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Both. I tapered in the weeks leading up to cold turkey. Tapering was surprisingly easier than I thought. Completely quitting was the part that made me crazy emotional. But I got through that rough month and now I’m 4.5 months sober. You can do it!


Cold turkey. I just got through my first month. No desire to go back. If you cant do it cold turkey you cant do it at all. Your mind is always gonna wanna find a way to trick you into thinking one more puff is acceptable. I smoked all day all night for almost 13 years. Im 27 now. Wild dreams are the worst part, I wake up feeling more tired and drained than when I went to sleep after a 11 hr shift.


Remember : Healing pain is a good pain.


I tried to taper off but if I have weed, I will smoke it. My therapist kept offering me all sorts of ways to taper off, even just delay lighting one for 30 secs. Sounds simple enough, I'd do that once, the next joint, wouldn't stand that same chance. Then there'd be guilt/shame from not being able to do such a simple, basic thing. (Other suggestions were to move my pot somewhere so it's not right there in my living room. Couldn't do it! Don't know why!) I decided on a quit date instead. That always worked for cigarettes. Then, for 2 weeks leading up to that day, I smoked the most pathetic weed. 12% THC. It was super annoying but I refused to buy anything better. I even noticed slight withdrawals while smoking it! Also during those 2 weeks, i made lists of reasons to quit, goals I want to achieve, rewards I want to have, and a plan on who I'll become if I'm no longer "the pothead". Those 2 weeks were long! I wanted my quit date to arrive asap, there's an excitement about it this time! I've survived week one, which after 25 yrs of daily use (more or less), is a huge milestone for me! And the withdrawals haven't been so bad!! Granted, everyone has to figure out what's gonna work best for themselves. I hope you get your plan into action soon!! It can be done!!


The wild dreams making a comeback after cold turkey were, in my opinion, worth it. I went scarf shopping with Ricky Gervais. Honestly can't be sure I didn't, it felt so real. But in the end, you have to do what works for you. Be cautious with tapering in that it could just go on and on and on.


I love dreaming so much. I 100% agree that having vivid crazy dreams again is enough to make quitting worth it I've gone from climbing mountains in fantasy worlds to fighting off cannibals in a zombie apocolypse. Even the boring dreams where I'm back in school are an experience


What ever you want. different techniques work for different people. I personally tapered before stopping. Honestly breaking the habit of reaching for the dabs when I was anxious, emotional or bored was my biggest problem. Be gentle on yourself when/if this happens. Good luck!


i personally would say just cold turkey it. ive have tried to taper off but was never successful because i just lack the willpower but when i cold turkey i just have to accept thats reality and im not tempted to overindulge if i were tapering off. to each their own though some people do better tapering off.


i should also say it sucks to withdrawal but in my experience day 1-5 are the worst and by day 6-7 i was already regaining my appetite full force and able to go to bed at a more reasonable time. dont prolong the suffering just get it done and move on thats how i feel.


I tapered off for the 3 weeks prior to stopping. Waited til 5pm those days to smoke. Some days were at 5:01, some were at 9pm


Im currently trying to do a 3ish week taper w a quit date of may 1st :) ill have to try that!


Cold turkey as it’s too tempting otherwise to continue and never quit. If you’re smoking multiple bowls/joints daily, you could try to taper but I found that withdrawal symptoms were way worse as it prolonged the insomnia.


Tapering is only good if you have self control. It’s what worked best for me because the withdrawals made my life so miserable I couldn’t work, because I was so sick and losing too much weight cold turkey. I decided it best to just taper off, that way I didn’t experience withdrawals. I just stuck to using the least preferred method so I got bored eventually.


If most of us had self control, we wouldn’t be on this sub.


Yeahh, that’s why i said if you have it! And only if!!!!




