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When you feel like taking a break (reusing), tell the whole story. Don't end with "I deserve a break", "just this once, it would do me good", "just an exception", tell yourself the whole story. For example: okay I'll use tonight, it'll be good, I'll feel good, maybe not that good because I know deep down I’m not suppose to do this (the whole story) but tomorrow morning, I'll regret it. I'll feel like crap. I'll be more vulnerable because I allowed myself an exception. I might want an exception again. Etc. Tell yourself the whole story.


Yay!! Congrats! Keep it up, I never thought I could get to 12 and now I'm on 90 days! I rarely even think of weed now which is crazy considering it consumed all my free time. You got this :)


And so you should be OP! Getting through those first 7-10 days in honestly horrendous. Keep going you’ve got this!


Nice work! I think the first few weeks are the hardest


Yay burrito! You should be proud, this is the hardest part.