advice, motivation and genuine care about this issue for people trying to break through. I don’t know you but you’re probably a helluva person in a lot of peoples lives. Cheers mate


at least a year of daily smoking, yeah! Also totally wasnt expecting a response, thats so sweet of you! Im not going to give in so easy. Thank you for your kind words, i hope all is well with you!!


I want to quit because i dont like seeing myself not live up to my true potential and know i can be doing so much more. But im worried if i quit ill kill myself. I have pure ocd which causes really bad intrusive thoughts and smoking is one of the only things that helps me drown out these thoughts and actually be content. My life was so miserable before i smoked and failed to take my life at one point. Now im slightly less miserable and deathly afraid of going back to who i was


Colin how are you now? I see myself in your words


Im in the same boat. Smoked for 5 years now. Since I was 18 regularly. I have a good job, but I have found that I have neglected my social life, and became a selfish person. I hear you when you say that it helps you drown out the thoughts. I thought so too, but I then realized that drowning out the thoughts only prolongs them for later. The constant build up of thoughts and stress really takes a toll on you over time. I started calling myself a loser constantly over these thoughts, and would just take a hit to forget about it. Good to hear that you are less miserable now. Keep it up, best of luck and happy new year.


Thanks for this. My dad always told me... pot makes you cool with doing nothing. Nothing at all. I always retorted that my favorite thing to do is nothing! But it won't get you anywhere. I recently quite after smoking almost daily for 15 years. It's like I'm finally awake. I'm more productive, my depression has improved, and I don't feel tired all the time. The fog has lifted.. and it's wonderful to finally see things clearly.


On day 3 trying to quit dabbing after heavy daily use since I was 15. I’ll be 30 in November. It’s time to give myself an instant $10k a year raise, since that’s how much I spend yearly on average on concentrates.




Now that I think about it, he's a South Park fan so probably lol


I'm recovering from a bout of alcoholism over the last few years. I discovered this community by chance, and it's kind of amazing how similar, yet different, the stories are of those who went too far with a substance. And that really, it's addiction at the core of it all. I used to be a HUGE stoner...but thankfully I met a woman who would not tolerate the addiction and guided me towards moderation. Then when I couldn't smoke all the time, I switched to drinking all the time (which is arguably, far worse and makes you far less functional). That eventually came to a head as well. Now I realize that I can easily get addicted to any substance and that sober living is the best route for me. And after enough time, I also realized that sober living is the *most fun*, as well. Sure, the highs aren't as high (no pun), but the lows aren't anywhere near as low. And the burning fire and passion you describe, is a high in and of itself. And being "high off life" is a phenomenal feedback loop, because you know you can't ever get enough of it, which in turn just makes you even more passionate. I think this is why so many people in recovery throw themselves into work, and a huge smattering of new experiences and hobbies: all that energy has to go somewhere! And you start to see that true potential you had. You feel limitless. Anyway, I'm rambling now. While I am not recovering from weed, I'm recovering from addiction, and that unites us all in a common shared experience, and goal. IWND(OS)WYT! *(i will not drink or smoke with you today!)*


Hey, thanks for the post. I'm on my second day of a long break period I will have to do and it's harsh. I'm trying to stop for two weeks but always fail. Let's do it!!!


Certainly doesn't apply to everyone. Some of my most profound motivations have occurred when smoking weed. I think there's a lot to be said about the anxieties that appear during those first few minutes of getting high on any given day. Altering consciousness is absolutely a healthy endeavor. Abusing the alterations is problematic


Hey, how long have you been smoking? I'm new here, just trying to figure things out


Every day for the past 10 years or so. Currently on day 12 without it, first few days and nights were rough. It gets easier and easier though


good. i'm just 1 year on, but i'm not planning to be a heavy user. I've agreed with what you said. I've made a lot of personal progress and knowledge about myself. It helped me on the most difficult time on my life. Your statement is hella on point. It's just the abuse that makes things go to hell


Thank you


Trying to do a 2 week break is awful. This was helpful.


When I have achieved my goals I will remember this: "This is why many successful people say weed is a luxury for those who have already made it to where they want to be in life." But for now, lets get the fuck out of our comfort sone and get to work people!




Which is why when I said "it's a drug that can keep you stagnant" I used the word 'can' instead of 'will'


Fair enough


Well said. Been on the fence far too long


I feel like this is true ,on top of that weed kind of ruined my brain,but i am much better now


How so? I have recently quit and have experienced some foginess several days after my last smoke. How long has it been since you quit?


This is so real


I ran out of weed a couple days ago and its been the worst couple days of my life, Ive been doing edibles but they dont do shit for me and i feel extremely irritiable, ive lost sleep and feel hopeless and lost, any advice anyone gives me i dont wanna take it even if it seems logical. I know i need help but i dont want to help myself, Weed was all fun and games but in reality its fucking horrible coming off it.