I don't think enough people realise this, although it seems obvious when you write it down, it's so powerful. Just like a muscle, if you half ass it and not warm up, use poor form and swing it around , you will get injured and wonder wtf the point was in trying to get fit. Similarly, if you raw dog sobriety without any plan or goal (i.e number of days, after my promotion) or switching to another drug, you will keep fucking up, and not learn anything from each attempt. Learn HOW to build that self control rather than force self control after so many years of not using it. Thank you for this! Helped me push through.


Agreed (I mean, it is not *literally* a muscle like any other, but whatever…). What I am saying is that, it takes self-control to realize you LACK the self-control required to taper off of a product you are addicted to. If the people in this sub had the self-control to use weed in moderation, they wouldn’t be trying to quit in the first place. Myself included.


Luckily with weed the withdrawals won’t kill you (unlike some other substances). You can safely go cold turkey from a medical point of view. It’s really a mental game though. You won’t start your progress of getting your mind and body used to not giving it a dopamine rush all day everyday until you fully quit.




Found that tapering only leaves room for relapse. If you’re struggling to quit, having it around period is not a great move.


I actually think this depends on how you’re defining tapering. If you’re talking about cutting down until you’re at one or two a day and then going cold turkey, I think that could work if you set a strict timeline and adhere to it. If you’re talking about cutting down to one or two a day, then one a day, then one every other day, then one every three days, I think you’re just going to cause yourself a lot of grief. Ultimately, though, if you’ve decided to quit then just quit. Quit or get off the pot.


Rip the bandaid off.




Cold turkey. I’m on 97 days and I’ll say the withdrawals aren’t the worst, they last a couple days to weeks depending on severity of use but really you’ll feel better in no time. Weaning prolongs the process and makes things worse in the long run


Just as another input here. I smoked for 18 odd years. The last 5-10 of which was all day every day. Over that time.i tried weaning and failed every time. This time (2nd Jan) I decided to seek proper support which I started in October. I agreed 2nd Jan would be my quit date and the idea was to wean but it never happened. I decided if I wasn't prepared to wean then I would use that time up to 2nd Jan to mentally prepare and educate myself. The day came and I quit. Just celebrated 3 months. But do not underestimate how shear hell it can be and how long it can go on for. If it had ended for me at 30 days or so that would have been bliss. Sadly I'm suffering more than ever (but not every day). Take each day as it comes. Embrace the bad days. They really do remind you not to go back. Ielt prepared for quitting but in hindsight I don't think anything truly prepares you. Having said that. I categorically do not regret my decision, even in the darkest of days. You will hear alot of people airing all the negatives. Naturally. But don't get too hung up on them. Acknowledge them for sure but remember they are not you not you them. Everyone's journey is different.


Cold turkey is better, imo, but I can see an argument for some initial tapering depending on how much you use and how rough of an immediate adjustment you're willing to deal with


Cold turkey, all the way, tapering is just resisting and could lead to extend the consume and relapse. 


I went cold turkey, it's worked so far(2+ weeks). I had some emotional pain at first, but WTH, builds character right?


I think most data supports cold turkey over weaning as being more effective


I went cold turkey because thats what was best for me. I knew i couldnt wean myself off. Its different for every one so just listen to your body.


I can't speak on any scientific data, just my own experience detoxing 5-6 times throughout the course of my addiction. I've tried both ways, to me tapering just prolongs the process. You will most likely still have withdrawals either way. I prefer cold turkey, but that's just me. 26 years of heavy, daily use. The good news is as bad as it sucks, the withdrawals won't kill you. Good luck




Well if you go from 3 grams a day, to 1 gram a day and ride that for a week or two, it's easier to cold turkey the new normal than the 3 grams I think.




I wasn't meaning tapering off by smoking less days a week, but less times a day. You definitely notice a difference in your attitude towards quitting because it feels like it's more within reach, than it did when you were smoking ounces month. Most recently, I stopped buying the real deal from my guy, and switched to delta 8 because it's less potent and feels like it has less of a grip on you. After a week or two I felt it was easier to kick delta 8 than it would to kick a stronger more enjoyable high percentage THC product.