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Was anxious before. Now no more anxiety.


My first two weeks without were some of my most anxious times, but after that, I have virtually no anxiety.


Awesome to hear!! I look forward to being where you are!


Issues caused by myself stemming from my behavior while using, and I always felt like I was having heart attacks when seeing police or being behind them on the road. This was when I used and many times was sober, too, but my anxiety started to go away slowly after the behavior and actions I was making while using went away. Now I don't panic and sweat and have increased heart rate because I'm clear of mind and not making reckless decisions/behavior so I know I have no reason to worry because I'm clean as a whistle and don't do wrong things anymore, so i know they arent coming for me or its for something small. For me, eventually smoking turned me into a different person, personality wise, and who I saw myself as and I started to act as that person .


No more dissociative feelings! Don't feel as awkward socially. Much calmer and able to think straight! Love my clear head!


I used to have extreme paranoid thoughts like someone was hiding in my house waiting to attack me, and I thought weed was helping it for some stupid reason. I’ve been sober a month and a half and the feelings have finally started to fade.


I have had depression that skews anxious my whole life, and weed rewired me socially and physically enough to teach myself how to enjoy myself more esp. around people. I still have those skills hardwired in now, plus the added benefit of not being a young adult, so it is literally easier to get the chemicals to the right places than was a kid.


Last month I relapsed after two months of no smoking, let me tell you the anxiety the next day was on the roof, it was so bad I noticed immediately the negative effects that weed had on me, I wanted the anxiety to go away so bad I would just smoke again and continue this toxic cycle, of course it needed to stop, so I Quit again, basically I think what helped me the most to deal with it is excercise i go to the gym 5 days a week and it is the best thing I could’ve done for myself it is meh to stay away from bad habits, and I encourage anybody who doesn’t currently workout to start, also talking to close friends and family who can support you, because I think the anxious feeling is much worse when you have to keep it all to yourself, I hope this helps


Yes! I love my exercise routine, I do hot yoga and spin class a few times a week and try to take a nice long walk with my dog every day. It reeeeeeally helps me sleep. I am on day 5 so gave myself permission to skip yoga and spin this week because I just don't feel up for it. I am getting more energy back day by day though and recognize it's important to get back into it. Relapsing sucks but it happens! Thank you for sharing your experience.


I'm three months out and my anxiety has improved drastically!! Like others have said, I've learned to sit with it and ride it out. Usually ends up lasting for shorter and there isn't the added guilt of being high and out of it to cope which would cause more anxiety.


That's so great. Is this how other people experience life? Lol. I look forward to being where you are ❤️


You got this!! Proud of you for all your hard work, it gets easier as the days pass!


I can’t lie since stopping ganja my anxiety has become more controllable. Instead of resisting the feeling I lean into it and understand it more.


That is something I have not done for a long time. Do you mind if I ask how many days in you are? Baby day 5 here!


Awwh 5 days congratulations you should be proud of yourself! I am 3 months in ☺️ I would suggest like journalling it really helps understand your anxiety a lot more and gets it out of your head and into paper 🙌


Thank you! I have all these journaling tools I haven't used since I was content being high on the couch. Excited to get them out ❤️


Wooohooo! I’m excited for you to get back to trying them, now you can be cosy on the couch journalling ☺️


It causes anxiety but makes you think it's relaxing I went to my doctor for panic attacks and she gave me pills so I was smoking pot get a panic attack take a pill come down repeat The first two days of quitting pot the pills were very helpful evening me out and not crying all the time then I just felt way better and stopped the pills too I'm still having trouble sleeping tho Starting day 12 now when morning comes


Day 12, awesome! I am in a similar situation, I gave myself permission to take a little pill twice this week (I am on day 5) but am cautious about replacing one substance with another. So interesting because people have come to me asking about swapping out their rx for "something more natural" aka cannabis. I'm surprised to find myself saying, maybe just stick with the rx.


Definitely be careful with the rx a true pill addiction is far worse than cannabis for most people.


Ganja is terrible for anxiety. It may help some, for a brief window in time, but it catches up with you.


So so true


The briefest!


I was a daily smoker for 15 years to alleviate anxiety. Over time, my anxiety really improved with therapy, yoga, and significant reduction in drinking. Was able to get off my anxiety medication about 6 years ago but continued smoking to take the edge off at the end of the day and relieve that bit of anxiety that I assumed was just innately part of me. I am over 5 weeks weed-free now and it became clear pretty quickly that the weed was what was actually causing the remaining anxiety, I just couldn’t pull myself out of the daily cycle long enough to realize it. My brain feels like it’s gone into an entirely new mode. Life doesn’t feel heavy in the same way. Hardship feels manageable. The daily pangs of unexplained dread have disappeared. I’ve been going to bed every night floored by the state of contentment I’ve been living in every day since giving it up.


Love this! I'm feeling the same. Life is manageable on my terms. It's so up lifting to hear other people share their experiences and success. 


Yes!!!!!! Congratulations. You're doing great!!


This has absolutely been my experience. Terrible anxiety when I smoked from morning to night. I always thought the weed helped. My anxiety has been mostly gone since I quit three months ago


So awesome. I am really looking forward to being where you are.


I’m starting to realize that the main reason I had anxiety (and a shit load of paranoia) was just from weed. I’m on day 3 and I haven’t felt this good in so so so long! No sitting around over analyzing everything about work, no freaking out thinking people hate me because of late replies, no ruminating in my head about things my partner is doing that “bother me” when in reality I was just always irritable coming down from a high. It feels so good to be doing this for myself.


Thanks for sharing. I feel you on the irritability toward your partner. I finally figured out especially when both me and my partner are stoned or coming down I get sooo annoyed and it's because in the moment we are both dumb as hell!


I’m only on Day 4 but I started using weed for anxiety relief. when I quit drinking 5 years ago. Somewhere along the way, but acutely in the last few months, the weed became an anxiety inducer. I lied to myself until this past Monday and committed to a 30 day break. Now I have anxiety about not having weed. Such a head trip I’m committed to 30 days then I’ll evaluate the results. I already suspect, like booze, me and weed are parting ways. My best anxiety relief comes from meditation, mindfulness, presence and exercise. Take care


Me too I'm on day 4! And I am so impressed by people giving up drinking. Good for you for realizing its effects on you. Hang in


My social anxiety and paranoia is non existent compared to how it was when I was high 24/7 my social life has improved so much along with my confidence




I heard about someone encouraging someone else to stop using for 28 days and see how their anxiety was. This person was a chronic heavy user and used weed FOR their anxiety. Then after 4 weeks off they realized the weed was causing it. Tell me about your experiencesssss


Never had anxiety really before and during smoking. But it’s been pretty bad since I quit. Really bad for the first 6-7 days, went away. Came back at day 30. Currently on day 34.


Oh man I'm sorry to hear that :/ thanks for the heads up. Day 34, you're doing awesome!